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chippewastud79 10-23-2008 08:39 AM

What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
A little list I posted elsewhere and thought should be over here as well :tu

Commonly Used Cigar Acronyms or Terms:

898UV = 898 Unvarnished
898V = 898 Varnished
AF - Arturo Fuente
BBF= Bolivar Belicos Finos
BCG = Bolivar Coronas Gigantes
BCJ = Bolivar Corona Jr.
Beli = Belicoso
Boli = Bolivar
BRC= Bolivar Royal Corona
BTL = Hemingway Between The Lines
CA = Cigar Asylum :D
cA = cigar Aficionado
CE = Corona Extra
CF = Cigar Family
CG = Corona Gorda
Cohibo = Fake Cohiba
COR = Cohiba Robusto
CS = Conneticut Shade Wrapper or Choix Supreme (ERDM)
DC= Double Corona
DP = Davidoff Dom Perignon
EL = Edition Limitada
EPI 1 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No 1
EPI 2 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No 2
Epi#1 = HdM Epicure No. 1
Epi#2 = HdM Epicure No. 2
ERDM = El Rey Del Mundo
Fauxhiba = Fake Cohiba
FFOX = Fuente Fuente Opus X
HB = Davidoff Haut Brione
HC = Havana Club Cuban Rum
HdM = Hoyo de Monterrey
- HdM DC = Hoyo de Monterrey Double Corona
- HdM Epi#1 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 1
- HdM Epi#2 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2
HU = H. Upmann
HU2 = H Upmann #2
HUSW = H Uppman Sir Winston
JL = Juan Lopez
JL1 = Juan Lopez Seleccion No 1
JL2 = Juan Lopez Seleccion No 2
LCDH = La Casa del Habano
LGC = La Gloria Cubana
LGCT= La Gloria Cubana Tainos
LGT= La Gloria Cubana Tainos
Luci = Partagas Lusitania
Mad, Maddie = Maduro
Mag46 = H. Upmann Magnum 46
MC = Montecristo
-MC#1 = Montecristo No. 1
-MC#2 = Montecristo No. 2
-MC#3 = Montecristo No. 3, etc.
MCA = Montecristo A
Monte = Montecristo
- Monte#1 = Montecristo No. 1
- Monte#2 = Montecristo No. 2
- Monte#5 = Montecristo No. 5, etc.
Nat = Natural
Nattie = natural (cameroon, Conneticut Shade, etc.)
NC = Non-cuban
PAM = Padron Anniversario Maduro
PAN = Padron Anniversario Natural
PBP = Punch Black Prince
PC = Petit Corona
PERF X = FFOX Perfexcion X
PLPC = Por Larranaga Petit Corona
PP = Punch Punch
PSD4 = Partagas Series D No.4
RA = Ramon Allones
RAG = Ramon Allones Gigantes
RAPC = Rampn Allones Petit Corona
RASCC = Ramon Allones Small Club Corona
RASS = Ramon Allones Specially Selected
RG = Rafael Gonzalez
RS = Royal Selection
RyJ = Romeo y Julieta
RyJ CF = Romeo y Julieta Celestiales Finos
RyJ EX4 = Romeo y Julieta Exhition No 4
RyJ POW = Romeo y Julieta Prince of Wales
SC = San Cristobal de La Habana
Shark = Arturo Fuente Anejo #77
Sig I, II, III, etc = Cohiba Siglo sizes
SLB = Slide Lid Box
SLR = Saint Louis Rey
SP = Sancho Panza
SPB= Sancho Panza Belicosos
SPBeli = Sancho Panza Belicoso
SS = Super Selection
TPC = Tres Petit Corona
Trini = Trinidad
UTS = Hemingway Untold Story
VR = Vega Robaina
VRDA = Vegas Robaina Don Alejandros
VRDA= Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro
VRU= Vegas Robaina Unicos
VSG = Ashton Virgin Sun Grown
WOA = Hemingway Work of Art
xXx = Opus X^3 (Power Ranger)

Commonly Used Acronyms or Terms for Chat and Posts:

