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Slavac 10-03-2009 10:33 PM

Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
As I sat shivering outside tonight smoking a Tat I realized it's going to be too damn cold to smoke outside comfortably.

So, lay your tips/tricks/insight on me on the winter cigar issue. Where do you go? Do you smoke indoors? How do you manage the smell?

Thanks fellas (and ladies)

bookman 10-03-2009 10:34 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
Ozium, baby, Ozium. And sheets over the furniture.

GreekGodX 10-03-2009 10:59 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
I will keep posting this over and over until someone does it with pics..

Paper towel roll, stuffed with snuggies dryer sheets :r :ss

borndead1 10-03-2009 11:01 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
Tiny fan in the window (blowing out of course).

Air purifier.

Deodorizing carpet powder when you vacuum.

When you're done smoking, open windows and doors for a few minutes and turn fans on. Yeah, it'll get cold for a few minutes, but ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

FWIW, my place doesn't smell "good", but it ain't bad. :ss

bookman 10-03-2009 11:04 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
I just poop on the floor.

TheTraveler 10-03-2009 11:05 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
I open a window, put a fan near the couch or chair and blow most of the smoke out the window. When I'm done I light some incense or a candle. My wife and I both smoke cigars but we smoke at most one a day so this handles any smoke odors. What's left is minimal - in fact when I come home from work I catch just a hint of B&M goodness.

bookman 10-03-2009 11:11 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
I write voodoo shites on the wall with bloody chicken blood and place a lot of calf livers wrapped in bloodied panties from the dollar store around. No one seems to mind the smell that way. And if some people mind the smell I shoot em, make it look like a murder/suicide, inject coke through the toes and the cops blame it on some drug deal gone wrong.

Does that help?

DoctorBJ 10-03-2009 11:15 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
I rarely smoke indoors, but have noticed that cleaning out the butts/ashtrays asap and not leaving them around really makes a difference with the smell. Don't just throw them out in the house, take that crap outside.

bookman 10-03-2009 11:19 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
I have a record. I'm not proud of it, but I have it. Some day, when the ms. girlfriend complains about the cigar smoke I wll just say "Oh, yeah, well at least I'm not _______ some ______ anymore!"

Dude, ya gotta have a fail-safe.

borndead1 10-03-2009 11:21 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by bookman (Post 581682)
I have a record. I'm not proud of it, but I have it. Some day, when the ms. girlfriend complains about the cigar smoke I wll just say "Oh, yeah, well at least I'm not _______ some ______ anymore!"

Dude, ya gotta have a fail-safe.

bookman = :al

Slavac 10-03-2009 11:24 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by borndead1 (Post 581684)
bookman = :al

His speedometer has two settings.

0 and WTF.

He can get to WTF in 8 seconds flat.

eber 10-03-2009 11:26 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
I have a window fan in my den (man cave if you will) and have that on med-high depending on how many people are smoking. I also have a Hunter air purifier (filter) running on low almost all the time, you can tell I smoke in there but that is what the room is for so I dont mind that, however if you want to get rid of the smell I have found that the smokers candles that wal mart sells work wonders, they dont impart a strong fragrance but somehow they really work well at removing the smoke smell. they are usually in the checkout lane where you buy cigarettes

bookman 10-03-2009 11:26 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by borndead1 (Post 581684)
bookman = :al

I redact my last statement. I was in Haiti at the time of the shooting.

I only told you the victim was murdered. How'd you know the victim was shot?

I. don't. Know.


bookman 10-03-2009 11:27 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
Seriously, Brad. ozium. Works like a charm.

Azpostal 10-04-2009 12:07 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
Cold? I don't understand? This is almost the nice to go outside at time here.

colimo 10-04-2009 12:28 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
Several thoughts come to mind brad,

1. get rid of all your cigars, ( which you seem to be doing a good job of) that way you wont have any to tempt you to smoke....
2. i tend to smoke less as we get into winter and it does get too cold i smoke a few in either bars or B&Ms where it is allowed..
3. if you have to do it outside, you can buy an outdoor space heater at either sam's club, costco or similar or a used one on Craig's list for around $ 150.00, which can make it somewhat bearable to smoke outside.
4. if you are going to smoke inside, some kind of air purifier/filtrations system or cover up is essential...

good luck

heavyd 10-04-2009 01:04 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
I use a space heater and smoke smaller cigars (thus less time outside). You mentioned that you like Tatuajes. Tat Petites are great short smokes, Angeles too.

