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BORIStheBLADE 07-22-2009 10:34 AM

****** accounts
Whats better/safer to have attached to your ****** account. Your Credit card or checking account?

14holestogie 07-22-2009 10:36 AM

Re: ****** accounts
I have my bank account primary and cc account secondary. No issues in 10 years.

e-man67 07-22-2009 10:38 AM

Re: ****** accounts
I use my CC b/c it is easier to dispute should something go wrong...then the cc company goes after the wrong doer.

Garbandz 07-22-2009 10:40 AM

Re: ****** accounts
I have an on line card with a low limit.It is the only card I use online.The only problem is that my bank kept on raising the limit,I had to get "firm" with them,they have left it alone since then.Let someone try to steal it,they will not get much with it....

BORIStheBLADE 07-22-2009 10:47 AM

Re: ****** accounts
Is they're a reason why the actual word I used got censored?:confused:

mrreindeer 07-22-2009 10:51 AM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by e-man67 (Post 475329)
I use my CC b/c it is easier to dispute should something go wrong...then the cc company goes after the wrong doer.



Originally Posted by BORIStheBLADE (Post 475357)
Is they're a reason why the actual word I used got censored?:confused:

Since CA started up, it's been censored out...I can't remember the reason but it's a good one and I totally understand even though my feeble mind doesn't remember exactly why.

shilala 07-22-2009 10:52 AM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by BORIStheBLADE (Post 475357)
Is they're a reason why the actual word I used got censored?:confused:

Yes, it's a long story.
Short story is that buying tobacco or cigars is against ppals terms of service. Do it and get caught, they freeze your account.
That's why when we make ppal tranactions, we NEVER make any mention of cigars or tobacco EVER.
The reason we know this is because it's happened to a couple brothers in the past.
The reason it's censored is because representatives at Ppal actually found a transaction that took place on one of the boards (long ago) and used it as evidence against a botl who was trying to get his account unfrozen.

aich75013 07-22-2009 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by shilala (Post 475372)
Yes, it's a long story.
Short story is that buying tobacco or cigars is against ppals terms of service. Do it and get caught, they freeze your account.
That's why when we make ppal tranactions, we NEVER make any mention of cigars or tobacco EVER.
The reason we know this is because it's happened to a couple brothers in the past.
The reason it's censored is because representatives at Ppal actually found a transaction that took place on one of the boards (long ago) and used it as evidence against a botl who was trying to get his account unfrozen.

Oh. That's nice to know. I always figured there was a reason not to mention cigars in any way.
Posted via Mobile Device

BORIStheBLADE 07-22-2009 10:56 AM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 475372)
Yes, it's a long story.
Short story is that buying tobacco or cigars is against ppals terms of service. Do it and get caught, they freeze your account.
That's why when we make ppal tranactions, we NEVER make any mention of cigars or tobacco EVER.
The reason we know this is because it's happened to a couple brothers in the past.
The reason it's censored is because representatives at Ppal actually found a transaction that took place on one of the boards (long ago) and used it as evidence against a botl who was trying to get his account unfrozen.

Thanks for the info.
I can see how that would work, but I put it in the general section and didn't mention what it was being used for. It was based with the sol purpose of personal account safety.

mrreindeer 07-22-2009 10:56 AM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 475372)
The reason it's censored is because representatives at Ppal actually found a transaction that took place on one of the boards (long ago) and used it as evidence against a botl who was trying to get his account unfrozen.

And he's been in a Turkish Prison ever since. :D That part I remember.

shilala 07-22-2009 10:59 AM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by aich75013 (Post 475381)
Oh. That's nice to know. I always figured there was a reason not to mention cigars in any way.
Posted via Mobile Device

Yeah, that's good info.
It's also a violation of trade law to charge 3.5% like we do for using ppal.
That's a federal offense. I mentioned it once before and just about had my nuts group stomped. :r
So now I just stay shut up. Pretend I never said that. :dance:

mrreindeer 07-22-2009 11:04 AM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by BORIStheBLADE (Post 475385)
Thanks for the info.
I can see how that would work, but I put it in the general section and didn't mention what it was being used for. It was based with the sol purpose of personal account safety.

yeah but the powers that be (i.e. God) can do a pretty easy search & find out where you've used certain 'sinful''s kinda like how my employer has found me browsing the poooooorn websites but different....damn them for being so enticing!

shilala 07-22-2009 11:10 AM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by BORIStheBLADE (Post 475385)
Thanks for the info.
I can see how that would work, but I put it in the general section and didn't mention what it was being used for. It was based with the sol purpose of personal account safety.