AFK - Away From The Keyboard
ASAP = as soon as possible
ASC = alt.smokers.cigars (a USENET Newsgroup)
B&M or B+M = Brick & Mortar retail shop
BBL - Be Back Later
BLUF = bottom line up front
BOMB = unsolicited gift (short answer)
BOTL = brother of the leaf
BRB - Be Right Back
BTW - By The Way
BUMP - A way of reviving a thread
Buttnugget = Flipflop
CUL - See You Later
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Fog = F'in Old Guy - someone who has been around here too long
FTG = Friendly Trading Gorrila/Guy
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYI - For Your Information
Herf = A gathering of people enjoying cigars and the company of each other
HTH- Hope That Helps
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IOT = In Order To
JAFO = just another f'n observer
L8R - Later
LLG = LowLand Gorilla
LMAO = Laughing My @ss off
LMFAO = take a guess
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
MAW = Make a Wish
MO = Our friend in London :-)
NSFW = Not Safe For Work
NSTR = nothing significant to report
OIC - Oh I See
PIF = pay it forward
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A$$ Off
ROTT - Right Off The Truck
TFTL = thanks for the link
TIA - Thanks In Advance
To11 or T11 = Team Of 11 (admins)
TOP = A way bring attention to a msg thread without adding content
TTYL - Talk To You Later
URL - Universal Resource Locator (Web site address)
WB - Welcome Back
WTF? = What the @#$&?
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get
YMMV = your mileage may vary

poker 10-23-2008 08:42 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Made a correction (in red) hope you dont mind:)

chippewastud79 10-23-2008 08:44 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron

Originally Posted by poker (Post 29983)
Made a correction (in red) hope you dont mind:)

Thanks Poker, I should have read through it a little more :D

Mr.Maduro 10-23-2008 08:45 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron

Originally Posted by poker (Post 29983)
Made a correction (in red) hope you dont mind:)

Nice one!! :tu

I always thought the acronym for cigar Aficionado was RAG! :r

Sorry, couldn't resist!!:D

zmancbr 10-23-2008 08:45 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron

Originally Posted by poker (Post 29983)
Made a correction (in red) hope you dont mind:)

I like it! :D:tu

Skywalker 10-23-2008 08:49 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Very nice!!!

Thank you!!!

Mr.Maduro 10-23-2008 08:54 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
How about....

TOE - Team of 11. :)

md4958 10-23-2008 08:54 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron

MTB996 10-23-2008 08:55 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron

poker 10-23-2008 08:56 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
stucked :D

BirdDok 10-26-2008 06:17 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
ROTT - Right out of the tube???:hm

NCRadioMan 10-26-2008 06:22 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron

Originally Posted by BirdDok (Post 36281)
ROTT - Right out of the tube???:hm

Right off the truck. As in, just delivered.

groogs 10-28-2008 10:48 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Thanks, I wondered what some of those ment.

MWiltse 10-30-2008 11:18 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
HTF = Hard To Find.

cbsmokin 11-12-2008 12:53 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
BM, B/M, B&M = Brick and Mortar (retail smoke shop, usually with lounge)

IR = Internet Retailer

Cigary 11-12-2008 02:17 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Sheeesh,,,I have enough trouble just trying to figure out how to be gramatically correct and then I have to decipher letter acronyms. I need a cheat sheet available on the side margins in case I put the wrong term in the wrong slot.

macpappy 11-12-2008 04:19 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Whaddya have against Rocky Patel?

Boobar 12-09-2008 12:12 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Great list, what about IIRC (If I Remember Correctly)?

Kreth 01-16-2009 12:23 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Would it be helpful to include a list of IR terms/abbreviations, like CI, cbid, "the devil site", Famous, etc?

