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Da Klugs 04-16-2009 12:00 PM

I look at the who's online list sometimes and notice many times folks searching for their member names. Must be sad if there is no mention so...... :D

Da Klugs, -MG-, 14holestogie, 3inst3in, 68TriShield, ActionAndy, ade06, ahc4353, allanb3369, AllOGistics, azherfer, BC-Axeman, Bear, Beer Doctor, BigAl_SC, BigAsh, BlackIrish, Boobar, bowhnter, Catfish, CigarmanTim, cle_smoker, Col. Kurtz, colimo, comanchero, Commander Quan, compuag, Coz77, Cuban1, darkninja67, Darrell, DBall, dogsplayinpoker, DPD6030, Dukeuni, eber, Emerald, fishstix, floydpink, Footbag, galaga, GAW, germantown rob, ggainey, GreekGodX, GrtndpwrflOZ, GWags, Hardcz, HawkEye19, hotreds, illinoishoosier, JackSchwartz, jamesb3, Jdbwolverines, jkim05, jlaker, jledou, K Baz, kaelaria, kaisersozei, karmaz00, kzm007, landhoney, leasingthisspace, lightning9191, loki, Lucky_Hippo, macms, macpappy, madurofan, marge796, markem, Mathetes, mikeyj23, Mirrorlure7m, MithShrike, Mr Edmundo, Mr.Maduro, Mugen910, N2Advnture, nate560, newcigarz, newlifetaxidermy, PartagasIV, Partagaspete, Pat1075, Patron, pennjones, PeteSB75, phidelt076, piperman, pnoon, pnutbutrsangwich, poker, rack04, reggiebuckeye, RHNewfie, Rockestone, RX2010, s15driftking, Scottw, seanatx, shadow king, sikk50, SilverFox, SixPackSunday, skibumdc, SlickBT, SLO_Smoke, smitdavi, Smoke Naked, smokeyandthebandit05, SmokeyNL, Smokin Gator, SMW, South Shield, Starchild, stearns, Stick, Texan in Mexico, thebiglebowski, TheRealBonger, Tombstone, Tristan, Tuxguy, volfan, Volusianator, Waynegro1, wayner123, weasel, white_s2k, WildBlueSooner, Wolfgang, yourchoice

leasingthisspace 04-16-2009 12:02 PM

Re: Norm!!
Hey everyone.

marge796 04-16-2009 12:02 PM

Re: Norm!!
I can see myself!


Mugen910 04-16-2009 12:03 PM

Re: Norm!!
What does the + mean next to the names?

ahc4353 04-16-2009 12:04 PM

Re: Norm!!
They are his friends. Thats why you don't see any +'s. :D

Mugen910 04-16-2009 12:05 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 340045)
They are his friends. Thats why you don't see any +'s. :D

So Poker is not friends with Klugs? :jd

WildBlueSooner 04-16-2009 12:06 PM

Re: Norm!!
Im not cool enough to have a +! :(

ahc4353 04-16-2009 12:07 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 340049)
So Poker is not friends with Klugs? :jd

Poker has an * next to his name. That means they are REAL close if you know what I mean. :tu

It keeps changing. :r

Da Klugs 04-16-2009 12:07 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 340043)
What does the + mean next to the names?

I have no idea, think it might be folks on my "freinds list". I cleaned it up so as not to embarrass those 3 folks. :)

poker 04-16-2009 12:08 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 340045)
They are his friends. Thats why you don't see any +'s. :D


WildBlueSooner 04-16-2009 12:09 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 340054)
Poker has an * next to his name. That means they are REAL close if you know what I mean. :tu

It keeps changing. :r

:r ew!

DPD6030 04-16-2009 12:13 PM

Re: Norm!!
:wo there I am.

GKitty 04-16-2009 12:15 PM

Re: Norm!!
Late to the party as usual.

