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htown 12-21-2009 01:07 PM

Quitting Cigs.
With the birth of my third son looming (1/15 due date), I quit smoking the day before yesterday. Please send positive energy in my direction.

Giant & 49er Fan 12-21-2009 01:10 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Remember that nothing is strong enough to control your life but YOU! Especially the chemical sticks!

TripleF 12-21-2009 01:16 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.


Feel it?

If you get in a pickle and want a cigarette, tell yourself you can have one in 5 minutes. Look at the clock and then do something knowing you can have on in 5 minutes.......
Do it enough times and 5 minutes becomes an hour,an hour becomes an afternnon, and so on. :D
It's not easy but you CAN DO IT!!!

Blueface 12-21-2009 01:18 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Took me many attempts to finally quit cigarettes.
Has been since 1988 now that I haven't had one.
I finally did via a pneumonia and after getting over it, I kept setting a 30 day goal, one month at a time.
I repeated to myself that if I made it to the one year mark, I would never look back. I haven't since.
Good luck.
Not easy to do.

DoctorBJ 12-21-2009 01:24 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by TripleF (Post 689383)

If you get in a pickle and want a cigarette, tell yourself you can have one in 5 minutes. Look at the clock and then do something knowing you can have on in 5 minutes.......
Do it enough times and 5 minutes becomes an hour,an hour becomes an afternnon, and so on. :D
It's not easy but you CAN DO IT!!!


68TriShield 12-21-2009 01:54 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Many of us have,no reason you can't do it too :tu

weak_link 12-21-2009 02:10 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
I chewed the nicorette gum for years and never really quit cigs. Spent a ton of money on both.

Tried the patch and was done in a couple months. FWIW, I was smoking a pack a day and purchased the patch that said for 'pack a day smokers.' What a mistake tha was. It was like being in the 7th grade and smoking a Marlboro Red, I turned several shades of green, got the sweats and wished I had puked. I decided to give it another try and got the 1/2 pack a day kit and it worked just like it was supposed to. My cravings went way down and eventually I forgot I was a smoker.

Starscream 12-21-2009 02:16 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
I quit for three years, but started back up in late May or early June of this year. Don't know why, I just did. I decided to quit again this past Monday and I haven't looked back. I'll have gone a full week w/o smoking a cigarette at 7:30 this evening.

Sunflower seeds helped me quit the first time.
Nasal snuff has helped me quit this time.

Good luck, Mike.

G G 12-21-2009 02:55 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Prayers for success.:tu

htown 12-22-2009 05:26 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
On day four and feeling a little better.

tobii3 12-22-2009 05:30 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Quitting cigs is easy!!

I've done it a bunch of times!!

Riff Raff 12-22-2009 05:55 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
I quit smoking cigarettes two years, one month and 3 days ago. I quit cold turkey and there weren't any problems. Wanna know how? I hard a heart attack.

Yeah, not the best way to accomplish it. I am thinking your way is much better. You CAN do this. Every minute without a cigarette is a small victory. One cigarette will negate all those victories. You can beat this. I am praying for you brother!

Blueface 12-22-2009 06:53 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 690409)
Quitting cigs is easy!!

I've done it a bunch of times!!


Starscream 12-22-2009 08:03 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by htown (Post 690407)
On day four and feeling a little better.

Keep it up, brother.:tu
I just hit the one week mark, so we're in this together.:wnr

htown 12-22-2009 09:41 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Congrats. Are you smoking cigars or are you backing off for a while?


Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 690559)
Keep it up, brother.:tu
I just hit the one week mark, so we're in this together.:wnr

floydpink 12-22-2009 09:46 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
You can do it. Set a goal, stick to it, take it one day at a time and never think "just one" will work as it just screwed me again after beating it for 7 months.;s

htown 12-24-2009 07:05 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Day five over- man I wanted one after dinner.

68TriShield 12-24-2009 07:46 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by htown (Post 694077)
Day five over- man I wanted one after dinner.

Never mind that.Pick up some smaller cigars too.If the wife and I can quit cold turkey,you can too.

tobii3 12-24-2009 08:10 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
On a more serious note, I quit the cigs on May 28th this year.

Ain't had one since.

I did the double whammy approach - Wellbutrin AND the Patch.

I smoked for over 20 can do it, Bro!

htown 12-24-2009 08:26 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 694102)
Never mind that.Pick up some smaller cigars too.If the wife and I can quit cold turkey,you can too.

Yeah, I smoked a Boli Bonita, but I need to buy some minutos for the car.

68TriShield 12-24-2009 08:27 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by htown (Post 694122)
Yeah, I smoked a Boli Bonita, but I need to buy some minutos for the car.

Good,you'll do it with us nagging you :)

htown 01-01-2010 06:18 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Still no cigs and it has gotten much easier.

14holestogie 01-01-2010 06:31 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Congrats, Mike. I always heard it takes about 21 days to completely flush the system, so you're on your way. Stay strong and focused. :tu

I've had two hits on cigarettes since I quit back in 86. Those things are nasty. :td

hotreds 01-01-2010 08:29 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Good luck to you! May 2010 find you cigarette free!