Kreth 02-02-2009 11:16 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Tetris - The act of rearranging cigars in an attempt to fit more cigars into an overstuffed humidor :r

karmaz00 02-02-2009 11:46 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
lol..thats need to be added...i hate tetris

bookman 03-31-2009 07:09 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Thanks for splaining what B&M meant. You don't want to know what I was thinking...

rennD 06-17-2009 09:04 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
PSP2 - Partagas Serie P No. 2

Mugen910 06-17-2009 09:07 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Commonly Used Cigar Acronyms or Terms:

898UV = 898 Unvarnished
898V = 898 Varnished
AF - Arturo Fuente
BBF= Bolivar Belicos Finos
BCG = Bolivar Coronas Gigantes
BCJ = Bolivar Corona Jr.
Beli = Belicoso
Boli = Bolivar
BRC= Bolivar Royal Corona
BTL = Hemingway Between The Lines
CA = Cigar Asylum :D
cA = cigar Aficionado
CE = Corona Extra
CF = Cigar Family
CG = Corona Gorda
Cohibo = Fake Cohiba
COR = Cohiba Robusto
CoLA = Cohiba Lancero
CS = Conneticut Shade Wrapper or Choix Supreme (ERDM)
DC= Double Corona
DP = Davidoff Dom Perignon
EL = Edition Limitada
EPI 1 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No 1
EPI 2 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No 2
Epi#1 = HdM Epicure No. 1
Epi#2 = HdM Epicure No. 2
ERDM = El Rey Del Mundo
Fauxhiba = Fake Cohiba
FFOX = Fuente Fuente Opus X
HB = Davidoff Haut Brione
HC = Havana Club Cuban Rum
HdM = Hoyo de Monterrey
- HdM DC = Hoyo de Monterrey Double Corona
- HdM Epi#1 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 1
- HdM Epi#2 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2
HU = H. Upmann
HU2 = H Upmann #2
HUSW = H Uppman Sir Winston
JL = Juan Lopez
JL1 = Juan Lopez Seleccion No 1
JL2 = Juan Lopez Seleccion No 2
LCDH = La Casa del Habano
LGC = La Gloria Cubana
LGCT= La Gloria Cubana Tainos
LGT= La Gloria Cubana Tainos
Luci = Partagas Lusitania
Mad, Maddie = Maduro
Mag46 = H. Upmann Magnum 46
MC = Montecristo
-MC#1 = Montecristo No. 1
-MC#2 = Montecristo No. 2
-MC#3 = Montecristo No. 3, etc.
MCA = Montecristo A
Monte = Montecristo
- Monte#1 = Montecristo No. 1
- Monte#2 = Montecristo No. 2
- Monte#5 = Montecristo No. 5, etc.
Nat = Natural
Nattie = natural (cameroon, Conneticut Shade, etc.)
NC = Non-cuban
PAM = Padron Anniversario Maduro
PAN = Padron Anniversario Natural
PBP = Punch Black Prince
PC = Petit Corona
PERF X = FFOX Perfexcion X
PLPC = Por Larranaga Petit Corona
PP = Punch Punch
PSD4 = Partagas Series D No.4
RA = Ramon Allones
RAG = Ramon Allones Gigantes
RAPC = Rampn Allones Petit Corona
RASCC = Ramon Allones Small Club Corona
RASS = Ramon Allones Specially Selected
RG = Rafael Gonzalez
RS = Royal Selection
RyJ = Romeo y Julieta
RyJ CF = Romeo y Julieta Celestiales Finos
RyJ EX4 = Romeo y Julieta Exhition No 4
RyJ POW = Romeo y Julieta Prince of Wales
SC = San Cristobal de La Habana
Shark = Arturo Fuente Anejo #77
Sig I, II, III, etc = Cohiba Siglo sizes
SLB = Slide Lid Box
SLR = Saint Louis Rey
SP = Sancho Panza
SPB= Sancho Panza Belicosos
SPBeli = Sancho Panza Belicoso
SS = Super Selection
SW = Sir Winnies
TPC = Tres Petit Corona
Trini = Trinidad
UTS = Hemingway Untold Story
VR = Vega Robaina
VRDA = Vegas Robaina Don Alejandros
VRDA= Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro
VRU= Vegas Robaina Unicos
VSG = Ashton Virgin Sun Grown
WOA = Hemingway Work of Art
xXx = Opus X^3 (Power Ranger)

Commonly Used Acronyms or Terms for Chat and Posts:

