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wayner123 12-28-2009 02:18 PM

Does the cold effect strength/flavor?
Hello all,

I have been pondering a question since last November and really didn't think much of it again till this Holiday season and the colder winter (thanks global warming :tu). It seems to me that the colder the weather, the less nicotine strength and/or flavor a cigar has. Now this is just my experience... and yes I realize that FL winters are hot to some in the Northern States, but I wonder if any of you have had similar experiences?

tobii3 12-28-2009 02:23 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?
I was gonna say something, then I realized....

Don't you live in FLORIDA????


kelmac07 12-28-2009 02:25 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 697269)
I was gonna say something, then I realized....

Don't you live in FLORIDA????


Tobii...those 70 degree winters are rough on some!! :r :r

wayner123 12-28-2009 02:27 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 697269)
I was gonna say something, then I realized....

Don't you live in FLORIDA????



Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 697272)
Tobii...those 70 degree winters are rough on some!! :r :r

Hey Hey, it was 45 F, which to a born and raised Florida boy is down right freezing.

shilala 12-28-2009 02:32 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?
I'd say the cold has a huge effect on both the strength and flavor, cause if it's cold out, I don't smoke.
If I do, I smoke fast and get back in the heat. That generally makes the cigar crappy cause it gets all hot boxed and stinky.

massphatness 12-28-2009 02:32 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?
I've noticed a marked decrease in flavor when smoking in the cold
Posted via Mobile Device

Powers 12-28-2009 02:43 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 697275)
Hey Hey, it was 45 F, which to a born and raised Florida boy is down right freezing.

its 'spoused to get down to 27 in gainesville tonight wayne!!!


WyGuy 12-28-2009 02:53 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 697282)
I've noticed a marked decrease in flavor when smoking in the cold
Posted via Mobile Device

As do I. I've also noticed an increase in split wrappers, maybe just a coincidence, but that only happens when it's real cold.

weak_link 12-28-2009 03:09 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?
What effects the flavor of smoke more, cold or elevation?

pmwz 12-28-2009 03:15 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?
Due to the lower temperature i smoke less cigars + i smoke them faster (almost 2X as fast). I get probably less/worse flavor from most of the cigars. The cola that i usually drink while smoking cigars is cooler + stays cooler due too the lower outdoor temperature. This will probably numbs my taste buds a little bit.
The nicotine strenght is higher because i smoke less cigars + i smoke them faster.

NCRadioMan 12-28-2009 03:19 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?
Never noticed a difference.

wayner123 12-28-2009 05:10 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?
Thanks for sharing your experiences with this so far. I wanted to add that I don't change my smoking speed when it's cold. I have just found that the colder the weather, the less flavor or nicotine a cigar has.

I would love to know if someone knew scientifically why this may be happening. Maybe something to do with oils not evaporating due to the excessive cold air on the inhale? :confused:

MrOneEyedBoh 12-28-2009 05:14 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?
haha. I smoked tonight in the cold and whoa what a difference. I was going to post a question in the noobs thread but after seeing this I guess it is true. The cold made the cigar different. Deff not the normal flavor I expected from it. Also when exhaling from my nose, it made my nose burn pretty bad after I was done smoking. Like when I came into the house and sat down, 5-10 mins later my nose was on fire. Weird. Guessing it was from the cold air and then the heat from the smoke, probably from the two extremes in temperature.

SmokinApe 12-28-2009 05:16 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?
I don't think temperature could have an effect of nicotine level, how could it?

NCRadioMan 12-28-2009 05:17 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 697493)
I would love to know if someone knew scientifically why this may be happening. Maybe something to do with oils not evaporating due to the excessive cold air on the inhale? :confused:

I would guess, if it affects you, it has something to do with your body chemistry and not the cigars. In the cold, the body's enzymatic processes slow over 10%, sometimes 20% per degree of temperature below optimum. Slower chemical function, repair, and disposal of local and environmental toxins puts the body below expected function.

wayner123 12-28-2009 05:20 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 697506)
I would guess, if it affects you, it has something to do with your body chemistry and not the cigars. In the cold, the body's enzymatic processes slow over 10%, sometimes 20% per degree of temperature below optimum. Slower chemical function, repair, and disposal of local and environmental toxins puts the body below expected function.

But wouldn't that mean that the nicotine would effect me more? The experiences I have had, the nicotine effect and/or flavor is less.

NCRadioMan 12-28-2009 05:39 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?
Maybe by the body slowing down, you don't use up your all your blood-sugar so fast. As to the flavor, psychosomatic?

Rabidsquirrel 12-28-2009 05:41 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 697357)
Never noticed a difference.

I give up. Is that a pair of buttocks holding a gun in your 'tar?

NCRadioMan 12-28-2009 05:43 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?

Originally Posted by Rabidsquirrel (Post 697535)
I give up. Is that a pair of buttocks holding a gun in your 'tar?

:r Why yes, that's Assy McGee. :r

jjirons69 12-28-2009 05:47 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?

Originally Posted by Rabidsquirrel (Post 697535)
I give up. Is that a pair of buttocks holding a gun in your 'tar?

Believe it or not, that is a true picture of Greg's upskirt.

Wanye, I too smoke faster and often get more of a nic kick because of that. I find the humid summers make cigars more mushy and tend to crack the wrappers easier. The flavor profiles are different because I speed up the smoking time.

ucubed 12-28-2009 05:50 PM

Re: Does the cold effect strength/flavor?
I haven't had any changes while smoking in the cold myself Wayne. We used to smoke outside in the winter quite often. I don't change my smoking habits either and as to why the strength or nicotine difference is because your body is using more energy to keep you warm and not so much doing anything with your taste buds? Maybe try smoking near a heater/fire and then away and see if it does anything...

As your the cigar splitting, it's because it's really dry. The cold enhances the effect on the dryness of the cigar itself.

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