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CigarDood 10-18-2008 05:15 AM

Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
It's Saturday morning, and I'm about to enjoy a Taboo Dominican Maduro and a tall cup of joe while watching the sunrise. Hooray for Saturday mornings!

What are you smoking?

Clampdown 10-18-2008 06:08 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Im watching my nephew until two, but todays smokes will be a MAG 50, Trini Colonials, and Bolivar Beli Fino. I will try to fit a few more in today during the UK game, but I'll have to wait and see. Happy Saturday everyone

Linus 10-18-2008 06:14 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Just surfing around while enjoying a Gurkha Legend Toro Maduro and some water and the crisp fall air. :)

av8tor152d 10-18-2008 06:44 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Saturday Morning ! yep up with the little one watching cartoons.

md4958 10-18-2008 06:49 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Good morning fellas, Ive been at work since 7... and will be here till 5 today. I wish I were home with the little guy watching Playhouse Disney though... maybe squeeze in a shortsmoke.

rsamos 10-18-2008 06:50 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Yet again, I'm at work. :(

Hopefully I'll be done with this in time to hit the B&M. Don't know what I'll have there yet ... it depends on what's in their humi. I'm kinda in the mood for a cg:4 though.

Cigarmark 10-18-2008 06:50 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Just got to work, havin' a bagel and a cup of Sumatran coffee. I'll probably have a Padron to start my day. I'll be working till 9pm, watching football, talking with the guys and smoking 3-4 cigars! Work can be rough sometimes!:rolleyes:

md4958 10-18-2008 06:57 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew

Originally Posted by Cigarmark (Post 17949)
Just got to work, havin' a bagel and a cup of Sumatran coffee. I'll probably have a Padron to start my day. I'll be working till 9pm, watching football, talking with the guys and smoking 3-4 cigars! Work can be rough sometimes!:rolleyes:


FrequenC 10-18-2008 07:36 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew

Originally Posted by Cigarmark (Post 17949)
Just got to work, havin' a bagel and a cup of Sumatran coffee. I'll probably have a Padron to start my day. I'll be working till 9pm, watching football, talking with the guys and smoking 3-4 cigars! Work can be rough sometimes!:rolleyes:

I hate you! :fl Yet your ways intrigue me.... Perhaps you could use a young grasshoppa to whom you can teach your precious ways!............Bastage! :ss

bvilchez 10-18-2008 07:37 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
well your Saturday mornings are my Saturday afternoon/evenings...enjoying a Graycliff 1666 now that I'm back from patrol.

madurolover 10-18-2008 07:38 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Just finishing my last cuppa joe and a DPG Cuban Classic Perla. :tu

68TriShield 10-18-2008 07:41 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Hey work for a bit then heading to the Churchill Society Herf :tu

av8tor152d 10-18-2008 07:42 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Well would say I was having coffee but the cat decided it was in her spot to lay on the counter at night and pushed it off, so I am off to get a new one ! lol

BlackDog 10-18-2008 08:06 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
This morning it's a 5 Vegas Gold with coffee. Later today will be my first Padron Anni 64. Looking forward to it.

Mugen910 10-18-2008 08:11 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Good morning Saturday crew...haven't smoked anything yet since I'm still a bit groggy but I'll check back in.


boonedoggle 10-18-2008 08:19 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Sweeping the deck, performing a little car maintainence, and enjoying a RASCC!

jkorp 10-18-2008 08:27 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Just finished helping my wife unload and de-seat the van for a Girl Scout cookie run. I'm sitting down to a Vegueros Mareava and a cup of Joe.

After I try to accomplish some things today (like installing our new gas oven, or converting our dishwasher from mobile to undercounter), I may settle in for a Du Roi or a Cremosa :ss.

Cigarmark 10-18-2008 08:30 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew

Originally Posted by FrequenC (Post 17994)
I hate you! :fl Yet your ways intrigue me.... Perhaps you could use a young grasshoppa to whom you can teach your precious ways!............Bastage! :ss

Decided on a San Cristobal to start my 12 hour day. My preciuos way is be a dumb a$$ and start your own business and work 75-80 hours a week. Its fun and rewarding but its my second wife.:ss

papichulo 10-18-2008 08:30 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew

Originally Posted by CigarDood (Post 17868)
It's Saturday morning, and I'm about to enjoy a Taboo Dominican Maduro and a tall cup of joe while watching the sunrise. Hooray for Saturday mornings!

What are you smoking?

That is awesome. I am brewing up some coffee and going out for a smoke. Probably a Blue Lable Don Pepin.

You like your TAboo?

Domer 10-18-2008 08:41 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Had a hampton court on the way to work. Wasn't the best but I didn't want something real strong early in the morning. Hope to enjoy my first Don Pepin cigar later tonight when I am done working and get home to relax.

Boomer 10-18-2008 08:50 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Remember the line in the Disney movies, "Winter comes early in the North Country"? Well, it was in the 30's this AM and has just hit 40 as I type this. I think I'll wait until it clears 60 today before lighting one off on the back porch. Brrrrrrrrrrr.

Mugen910 10-18-2008 08:54 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Just sitting on the porch now enjoying a San Cristobal and some coffee... :tu

md4958 10-18-2008 08:57 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew

Originally Posted by Boomer (Post 18108)
Remember the line in the Disney movies, "Winter comes early in the North Country"? Well, it was in the 30's this AM and has just hit 40 as I type this. I think I'll wait until it clears 60 today before lighting one off on the back porch. Brrrrrrrrrrr.