AFK - Away From The Keyboard
ASAP = as soon as possible
ASC = alt.smokers.cigars (a USENET Newsgroup)
B&M or B+M = Brick & Mortar retail shop
BBL - Be Back Later
BLUF = bottom line up front
BOMB = unsolicited gift (short answer)
BOTL = brother of the leaf
BRB - Be Right Back
BTW - By The Way
BUMP - A way of reviving a thread
Buttnugget = Flipflop
CUL - See You Later
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Fog = F'in Old Guy - someone who has been around here too long
FTG = Friendly Trading Gorrila/Guy
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYI - For Your Information
Herf = A gathering of people enjoying cigars and the company of each other
HTH- Hope That Helps
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IIRC = IF I Recall Correctly.

IOT = In Order To
JAFO = just another f'n observer
L8R - Later
LLG = LowLand Gorilla
LMAO = Laughing My @ss off
LMFAO = take a guess
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
MAW = Make a Wish
MO = Our friend in London :-)
NSFW = Not Safe For Work
NSTR = nothing significant to report
OIC - Oh I See
PIF = pay it forward
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A$$ Off
ROTT - Right Off The Truck
TFTL = thanks for the link
TIA - Thanks In Advance
To11 or T11 = Team Of 11 (admins)
TOP = A way bring attention to a msg thread without adding content
TTYL - Talk To You Later
URL - Universal Resource Locator (Web site address)
WB - Welcome Back
WTF? = What the @#$&?
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get
YMMV = your mileage may vary

csbrewfisher 08-06-2009 09:29 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
LHO - Little Havana Overruns

FDO - Flor de Oliva

goclarkanderson 10-31-2009 03:01 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Great work. But it's too difficult to memorize all the acronyms!

NCRadioMan 10-31-2009 03:09 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron

Originally Posted by goclarkanderson (Post 625305)
Great work. But it's too difficult to memorize all the acronyms!

Not if you're like most of us cigar geeks. After you are on here for a few months, it's like second nature. I find myself talking to people in my b&m with the acronyms and they have no idea. :r

How about an introduction in the New Inmates Processing Forum?

cigarz 12-23-2009 11:26 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
This was a great help to this newbie!



bonjing 12-23-2009 01:50 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
what's HTF?

bobarian 12-23-2009 01:59 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Hard To Find:D

bonjing 12-23-2009 02:00 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Thanks Bob

sfcd67 01-26-2010 01:36 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
Thanks, very interesting!!!

whodeeni 01-26-2010 10:08 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
cigar swag - cigar accessories (i.e. Lighter, ashtrays, hats, etc...)

chippewastud79 02-02-2010 09:14 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Commonly Used Cigar Acronyms or Terms:

898UV = 898 Unvarnished
898V = 898 Varnished
AF - Arturo Fuente
BBF= Bolivar Belicos Finos
BCG = Bolivar Coronas Gigantes
BCJ = Bolivar Corona Jr.
Beli = Belicoso
Boli = Bolivar
BRC= Bolivar Royal Corona
BTL = Hemingway Between The Lines
CA = Cigar Asylum :D
cA = cigar Aficionado
CE = Corona Extra
CF = Cigar Family
CG = Corona Gorda
Cohibo = Fake Cohiba
COR = Cohiba Robusto
CoLA = Cohiba Lancero
CS = Conneticut Shade Wrapper or Choix Supreme (ERDM)
DC= Double Corona
DP = Davidoff Dom Perignon
EL = Edition Limitada
EPI 1 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No 1
EPI 2 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No 2
Epi#1 = HdM Epicure No. 1
Epi#2 = HdM Epicure No. 2
ERDM = El Rey Del Mundo
Fauxhiba = Fake Cohiba
FdO = Flor de Oliva
FFOX = Fuente Fuente Opus X
HB = Davidoff Haut Brione
HC = Havana Club Cuban Rum
HdM = Hoyo de Monterrey
- HdM DC = Hoyo de Monterrey Double Corona
- HdM Epi#1 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 1
- HdM Epi#2 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2
HU = H. Upmann
HU2 = H Upmann #2
HUSW = H Uppman Sir Winston
ISOM = Island South of Miami (not necessarily Cuba)
JL = Juan Lopez
JL1 = Juan Lopez Seleccion No 1
JL2 = Juan Lopez Seleccion No 2
LCDH = La Casa del Habano
LGC = La Gloria Cubana
LGCT= La Gloria Cubana Tainos
LGT= La Gloria Cubana Tainos
LHO = Little Havana Overruns
Luci = Partagas Lusitania
Mad, Maddie = Maduro
Mag46 = H. Upmann Magnum 46
MC = Montecristo
-MC#1 = Montecristo No. 1
-MC#2 = Montecristo No. 2
-MC#3 = Montecristo No. 3, etc.
MCA = Montecristo A
Monte = Montecristo
- Monte#1 = Montecristo No. 1
- Monte#2 = Montecristo No. 2
- Monte#5 = Montecristo No. 5, etc.
Nat = Natural
Nattie = natural (cameroon, Conneticut Shade, etc.)
NC = Non-cuban
PAM = Padron Anniversario Maduro
PAN = Padron Anniversario Natural
PBP = Punch Black Prince
PC = Petit Corona
PERF X = FFOX Perfexcion X
PLPC = Por Larranaga Petit Corona
PP = Punch Punch
PSD4 = Partagas Series D No.4
RA = Ramon Allones
RAG = Ramon Allones Gigantes
RAPC = Rampn Allones Petit Corona
RASCC = Ramon Allones Small Club Corona
RASS = Ramon Allones Specially Selected
RG = Rafael Gonzalez
RS = Royal Selection
RyJ = Romeo y Julieta
RyJ CF = Romeo y Julieta Celestiales Finos
RyJ EX4 = Romeo y Julieta Exhition No 4
RyJ POW = Romeo y Julieta Prince of Wales
SC = San Cristobal de La Habana
Shark = Arturo Fuente Anejo #77
Sig I, II, III, etc = Cohiba Siglo sizes
SLB = Slide Lid Box
SLR = Saint Louis Rey
SP = Sancho Panza
SPB= Sancho Panza Belicosos
SPBeli = Sancho Panza Belicoso
SS = Super Selection
SW = Sir Winnies
TPC = Tres Petit Corona
Trini = Trinidad
UTS = Hemingway Untold Story
VR = Vega Robaina
VRDA = Vegas Robaina Don Alejandros
VRDA= Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro
VRU= Vegas Robaina Unicos
VSG = Ashton Virgin Sun Grown
WOA = Hemingway Work of Art
xXx = Opus X^3 (Power Ranger)

Commonly Used Acronyms or Terms for Chat and Posts:

AFK - Away From The Keyboard
ASAP = as soon as possible
ASC = alt.smokers.cigars (a USENET Newsgroup)
B&M or B+M = Brick & Mortar retail shop
BBL - Be Back Later
BLUF = bottom line up front
BOMB = unsolicited gift (short answer)
BOTL = brother of the leaf
BRB - Be Right Back
BTW - By The Way
BUMP - A way of reviving a thread
Buttnugget = Flipflop
CUL - See You Later
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Fog = F'in Old Guy - someone who has been around here too long
FTG = Friendly Trading Gorrila/Guy
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYI - For Your Information
Herf = A gathering of people enjoying cigars and the company of each other
HTH- Hope That Helps
HTF = Hard to Find
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IIRC = IF I Recall Correctly
IOT = In Order To
JAFO = just another f'n observer
L8R - Later
LLG = LowLand Gorilla
LMAO = Laughing My @ss off
LMFAO = take a guess
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
MAW = Make a Wish
MO = Our friend in London :-)
NSFW = Not Safe For Work
NSTR = nothing significant to report
OIC - Oh I See
PIF = pay it forward
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A$$ Off
ROTT - Right Off The Truck
TFTL = thanks for the link
TIA - Thanks In Advance
To11 or T11 = Team Of 11 (admins)
TOP = A way bring attention to a msg thread without adding content
TTYL - Talk To You Later
URL - Universal Resource Locator (Web site address)
WB - Welcome Back
WTF? = What the @#$&?
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get
YMMV = your mileage may vary

PuffdaMagic 02-12-2010 06:46 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
thanks for this thread...I get confused trying to decipher what folks are saying sometimes.

