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pgagnon 10-06-2009 12:55 PM

sticks you do not like
im just wondering. when you lit up a stick and you realise you do not like it after lets sat 1/3 'o it. do you guys keep smoking it?

LeoM 10-06-2009 12:58 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
Not a chance...well unless I have it on good authority that it gets much better.....and even then most likely, no.

DoctorBJ 10-06-2009 12:58 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
In my mind, there's a difference between "not that great" and "ick." Not that great smokes get finished, Generally I'm thinking of the one I'll follow it up with to make things right in my world again. Las week I tossed out a smoke after about 5 minutes. I think it was the first time EVER I've done that, and I went and lit up one that I KNEW would make up for it.

kelmac07 10-06-2009 12:58 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
Life is too short...toss it and grab another!!

Whee 10-06-2009 01:00 PM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 586417)
Life is too short...toss it and grab another!!

Truer words have never been spoken.:tu

I chucked one the other day after two draws because the draw was bad and it didn;t taste good enough to fight for it.

Slavac 10-06-2009 01:00 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
Smoked an El Mejor Emerald last week. Got about 1/4th of the way through and put it down.

pgagnon 10-06-2009 01:02 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
yeah you guys are prolly right but i feel like I have a duty to it....

maybe im too patriotic

the one im talking atm is your famous MoW Brad :(

bigloo 10-06-2009 01:04 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
Depends on cost. A $3 smoke that is not good gets tossed, a $15 stick gets more time.

Bax 10-06-2009 01:06 PM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by illinoishoosier (Post 586419)
Truer words have never been spoken.:tu

I chucked one the other day after two draws because the draw was bad and it didn;t taste good enough to fight for it.

Have to agree here!

Kreth 10-06-2009 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Slavac (Post 586420)
Smoked an El Mejor Emerald last week. Got about 1/4th of the way through and put it down.

The Emeralds are one of my go-to smokes. The Espressos suck, though.
Posted via Mobile Device

Blueface 10-06-2009 01:30 PM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 586417)
Life is too short...toss it and grab another!!


Darrell 10-06-2009 01:33 PM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 586417)
Life is too short...toss it and grab another!!

Yep. :tu

yourchoice 10-06-2009 01:35 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
Off hand I can only think of one smoke that I chucked after only smoking a third or less of it. It was putrid. It was a Gurkha...I believe it was called Gurkha Vintage (had a second, green wrapper). I don't think they make them anymore...for obvious reasons.

I will usually give a cigar a fair shake, probably 1/2 of it at least.

If I light another cigar that was as bad as the one I chucked before, I wouldn't hesitate to get rid of it.

Slavac 10-06-2009 01:38 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
This thread just goes to show that one man's favorite stick is another man's cut/light/toss stick.

The Poet 10-06-2009 01:39 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
I'm too poor - or cheap - to chuck a stick I merely do not like. However, if it is unsmokable, either due to taste or draw issues, I will not give it a thought or a chance. As said above, life's too short.

HK3- 10-06-2009 01:44 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
Chuck it.

pgagnon 10-06-2009 01:46 PM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by Slavac (Post 586518)
This thread just goes to show that one man's favorite stick is another man's cut/light/toss stick.

you got that right! at least it shows that geek we both might be but sissy on strength I am :)

wayner123 10-06-2009 01:50 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
Depends on how much I don't like it. If I am trying a new stick, I'll give it the good ol college try. But if it's just too horrible for me to go on, I'll chuck it. If it's a stick I am familiar with and it is bad, I'll fight through cause I know it will get better.

longknocker 10-06-2009 01:52 PM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 586417)
Life is too short...toss it and grab another!!


McSmokey 10-06-2009 01:59 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
if i don't like it or get bored with it i pull out the straight razor and dissect it while smoking a guaranteed goody

icehog3 10-06-2009 02:05 PM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by pgagnon (Post 586410)
im just wondering. when you lit up a stick and you realise you do not like it after lets sat 1/3 'o it. do you guys keep smoking it?


wayner123 10-06-2009 02:09 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
Just a thought, with most everyone saying they would chuck it after the first 3rd, it brings to my mind an older discussion about Cigar Aficionado's reviewers and how they review cigars.

It was shown that the CA reviewers don't go past the first 1/3. So maybe there is a lot more to that idea than first discussed.

Adriftpanda 10-06-2009 02:11 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
A lot.

icehog3 10-06-2009 02:13 PM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 586595)
Just a thought, with most everyone saying they would chuck it after the first 3rd, it brings to my mind an older discussion about Cigar Aficionado's reviewers and how they review cigars.

It was shown that the CA reviewers don't go past the first 1/3. So maybe there is a lot more to that idea than first discussed.

But the reviews at CA rarely rate a cigar below an 88. :rolleyes:

BC-Axeman 10-06-2009 02:14 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
So far I only had one smoke that got chucked after three draws. others that weren't that great got about two thirds smoked. From now on I will recognize a certain taste I don't like and toss it quickly as the taste lingers. Oh, I tossed a cherry Swisher into a campfire right after lighting it up.
Couldn't even give it a try.

wayner123 10-06-2009 02:41 PM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 586605)
But the reviews at CA rarely rate a cigar below an 88. :rolleyes:

Does that include all the cigars they have smoked for review?