Kreth 01-01-2010 10:52 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
I'm a few days behind you, Mike. I had my last cigarette about 45 mins ago. I finished up a pack to avoid the temptation.
Ever since I started smoking cigars a year ago, I've found I don't enjoy a cigarette when I could be smoking something that actually tastes good. Plus, being 42 and having a 5 month old baby, I want to make sure I'll be around to see him graduate, and then some.
It's not freezing here today, so I may go fire up a good strong cigar in a bit. :ss

acruce 01-01-2010 10:55 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Good luck, if you can get through the first few weeks it's down hill from there.

htown 01-16-2010 05:47 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
I am still smoke free, but have been tempted. I took a little RG PE over to a friends house yesterday because he is a cigarette smoker and I was glad I did. When I was jonesing I just lit up the cigar.

kugie 01-16-2010 05:55 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Since about October I have been On the road to quitting Cigs. I have had a couple of relapses. Usually on a long ride late at night.
But My ride home from Work is an hour or two and i usually will grab a Cigar for the ride home. But it is getting easier each week and the smell of a cigerette is really starting to bother me.

Kreth 01-16-2010 07:45 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
15 days here in a couple of hours. I've been smoking a Shortie in the morning with my coffee, and another after dinner (two of the times I *really* want a cig).
Posted via Mobile Device

Starscream 01-16-2010 10:27 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 702528)
I'm a few days behind you, Mike. I had my last cigarette about 45 mins ago. I finished up a pack to avoid the temptation.
Ever since I started smoking cigars a year ago, I've found I don't enjoy a cigarette when I could be smoking something that actually tastes good. Plus, being 42 and having a 5 month old baby, I want to make sure I'll be around to see him graduate, and then some.
It's not freezing here today, so I may go fire up a good strong cigar in a bit. :ss


Originally Posted by htown (Post 721812)
I am still smoke free, but have been tempted. I took a little RG PE over to a friends house yesterday because he is a cigarette smoker and I was glad I did. When I was jonesing I just lit up the cigar.

I am almost at the five week mark. Gone a whole month without smoking. Glad to see I'm not the only one to maintain. If you've gone over three weeks, then there's no use in turning back. The urges never go away completely. Like I said earlier in this thread, I was clean for three years, yet the urge took hold of me still.
Best of luck to all!:tu

68TriShield 01-16-2010 10:41 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Andy,Jeff and Mike,you guys have it licked... :tu

Kreth 01-16-2010 11:35 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 722085)
Like I said earlier in this thread, I was clean for three years, yet the urge took hold of me still.
Best of luck to all!:tu

I quit for 10+ years. Was out having some drinks with a friend, he lit a smoke and held the pack out to me. Next thing you know I'm back up to a pack a day.
This time around, I'm hoping to be more successful knowing I can smoke something I actually enjoy, rather than something I need. Even a Backwoods tastes better to me these days than a cigarette. :D

Starscream 01-16-2010 11:37 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 722106)
Andy,Jeff and Mike,you guys have it licked... :tu

Thanks, Dave!:)

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 722154)
I quit for 10+ years. Was out having some drinks with a friend, he lit a smoke and held the pack out to me. Next thing you know I'm back up to a pack a day.
This time around, I'm hoping to be more successful knowing I can smoke something I actually enjoy, rather than something I need. Even a Backwoods tastes better to me these days than a cigarette. :D

That's how I started back. I was drinking and smoked one for the hell of it and...:hn

kugie 01-19-2010 11:16 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
After the relapses that would last a day or two after not smoking for a week it was easier to not smoke again so it goes longer between relapses and I have been Cig free for a month now.

68TriShield 01-19-2010 11:47 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by kugie (Post 725865)
After the relapses that would last a day or two after not smoking for a week it was easier to not smoke again so it goes longer between relapses and I have been Cig free for a month now.

Do not pick up another cigarette Joe... :su

Knip23 01-19-2010 11:51 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Good Luck

htown 01-19-2010 11:52 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Still no cigs!

Starscream 01-20-2010 10:37 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by htown (Post 725930)
Still no cigs!


I think that Monday was my 5 week mark. So I assume that you just hit one month?

htown 01-23-2010 05:32 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 727125)

I think that Monday was my 5 week mark. So I assume that you just hit one month?

I haven't paid attention, but I haven't thought about smoking a cigarette all day and that is a cool feeling.

Starscream 01-25-2010 08:23 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Six Weeks!
How's everyone else holding up?

Kreth 01-25-2010 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 733857)
Six Weeks!
How's everyone else holding up?

3 weeks plus a few days. :tu
Posted via Mobile Device

kugie 01-25-2010 08:32 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 733857)
Six Weeks!
How's everyone else holding up?

doing Well here this head cold is making it easy not to smoke anything

68TriShield 01-25-2010 08:37 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Nobody went off the wagon right?

Kreth 01-25-2010 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 733875)
Nobody went off the wagon right?

Been smoking my way through a box of Shorties, and the weather's been warm enough the last few days that I've been able to enjoy a few real cigars.
One downside, if you want to call it that: I *definitely* notice now if a smoke has a good vitamin-N kick... :r
Posted via Mobile Device

bookman 01-25-2010 08:52 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
My dad has emphysema from cigarettes...and he still smokes. Each time I see him his breathing is worse. I commend you for your strength and courage. You have much support here.

Starscream 01-25-2010 12:19 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 733880)
One downside, if you want to call it that: I *definitely* notice now if a smoke has a good vitamin-N kick... :r
Posted via Mobile Device

That's an upside IMHO. I like the kick!:tu

G G 01-25-2010 12:25 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
good job guys.

htown 01-27-2010 05:47 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Another day free from those nasty little sticks!

Kreth 02-03-2010 02:03 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
How are my fellow quitters doing? :tu
Posted via Mobile Device

GKitty 02-03-2010 02:10 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
I quit cigs back in Aug 2009. It was easier at the moment than I thought it would be, but I've been craving hard lately. Even had a dream about buying cigs last night. How freaking weird is that?

Reading through this thread helps.

Stay strong!!

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