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papajohn67 07-11-2009 05:54 PM

Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Ok Jon C. boy I said it!! Time to toss me too!! Please toss me!!

Why the anger directed your way. I visited the site today and checked out the Cigars For The Troops section. All I can say is R.I.P....dead as a door-nail. A couple of requests from troops, but zippo for these guys.

So I decide I'll PM them and give them an invite to CA who still gives a damn about the folks risking their butts everyday for the likes of you. I do my little PM invitation and what do I see while proof reading my message..."Cigar******". Who?

You sorry little peckerwood!!. Well just plain :fu!!!

Man what a let down. Club Stogie turns into "Puff.Com", aka screw the troops just don't let anyone clue the troops into the folks who can help them out.

As for our Mods, pull this and I'm going to hunt you down. :ss

Frigging venting my ass off!!

SchizoFilly 07-11-2009 06:06 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
vent on brother

jcarlton 07-11-2009 06:41 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
I seem to remember a promise from Jon that Troop support would be a priority on Puff. If that means that when things are slow on Puff that we can't direct folks to a place where it is moving better, then I hope I get banned as well.

John, thanks for all you do for the Troops!!!!!!

68TriShield 07-11-2009 06:43 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
That is very sad and not really a surprise... :mad:

massphatness 07-11-2009 06:43 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
I really don't like that guy.

Cigary 07-11-2009 06:56 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by jcarlton (Post 460124)
I seem to remember a promise from Jon that Troop support would be a priority on Puff. If that means that when things are slow on Puff that we can't direct folks to a place where it is moving better, then I hope I get banned as well.

John, thanks for all you do for the Troops!!!!!!

Unfortunately, Jon wants the support to go to the site first and everything else second.

hotreds 07-11-2009 07:03 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
That's why I don't even bother to visit it anymore........

shilala 07-11-2009 07:05 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
It'll catch up to him. :tu

TanithT 07-11-2009 07:06 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Spell it backward and tell them you're spelling it backward. We're at moc.mulysaragiC. Then we'll be easy to find and you won't trigger their lame filters.

BlackDog 07-11-2009 07:17 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Bookmark deleted. Shame, it was such a great place.

Darrell 07-11-2009 07:20 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Jon Caputo sucks ass and balls. Yeah, I said it. :D

cherrybomb 07-11-2009 07:34 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
there is so much random bs on this page now, i can't even figure out how to start a thread

cherrybomb 07-11-2009 07:38 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting. You will now be taken back to the forum. If you opted to post a poll, you will now be allowed to do so. bs man

Waynegro1 07-11-2009 07:39 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
I find that going to that site is just not good for my heart. If I don't visit, I don't get palpatations. I thought I'd miss the old site, but since the 11 gave us the Asylum (almost a year ago), it's as if cs is still alive and well (but better). Life is way too short to let any Puffy Fish get to me.
I'm just sayin'
Posted via Mobile Device

SmokinCozy 07-11-2009 07:40 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
The filters go through pm's? WOW

kzm007 07-11-2009 07:44 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
I often take pleasure in opening accounts on Puff, being mean to him, and getting banned for the account.

Looks like JC thinks he's Jesus Christ, eh?

SeanGAR 07-11-2009 07:46 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Yes, it does suck, but it is still rude to say so.

floydpink 07-11-2009 07:49 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
I couldn't get banned by unsubscribing from the newsletter by putting my first name as "f*** you" and my last name as Caputo, but finally managed to get banned by opening a new thread stating "Blaylock is a homo who examines Caputo's rectum with his 5 finger cigar bags", and was banned within 5 minutes.

Bunch of money hungry classless pretenders over there, although my final comments were a little lacking in the class department if I do admit so myself.

The last straw for me was Blaylock calling MCS "childish".

The day will come when I meet JC in person, as I spend a good amount of time in Ft Lauderdale and I look forward to that day a great deal.

ChasDen 07-11-2009 07:50 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by SmokinCozy (Post 460191)
The filters go through pm's? WOW

Yep :tu

I tried to post a link to something here via PM and it got the ****** treatment.

Haven't posted a thread there since except to wrap up sales obligations I had already open.


And by the way JC since you or your staff will be reading this it wasn't to send a link to the competition, it was to offer assistance to a user who you wont allow to PM. Another stupid change BTW. The paranoia is ridicules :(

bvilchez 07-11-2009 07:57 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by kzm007 (Post 460195)
I often take pleasure in opening accounts on Puff, being mean to him, and getting banned for the account.

Looks like JC thinks he's Jesus Christ, eh?