Though I do see a few interesting lurkers. :D

Mugen910 04-16-2009 12:18 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 340054)
Poker has an * next to his name. That means they are REAL close if you know what I mean. :tu

It keeps changing. :r

Nope...the * means they are invisible. :wo otherwise that would mean that I'm prob gonna be the real close to them too. If you know what I mean.. :pu

N2Advnture 04-16-2009 12:21 PM

Re: Norm!!
LOL! I only search for Da Klugs - that's how I found this thread :fu

bobarian 04-16-2009 12:24 PM

Re: Norm!!
:sad I didnt make the list.:sad

Da Klugs 04-16-2009 12:27 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 340105)
:sad I didnt make the list.:sad

Happy now? :D

Da Klugs, -MG-, 14holestogie, 3inst3in, 68TriShield, ActionAndy, ahc4353, AllOGistics, Ashcan Bill, avo_addict, BC-Axeman, Beer Doctor, Big Vito, bobarian, bonggoy, Boobar, borndead1, bowhnter, Brock, Catfish, CigarmanTim, cle_smoker, Col. Kurtz, colimo, comanchero, Commander Quan, CoroHo, Cyanide, dabigdog, darkninja67, Darrell, DBall, Don Fernando, DPD6030, Dukeuni, eber, elderboy02, fishstix, Footbag, galaga, GKitty, GoatLocker, GreekGodX, HawkEye19, hotreds, illinoishoosier, ir13, Ironfreak, jamesb3, jlaker, jledou, Junior, K Baz, kaelaria, karmaz00, KidRock, kzm007, landhoney, leasingthisspace, Lensjockie, LeoM, lightning9191, loki, marge796, markem, massphatness, mastershogun, Mirrorlure7m, MisfitJake, Moglman, Mr.Maduro, Mugen910, N2Advnture, nate560, newlifetaxidermy, OLS, pakrat, Pat1075, Patron, piperman, pmwz, pnutbutrsangwich, poker, rack04, reggiebuckeye, RHNewfie, RonC, rrplasencia, RUJohnny99, Scottw, sergeant smoky, servem1961, shadow king, Shaerza, SilverFox, SixPackSunday, skullnrose, SlickBT, SLO_Smoke, smitdavi, smokeyandthebandit05, SmokeyNL, Smokin Gator, SmokinApe, SmokinCozy, SmokinDuck, South Shield, Starchild, stearns, Stick, Stogeyfish, Stogieboy, tchariya, teotides, The Dakotan, the nub, The Professor, the3cs, thebiglebowski, TheRealBonger, thetpi825, TMoneYNYY, tobii3, Tombstone, tooomanycolors, Tristan, tunes, tzaddi, ucla695, volfan, wayner123, weak_link, white_s2k, WildBlueSooner, WyGuy, xeemz, yourchoice, zemekone, zmancbr

WildBlueSooner 04-16-2009 12:28 PM

Re: Norm!!
I'm still on the list! :)

GKitty 04-16-2009 12:43 PM

Re: Norm!!
:wo I made the list!!!

Ashcan Bill 04-16-2009 12:51 PM

Re: Norm!!
I'm so excited, I think I just wet myself.

Or spilled the coffee. :rolleyes:

WildBlueSooner 04-16-2009 12:53 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by Ashcan Bill (Post 340155)
I'm so excited, I think I just wet myself.

Or spilled the coffee. :rolleyes:

Give it a good will know which ;)

Savor the Stick 04-16-2009 12:57 PM

Re: Norm!!

Ashcan Bill 04-16-2009 01:02 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by WildBlueSooner (Post 340164)
Give it a good will know which ;)

It's coffee either way! :r

ActionAndy 04-16-2009 01:04 PM

Re: Norm!!
I've never searched my own username. Are you sure these aren't results from clicking "my replies"? Basically the same thing, but one would be arrogant--and one is just following threads :)

kaisersozei 04-16-2009 01:30 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by ActionAndy (Post 340190)
I've never searched my own username. Are you sure these aren't results from clicking "my replies"? Basically the same thing, but one would be arrogant--and one is just following threads :)

:tpd: I don't get it. Isn't the list that Klugs posted just the "Currently Active Users" list? I don't see anything different. :confused:

Skywalker 04-16-2009 02:07 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 340105)
:sad I didnt make the list.:sad

:tpd: I must have really been working at the time!!!