By the time you start to freeze, you're done :)

sjnovakovich 10-04-2009 05:32 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
We have a Trane HVAC system. When we had it installed, we also installed a Trane electrostatic air purifier. It was pricey but it's amazing. Never ANY smells in our house, and I smoke a cigar per day.

thebiglebowski 10-04-2009 09:12 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
jenn-air cooktop. their vents will suck that smoke right outta there. wife-approved! :tu

acarr 10-04-2009 09:51 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
Move to Arizona and smoke all year round outside.

icehog3 10-04-2009 10:05 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by acarr (Post 582071)
Move to Arizona and smoke all year round outside.

Do you have an extra bedroom?

GreekGodX 10-04-2009 10:09 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by acarr (Post 582071)
Move to Arizona and smoke all year round outside.


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 582098)
Do you have an extra bedroom?

2 extra bedrooms? :) and I hope this is near Tempe :tu

captain53 10-04-2009 10:22 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
1 Attachment(s)
I don't care what you do if you smoke in the house the trained nose will pick it up for a long time. Also if it annoys the family then they are going to be nagging you all the time demanding you give up the pleasure for good....never stops and also while you are creating the cloud it is really not pleasant to others who have to live there. That being said here is the best alternative I have found, unless you have a stiff wind or extreme cold it works very well to keep you comfortable while puffing a while::banger

Attachment 4084

Slavac 10-04-2009 03:15 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by captain53 (Post 582136)
I don't care what you do if you smoke in the house the trained nose will pick it up for a long time. Also if it annoys the family then they are going to be nagging you all the time demanding you give up the pleasure for good....never stops and also while you are creating the cloud it is really not pleasant to others who have to live there. That being said here is the best alternative I have found, unless you have a stiff wind or extreme cold it works very well to keep you comfortable while puffing a while::banger

Attachment 4084

Damn that's what I was afraid of. Since I rent a part of a 2 family from my friend, smoking indoor looks to be out then. That said, I think I'll venture on the back deck with a heater this winter.

Thanks for the wisdom everyone :)

Except you Bookman. Bad Bookman.

eber 10-04-2009 03:16 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by captain53 (Post 582136)
I don't care what you do if you smoke in the house the trained nose will pick it up for a long time. Also if it annoys the family then they are going to be nagging you all the time demanding you give up the pleasure for good....never stops and also while you are creating the cloud it is really not pleasant to others who have to live there. That being said here is the best alternative I have found, unless you have a stiff wind or extreme cold it works very well to keep you comfortable while puffing a while::banger

Attachment 4084


these things are great, I was skeptical about these things but I was at the country club with my grandparents and they fired up one of these and I couldnt believe how much heat was pouring out of it

HK3- 10-04-2009 03:25 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
If you do decide to smoke inside try these tricks-

*Keep your butts in a sealed container when done (they keep stinkin even when you're done smokin)
*I use a lamb berger to help reduce the odor
*Buy a small fan to set in the window to allow the smoke to be pulled out

*Remodel your house into a giant smoking lounge like you don't give a phuk? :)

Aldebaran 10-04-2009 04:58 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by Azpostal (Post 581730)
Cold? I don't understand? This is almost the nice to go outside at time here.

What he said.

Though when it is the summer and 110+ I sit on my chair that is right next to the door, and leave the door open. If I leave the door open a bit after I am done it doesn't smell so bad afterwards.

Skywalker 10-04-2009 05:03 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

icehog3 10-04-2009 09:24 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 582658)

Do! ;)

Blueface 10-05-2009 08:27 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by acarr (Post 582071)
Move to Arizona and smoke all year round outside.

I have been in Phoenix in the winter and you guys get some cold nights there, requiring overcoats and everywhere you go, there are gas heaters to keep people warm.

For true year 'round, move to Florida. Very little humidity in the winter and besides, the humidity the rest of the year will help maintain your cigars and not dry them out as in Arizona.:D

Smoking indoors for me equals guaranteed death sentence from wife, via pan, shoe heel, knife, or whatever else happens to be near her to throw at me.

Zanaspus 10-05-2009 08:37 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
My ultimate tip.

1) Own your house.
2) Make sure your significant other smokes.
3) Never have people over.
4) Smoke at your leisure!

croatan 10-05-2009 08:46 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
It can be done. I don't particularly enjoy smoking outdoors unless the conditions are just right. In order of a balance between importance and cost/ease of implementation, here are my suggestions:

1. Ventilation - if the weather allows it, keep doors and windows open. If the weather sucks, at least try to open them occasionally and after you finish.
2. Remove all of your butts and ash immediately after smoking
3. Ceiling Fans - turn 'em on.
4. Lampe Bergers - actually work
5. Febreze - a little goes a long way
6. Air Purifiers/ Filtration Systems, both stand alone and in the HVAC - can get pricey, but pretty good results
7. Have more non-cloth surfaces - odors will permeate cloth; hard surfaces (wood, tile, etc.) and leather are better

I smoke in my house pretty much every day and don't get any complaints. The only complaints I hear are when we have 10-12 guys over smoking cigars and it gets to be a little hazy in there. To combat that issue, I'm having my HVAC guy install a 750 cfm inline variable speed fan to pull smoke out of the area where most of the smoking occurs and vent it to the outdoors.

icehog3 10-05-2009 09:43 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by Zanaspus (Post 583670)
My ultimate tip.