Just say Ppal or poopal or "the evil online payment service".
Keeps the eyes off us, and that's good for everyone. :)
There's times I'd rather not have cops looking through my windows. It's censored for the whole site, not just for you. It's in the site's software settings along with lots of curse words.
I'm surprised we can still call pnoon "baldy", cause he could filter that out, too. :r

My point is, you did nothing wrong. It's okay, don't sweat it, peace out. :tu

jkim05 07-22-2009 11:15 AM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by BORIStheBLADE (Post 475385)
Thanks for the info.
I can see how that would work, but I put it in the general section and didn't mention what it was being used for. It was based with the sole purpose of personal account safety.

It's built into this forum's bb code, it wasn't specific to your post.

Scottastic 07-22-2009 11:19 AM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 475410)
I'm surprised we can still call pnoon "baldy", cause he could filter that out, too. :r

"Elisha left Jericho to go to Bethel and on the way some boys came out of a town and made fun of him. "Get out of here, Baldy!" they shouted. Elisha turned around, glared at them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys to pieces." 2 Kings 2 : 23 - 24

Darrell 07-22-2009 11:20 AM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by Scottastic (Post 475431)
"Elisha left Jericho to go to Bethel and on the way some boys came out of a town and made fun of him. "Get out of here, Baldy!" they shouted. Elisha turned around, glared at them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys to pieces." 2Kings 2:23-24


Scottastic 07-22-2009 11:23 AM

Re: ****** accounts
probably makes more sense now that I've included the quote...

BORIStheBLADE 07-22-2009 11:34 AM

Re: ****** accounts
Ok, cool.
So I will keep my checking attached to my Ppoopypal then.;)

shilala 07-22-2009 11:54 AM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by BORIStheBLADE (Post 475463)
Ok, cool.
So I will keep my checking attached to my Ppoopypal then.;)

Atta boy.
My Ppal balance is first, checking account second. I don't think they can access my credit card because I refused to update the info.
This is a cool fact...
I was the 65th person to sign up for Ppal when they launched.
Made 40 bucks for doing it.
Then I was among a small group of people who could have bought stock first when it went public. I didn't have two nickels to rub together, so I passed.
Had I invested 10 grand, I'd be on the beach right now. Or dead. :)

BORIStheBLADE 07-22-2009 12:02 PM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 475496)
Atta boy.
My Ppal balance is first, checking account second. I don't think they can access my credit card because I refused to update the info.
This is a cool fact...
I was the 65th person to sign up for Ppal when they launched.
Made 40 bucks for doing it.
Then I was among a small group of people who could have bought stock first when it went public. I didn't have two nickels to rub together, so I passed.
Had I invested 10 grand, I'd be on the beach right now. Or dead. :)

Plus you would probably have a nice stash of sticks too.:tu

icehog3 07-22-2009 01:26 PM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by BORIStheBLADE (Post 475513)
Plus you would probably have a nice stash of sticks too.:tu

Oh, he does. ;)

shilala 07-22-2009 02:28 PM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 475625)
Oh, he does. ;)

lol. I'm doin okay. :)

GKitty 07-22-2009 02:32 PM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 475716)
lol. I'm doin okay. :)

That's like saying Imelda Marcos has some shoes. :)

icehog3 07-22-2009 02:41 PM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by GKitty (Post 475724)
That's like saying Imelda Marcos has some shoes. :)

:r :r

shilala 07-22-2009 02:49 PM

Re: ****** accounts
I've cleared out substantially. I've almost got it under control. :D
I'm one warhead away from making room for more cigars. hehehe

WildBlueSooner 07-22-2009 07:59 PM

Re: ****** accounts
What is this thread about?

just kidding, I use my bank account!

DMK 07-22-2009 08:25 PM

Re: ****** accounts

Originally Posted by Garbandz (Post 475334)
I have an on line card with a low limit.It is the only card I use online.The only problem is that my bank kept on raising the limit,I had to get "firm" with them,they have left it alone since then.Let someone try to steal it,they will not get much with it....

:tpd: The way to go.

alley00p 07-22-2009 09:03 PM

Re: ****** accounts
I use my PP Balance (which is default, I think) if there is one, or my e-check account which has a limited amount in it on purpose as Primary. My PP Credit Card, which has a max $300 limit imposed by them is the second funding source.

When I buy from an online retailer, I use PP's virtual "one-time" MasterCards. I watch their site daily, and when the purchase is complete, I cancel the card #. That way it can't be used again by anyone - even someone at the original retailer.

It's a nice feature, and the virtual card CAN be used to buy cigars. :tu


Benwoo 07-22-2009 10:28 PM

Re: ****** accounts
I had a problem with a vendor (bushings for the GF's Maxima) stringing me out long enough so that when I got fed up with the vendor, Poopal wouldn't do anything when I disputed the charges. This was a direct bank withdrawl. I'll be using my CC as main form of payment more often after this. At least it wasn't a huge donation to the vendor on my part.


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