Starscream 04-16-2009 02:39 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 340105)
:sad I didnt make the list.:sad


WildBlueSooner 04-16-2009 04:20 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by Ashcan Bill (Post 340182)
It's coffee either way! :r

True...go ahead and lick it up them :dr :r

bobarian 04-16-2009 04:42 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 340109)
Happy now? :D

Da Klugs, -MG-, 14holestogie, 3inst3in, 68TriShield, ActionAndy, ahc4353, AllOGistics, Ashcan Bill, avo_addict, BC-Axeman, Beer Doctor, Big Vito, bobarian, bonggoy, Boobar, borndead1, bowhnter, Brock, Catfish, CigarmanTim, cle_smoker, Col. Kurtz, colimo, comanchero, Commander Quan, CoroHo, Cyanide, dabigdog, darkninja67, Darrell, DBall, Don Fernando, DPD6030, Dukeuni, eber, elderboy02, fishstix, Footbag, galaga, GKitty, GoatLocker, GreekGodX, HawkEye19, hotreds, illinoishoosier, ir13, Ironfreak, jamesb3, jlaker, jledou, Junior, K Baz, kaelaria, karmaz00, KidRock, kzm007, landhoney, leasingthisspace, Lensjockie, LeoM, lightning9191, loki, marge796, markem, massphatness, mastershogun, Mirrorlure7m, MisfitJake, Moglman, Mr.Maduro, Mugen910, N2Advnture, nate560, newlifetaxidermy, OLS, pakrat, Pat1075, Patron, piperman, pmwz, pnutbutrsangwich, poker, rack04, reggiebuckeye, RHNewfie, RonC, rrplasencia, RUJohnny99, Scottw, sergeant smoky, servem1961, shadow king, Shaerza, SilverFox, SixPackSunday, skullnrose, SlickBT, SLO_Smoke, smitdavi, smokeyandthebandit05, SmokeyNL, Smokin Gator, SmokinApe, SmokinCozy, SmokinDuck, South Shield, Starchild, stearns, Stick, Stogeyfish, Stogieboy, tchariya, teotides, The Dakotan, the nub, The Professor, the3cs, thebiglebowski, TheRealBonger, thetpi825, TMoneYNYY, tobii3, Tombstone, tooomanycolors, Tristan, tunes, tzaddi, ucla695, volfan, wayner123, weak_link, white_s2k, WildBlueSooner, WyGuy, xeemz, yourchoice, zemekone, zmancbr

:wo:wo I made the amended list!

Skywalker 04-16-2009 09:54 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 340528)
:wo:wo I made the amended list!

Why does Bob get pink???:D

Da Klugs 04-16-2009 10:12 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by Skywalker (Post 341115)
Why does Bob get pink???:D

Cuz he's special. :)

Da Klugs, -MG-, acarr, adampc22, ahc4353, alfbacca, alley00p, AllOGistics, ashtonlady, awsmith4, azherfer, BamBam, big a, Big Vito, BlackDog, bonjing, BORIStheBLADE, Bruzee, bvilchez, Catfish, Cenookie, ChasDen, chdasm, chenvt, Chewy..., cle_smoker, Commander Quan, csbrewfisher, Curly Cut, Darrell, DMK, Dooge, Drat, Drazzil, drob, Dukeuni, elderboy02, floydp, Footbag, FullBodied, Fumador, GKitty, GoatLocker, Gonesledn, groogs, Guitarman-S.T-, GWags, GWN, Hardcz+, Hudaddy,, icehog3, illinoishoosier, Ironfreak, jds78, Junior, K Baz, karmaz00, Kdub, kiwi michelle, leasingthisspace, Legend, madurofan, markem, MarkinCA, mastershogun, mcmoyer, mhailey, Mikhail, morefifemusic, newlifetaxidermy, NJ stogie King, Only Fuentes, papajohn67, PartagasIV, pennjones, pnoon, renton20, RichardW, RonC, s0leful0ne, Sailkat, Sauer Grapes, shortstory5, shvictor, SixPackSunday, skullnrose, Skywalker, SmokinCozy, smokinj, South Shield, Starchild, Stonewall, Swampper, The Dakotan, The Saint, TheJ, themoneycollector, TheRiddick, thetpi825, TheVeryIdea, tjblades, tobii3, tooomanycolors, TXRebel, tzaddi, warpedcigars, White97Jimmy, white_s2k, Wolfgang, WyGuy, xeemz, yourchoice

Night folks need props too.

Rock Star 04-16-2009 11:04 PM

Re: Norm!!
i thougt this was gonna be about Stormin Norman..anybody heard from him? Is he here?
edit: just checked members list and he isnt here..if anybody knows his it to me please..

hockeydad 04-17-2009 03:11 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by Rock Star (Post 341290)
i thougt this was gonna be about Stormin Norman..anybody heard from him? Is he here?
edit: just checked members list and he isnt here..if anybody knows his it to me please..

