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Tarks 08-09-2009 03:24 PM

Any experience with
Some really good pricing on many items here. Can anyone confirm that they are legit??? Thanks.

dubnick 08-09-2009 03:38 PM

Re: Any experience with
Prices seem very good... Am looking forward to hearing opinions as well.

bigloo 08-09-2009 03:44 PM

Re: Any experience with
Some of their prices are excellent (Ashton ESG/VSG). Others are rediculous (Anejo). Would also be interested to know.

mikeandshellie2 08-09-2009 03:49 PM

Re: Any experience with
Same site I asked about a few months ago and never got a reply. So I chaulked it up to way to good of a deal. I like the prices on their ashtrays.. Oh, well hope you get an answer.

bigloo 08-09-2009 04:18 PM

Re: Any experience with
Well, they carry palio, maybe one of the palio folks on here can verify they are legit.

pnoon 08-09-2009 04:24 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by bigloo (Post 502066)
Well, they carry palio, maybe one of the palio folks on here can verify they are legit. are not an authorized Palio retailer.

Here is the list of those who are.

Tarks 08-09-2009 04:52 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 502070) are not an authorized Palio retailer.

Here is the list of those who are.

lol. I can see where this is going.

dunng 08-09-2009 05:08 PM

Re: Any experience with


chippewastud79 08-09-2009 05:14 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by dunng (Post 502102)


dunng 08-09-2009 05:23 PM

Re: Any experience with
Once A Round Cigars
Elliot Foo
652 Basket Road
Webster, NY 14580
716 265-0053

All public info...

captain53 08-09-2009 05:32 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by Tarks (Post 502024)
Some really good pricing on many items here. Can anyone confirm that they are legit??? Thanks.

Never heard of them myself but looked at site and some prices seem too good to be true, Knockoffs Maybe????

This item is about $100 under normal pricing for Boston Cutter, looks like one but notice the name Boston is not mentioned: :hn Our Price: $187.50, Normally sold around $285 - $300.

Cigary 08-09-2009 05:45 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by captain53 (Post 502117)
Never heard of them myself but looked at site and some prices seem too good to be true, Knockoffs Maybe????

This item is about $100 under normal pricing for Boston Cutter, looks like one but notice the name Boston is not mentioned: :hn Our Price: $187.50, Normally sold around $285 - $300.

I own one of the Boston Cutters and while there are "copies" of these they are not the same at all, I promise you. I also own the "Little Guy" V Cutter and there are exact copies of these in cigar shops and online. Again, these are copies and while they look like them they do not operate the same. The copies of the "Little Guy" are a POS and do not operate with any kind of precision,,,they are stiff, they do not slide easily, they don't cut the same, the materials are cheap. Yes, they are expensive as I paid $100 for "The Little Guy" 10 years ago,,,but it cuts the same today as it did when I bought it,,,like new.

chippewastud79 08-09-2009 05:48 PM

Re: Any experience with
Most of those prices are below any MSRP I have ever seen. In my opinion, they are too good to be true. :2

captain53 08-09-2009 05:53 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by Cigary (Post 502126)
I own one of the Boston Cutters and while there are "copies" of these they are not the same at all, I promise you. I also own the "Little Guy" V Cutter and there are exact copies of these in cigar shops and online. Again, these are copies and while they look like them they do not operate the same. The copies of the "Little Guy" are a POS and do not operate with any kind of precision,,,they are stiff, they do not slide easily, they don't cut the same, the materials are cheap. Yes, they are expensive as I paid $100 for "The Little Guy" 10 years ago,,,but it cuts the same today as it did when I bought it,,,like new.

Never have seen a knockoff of anything that was any good! At their prices some of the stuff has to be fake.

The Saint 08-09-2009 06:14 PM

Re: Any experience with
I think this is a sister site to another online retailer, if you look at some of the pics on egars, it says So I went to Nice Ash's site and the prices were very similar (some things were higher others were lower) and both sites are offering a deal when you buy singles of the CAO Soprano soldier and CAO Mx2 toro, so who knows?

I know that Nice Ash has some great pricing on DPG stuff like the Black Label. MMMMmmm.........DPG Black Labels....MMMMMMmmmm

Tarks 08-09-2009 06:15 PM

Re: Any experience with
The fact that I have yet to get a reply from someone that has actually ordered from them answers my question.

Too good to be true.

dunng 08-09-2009 06:21 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 502154)
I think this is a sister site to another online retailer, if you look at some of the pics on egars, it says So I went to Nice Ash's site and the prices were very similar (some things were higher others were lower) and both sites are offering a deal when you buy singles of the CAO Soprano soldier and CAO Mx2 toro, so who knows?

I know that Nice Ash has some great pricing on DPG stuff like the Black Label. MMMMmmm.........DPG Black Labels....MMMMMMmmmm

Different contact and address...

captain53 08-09-2009 06:21 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by Tarks (Post 502157)
The fact that I have yet to get a reply from someone that has actually ordered from them answers my question.

Too good to be true.