That's some funny shite!!!!!

papajohn67 07-11-2009 08:00 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 460198)
I couldn't get banned by unsubscribing from the newsletter by putting my first name as "f*** you" and my last name as Caputo, but finally managed to get banned by opening a new thread stating "Blaylock is a homo who examines Caputo's rectum with his 5 finger cigar bags", and was banned within 5 minutes.

Bunch of money hungry classless pretenders over there, although my final comments were a little lacking in the class department if I do admit so myself.

The last straw for me was Blaylock calling MCS "childish".

The day will come when I meet JC in person, as I spend a good amount of time in Ft Lauderdale and I look forward to that day a great deal.

I was sort of thinking the same thing, i.e. perhaps someday at a cigar event our paths may cross. And most likely I will still come across as "rude".

Darrell 07-11-2009 08:02 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
I got banned because I said that I did not sign up for a newsletter when I agreed to the Terms of Service (TOS).

He must still be mad at me for choosing to stay here and talk to my friends, rather than giving into his tyrannical rules for his moderators.

hotreds 07-11-2009 08:20 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Ya know, they might just like your title!:dance:

loki 07-11-2009 08:25 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
if you don't like it there just don't go there. I don't like it there and I don't go, these 3 times a week threads are getting almost as bad as posting there. We've made our choice as to where to post so lets leave it at that

jcarlton 07-11-2009 08:36 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by loki (Post 460237)
if you don't like it there just don't go there. I don't like it there and I don't go, these 3 times a week threads are getting almost as bad as posting there. We've made our choice as to where to post so lets leave it at that

Sometimes people just need to vent, that is allowed here when done appropriately. We had a great home that was pulled from under our feet and sometimes people need to say why they made the move. You bet that we can choose to just not visit and most of us don't, but we met good people there that we want to keep in contact with. Troop support is important to many of us and we still log onto Puff to see what is going on, on that front. As responsible citizens we would expect that Troop support would be more important than brand recognition.

papajohn67 07-11-2009 09:19 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by loki (Post 460237)
if you don't like it there just don't go there. I don't like it there and I don't go, these 3 times a week threads are getting almost as bad as posting there. We've made our choice as to where to post so lets leave it at that

You have a point there and I've always kept my mouth shut about changes that took place last year. And again perhaps I should have chosen a different title for the post. That being said being blocked from sending a PM to some military guys looking for cigars leaves me steamed. Hey it's his rice bowl but I think what's in it stinks. I humped a ruck for 2 years in combat and my heart is with those guys who I could not get a message too. If they want to give someone the hook for posting garbage on their site so be it but to filter out the word "aslyum" elevates the word garbage to a new level.

AD720 07-11-2009 09:25 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Yep, total bummer, not a surprise though.

I'm a silver lining kind of guy, at least I try to be. We had a great place then and we have a great (dare I say even better?) place now.

ChasDen 07-11-2009 09:30 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 460291)
Yep, total bummer, not a surprise though.

I'm a silver lining kind of guy, at least I try to be. We had a great place then and we have a great (dare I say even better?) place now.

I will say it for you !



GrumpyOleTroll 07-11-2009 10:34 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
The problem with Troop Support on the other site is the loosing of those who made it thier priority to maintain it to a higher standard. Everyone has thier own reasons of leaving and finding a new home and I hate to see all the negitive across all the boards. We all have opinions and we all have our own feelings.

Papajohn has done some amazing things for the troops as has alot of others and I can see thier disgust,but you all have moved on to a new place and are still maintaing that standard. I have sent my own packages and trades to the troops of those I know. There is a differnt breed over there.

There are ways of showing people where you are around the filter as I have pmed those looking for thier friends before the merger.

Enjoy a smoke and be glad we have places like this.


stitch 07-11-2009 10:43 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
I say GIVE EM' HELL John!
And I'll second the point ... I too just stay away and keep my mouth shut.
He can play with his toys any way he likes, But this kind of crap is BS Big time!
Right after the the change I deleted my Avitar and just wrote "Stitch aint here no more" .... Fuggg Em'!
And John, If you get any of those address you let me know, Ya' hear. :tu

Genetic Defect 07-11-2009 10:56 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by TanithT (Post 460148)
Spell it backward and tell them you're spelling it backward. We're at moc.mulysaragiC. Then we'll be easy to find and you won't trigger their lame filters.

you forgot the www :r

I had to put that there:o

TomHagen 07-11-2009 11:13 PM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by AD720 (Post 460291)
Yep, total bummer, not a surprise though.

I'm a silver lining kind of guy, at least I try to be. We had a great place then and we have a great (dare I say even better?) place now.


Originally Posted by ChasDen (Post 460295)
I will say it for you !