Freddy, I still see him and played hockey with him all winter. PM on the way.

Starscream 04-17-2009 04:07 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 341171)
Cuz he's special. :)

Da Klugs, -MG-, acarr, adampc22, ahc4353, alfbacca, alley00p, AllOGistics, ashtonlady, awsmith4, azherfer, BamBam, big a, Big Vito, BlackDog, bonjing, BORIStheBLADE, Bruzee, bvilchez, Catfish, Cenookie, ChasDen, chdasm, chenvt, Chewy..., cle_smoker, Commander Quan, csbrewfisher, Curly Cut, Darrell, DMK, Dooge, Drat, Drazzil, drob, Dukeuni, elderboy02, floydp, Footbag, FullBodied, Fumador, GKitty, GoatLocker, Gonesledn, groogs, Guitarman-S.T-, GWags, GWN, Hardcz+, Hudaddy,, icehog3, illinoishoosier, Ironfreak, jds78, Junior, K Baz, karmaz00, Kdub, kiwi michelle, leasingthisspace, Legend, madurofan, markem, MarkinCA, mastershogun, mcmoyer, mhailey, Mikhail, morefifemusic, newlifetaxidermy, NJ stogie King, Only Fuentes, papajohn67, PartagasIV, pennjones, pnoon, renton20, RichardW, RonC, s0leful0ne, Sailkat, Sauer Grapes, shortstory5, shvictor, SixPackSunday, skullnrose, Skywalker, SmokinCozy, smokinj, South Shield, Starchild, Stonewall, Swampper, The Dakotan, The Saint, TheJ, themoneycollector, TheRiddick, thetpi825, TheVeryIdea, tjblades, tobii3, tooomanycolors, TXRebel, tzaddi, warpedcigars, White97Jimmy, white_s2k, Wolfgang, WyGuy, xeemz, yourchoice

Night folks need props too.

As much as I'm on here, I haven't made the list yet...:(

BC-Axeman 04-17-2009 04:26 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by ActionAndy (Post 340190)
I've never searched my own username. Are you sure these aren't results from clicking "my replies"? Basically the same thing, but one would be arrogant--and one is just following threads :)


Skywalker 04-17-2009 04:40 PM

Re: Norm!!

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 341171)
Cuz he's special. :)

Da Klugs, -MG-, acarr, adampc22, ahc4353, alfbacca, alley00p, AllOGistics, ashtonlady, awsmith4, azherfer, BamBam, big a, Big Vito, BlackDog, bonjing, BORIStheBLADE, Bruzee, bvilchez, Catfish, Cenookie, ChasDen, chdasm, chenvt, Chewy..., cle_smoker, Commander Quan, csbrewfisher, Curly Cut, Darrell, DMK, Dooge, Drat, Drazzil, drob, Dukeuni, elderboy02, floydp, Footbag, FullBodied, Fumador, GKitty, GoatLocker, Gonesledn, groogs, Guitarman-S.T-, GWags, GWN, Hardcz+, Hudaddy,, icehog3, illinoishoosier, Ironfreak, jds78, Junior, K Baz, karmaz00, Kdub, kiwi michelle, leasingthisspace, Legend, madurofan, markem, MarkinCA, mastershogun, mcmoyer, mhailey, Mikhail, morefifemusic, newlifetaxidermy, NJ stogie King, Only Fuentes, papajohn67, PartagasIV, pennjones, pnoon, renton20, RichardW, RonC, s0leful0ne, Sailkat, Sauer Grapes, shortstory5, shvictor, SixPackSunday, skullnrose, Skywalker, SmokinCozy, smokinj, South Shield, Starchild, Stonewall, Swampper, The Dakotan, The Saint, TheJ, themoneycollector, TheRiddick, thetpi825, TheVeryIdea, tjblades, tobii3, tooomanycolors, TXRebel, tzaddi, warpedcigars, White97Jimmy, white_s2k, Wolfgang, WyGuy, xeemz, yourchoice

Bob is special!!!:D

SixPackSunday 04-17-2009 05:02 PM

Re: Norm!!
Yea, I think it is the 'active users' list, which would explain why those of us who leave our browser up almost 24/7 make all the lists...

or maybe I'm just constantly lurking! :ss

BTW, Thanks Klugs for taking all that time to remove what had to have been at least 3 + signs off those lists :r

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