Here's another thought, what if the cigar tastes really great the first 3rd, then becomes sour/nasty, do you still pitch it?

AD720 10-06-2009 02:43 PM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by wayner123 (Post 586681)
Does that include all the cigars they have smoked for review?

Here's another thought, what if the cigar tastes really great the first 3rd, then becomes sour/nasty, do you still pitch it?

The second I stop enjoying it I put it down. Life's too short.

JJG 10-06-2009 03:57 PM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 586688)
The second I stop enjoying it I put it down. Life's too short.

I stick by this rule too. I'll give a cigar time to mellow out after lighting, but if it doesn't start to improve after the first half inch or so, it's probably not going to get better.

coastietech 10-06-2009 04:05 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
I ran into this same issue the other night...

I have enjoyed every Anejo I have had up until the other night. I lit up an Anejo Shark and it tasted like ****... I didn't want to throw it away hoping that it would become as good as the others. I ended up smoking almost the whole thing before tossing it. I was thoroughly disappointed.

So what if it's a stick that you have smoked and loved before?

Veritas 10-07-2009 12:36 AM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by coastietech (Post 586886)
So what if it's a stick that you have smoked and loved before?

I just trashed a LGC Serie R the other day for being damn near unsmokable. Others I've had were great. That one example won't turn me away from them in the future. Even though I have liked every other one I've lit up I wouldn't finish the nasty one.

DPD6030 10-07-2009 12:43 AM

Re: sticks you do not like
adapati Indonesian cigar :pu

bvilchez 10-07-2009 12:44 AM

Re: sticks you do not like
I toss it. There's plenty of other sticks in the cabinet that I have for a reason.....and it's not to stare at!!!!!!!!

GreekGodX 10-07-2009 02:38 AM

Re: sticks you do not like
Unless I paid some ridiculous amount of money ($20+) then I toss it. $20+ smoke earns itself a little more time but I've tossed those sticks halfway through before..

Addiction 10-07-2009 05:42 AM

Re: sticks you do not like
I don't smoke cicgars that I don't enjoy. I typically wait less than an hour. There is just no point in it.

htown 10-07-2009 06:25 AM

Re: sticks you do not like
I will toss it, even if it's a $12 cigar. I will just be a little more irritated.

RevSmoke 10-07-2009 06:26 AM

Re: sticks you do not like
I have tossed a couple because of draw issues. There are others I have taken to the 1/2 way mark, just to see if they'll improve. I had one which had the taste of tin in my mouth, even made fillings tingle like they do when something metal touches them - that lasted about 10 puffs - just cause I was trying to figure out what was going on.

Don Fernando 10-07-2009 08:46 AM

Re: sticks you do not like
if I am reviewing a cigar I will smoke it till the end, if not, I will toss it.

poriggity 10-07-2009 08:48 AM

Re: sticks you do not like
Like has been said before, life is too short. If I am not enjoying it, no matter the cost, I have no issues putting it out.

pgagnon 10-07-2009 10:15 AM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by htown (Post 588005)
I will toss it, even if it's a $12 cigar. I will just be a little more irritated.

with all the taxes we have here, there isnt that many sticks that will cost me under that

Scottastic 10-07-2009 10:43 AM

Re: sticks you do not like
I usually only have time for one cigar when I'm smoking one, so if it's offensive to me, I'll pitch it for a better one and try another one when I have more time.

RightAJ 10-08-2009 12:02 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
Depends... Some sticks start off bitter or harsh the first half inch or so then even out I've found. If it really sux, might as well go with something you'll enjoy!


aich75013 10-08-2009 12:06 PM

Re: sticks you do not like

Originally Posted by Slavac (Post 586420)
Smoked an El Mejor Emerald last week. Got about 1/4th of the way through and put it down.

I had the same experience.
That was about 1 year ago. I have 2 more that I am going to try again now that they have some age on them.

punklife505 10-08-2009 12:55 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
Tossed the 1st Indian Tabac Anniversary Limited Reserve Buffalo out of a 10'er and gave the rest away, bad smoke but made it up to my tastebuds with a LFD Double Ligero Chisel...yummy

Footbag 10-08-2009 12:59 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
I'll almost always chuck it unless it's a gift. Now if the draw is bad after I light it, I'll toss it and curse it to hell.

chippewastud79 10-08-2009 01:04 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
Unless its a review or a gift, it goes out in under an inch. Even if the flavors are good but the draw is tough it goes out. Ask BengalMan, many a good stick have been extinguished before they even get off the ground. Life is too short to struggle through bad sticks. :tu

RocketMike 10-08-2009 05:58 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
toss it

warpedcigars 10-08-2009 05:59 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
I toss it.

DMK 10-08-2009 06:07 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
Usually the first time I try something, I'll smoke the whole damn thing, even if I have to chase it with something to wipe out the taste...:r
Even my first and only Ghurka...

jjirons69 10-08-2009 07:00 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
It's got to go.

maverickdrinker 10-08-2009 07:40 PM

Re: sticks you do not like
I try to smoke it at least halfway to give it a chance. Some cigars start harsh and end up calming down and becoming delicious.

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