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Mr.Maduro 04-25-2009 09:00 PM

Father's Thread
Many moons ago, on a board far, far, away.....a BOTL started a user group for "New Dads". Since we don't have user groups here, I thought I'd start an open thread for all Dads! Having my first daughter on 6/27/08 I found this to be a great tool to log milestones, compare advancements and just share stories about the joys of fatherhood.

I decided this group will be for all Fathers. Not just new ones, because I'd love to hear what lies ahead.

My daughter Alana will be 10 months on Monday. She was born on 6/27/08 @ 1:07am and weighed in at 9lbs 2ozs. Currently she's crawling almost as fast as I can, waves her hand (usually the right one) when we tell her to say "Hi" and claps when we say "Clap Hands!" She pulls herself up to a standing position whenever she can and actually lets go sometimes and can hold her balance for a couple of seconds. She wants to walk and it probably won't be too far off. She tries to imitate sounds and sometimes vocalizes on her own for long periods of time. She has a lot to say! She has her two bottom teeth and I'm hoping the two top ones will cut tonight. (My inspiration for the thread)

Mom's birthday is also Monday so today Daddy sent her off to Atlantic City for the day with her birthday $$ to try to win us some money. It was a win/win as I love to spend as much time as I can with Alana.

We went and bought Alana's birthday present for Mommy (which I almost forgot to do) and went to the park so Alana can go on the swing.

Back to the teeth.... Alana is a great baby...a true blessing. She has been sleeping from 7:30pm to 6:30am since she was about 4 months!!

Tonight, however, she's been only put in her crib 3 hours ago and has waked up several times with loud cries and restless tossing and turning. I honestly would trade anything so I can have her pain and she can have a sound sleep, but I guess this is growing up!

Well at least now I have a place to talk about fatherhood! Please feel free to add you own stories, tips, advice, whatever fits!

Thanks for listening!

This is Alana, taken today on the swings....sorry for the cell-phone pic. I'll post better ones in the future!

Here's a link to a photobucket album we created for her. Thanks for looking!

68TriShield 04-25-2009 09:05 PM

Re: Father's Forum
Frozen water filled teething rings,keep a few handy :)

Such a cutie!

G G 04-25-2009 09:18 PM

Re: Father's Forum
I aint a new father, I don't like to think of myself as an old father either.:tu
My son turned 20 on the ninth of this month. I find myself wondering where the years went.

stinkie 04-25-2009 09:18 PM

Re: Father's Forum
you may want to try dill pickles the salt helps to dry the gums out and the teeth come thru. also try a plain beagle. i know it sound weard but it works they chew the crap out of it and make a mess but it works most of the time.
words of wisdom from an old dad. and an old Jewish lady that we know.

she sure is a cutie.


68TriShield 04-25-2009 10:26 PM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by stinkie (Post 355999)
you may want to try dill pickles the salt helps to dry the gums out and the teeth come thru. also try a plain beagle. i know it sound weard but it works they chew the crap out of it and make a mess but it works most of the time.
words of wisdom from an old dad. and an old Jewish lady that we know.

she sure is a cutie.


I don't think my Beagle would let her do that ;)

RGD. 04-25-2009 10:29 PM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 356114)
I don't think my Beagle would let her do that ;)

Beagles are pretty forgiving - but I don't think mine will either - :ss


RGD. 04-25-2009 10:34 PM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 355975)
. . . .

I decided this group will be for all Fathers. Not just new ones, because I'd love to hear what lies ahead. . . .

Ummmm - a $2291.61 cell phone bill . . .



newcigarz 04-25-2009 10:36 PM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by RGD. (Post 356118)
Ummmm - a $2291.61 cell phone bill . . .



Ahhh, when they first discover texting. :bh:bh:bh

bobarian 04-25-2009 11:17 PM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by stinkie (Post 355999)
you may want to try dill pickles the salt helps to dry the gums out and the teeth come thru. also try a plain beagle. i know it sound weard but it works they chew the crap out of it and make a mess but it works most of the time.
words of wisdom from an old dad. and an old Jewish lady that we know.

she sure is a cutie.


I second the dill pickle! My daughter thought I was crazy when I gave her son a pickle to chew on, but he loved it. The cold and salt both help soothe the tender spots. Its a long journey Patrick, but cherish every moment! I will be burning the special birthday mystery smoke on Monday to celebrate with you!:tu

mmblz 04-26-2009 07:49 AM

Re: Father's Forum
good idea, and I think this works much better as a thread than as a "social group".

If it's ok with you I might just change the word "forum" in the title to "thread"... And I'm undecided whether it belongs more in Banter or General...