You guys ain't stoopid though!
Puff is really just a HORRIBLE place. JC & Blaylock etc... :fu

papajohn67 07-12-2009 04:30 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Well they gave me the puffy boot, but their is more. Last evening "Blaylock" sent me a PM here asking me to read a PM he had sent my way on Puff. He expressed concern over the troop project or the lack of one on the Puff site. He asked me for ideas on how to get it back up. :dance: Well I'll dance with the devil himself "Jon C." if it means cigars heading the troops way.

The results? I tried to log on to Puff this morning and respond with a few suggestion for "Blaylock" but I was denied. Frankly it cracks me up. Seems they speak with forked tongue.

I'll end this now with an apology to anyone I may have offended with my tirade. But for "Jon C." I still say :fu

Tenor CS 07-12-2009 04:59 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by papajohn67 (Post 460456)
He asked me for ideas on how to get it back up. :dance:

Viagra? Or Cialis, your choice.

rizzle 07-12-2009 08:42 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
I go over there every now and then just to look and see if I can get some info on anything. No doubt, it is a different board now. And I'm not talking about all the ads and garbage, etc. It's almost like a cigar board with "training wheels" compared to this one. The tenor of Puff and Cigar Asylum could not be more different. There is knowledge here--almost everywhere you look. Over there you have to really look to find knowledge.

BlackDog 07-12-2009 08:50 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Too bad Top 25 Cigar is tied up with that mess. I used to go to that website a lot to get info on smokes I was curious about.

I wonder if he had it to do over, if the prior owner would still sell. Honestly this gripes me more than JC buying it and making it into his own idea of a successful website.

stitch 07-12-2009 08:51 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
PM sent with an idea :D
Don't apolgize John ...

Bubba - NJ 07-12-2009 09:01 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Well with all the fuss here I figured I'd go see what all the hubbub was about . It's like I was never there to begin with . Did I get banned with out even knowing it ? Oh well , no sleep lost here . I will add that the site has really changed in appearance and become a barrage of advertising and quite hideous looking .

Wolfgang 07-12-2009 09:09 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Reason for being banned.

Thread title : Fuch Puff

Content : Where in the original TOS when this was a good and productive forumd did I agree to be eye raped with this bull Shi7?

Enjoy your collection of forums Greedy Bastard.


Tenor CS 07-12-2009 09:17 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 460547)
It's almost like a cigar board with "training wheels" compared to this one. The tenor of Puff and Cigar Asylum could not be more different.

Hey rizzle, don't bring me up when you talk about that place. :r

Tenor only visits Cigar Asylum now.

PS I'm banned over there.

Wolfgang 07-12-2009 09:20 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
HAHAHA I cant imagine you being banned Christian. You just seem so nice all the time what did you do?

stitch 07-12-2009 09:30 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Holy Cow ...I've got $250. in "Casino Cash" and a RG of 668! :dance:

Wolfgang 07-12-2009 09:34 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Rg at puff is as pointless as balls on a mule lol

BagfullofPings 07-12-2009 09:40 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Re: Jon

I remember when everybody said I was being a disruptive a$$hole. :r

Almost 10 months later, the same people who capped on me are saying what I did last October. :r



rizzle 07-12-2009 09:47 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by Tenor CS (Post 460567)
Hey rizzle, don't bring me up when you talk about that place. :r

Tenor only visits Cigar Asylum now.

PS I'm banned over there.

My bad about...the tone of the board?

darkninja67 07-12-2009 09:48 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
That is really sad.

My story today is that I am no longer a member of that community. No freaking idea why I got banned.

I participated in the Glock23 bomb and they knew I was from there. If it is because I am a member here, then that is pretty high schoolish of them.

These two forums remind me so much of some others I belong to.

Sorry CA, you are stuck with me.

rizzle 07-12-2009 09:49 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by BagfullofPings (Post 460583)
Re: Jon

I remember when everybody said I was being a disruptive a$$hole. :r

Almost 10 months later, the same people who capped on me are saying what I did last October. :r



You're a veritable visionary.

Wolfgang 07-12-2009 09:50 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
Yessir You're not allowed to be there if you are on here. Im sure Craputo has a spy of sorts in here scouting names.

darkninja67 07-12-2009 09:54 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!

Originally Posted by Wolfgang (Post 460590)
Yessir You're not allowed to be there if you are on here. Im sure Craputo has a spy of sorts in here scouting names.

Yeah I noticed Glock23 was listed here but showed no posts, as well as Acesfull.

I am hoping G23 did not rat me out after I bombed him. :(

I was a mod at one break off forum (like CA) and the admins from the mother site used to watch what I posted. Eventually I was demodded since they held their officers to a higher level. lol

I got a custom title out of it at least.

Wolfgang 07-12-2009 09:57 AM

Re: Puff.Com Just Plain Sucks!!
its very disheartening how segregating this has become.

CA or DIE!!!

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