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Mark 07-23-2009 01:08 PM

Tinder Box's newest employee:
You're lookin' at him!


I start monday. Should be 100x better than working in the food service industry! Of course I would rather work at Empire in Raleigh, but beggers can't choosers. I have a feeling this is going to be great for my working sanity but awful for my credit card... :rolleyes:

Woohoo! :dance:

JohnnyKay5 07-23-2009 01:10 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

awsmith4 07-23-2009 01:11 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Congrats Mark!

Don Fernando 07-23-2009 01:11 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
congrats Mark, I am jealous.

Doctorossi 07-23-2009 01:11 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Nice! You get to smoke at work. :dance:


TheBeard 07-23-2009 01:11 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Sweet. Great job, Mark :ss

bowhnter 07-23-2009 01:14 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

Originally Posted by BostonMark (Post 477124)
but awful for my credit card... :rolleyes:

Woohoo! :dance:

What a cool job..hope ya get discounts :tu

dunng 07-23-2009 01:15 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Congrats! Employee discount? :D

King James 07-23-2009 01:25 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
congrats on the new job!

hotreds 07-23-2009 01:32 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

kelmac07 07-23-2009 01:35 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Congrats...dream job!!

Benwoo 07-23-2009 01:37 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Conga-rats!!! :D

Volt 07-23-2009 01:37 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Dita von Tesee?


Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 477163)

TanithT 07-23-2009 01:45 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Which one, and what hours? Rob and I will come bug you.

Azpostal 07-23-2009 01:52 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Congrats on the new job!

Mark 07-23-2009 02:20 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

Originally Posted by TanithT (Post 477186)
Which one, and what hours? Rob and I will come bug you.

Haha I'm the new night and weekend guy at the one in Durham, Southpoint mall. I have training next week and then I'm off to the races - shop to myself two to three nights a week and two to close saturday and sunday! :dance:

G G 07-23-2009 02:21 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

dubnick 07-23-2009 02:23 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Congrats on the new job :tu

lightning9191 07-23-2009 02:54 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

The Poet 07-23-2009 03:00 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Good for you, brother. Me, I work p/t in a wine shop, though we got beer & liquor too. Between us, we've got a virtual herf going here!


icurrie 07-23-2009 03:14 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Man you are in too much trouble. I hope they don't let you run a tab, you will end up oweing money on payday:D
Nice gig if you an get it.

Cigary 07-23-2009 03:32 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
WTG,,,,can't think of a better way to spend the day working around a hobby we all love. Hope they give you a great discount.

Cigarcop 07-23-2009 03:50 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Good luck brother, nothing like doing something you enjoy :dance:

MTB996 07-23-2009 04:49 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

I'll have to stop by and visit. Congrats!

bigswol2 07-23-2009 04:58 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Mark is that one of Pete's stores?

DPD6030 07-23-2009 05:19 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
:wo Congrats Mark :tu

streetglide 07-23-2009 06:11 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Enjoy the new job. :dance:

ucla695 07-23-2009 07:30 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Congrats on landing a job directly related to this thing of ours. :wo

tobii3 07-23-2009 07:36 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

Originally Posted by BostonMark (Post 477233)
Haha I'm the new night and weekend guy at the one in Durham, Southpoint mall.

I can see a road trip to harass you!

That and to help ya get that humidor ORGANIZED!!!!

Mark 07-23-2009 09:59 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

Originally Posted by bigswol2 (Post 477397)
Mark is that one of Pete's stores?

Yup, Pete Patel! I haven't met him yet, but I'm sure we will cross paths eventually. He is usually at the Raleigh store from what I hear.

Mark 07-23-2009 10:00 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 477573)
I can see a road trip to harass you!

That and to help ya get that humidor ORGANIZED!!!!

:banger SOUNDS GOOD!

Thanks guys for all the support! I start on monday, and although I am worried about screwing it up, I can't wait to go to work! That is something new for me!

SmokeyNL 07-24-2009 12:31 AM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

MedicCook 07-24-2009 12:35 AM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Congrats Mark. :tu

Mark 07-28-2009 09:55 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Well, two days down so far and they have yet to fire me! So far so good!

I have to say - we have good sticks in the humidor, but we have really fun stuff in the "special place" :D

The Poet 07-29-2009 02:20 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

Originally Posted by BostonMark (Post 484346)
I have to say - we have good sticks in the humidor, but we have really fun stuff in the "special place" :D

Hey, don't dip your quill in company ink, brother!

Oh, you meant cigars. Sorry.

BlackDog 07-29-2009 02:39 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

Originally Posted by BostonMark (Post 477233)
I have training next week and then I'm off to the races - shop to myself two to three nights a week and two to close saturday and sunday! :dance:

That's like putting a kid in charge of the candy store! :D

Sounds great! :tu

Skywalker 07-29-2009 02:44 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

TheTraveler 07-29-2009 02:58 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Hey, congrats on the new job! Be careful though if you're anything like me ..... I worked in a bookstore for 1 month and nearly TRIPLED the number of books I owned! :r :r :r

I actually brought home boxes (that's plural) each week. :r

tobii3 07-29-2009 05:37 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

Originally Posted by TheTraveler (Post 485405)
I actually brought home boxes (that's plural) each week. :r

I can see ALL OF US doing that if we worked at a Cigar Shop!!!!


CigarDood 07-29-2009 05:38 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
Excellent work. congrats

SmokeyJoe 07-29-2009 06:48 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

Originally Posted by BostonMark (Post 477233)
Haha I'm the new night and weekend guy at the one in Durham, Southpoint mall. I have training next week and then I'm off to the races - shop to myself two to three nights a week and two to close saturday and sunday! :dance:

Nice shop! I did have an uncomfortable conversation with an employee there about bloom and mold... showing him some mold on a stick.

Looks like they just upgraded their staff! :tu

Congrats, Mark. I will have to come by and see you.
(Can anyone say... "Employee Discount?")

Mark 07-29-2009 06:54 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe (Post 485809)
Nice shop! I did have an uncomfortable conversation with an employee there about bloom and mold... showing him some mold on a stick.

Looks like they just upgraded their staff! :tu

Congrats, Mark. I will have to come by and see you.
(Can anyone say... "Employee Discount?")

I can almost gurentee I know the employee you are taking about, and I am his replacement :D

From what my manager told me, there are only two serious smokers working in the shop, and thats me and him, so you now have about a seventy five percent chance of talking to a clerk that knows what the heck he's talking about :wo

Mark 07-29-2009 06:56 PM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 485676)
I can see ALL OF US doing that if we worked at a Cigar Shop!!!!


Oh gosh, its bad. My boss has this policy where we can take anything from the store home after work and just write down what it was, and he will discount it and take it out of our paycheck at the end of the week :(:D

I have a number of bills that I need to pay, but once I am back in the black...well once I am back in the black I will be immediately back in the red... :banger

Silound 07-30-2009 10:02 AM

Re: Tinder Box's newest employee:
From one B&M ***** to another, congrats!

What's TB's policy on employee purchases and smokes? I get comp'd on the job and a fairly sizable discount (read 40%) on purchases.

Edit: Nevermind, I just read your last post :)

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