Malena is 13 months old. She has perfected her walking over the past couple of months to the point where she is almost running. She will now taste pretty much whatever we are eating, but ultimately doesn't eat a whole lot of it. Babbling up a storm but no real words yet. But she does know some, and will point when we say various things

enjoying the weather yesterday...

Mr.Maduro 04-26-2009 07:54 AM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by mmblz (Post 356341)
If it's ok with you I might just change the word "forum" in the title to "thread"... And I'm undecided whether it belongs more in Banter or General...

Oh no!!! Not another banter thread!! ;)

floydpink 04-26-2009 07:56 AM

Re: Father's Forum
Great idea for a forum.

i can honestly say that as a father of a 4 year old daughter, there is no greater joy in my life than coming home each day to her greeting and hugs.

One of the nice things about living in Orlando and working in tourism is the endless opportunities foe family fun and after seeing my stepdaughter turn 17 and want nothing much to do with parents, I am cherishing every minute with my daughter.

newcigarz 04-26-2009 08:37 AM

Re: Father's Forum
Seems like it was just yesterday that they were babies.

My daughter who is now 19.

and my son who is now 6.

They grow up too fast.

ca21455 04-26-2009 08:41 AM

Re: Father's Forum
Great picture Patrick, thanks for sharing! I have two daughters one will be 31 next month the other just turned 27.

Really enjoyed watching them grow up and being involved in all their activities. Both were in the high school band and we spent a lot of time traveling with them going to the competitions and bowl games. Chrissy also danced from the time she was 3 through college. She went on to be a teacher and coach for the dance drill team.

Chrissy was married in Jamaica to a guy I really like. He also indulges in cigars and we've had numerous herfs together. They live in Kansas now.

Jennifer moved back to our home town after college and is working for a company that contracts with the state. Fortunately they are benefiting from the government stimulus package.

All in all a great trip. Wonderful times both when they lived at home and now that they are out on their own.

You are in for a great experience. Enjoy every minute Patrick!

rizzle 04-26-2009 08:42 AM

Re: Father's Forum
Twin 5 month old girls here. Talk about new experiences. Every day the little buggers are discovering something new. This morning one of them was able to move herself about halfway over to her sisters play mat. They've been rolling, but this was moving forward. They're taking their morning naps now...I can hear the swings clacking as I'm typing.

Couple of recent ones...

floydpink 04-26-2009 08:44 AM

Re: Father's Forum
since we're dding pics, i forgot mine...

nozero 04-26-2009 09:29 AM

Re: Father's Forum
We have two sons. James (Michael James goes by James) 29 and Jeremy Benjamin 24.

You can never take back the words that just came out of your mouth.

You can never get back the time you chose to not spend with them.

May you all be the best fathers you know how to be.

BORIStheBLADE 04-26-2009 10:38 AM

Re: Father's Forum
You guys got some cuties.:tu

68TriShield 04-26-2009 10:57 AM

Re: Father's Forum
Here are Zachary and Mackenzie...

Mr.Maduro 04-26-2009 12:17 PM

Re: Father's Forum
We just got back from week 2 of a 5 week infant swimming class. The pool seems to have put Alana in better spirits!

stinkie 04-26-2009 02:29 PM

Re: Father's Forum
i'm sorry thats what my daughter calls bagles. they are soft enough for them to chew on but hard enough to help them with cutting teeth. most dogs that grow up with the kids will let them do most anything to them and not get to upset.


HawkEye19 04-26-2009 03:49 PM

Re: Father's Forum
I've two boys here, one 3.5 yrs and the other a whole 4 months. I'm beyond happy the Elder is very, very helpful with his younger brother. I'm sure this will change all too soon!

RevSmoke 04-26-2009 04:30 PM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by stinkie (Post 355999)
also try a plain beagle.

Beagles with spots work too, if you don't have a plain one. (sorry, couldn't resist.)

However, as for teething, dog biscuits are better than the teething biscuits. We learned this after our son stole one from the dog and was chewing on it. We called the pediatritian immediately. He informed us, after he was done laughing, that it was no big deal - they are really just a hard bread.

What is nice, is that they hold up better than the teething biscuits or other things. And if you have some for the dog, they are no added expense.

ade06 05-05-2009 08:12 PM

Re: Father's Forum
This is my son Ethan and me. We were "watching" the Masters together.

68TriShield 05-06-2009 03:00 PM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by ade06 (Post 371200)
This is my son Ethan and me. We were "watching" the Masters together.

you look like you were watching :D

massphatness 05-06-2009 03:38 PM

Re: Father's Forum
I have to take this opportunity to brag on my oldest son for a bit. I'm not one of these "my kid's better than your kid" dads, so I hope this comes out as I intend it, but I was so swelled up with pride last night that I thought I would burst.