1) Own your house.
2) Make sure your significant other smokes.
3) Never have people over.
4) Smoke at your leisure!

Can't agree with that one, sorry. ;)

aich75013 10-05-2009 09:46 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
I agree. I've seen these at bars and clubs, and they put out a lot of heat.

random0813 10-05-2009 09:42 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 581660)
I will keep posting this over and over until someone does it with pics..

Paper towel roll, stuffed with snuggies dryer sheets :r :ss

Been there, done that! Granted, it wasn't cigar smoke, but if the....smoke...wasn't detected in my dorm back in college, I am sure it would work in a house. Just be careful and don't accidentally will never get the "Mountain Breeze" flavor out of your mouth.

Magma 10-06-2009 04:11 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
I pulled it off once. I normally smoke outside but it gets kinda boring sitting out there by myself and I had a DVD I just bought so instead of bring all the electronics outside..I just went inside lol.

Used 2 fans on a table right shooting out the window. I smoked right next to the fans and had the ashtray on that same table.

After everything was done, I wiped the fans down with clorox wipes and put everything away where they belong.

My mom and gf came home and asked if i was smoking inside the house because they could smell something. I just told them no but I was smoking outside and it was kinda windy so some of the smoke might have flew into the house.


Dunkel 10-07-2009 07:31 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
2 words Fire pit. Like camping and smoking a cigar. Nothing beats a little campfire.

Slavac 10-07-2009 09:34 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by Dunkel (Post 588094)
2 words Fire pit. Like camping and smoking a cigar. Nothing beats a little campfire.

Totally agree however I rent this house from a friend and we live in the suburbs :/

When Amy and I get a house, you can guarantee we'll have a fire ring outside.

JJG 10-07-2009 10:09 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
I think you can easily get away with it every once on a while. The key is to keep the air moving so the cigar smoke doesn't "settle" on any carpet or furniture. This is what causes the smell to stick around. Plenty of ventilation is also important. Don't stamp out your finished butts! this is a big no-no and will increase the stink 5 fold. either immerse the end in some water or let it burn out naturally. If you combine a fan, generous ventilation if possible, and some strong odor neutralizer afterward, you will be fine.

RightAJ 10-07-2009 11:59 AM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts
DO NOT use only a small fan and one open window, get caught by your RA, and have to put out a Boli Gold Medal ;)


Adriftpanda 10-07-2009 01:02 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by RightAJ (Post 588679)
DO NOT use only a small fan and one open window, get caught by your RA, and have to put out a Boli Gold Medal ;)


Hahaha I remember when I got a "ticket" from my RA. Oh college....

RightAJ 10-07-2009 02:02 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 588809)
Hahaha I remember when I got a "ticket" from my RA. Oh college....

Haha I didn't even get in trouble really, it was more the fact that I lost a good stick to the situation that made it a bad expreience... Had to try though, its college!


icehog3 10-07-2009 02:30 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by Dunkel (Post 588094)
2 words Fire pit. Like camping and smoking a cigar. Nothing beats a little campfire.

Ain't gonna work when it's January in Chicago. ;) :r

ade06 10-07-2009 02:40 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by RightAJ (Post 588679)
DO NOT use only a small fan and one open window, get caught by your RA, and have to put out a Boli Gold Medal ;)


My old RA used to smoke cigars and I was always complaining (well not really... because, so long as smoke didn't escape from our rooms into the common areas (we were on the top floor with windows), he didn't bother the non-smokers of tobacco who smoked other things.) Also, drier sheets stuffed in T.P. rolls don't work. Lol, college was fun, good thing I'm going back for homecoming next week!!!

RightAJ 10-07-2009 03:51 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by ade06 (Post 588981)
My old RA used to smoke cigars and I was always complaining (well not really... because, so long as smoke didn't escape from our rooms into the common areas (we were on the top floor with windows), he didn't bother the non-smokers of tobacco who smoked other things.) Also, drier sheets stuffed in T.P. rolls don't work. Lol, college was fun, good thing I'm going back for homecoming next week!!!

Where to? I'm in philly too, goin to St. Joes

ade06 10-07-2009 03:53 PM

Re: Smoking Indoors: Tips Tricks Do's and Don'ts

Originally Posted by RightAJ (Post 589054)
Where to? I'm in philly too, goin to St. Joes

Nope, going down south to ECU! Of course I will only be smoking cigars these days :ss :ss

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