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Anyone here use snus?
I don't like to dip, so I generally use snus at work, when driving, or when I don't have time to fit a cigar in. I usually buy Monte Cristo, General original, and Romeo y Julieta. I'm curious what other brands and blends are good. Thanks, Mike |
Re: Snus?
have tried general a few times, but since I do dip... I find I don't really get a buzz from it. Maybe dip built up a tolerance
Re: Snus?
Re: Snus?
I've seen snus in stores, but what is it? Do you put it in your mouth or nose? I don't have any interest in trying it.
Re: Snus?
Snuff is the product that is used through the nose. I used to dip on deployments, now I generally stick to snus. |
Re: Snus?
Re: Snus?
Some discussion here: Camel Snus
Re: Snus?
I saw that when I was searching earlier today, but I thought to myself "self, you should post a real Snus thread. Camel snus is bubble gum in a pouch." |
Re: Snus?
Try getsnus.com They have a few stark (strong) ones. I've heard the thunder frosted is really good, and it is strong.
Re: Snus?
Dip DOES NOT had fiberglass in it. That is an urban myth... the crystals seen under a microscope are salt crystals. Fiberglass would shred your mouth and you would be spitting blood.
That being said, snus is alright, but doesn't give me a buzz like Cope or Kodiak will. I put in a 8 of the camel pouches and didn't feel a thing... Flavor was nice though. aj |
Re: Snus?
Try Göteborg's Rapé, Röda Lacket (my personal favorite), Göteborg's Rapé No. 2 (lingonberry flavor). General is okay. All have 8mg of nicotine, stark (strong) snus has 14mg.
Happy Snusing! |
Re: Snus?
Holy Thread Resurrection Batman ;s:D
I have been digging the Camel Frost Snus (ducks). A local B&M has the General snus so a grabbed a can of White and a can of Wintergreen. The white is not so bad but the wintergreen is :(. I also find both of them, coming from the Camel, to be a bit "slimy". What would you all recommend for someone who actually likes the Camel? (besides sticking with the Camel) |
Re: Snus?
For snus stick to the tobacco/natural/original flavors. |
Re: Snus?
It doesn't bleed as fast, so the flavor isn't overpowering, and it's not too sweet, although the camel is pretty sweet. |
Re: Snus?
I have been using it lately when driving home from work or out at the bars. The cigar shop had a ton of free samples last month so I made sure to get plenty.
Re: Snus?
Anyone know where/how to get free samples of snus before buying, or has PACT basically killed that idea?
Re: Snus?
I think the free samples are now gone.
Re: Snus?
Re: Snus?
Only ever tried Camel and Marlbro snus. Other then that, I stick to Grizzly, Cope, or Skoal.
Re: Snus?
Just tried it for the first time last month. Steve (fissure) let me try some Swedish Snus, General White/Mini-Portion Mint.
To be honest I dont' smoke very much, maybe 10 cigars/month, and I noticed the nicotine. No buzz or anything, but it definitely was there. Since I had a hard time finding it so I tried some Camel Frost. The Camel pouches were larger, rougher, were overly sweet, and lost their flavor quickly. I also didn't notice the nic much. I just found a local shop that carries Swedish Snus and bought some more General. I like it a lot better. They dont' have a ton, just one of those micro table-top fridges with 60-80 cans, but only 4 flavors. I grabbed of the same stuff Steve gave me, but eventually I'd like to try some of the natural tobacco flavored stuff. I've read some good info about the differences between the American and Swedish stuff. Check out the link for more info... User Review: http://www.snuscentral.org/snus-revi...us-tastes.html Nicotine Levels: http://www.snuscentral.org/snusfaqs/...-snus-faq.html Production Methods: http://www.snuscentral.org/latest-sn...-snus-yet.html The last article is most important. The Swedes have done some serious work to minimize potential negative effects of snus. |
Re: Snus?
Thanks for the post! I'll need to find some General Snus
Re: Snus?
The last point is very important when regarding Swedish Snus such as General. They made Snus so they could get people to stop smoking. I'm pretty sure I read that the Swedes have the lowest amount of smokers in the world and many have used Snus to get off smoking. So they tried to formulate it to be as natural as possible. I tried Snus after talking to Steve(fissure) about it. Having a little pouch of tobacco in my mouth is a big turnoff, and even putting it in my top lip still makes me want to spit. |
Re: Snus?
http://www.getsnus.com http://www.northerner.com Unfortunately they are now applying some local state tobacco taxes. I've heard other sites are not. I found it cheaper to buy them one can at a time at the local B&M for $3.99/can. Good luck, it took a while to find a B&M who stocks it. |
Re: Snus?