My son Tony is a sophomore in high school, and last year he enrolled in the Naval Jr. ROTC program at his school. He enjoyed the experience thoroughly and continued on it this year where he's truly blossomed. I went to his awards ceremony last night and was floored by his accomplishments. Among his awards:

* Meritorious Service Award - for his work with the school's color and honor guard

* Leadership Award - for completing a series of weekend leadership academies; included in this award is a commission to attend a two-week summer leadership program in July at the Naval War College in Rhode Island that's put on for high school students by the Marine Corps.

* Distinguished Cadet - for the highest GPA in his class year for the Naval Sciences program

* Honors Cadet - for the highest GPA in his class year for all academic subjects

* Embry-Riddle Award - Selected to attend a one-week aeronautics & technology seminar at Embry-Riddle University in Florida. All expenses including travel are paid for by the Navy. If I understood the award presenter, Tony was the only student from the state of Maine to be selected.

My son has always been an excellent student, and his mom & I expect him to do well academically. What really impressed me has been his maturation into a budding leader.

Now if he would understand the value of cleaning his room ...

SeanGAR 05-06-2009 04:13 PM

Re: Father's Forum

They will be 12 next month. Wow. Time does fly. Seems like last week I was in the ICU wondering when they would come home. Moira (r) was 3.25 pounds but packed it on and in a week was 4 pounds, the minimum they would let us take her home. Kiera (l) was a hefty 5.25 lol.

Thaplumbr 05-06-2009 06:11 PM

Re: Father's Forum
2 Attachment(s)
Short story, my wife and I tried for several years with no success, only to find out ultimately for us that the odds where against us on both of us, we never thought twice about not adopting. Our son is half hispanic/half white, and one of the proudest moments in my life was when i cut the cord at his birth and held him for the first time!!!
Although we dont have the experience of going thru my wife being pregnant, neither of us have ever looked back. It was an open adoption, so occassionally we do send pics through another party to the birth mom, just so that she will know what an awesome gift of life/and lives she has given.
The first pic is my son and I backfilling the ditch in our front yard day after christmas 2008(water leak in the yard).yes even plumbers have have plumbing problems, and the second of him pooped out with one of the dogs!

Count your blessings fellas!!:tu

Rockestone 05-06-2009 06:24 PM

Re: Father's Forum
Me and my boy at Stone Mountain!

The most wonderful thing that has ever happened in my life is when my wife and I had Tyler.

Col. Kurtz 05-13-2009 09:45 PM

Re: Father's Forum
Patrick, Cute kid!

I think we are on about the same time line. My daughter Sarah was born on July 2, 08. She was not a whopper, only 7lb 6 oz. She has since made up for it. She is a little over 10 mos and is 25lbs and 31 inches!!

She too cut two bottom teeth and then struggled for a while and cut two top ones. We found crushed ice in one of her socks helped some. Orajel is the go to at night though.

You are lucky she sleeps that well. Sarah sleeps soundly, but wakes up in the middle of the night starving to death. She eats and goes right back out. I guess it takes a lot to keep that much mass percolating.

She started moving around a little late I thought. She has just gotten the hang of crawling in the last month, but now she's pulling up on everything in sight and walks four or five steps at a time between me and DW.

The most amazing part is when they start developing their own personality and habits. I wanted a little boy, but there's something about a little girl that just melts daddy's heart.

Here's our little one at Easter. She has a great time every day. She rarely fusses and we are very lucky!

Mr.Maduro 05-14-2009 06:01 AM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz (Post 381776)

You gaot a real doll there! Thanks for sharing!

TonySmith 05-14-2009 05:56 PM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by nozero (Post 356444)
You can never take back the words that just came out of your mouth.

You can never get back the time you chose to not spend with them.

May you all be the best fathers you know how to be.

Young fathers take heed. Truer words were never spoken. Mine are almost grown, 21,20 and 16. You can never go back and make it up.