Yes Sir, Sounds Like A Flea Market Knockoff Supplier.:(

pnoon 08-09-2009 06:24 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by Tarks (Post 502085)
lol. I can see where this is going.

Please explain.

streetglide 08-09-2009 06:29 PM

Re: Any experience with
Suryey says.....?

If it looks like a horse, and walks like a horse,

It's probably a zebra. :D


The Saint 08-09-2009 06:32 PM

Re: Any experience with
If memory serves, Egars was actually owned by someone else about 3 yrs ago. I remember stumbling onto that site and checking it out, they had a picture of a gruff looking old guy that said he was the owner. He had a pretty good selection of cigars mostly they regular fare (Macs, Partagas, Montes and the like) and some other "new" stuff (Drew, Lars, and a few boutique stuff), the prices were good (not as good as some of the stuff on there now).

I went back there about a year ago and it was they way the site is now. I never went in too deep to the site, because I was buying from CI and FSS, just thought they had they best prices. I guess the only thing you can do is call and talk to them and trust your gut. One thing I would find out is what is in stock, you could sell boxes of DCMs for 50 bucks, but if you don't have it in stock it doesn't matter.

Who knows,maybe they are one of those maverick dealers, the kind that sell their product for what they want not what the manufacture tells them to. If thats the case, I would let people know here by PM's, might be some good deals to be had.

The Saint 08-09-2009 06:41 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by dunng (Post 502164)

Looked up both registrants, NiceAsh is in Depew NY and Egars is Webster NY about 60 miles. Could they be friends? Don't know but it is kinda strange.


dunng 08-09-2009 06:42 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 502186)
Looked up both registrants, NiceAsh is in Depew NY and Egars is Webster NY about 60 miles. Could they be friends? Don't know but it is kinda strange.



BFallehy 08-09-2009 06:49 PM

Re: Any experience with
I have actualy ordered from egars and I know of two others who have also. Other than a mix up with the padilla miami's that Mr.B ordered there haven't been any problems with this site.

I was a little concerned about the site but since I got my order with out a problem they seem pretty good to me. Got a box of Tat P's and they are legit as far as I can tell.

Starz26 08-09-2009 07:20 PM

Re: Any experience with
LOL.....Nice way to rip someone off...Looks like a box price for a freakking single!

Arturo Fuente Hemingway Between The Lines - 5 x 45 x 54 (Single)******LIMIT OF THREE*******

Our Price: $266.74

But you do get free shipping :)

krash 08-09-2009 10:56 PM

Re: Any experience with
I ordered from them in October 2007. I ordered a couple samplers and a humidor. No problems with the cigars, but the humidor was out of stock. Their customer service asked if I would like my money back, a different humidor, or if I wanted to wait until the humidor was back in stock. I asked for my money back and everything went well. I haven't ordered from them since that time though.

bigloo 08-09-2009 11:00 PM

Re: Any experience with
This site is getting a lot of discussion on several boards. I feel we will find out soon enough if they are for real. If they are, their pricing on all DPG blends (including Tats, My Father, etc) and Ashtons are outstanding. Will keep an eye on this thread. It is funny that their Anejo pricing is 10x their Opus pricing.

dubnick 08-09-2009 11:02 PM

Re: Any experience with
I may order from them later in the week... I'll report back

BTW, The flat rate pricing looks interesting

OpusEx 08-10-2009 11:11 AM

Re: Any experience with
This is not an authorized palio retailer

e-man67 08-10-2009 11:26 AM

Re: Any experience with
Someone order...and let me know if legit! :D

icehog3 08-10-2009 01:21 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by e-man67 (Post 503011)
Someone order...and let me know if legit! :D

Why don't you order, and you tell us.

leasingthisspace 08-10-2009 01:50 PM

Re: Any experience with
Man awesome price on this ash tray.

Darn I how it is for real.

bigloo 08-10-2009 02:22 PM

Re: Any experience with
The price on the Anejos was bothering me so called to speak to them. They told me they are out of stock of the anejos but the price is correct! Two issues here. First $140 per single and second they do not have real time inventory which probably explains why they seem to be in stock with so many of these hard to find sticks.

I am hunting anejos right now and have stocked up on almost eveyrthing else... if my at collection starts getting low I will bightt he bullet and order.

Cigary 08-14-2009 01:48 PM

Re: Any experience with
Got my order in today from these guys. It was packaged fine but didn't come with a humidity device ( pillow ) so they arrived warm. They pack pretty much like CBID does but they arrived in great shape with no flaws. Only 4 days from start of the order to arrival. I ordered the La Vieja Habana Brazilian Maduro Celebracion National - 7 x 52 - of which I did a review on earlier. I got a couple of 5 paks for $22 ( which is about $2 per stick,,,,I'll pay this all day long for this cigar )

Next order is for a box of Tats!

bigloo 08-14-2009 02:43 PM

Re: Any experience with
Thanks for taking one for the team. I hope to place an order with soon too. You have eased my concerns!

oldforge 08-16-2009 03:14 PM

Re: Any experience with
If those turn out to be legit I have a problem:

(1)Nowhere to store more boxes of smokes after the Monster got me in the last couple of weeks (including a box of VSGs and a box of San Cristobals).
(2)My credit card really could use some rest (see #1)
(3)My "wanna get at those crazy prices" list is scary long.