Anyway, you're right about their processing. Per the last article: Quote:
More info from: http://www.northerner.com/articles/S...4981/SHOP-333/ Quote:
Re: Snus?
Did your local B&M have the new General Mint regular portion? I can get the mini mint, but no where seems to have the Regular/large portion Mint.
Re: Snus?
Re: Snus?
Re: Snus?
Has anyone tried the General Mini portions and General White Mini back to back? Any big difference?
Re: Snus?
Re: Snus?
That said I believe all the pouches to be either .8g/pouch or 1g/pouch, just with different nic concentration levels
Re: Snus?
I know each contains 4mg of Nicotine, just one is not moisturized at the end and the other is. I don't use snus that often, so it will undoubtedly be sitting in the can for a while. I know the Camel Snus' are stored in refrigerators, and I stored my tins just in a drawer and they dryed out a bit.
I'm just wondering if moisturized vs. unmoisturized means a change in flavor, otherwise I'm probably buying mini portions of the white. |
Re: Snus?
Just popped a Nick and Johnny Strong in a few seconds ago.
I've been rotating between the following lately: 02 (13mg/g nic) Thunder Wintergreen Extra Stark (16 mg/g nic) Nick and Johnny Strong (12ish+ mg/g nic) Skruf Xtra Stark (18-19 mg/g nic [est]) All have good flavor are enough nicotine that you notice they're in there. |
Re: Snus?
Re: Snus?
I might be the wuss of the group, but I can only take the mini's. Anything over 4mg and I start getting headaches.
Also: anyone try Goterberg Rape, and Goterberg Rape No. 2? |
Re: Snus?
You're no wuss. I haven't tried anything larger than mini. Since I can tell they're there, I'm not going to move up to the larger portions anytime soon. |
Re: Snus?
Re: Snus?
I don't refrigerate mine. Just try to get through cans when I open them. We did an experiment one night (after a few drinks) rehydrating some dried portions, though. Dipped them in vodka, let rest for a few minutes, and were good to go. :) |
Re: Snus?
The Goterberg Rape No. 2 was recommended for those just starting snus or those who like Camel Snus. (I like the Camel Snus, but sometimes I can hardly taste the flavor). |
Re: Snus?
Re: Snus?
PACT has made mailorder snus more expensive and has reduced the available brands by quite a bit for us US residents. I'm trying to make a decision on whether to keep buying as it is getting cost prohibitive to pay ~$3.50 per can and then pay $12.00 for the required UPS shipping then have to have someone over 21 sign for it. I'm one who has some snus going 6-10 times a day and really enjoy it. General White Portion is my goto but have recently been enjoying the new Ogden's which is more like straight tobacco than most of the others. I buy from getsnus.com. They are a Northener company.
Re: Snus?
Kronan White Portion is also very good. The only reason to refrigerate is to keep the snus fresh. I keep a few cans in the car and it stays fine for a couple weeks.
Re: Snus?
Thanks for the help, guys!
Re: Snus?
As to the difference in the General Mini and Mini white's; I find that the regular mini lasts a bit longer storage wise. The uptake is also quicker on the nicotine. The White's however, taste a little better to me as the slow uptake and your own moistening make it that way. The Goteberg No.2 is a nice change of pace to the regular mint, wintergreen, etc. It's got juniper berry that is pretty pronounced after a while. I would buy a can and try it. I like to supplement it when I get tired of plain or minty snus's. Croatan, you ever try the General Onyx black or the Oden's extra Stark's? A friend who turned me onto snus only uses the stronger ones and he loves both of those. |
Re: Snus?
Re: Snus?
Re: Snus?
I pretty much stick to the General White Portion Mint. I love the stuff!!! Prices sure have gone up though!!!
Re: Snus?
Do/Did any of you snus users used to or still smoke cigarettes?
I ask because I know the swedes market it as an alternative. I never have, and my only real concern is developing a real addiction. I can smoke cigars heavily, occasionally, or even go long stretches without. Although I do enjoy it, I dont' feel it is a habit or an addiciton. My concern is that if I use snus too much it might become one or the other. What do you think? |
Re: Snus?
Re: Snus?
Re: Snus?
I quit cigarettes over two years ago.
I've currently been on an Oden's strong and 02 Strong kick. The Oden's are a lot more flavorful though. The 02s take quite some time to "bleed" through the pouch, similar to a white portion. I've also been enjoying the General Onyx. I revisited these about a week ago. I forgot how much I like them. |
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