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stevieray 10-18-2008 09:21 AM

The history of my humidors
Often times I'll see new cigar smokers ask "how big of a humidor should I get?" I too asked that same question some 2 years ago. So now, 2 years later, I have assembled I little photo montage of the history "to date" of my humidors.

August 2006

My buddy at work gave my a couple cigars to try and I had no place to store them. This was his sugguestion.

September 2006

I was smoking cigars more often and stumbed upon a very popular cigar board. I got involved in some trades and needed something bigger to store my sticks. I looked around the basement and found this.

September 2006

At this time I started to learn about humidity and hygrometers. I wanted to be able to see my humidity readings. So I hit the local grocery store and came up with this.

October 2006

On the cigar boards it seemed like alot of guys were buying desktop humidors at the time. So I ordered my first (not plastic) humidor. Honestly, at this time I thought this would be the last humidor I ever bought.

The history of my humidors part 2 coming up next...................

stevieray 10-18-2008 09:21 AM

Re: The history of my humidors
Part 2

February 2007

Around this time I discovered Skype. While chatting with the guys on there I found that they were buying cigars by the box. That posed a new problem for me and my little desktop. So I placed an order for this. (Sorry for the stock photo...but my footlocker is buried in a cooler that's buried in the basement)

September 2007

My current set up worked pretty good for me. I wasn't buying a ton of cigars in the summer. However, when fall moved in I was back in the buying mode.
So I picked up a cooler. (Stock photo again...cause this is the cooler that has the footlocker in it that's buried in the basement) I eventually ended up with 2 of these coolers.

May 2008

By this time my wife was getting a tad aggravated with all the coolers and humidors in our home office. I have to admit that it was pretty ridiculous looking. So after I told her about the cabinet that Dave (68Trishield) had built for him and how nice it was she gave me the green light to order one for myself.

I emptied all my coolers and humidors and put everything I have in the cabinet.
Now that I sit here and put this post together I realize how much money I've spent on cooler, humidors, beads, fans, etc....:hm

Anyhow, for all the new guys out there, I'm not saying that you need to start out with a cabinet. I just wanted to show my progression in this hobby. If I had to do it all over again...I would start off with a huge cooler and not with the desktops and such.

BlackDog 10-18-2008 09:28 AM

Re: The history of my humidors
Pssst. If you take the foot locker out of the cooler, you can buy a lot more cigars. ;)

I love the cabinet. Very nice. Aisde from outgrowing it, how did the foot locker work for you?

troutbreath 10-18-2008 09:33 AM

Re: The history of my humidors
Footlocker making an appearance in the cabinet photo.

Great looking cab, by the way. You are truly evolved!

stevieray 10-18-2008 12:19 PM

Re: The history of my humidors

Originally Posted by BlackDog (Post 18166)
Pssst. If you take the foot locker out of the cooler, you can buy a lot more cigars. ;)

I love the cabinet. Very nice. Aisde from outgrowing it, how did the foot locker work for you?

The footlocker worked good for me. Held humidity very well and I was able to get 9 or 10 boxes in and still have room for beads and a fan.

UPHOTO 10-18-2008 12:29 PM

Re: The history of my humidors
How about some pics of the cabinet now?

Evolving is a great thing. ;)

PolarGar 10-18-2008 05:16 PM

Re: The history of my humidors
That is one awesome thread. I especially like the genesis photo of the cello bag! :ss

I too have a foot locker and love it. I am in the process of converting a small closet into a humidor so will let you know how that all works out.

stevieray 10-18-2008 05:23 PM

Re: The history of my humidors

Originally Posted by UPHOTO (Post 18550)
How about some pics of the cabinet now?

Evolving is a great thing. ;)

My cigars are a little camera shy;), but if you are ever in the Central Connecticut area feel free to stop by and I'll gladly show you my filled humi. :)

dunng 10-18-2008 05:36 PM

Re: The history of my humidors
Central CT?!?! Interested in a HERF when Azon opens in Agawam MA (right over the CT line)? Nice looking cabinet! :ss

Tio Gato 10-18-2008 06:38 PM

Re: The history of my humidors
Nice Pics.
Central CT MA herf? I'd love to meet up. Please let me know or post it in the herf board. Thanks!

white_s2k 10-18-2008 06:49 PM

Re: The history of my humidors
I listened to my fellow BOTLs and went from a 20ct to a Vino.. don't regret it at all.

Nice write-up. :tu

AriesOpusX 10-19-2008 07:04 AM

Re: The history of my humidors
I made the same progression pretty much, wish I would've bought my cabinet to begin with.

Dgar 10-19-2008 07:40 AM

Re: The history of my humidors
Great post, and EXCELLENT advice....

anyone thinking they might be interested in storing more than a dozen cigars, consider Stevierays advice concerning coolers.... cheaper than a small desk top, easier to maintain, and can usually handle the desent down the slope for a year or so ( unless your screen name is Addiction, anyone seen Brian around the asylum), by the time you out grow a large cooler you'll know if a nice cabinet is something you want to invest in.

stevieray 10-19-2008 07:57 AM

Re: The history of my humidors

Originally Posted by dunng (Post 19047)
Central CT?!?! Interested in a HERF when Azon opens in Agawam MA (right over the CT line)? Nice looking cabinet! :ss

I've been keeping my eye on the Azon blog. :) I would love to get together for herf there when the lounge is complete.

funnymantrip 10-19-2008 08:04 AM

Re: The history of my humidors
My story is so close to the same... First I had the 'bag' and would only have 4cigars at a time... Then a 20 ct humidor, then a 50 ct humidor, then one and another 150/200 ct humidor. I got to the point the humi's had their own theme and all were quite stocked.

Then came the Cabinet which I thought I would never ever fill up. Now overflow is back in one of the old ones.

Steelerfanatic 10-19-2008 08:55 AM

Re: The history of my humidors
A man after my own heart. I went through the same thing.

Started smoking December 2006 when a coworker gave me a cigar

December 2006 - 150 Count Desktop

February 07 - Vino #1

April 07 - Vino #2

August 07 - 50QT Cooler

January 08 - 100QT Cooler

May 08 - 120QT Cooler

October 08 - Walk in/ Stand In :D

DKPRLP 10-19-2008 11:42 AM

Re: The history of my humidors
My first humi was a 20 ct in 1975 now I got this and more spread throughout the house.

King James 10-19-2008 11:45 AM

Re: The history of my humidors
nice transition you had there!

PolarGar 10-19-2008 12:04 PM

Re: The history of my humidors
Hey-yoooooooooooo!! Sweet! What is this slope that people talk about anyway? :ss

DrDubzz 10-19-2008 12:41 PM

Re: The history of my humidors
started in september/october 2006, 25ct desktop, 120ct desktop, 48qt igloo, 28 qt coleman. Sold the desktops, now I just have the coolers

and then I started pipes a couple weeks ago :hn

poriggity 10-19-2008 12:46 PM

Re: The history of my humidors
Very nice progression... I have the footlocker, and I love it, except its jam packed right now... Looks like its time for a cooler next!

UK Bro 10-19-2008 12:47 PM

Re: The history of my humidors
Cool post, interesting to see "from A to B" in pictures.:ss

Nimbus 10-19-2008 01:46 PM

Re: The history of my humidors
Always go bigger if you can because eventually you will run out of room as well. :2

Nice looking cabinet Steve. :ss

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