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What motto do you live by?
I saw this one recently:
"Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, cigar in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming, "WHO HOO, what a ride!" My personal is: "If you look for the good in a person or a situation, you will find it. The opposite is surely true." Mrs. Brew and I have two: "Live well, laugh often and love much." "Life is Good!" |
Re: What motto do you live by?
"Honor, above all."
Re: What motto do you live by?
"Complain about nothing, blame no one, make things better"
Re: What motto do you live by?
I am a firm believer that in your life there is a balance of good and bad. So I truly feel that if you understand this concept you will better understand why one event must happen after another. There cannot be a winner without a loser and you cannot do something bad without understanding that something bad will happen to you.
Then again I'm just a kid thinking out loud. :D |
Re: What motto do you live by?
"balls 'n all"
Re: What motto do you live by?
So kinda like everything in and of itself is a zero sum game? Can't be all good, can't be all bad. |
Re: What motto do you live by?
For many years:
Life is good, even the bad things are good. And... A little _____ (fill in the blank with almost anything) never killed anyone. |
Re: What motto do you live by?
""Sometimes, you just gotta say, what the f*ck....""
Re: What motto do you live by?
Life is too short...do it with no regrets.
I never want to be a could have, would have, should have type person......I wanna be a "been there done that" type person. :dance: |
Re: What motto do you live by?
"Exercise gratitude each & every day of your life."
I have so much to be thankful for and it's easy to forget to be grateful each and every day of my life. Take a moment each day to be thankful. You'd be surprised how much it helps. |
Re: What motto do you live by?
Re: What motto do you live by?
"The dogs they bark, but the caravan, it rolls on" :banger
But I have added since joining CS a few years ago-PIF:tu |
Re: What motto do you live by?
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Re: What motto do you live by?
Do not despair that the rosebush has thorns; rather rejoice that the thornbush has roses.
Re: What motto do you live by?
I like the dialogue between Master Oogway and Shifu Shifu: Master! I have... it's very bad news! Oogway: Ah, Shifu. There is just news. There is no good or bad. Shifu: Master, your vision. Your vision was right! Tai-Lung has broken out of prison! He's on his way! [pause] Oogway: That *is* bad news if you do not believe that the Dragon warrior can defeat Tai-Lung. Yaaay Kung Fu Panda! |
Re: What motto do you live by?
"Nothing in life worth having comes easy" And, my line i always tell people: "My advice might be worth exactly what you pay for it" |
Re: What motto do you live by?
"The unaimed arrow never misses"- I like this quote because it fits my lifestyle. I never liked to make goals because I am very hard on myself when I dont reach them. I like to live for today.
And also "Dum spiro, spero"- While I breathe, I hope. This one is pretty self-explanatory. |
Re: What motto do you live by?
Re: What motto do you live by?
You gotta play the cards your dealt.
Re: What motto do you live by?
God Rarely walks you through the door. Sometimes he shows you the door, Sometimes its a window, sometimes, a hall way, Sometimes, a general location. From there you have to find the door. If you cant find the door, make a door, if you find the door locked, Break it down.
Basicly, Be responsible to yourself and never give up, but try to live justly |
Re: What motto do you live by?
I bust my ass to try to live up to St Francis' Prayer and fall short daily.
It's my favorite. Lately, I've been getting a lot of mileage out of "That's the fuggin' way she goes." And one of my all-time favorutes... "If You Would Make A Man Truly Happy, Do Not Add To His Possessions, But Subtract From The Sum Of His Desires." That quote is from 3000 years ago. I like Vince Lombardi's quote... "The quality of a man's life is in direct proportion to his commitment to excellence, regardless of his chosen field of endeavor." It's all good stuff. :tu |
Re: What motto do you live by?
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’
I'd say I try to live by this motto, not successful most of the time. |
Re: What motto do you live by?
"Clothing optional"
:tu |
Re: What motto do you live by?
"It's not how many times you fall down, it's how many times you pick yourself up." :) I'm finding it easier and easier to Love everyone. I just don't like some of them. :D Being we're made in His image, I don't think He expects a whole lot, anyways. I bet somedays He's surprised we're all still here. :) I do know that despite my best efforts, I still spend a lot of time asking for forgiveness. :( |
Re: What motto do you live by?
Re: What motto do you live by?
You can't ride home on a bowl of goat, I've always said that...!
Re: What motto do you live by?
Re: What motto do you live by?
Re: What motto do you live by?
Its always better to have it & not need it, than to need it & not have it.
Re: What motto do you live by?
A lot of people say, "May Joy inhabit your life". Having lived a while now, I now say that the world belongs to those who take Joy with them...aside quietly and ask: "B-tch wheres my money?"
Re: What motto do you live by?
Hanlon: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
Heinlein: Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig. Lincoln: Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. |
Re: What motto do you live by?
Re: What motto do you live by?
At least today is not my day in the barrel.
It is better to dream of tomorrow, than dwell in the past. Everyday is a holiday. |
Re: What motto do you live by?
The sun even shines on a dog's ass occasionally.
Some days you are the hammer. Some days you are the nail. |
Re: What motto do you live by?
Or re Heinlein, how's about "TANSTAAFL"?
Re: What motto do you live by?
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
and One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy; One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself. |
Re: What motto do you live by?
One dorra!?!?!?
Re: What motto do you live by?
Some days you're the windshield, some days you're the bug. |
Re: What motto do you live by?
'yes dear..... '
Worked so far :r Posted via Mobile Device |
Re: What motto do you live by?
Don't p*ss me off, you might wake up missing!:r
Re: What motto do you live by?
Semper Paratus (Latin, "Always Ready")
but " yes Dear " is a good one....:r if all else fails, " I'm male, therefore I'm wrong " |
Re: What motto do you live by?
"Live each day as if it's your last. Tomorrow isn't promised!"
Re: What motto do you live by?
The glass is ALWAYS half-full.
Re: What motto do you live by?
It is better to remain silent and be thought the fool,
than to speak up and remove all doubt. |
Re: What motto do you live by?
Mine fall along with some of these other mottos
There is always someone worse off and there is always someone better off then you. So never think you have it the worse and never think you are the best (unless of course you are....but then someone will come along and knock you back down where you belong). Death is certain.....we just don't know when it is coming so make the most of your time. |
Re: What motto do you live by?
Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
This has served me well in personal and professional lives. |
Re: What motto do you live by?
"Too blessed to be depressed"
and "Woke up this morning, so its never as bad as it could be." |
Re: What motto do you live by?
I have lots of favorites here.
This is one of my personal favorites. "Think occasionally of the suffering of which you spare yourself the sight." --Albert Schweitzer |
Re: What motto do you live by?
I gotta add a second one, only because I always laugh when I see it...
""Quando Omni Flunkus, Moritati"" When all else fails, play dead. :banger |
Re: What motto do you live by?
Didn't wake up dead this morning!
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