I am afraid to read this thread any more. :-)


Originally Posted by Cigary (Post 509771)

Next order is for a box of Tats!

sikk50 08-16-2009 05:08 PM

Re: Any experience with
I want to order a Palio from them but I'm scared since they aren't a dealer.

icehog3 08-16-2009 09:51 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 511178)
I want to order a Palio from them but I'm scared since they aren't a dealer.

If they aren't a dealer, they may not honor the warranty...I would go through an authorized dealer. :2

Emjaysmash 08-16-2009 09:58 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 511413)
If they aren't a dealer, they may not honor the warranty...I would go through an authorized dealer. :2


I agree. Remember, Even though the price is around $35-40 a piece, you are also paying for a lifetime warranty. IMHO, These cutters are easily worth $20 atleast, and to pay $15-$20 to ensure that it lasts for decades is a good enough price.

Just my :2

NickyTeen 08-17-2009 09:19 AM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 511413)
If they aren't a dealer, they may not honor the warranty...I would go through an authorized dealer. :2

Checked Palios warranty: Apparently you can get replacement at ANY palio vendor.:tu

icehog3 08-17-2009 01:18 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by NickyTeen (Post 511750)
Checked Palios warranty: Apparently you can get replacement at ANY palio vendor.:tu

If the vendor has no relationship with Palio and gets them from a secondary source, what would be the vendor's incentive to hand over a new Palio and go through Palio for the replacement? In other words, is a vendor who sells Palios that they don't get from Palio actually a "Palio vendor"?

Now Palio itself is topshelf and would replace or repair it through the mail regardless of where you bought it, but I myself would just as soon go through someone that Palio has an established relationship with. 6 one way, half dozen the other. ;)

Cigary 08-17-2009 02:12 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by bigloo (Post 509840)
Thanks for taking one for the team. I hope to place an order with soon too. You have eased my concerns!

Now remember,,,my deal was for inventory that was pretty easy so I am not ready to comit that these guys are "the bomb" until I get some serious premium cigars without a hitch from them. I wasn't taking a real risk in that my credit card protects me from bad deals. I am going to order some 5 paks for premium cigars and see how they do with those before I give them full credit.


Originally Posted by oldforge (Post 511117)
If those turn out to be legit I have a problem:

(1)Nowhere to store more boxes of smokes after the Monster got me in the last couple of weeks (including a box of VSGs and a box of San Cristobals).
(2)My credit card really could use some rest (see #1)
(3)My "wanna get at those crazy prices" list is scary long.

I am afraid to read this thread any more. :-)

LOL,,,c'mon,,,don't be afraid of the dark side,,,laught at CBID and blow smoke in the face of cut rate cigar places,,,I have about 15 deals I want to do with these guys,,but one step at a time.:tu

gbum 08-24-2009 08:58 AM

Re: Any experience with
i went to HELP to check weather they do shipping to my country..and below is what they state;

Do you ship to my country?
Please create an account by clicking the "My Account / Order Status" link at the top right hand side of our site. During signup we'll ask for your shipping address details including country. If your country is not in the dropdown menu of available countries, unfortunately we cannot ship to your country at this time.
when i go all the process and then i find out they only ship to US and Israel!

come on! might as well state it clear "We only ship our cigar to Us and Israel ONLY"

what a waste of time:td

coastietech 09-02-2009 05:58 AM

Re: Any experience with
For those of you who are tempted by the pricing at this site but don't want to risk ordering from someone that isn't really well known if you call Holts customer service and send them the links to what you want they will honor the Egar price. Just a heads up. :Tu

e-man67 09-02-2009 07:23 AM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by coastietech (Post 532234)
For those of you who are tempted by the pricing at this site but don't want to risk ordering from someone that isn't really well known if you call Holts customer service and send them the links to what you want they will honor the Egar price. Just a heads up. :Tu

Now THAT is some great news!!!!! :banger

BlackDog 09-02-2009 08:41 AM

Re: Any experience with
Thanks for the tip Coastie.

BOME 06-14-2012 01:27 PM

Re: Any experience with
Horrible service. The owner has worse attitude then people that work for him . Do not order anything from this site!!

pnoon 06-14-2012 02:30 PM

Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by BOME (Post 1656687)
Horrible service. The owner has worse attitude then people that work for him . Do not order anything from this site!!

Welcome to Cigar Asylum. Glad to have you here.

Outlaw God 07-02-2013 08:42 AM

Re: Any experience with
I had the worse experience with this company lately, placed an order and they NEVER sent a tracking number, sent FOUR letters no response.

Found out today the order is on back-order , again no letter of communication

Had to call them and found this out and complained about they never responded to any of my 4 emails. they seemed to have found my comment a irritation more then helping improve customer relations.

And there email is not even available on there sight, you have hunt to do it through the comment page, frickin joke

I could give a chit if there prices are good, you can offer me a new car at one dollar but if your out it means squat

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