Mark C 05-14-2009 08:38 PM

Re: Father's Thread

Me and AJ (Anthony John). He's about 5 months now. Doesn't really roll much, mostly cause he hasn't figured out how to use his arms. But he can stand up like a champ, almost balances on his own. Happiest little kid I've ever seen, sure hope that never changes. I told my wife it's time for another one when he stops smiling like he's won the lottery when we get him out of the crib first thing in the morning. He eats everything, pears, prunes, apples, peas, carrots, bibs, shirts, fingers, arms, etc. If he can get his hands on it, he can get his mouth on it. Can't wait to see what comes next.

massphatness 05-19-2009 06:14 PM

Re: Father's Thread
My oldest son and his high school NJROTC color guard unit are presenting the colors Thurs at the Red Sox game!
Posted via Mobile Device

Rockestone 05-19-2009 06:16 PM

Re: Father's Thread

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 389392)
My oldest son and his high school NJROTC color guard unit are presenting the colors Thurs at the Red Sox game!
Posted via Mobile Device


WildBlueSooner 05-19-2009 06:40 PM

Re: Father's Thread

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 389392)
My oldest son and his high school NJROTC color guard unit are presenting the colors Thurs at the Red Sox game!
Posted via Mobile Device

Very cool :D

TRicker 05-19-2009 07:00 PM

Re: Father's Thread
Just saw this thread and thought I'd post, hope its ok. This is my nephew Bradley, we have been his foster parents since he was 2 months old. We are closing in on the home stretch of adopting him. Its pretty daunting as we don't have any kids of our own, but its worth it when he runs up hugs you and yells "love you".

massphatness 05-19-2009 07:02 PM

Re: Father's Thread
You're as much a dad as any of us here, Tim.

Really happy for you & Kristen.
Posted via Mobile Device

WildBlueSooner 05-19-2009 07:05 PM

Re: Father's Thread

Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 389464)
You're as much a dad as any of us here, Tim.

Really happy for you & Kristen.
Posted via Mobile Device

:tpd: That is awesome!

rack04 05-19-2009 07:37 PM

Re: Father's Thread
How am I just now seeing this thread? Everyone meet Addison. Addison was born on July 5, 2008. Here are some recent pictures of my baby girl.

7 months:

8 months:

10 months:

rack04 05-19-2009 07:56 PM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 356114)
I don't think my Beagle would let her do that ;)

Mine would. :r

Bailey is VERY protective of Addison.

longknocker 05-19-2009 08:07 PM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by rack04 (Post 389589)


Mr.Maduro 05-27-2009 09:48 AM

Re: Father's Thread
Well Alana's top two teeth cut and are growing in. That makes 4 so far. She's very vocal lately saying Mama, Dada, book, bird, key, and Pooh. She's been "letting go" a lot more while she's standing and may be very close to those first few steps. She loves dogs and lets out a "haha" everytime she sees one. We spent this past Saturday at Central Park in the playground and at the zoo! Here's a few pics.

ahc4353 05-27-2009 10:17 AM

Re: Father's Thread
Thank you Patrick for starting this thread. Seeing all the little ones has brought back many fond memories of a time that went by way, way to fast. I hope this thread is around for years to come so I can watch all the young ones grow up.

Thanks again and keep the pics coming!

rizzle 05-28-2009 08:52 AM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by rack04 (Post 389589)

It's so funny to look at these two pictures and see all of the same things you have that I see laying around in my house, except I've got two of them.:r

Pink boppies...check
Tiny Love toys everywhere...check
I could go on and on.

Good job bro.

Col. Kurtz 05-28-2009 11:01 AM

Re: Father's Thread

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 399557)
Well Alana's top two teeth cut and are growing in. That makes 4 so far. She's very vocal lately saying Mama, Dada, book, bird, key, and Pooh. She's been "letting go" a lot more while she's standing and may be very close to those first few steps. She loves dogs and lets out a "haha" everytime she sees one. We spent this past Saturday at Central Park in the playground and at the zoo! Here's a few pics.

Patrick, Thanks for sharing! She's a cutie! She's obviously having a ball in that swing. Amazing how much more fun a dad has watching them :tu

Col. Kurtz 05-28-2009 11:02 AM

Re: Father's Forum

Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 401025)
It's so funny to look at these two pictures and see all of the same things you have that I see laying around in my house, except I've got two of them.:r

Pink boppies...check
Tiny Love toys everywhere...check
I could go on and on.

Good job bro.

Same here. I think that stuff is standard equipment with a little girl!

Mr.Maduro 06-20-2009 11:55 AM

Re: Father's Thread
I just wanted to say Happy Father's Day to everyone! This will be my first father's day, and our plan to go to Belmont Race Track is postponed due to rain! Oh well, plan B is to go to a nice Chinese restaurant with my Father and Father-In-Law!

I hope all you Father's get to have a nice relaxing, enjoyable day!

Col. Kurtz 06-21-2009 01:57 PM

Re: Father's Thread
Happy father's day Patrick (et al)! Enjoy it!

ade06 06-21-2009 08:50 PM

Re: Father's Thread
Happy Fathers' day to all of the fathers here!

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