chippewastud79 02-16-2010 07:18 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acron
Commonly Used Cigar Acronyms or Terms:

898UV = 898 Unvarnished
898V = 898 Varnished
AF - Arturo Fuente
BBF= Bolivar Belicos Finos
BCG = Bolivar Coronas Gigantes
BCJ = Bolivar Corona Jr.
Beli = Belicoso
Boli = Bolivar
BRC= Bolivar Royal Corona
BTL = Hemingway Between The Lines
CA = Cigar Asylum :D
cA = cigar Aficionado
CE = Corona Extra
CF = Cigar Family
CG = Corona Gorda
Cohibo = Fake Cohiba
COR = Cohiba Robusto
CoLA = Cohiba Lancero
CS = Conneticut Shade Wrapper or Choix Supreme (ERDM)
DC= Double Corona
DP = Davidoff Dom Perignon
EL = Edition Limitada
EPI 1 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No 1
EPI 2 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No 2
Epi#1 = HdM Epicure No. 1
Epi#2 = HdM Epicure No. 2
ERDM = El Rey Del Mundo
Fauxhiba = Fake Cohiba
FdO = Flor de Oliva
FFOX = Fuente Fuente Opus X
HB = Davidoff Haut Brione
HC = Havana Club Cuban Rum
HdM = Hoyo de Monterrey
- HdM DC = Hoyo de Monterrey Double Corona
- HdM Epi#1 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 1
- HdM Epi#2 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No. 2
HU = H. Upmann
HU2 = H Upmann #2
HUSW = H Uppman Sir Winston
ISOM = Island South of Miami (not necessarily Cuba)
JL = Juan Lopez
JL1 = Juan Lopez Seleccion No 1
JL2 = Juan Lopez Seleccion No 2
LCDH = La Casa del Habano
LGC = La Gloria Cubana
LGCT= La Gloria Cubana Tainos
LGT= La Gloria Cubana Tainos
LHO = Little Havana Overruns
Luci = Partagas Lusitania
Mad, Maddie = Maduro
Mag46 = H. Upmann Magnum 46
MC = Montecristo
-MC#1 = Montecristo No. 1
-MC#2 = Montecristo No. 2
-MC#3 = Montecristo No. 3, etc.
MCA = Montecristo A
Monte = Montecristo
- Monte#1 = Montecristo No. 1
- Monte#2 = Montecristo No. 2
- Monte#5 = Montecristo No. 5, etc.
Nat = Natural
Nattie = natural (cameroon, Conneticut Shade, etc.)
NC = Non-cuban
PAM = Padron Anniversario Maduro
PAN = Padron Anniversario Natural
PBP = Punch Black Prince
PC = Petit Corona
PERF X = FFOX Perfexcion X
PLPC = Por Larranaga Petit Corona
PP = Punch Punch
PSD4 = Partagas Series D No.4
RA = Ramon Allones
RAG = Ramon Allones Gigantes
RAPC = Rampn Allones Petit Corona
RASCC = Ramon Allones Small Club Corona
RASS = Ramon Allones Specially Selected
RG = Rafael Gonzalez
RS = Royal Selection
RyJ = Romeo y Julieta
RyJ CF = Romeo y Julieta Celestiales Finos
RyJ EX4 = Romeo y Julieta Exhition No 4
RyJ POW = Romeo y Julieta Prince of Wales
SC = San Cristobal de La Habana
Shark = Arturo Fuente Anejo #77
Sig I, II, III, etc = Cohiba Siglo sizes
SLB = Slide Lid Box
SLR = Saint Louis Rey
SP = Sancho Panza
SPB= Sancho Panza Belicosos
SPBeli = Sancho Panza Belicoso
SS = Super Selection
SW = Sir Winnies
TPC = Tres Petit Corona
Trini = Trinidad
UTS = Hemingway Untold Story
VR = Vega Robaina
VRDA = Vegas Robaina Don Alejandros
VRDA= Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro
VRU= Vegas Robaina Unicos
VSG = Ashton Virgin Sun Grown
WOA = Hemingway Work of Art
xXx = Opus X^3 (Power Ranger)