It was 34 when I left the house this morning in balmy New England

madurolover 10-18-2008 08:59 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 18112)
Just sitting on the porch now enjoying a San Cristobal and some coffee... :tu

Would that be NC or CC? Either way they are both nice smokes. :tu

Mugen910 10-18-2008 09:01 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew

Originally Posted by madurolover (Post 18124)
Would that be NC or CC? Either way they are both nice smokes. :tu

Ahhh sorry about that....It's the one with the pretty band of gold & brown and no birdy.:ss

BarneyBandMan 10-18-2008 09:01 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Good a.m. to all. This morning is an Oliva V torpedo with several cups of New Guinea brewed xtra strong. Watching ESPN College Gameday waiting for the UGA v Vandy game.

Life is good.;)

madurolover 10-18-2008 09:02 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 18126)
Ahhh sorry about that....It's the one with the pretty band of gold & brown and no birdy.:ss

:D I kind of suspected that but wanted to make sure.

Waynegro1 10-18-2008 09:15 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Good morning everyone. Sorry I'm late to the party. I'm at work and I'll try to get one or two stogies in. It's not like I don't have enough time, only about 21 hours to go 'till quitin' time. Have a great Saturday gentlemen.

Cigarmark 10-25-2008 07:16 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Well, it's Saturday morning again. What are the plans for today? I am working till 5 and gonna smoke cigars and watch football. I think I'll start the day with a V maduro in a few minutes. Have an awesome day all and "GO BLUE"!
(yea, we'll probably get spanked again today!)

shotgunjimmy 10-25-2008 07:27 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
i was woke up at 6:30am by the damn fire alarm. i live in a 9 story apt. building, and people (not just kids) like to pull the alarm all the time. i said screw it and went back to bed. my GF woke me up later cause she smelled smoke and heard more trucks coming (they usually send 5 or 6 no matter what). turns out, somebody just burnt some bacon.

no stogie for me yet. will probably wait till after we get a few things done around the house.


Lucky_Hippo 10-25-2008 07:28 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Well it's cold and wet here in Ohio. Looks like a great day to stay in, get caught up on Heroes, and enjoy a nice 8-5-8 with my morning coffee.


Waynegro1 10-25-2008 07:29 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Good MORNING!! I'm at work as well until 0700 Sunday morning. I'm looking forward to the Mizzou vs CU game. It's Missouri's homecoming and I hope things go better then last weekend. After last nights Blues game I need a pick me up. LET'S GO MIZZOU!!!

taltos 10-25-2008 07:30 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
The wife is off to teach a quilting class and I am about to go out and rake some f***ing leaves. Maybe a cigar after if it warms up a little.:mad:

groogs 10-25-2008 07:42 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Good Morning everyone, I am also at work this morning. I am trying to get off in time to hit the BABOTL Herf.

GWN 10-25-2008 07:45 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Quick cup of coffee before I have to haul the kids across town for swimming lessons and dance class.

elderboy02 10-25-2008 07:48 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
I'm about to fire up a PLPC

av8tor152d 10-25-2008 07:50 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
No smoke yet got up with the little one let the dog out, Made fresh cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Might grab a smoke later today.

stevefrench 10-25-2008 07:52 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
It's raining and cold. That means I'm stayin' in and going to start off with a Party Short and watch some serious television. :D

Cigarmark 10-25-2008 08:46 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
I'm at work watching "Night Of the Living Dead" a true classic and about 1/2 way through the V maddy!:dr

Smokin Gator 10-25-2008 08:51 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Got a bit of a late start on the Saturday morning gar. I am finally settled in on the back porch watching the smoker do its thing on a gorgeous brisket and enjoying my weekly 5 Vegas Gold.

gnukfu 10-25-2008 09:02 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Smoked a '98 Fonseca Casacao (I think I have that spelled correctly) while I was studying. Illusione Cruzado (courtesy Darrell the Skywalker!) will be lit up after I eat. Can't wait to try that!

taltos 10-25-2008 12:33 PM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Hope that you enjoyed it George. Smoked a Special G Maduro after raking leaves.

Linus 10-25-2008 01:02 PM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Had a Gurkha Gran Reserve and now trying to decide what's next. Might have a Perdomo.

Squid 10-25-2008 01:16 PM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Started the day at my favorite coffee shop and lit up my go to smoke, La Gloria Cuban Serie 4, maduro. Met an old timer that sat down with me and talked about some of the best times he's had over a cigar. Gave him one of my sticks and he put away his convenience store stick. Made a good friend, shared some stories and a good cup of coffee and smoke. All in all...a pretty good morning!

Skywalker 10-25-2008 01:19 PM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Mowed the lawn while enjoying a Padron Londres!!!

Nice warm weather here in NorCal! I'm sure I'll be burning a few today!!!

BarneyBandMan 10-25-2008 03:25 PM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
didn't wake up till 10---had eggs, bacon, grits, homemade biscuits (love me some BarneysFunGirl), and finished it off with coffee and a Chisel.

AriesOpusX 10-25-2008 03:32 PM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Had some D&D coffee and a padron 2000 maddy, unfortunately it was on the way to do errands. Theres always hope for sunday morning...

G G 10-25-2008 06:37 PM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
No cigars for me. I am at work for my 24 hour shift today. maybe tomorrow after church.:ss

CigarDood 11-01-2008 06:37 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
Another Saturday, another Taboo Twist and coffee.

It's getting cold out!

av8tor152d 11-01-2008 06:39 AM

Re: *Official* Saturday Morning Stogie Crew
I went all out this morning, Chohiba Siglo II and a some coffee as well,

And yep had the jacket on even here in Bama

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