Commonly Used Acronyms or Terms for Chat and Posts:

AFK - Away From The Keyboard
ASAP - as soon as possible
ASC - alt.smokers.cigars (a USENET Newsgroup)
B&M or B+M = Brick & Mortar retail shop
BBL - Be Back Later
BLUF - Bottom line up front
BOMB - An Unsolicited gift (short answer)
BOTL - Brother of the Leaf
BRB - Be Right Back
BTW - By The Way
BUMP - A way of reviving a thread
Buttnugget = Flipflop
CUL - See You Later
CS - The former home of most inmates
Devil Site or The Devil - (be forewarned)
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
FOG - F'in Old Guy - someone who has been around here too long
FTG - Friendly Trading Gorrila/Guy
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FYI - For Your Information
Herf - A gathering of people enjoying cigars and the company of each other
HTH - Hope That Helps
HTF - Hard to Find
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
IMO - In My Opinion
IIRC - IF I Recall Correctly
IOT - In Order To
JAFO - just another f'n observer
L8R - Later
LLG - LowLand Gorilla
LMAO - Laughing My @ss off
LMFAO - take a guess
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
MAW - Make a Wish
MO - Our friend in London :-)
NSFW - Not Safe For Work
NSTR - nothing significant to report
OIC - Oh I See
PIF - pay it forward
ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A$$ Off
ROTT - Right Off The Truck
SOTL - Sister of the Leaf
TAW - Take a Wish
TFTL -Thanks for the link
TIA - Thanks In Advance
To11 or T11 = Team Of 11 (admins)
TTYL - Talk To You Later
URL - Universal Resource Locator (Web site address)
WB - Welcome Back
WTF? - What the @#$&?
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get
YMMV - your mileage may vary[/quote]

Neuromancer 05-27-2010 10:41 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms

...since someone just asked me about cigar/board terms and acronyms, here's for the newbs and guys who have never seen this...:ss

KetelOne 08-20-2010 05:03 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
I found NC, but what does CC mean?

Chingas 08-20-2010 06:15 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms

Originally Posted by KetelOne (Post 960654)
I found NC, but what does CC mean?

From the ISLAND.

Thanks for reviving this thread!

chippewastud79 08-20-2010 07:42 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms

Originally Posted by KetelOne (Post 960654)
I found NC, but what does CC mean?

Used when refering to Cuban cigars. :tu

KetelOne 08-20-2010 10:03 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
Doh! Thanks guys :)

boom 11-19-2010 11:11 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
bump....this is very helpful to all the new members...

jet66 12-25-2010 12:50 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
What does 'XO' in the name mean, like Avo XO Intermezzo? Thanks in advance!

icehog3 12-25-2010 12:56 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
My understanding is that it means a mix or a blend, so different tobaccos blended together in the cigar.

But I've been wrong before. :r

Ismith75 12-25-2010 01:01 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
Always thought it stood for eXtra Old...atleast in booze. Don't know if the leaf in these smokes is aged longer but that would be my guess. :2

Katmancross 01-24-2011 04:49 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
This is off the wall and I need to be careful.
But one of my clients objected to a review saying it was highly sexual.
I said that the billows of smoke hit me in the puss.
And later I said the cigar tasted of sweet wood.
He had never heard those terms before.
I Googled the hell out of cigar terminology and couldn't find anything comprehensive.
Somebody should come up with a list of terms used to describe flavors and aromas.
And the winner with the best array of terms gets me to come over to their home and I will sit there and say nothing.

Stick 01-24-2011 05:03 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms

Originally Posted by Katmancross (Post 1146717)
Somebody should come up with a list of terms used to describe flavors and aromas.

Katmancross 01-24-2011 05:06 PM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
Yeah, I've got that. And thank you for bringing it to my attention.
But I think it's just a start.

BnBTobacco 03-20-2011 10:12 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
Pretty cool list you got there!:tu

Trkdrvremt 04-22-2011 11:25 AM

Re: What does all that mean? Cigar Terms and Acronyms
Another one for acronyms
SMH= Scratching my head.....

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