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Boss Hogg 04-07-2009 10:13 PM

Opus Disappointment
Okay, so I have been buying some Opus' here and there from time to time, and decided maybe I should fire up my first Opus ever. I reached in the humi with my grimy little hands and pulled out a Petit Perfection. This little guy has been nestled up in there since last July (not a long time time but what the hell) ;)

I go to clip the head and try a pre lite... not bad can sense some spiciness to it. I go to brake out the trusty matches and toast this bad boy when all of a sudden...... nothing :confused:

This thing would not lite. The outer wrapper would not catch. Nothing would work. I start thinking well crap maybe its too wet. But this is the same humi that every other cigar is in and they all have smoked wonderfully this weekend. Needless to say I finally break out a lighter and puff the hell out of it while lighting it. Yuck... butane odorless taste (I know an oxymoron).

Anyway, it starts going and it didn't taste very good at all. Finally the middle would burn but that was about it... and only for a few short seconds. Can the Opus really be that wet in the cello's. I know my humi is consistent at 65rh. Anyone else know Opus cigars to be really well. Is this the case with them or maybe just a fluke problem. As I have said early this was my first Opus ever, so I'm definitely not the expert on them. Most likely human error on my part :r

Beer Doctor 04-07-2009 10:17 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
I've had some that were pretty tight but none that wouldn't light. Don't give up:tu

As for the flavor, sometimes it's hard for a cigar's flavor to compete with all the hype:2 I was fortunate enough to have a FIL give me plenty of Opus before I even knew what they were. Therefore I wasn't consumed with all the opus hype. However, I have a about 10 CCs in my humi that I, and many others, have hyped up. Hopefully I'm not let down.

Silound 04-07-2009 10:19 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
For a "super premium" cigar, I've had more bad Opus than I can count, and I know it's far more than I've had from all my other NC smokes combined. :r

I won't knock them hard though, because when you have a good one, you have a good one.

However, if you had a bad one, don't get too discouraged and give up on Opus. I still smoke one here and there even though I have routine problems with them :)

ChasDen 04-07-2009 10:24 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by Beer Doctor (Post 325838)
I've had some that were pretty tight but none that wouldn't light. Don't give up:tu

As for the flavor, sometimes it's hard for a cigar's flavor to compete with all the hype:2 I was fortunate enough to have a FIL give me plenty of Opus before I even knew what they were. Therefore I wasn't consumed with all the opus hype. However, I have a about 10 CCs in my humi that I, and many others, have hyped up. Hopefully I'm not let down.

YEP and YEP !

AF cigars as a whole are tight little buggers sometimes, especially the smaller RG cigars.

The hype has people believing these are the holy grail, when they are indeed a good cigar, but not "The One". :2

I do smoke them, like them but if given the choice between an Opus and a Diamond Crown Maximus, the DCM wins every time :tu


MedicCook 04-07-2009 10:32 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by ChasDen (Post 325845)
YEP and YEP !

AF cigars as a whole are tight little buggers sometimes, especially the smaller RG cigars.

The hype has people believing these are the holy grail, when they are indeed a good cigar, but not "The One". :2

I do smoke them, like them but if given the choice between an Opus and a Diamond Crown Maximus, the DCM wins every time :tu


I prefered the Diamond Crown Maximus over the OpusX.

ChasDen 04-07-2009 10:35 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 325852)
I prefered the Diamond Crown Maximus over the OpusX.

Another satisfied BOTL :D

They get even better with rest.

I have had a few that were about 2 years old and they were flat out awesome :dr


SmokeyJoe 04-07-2009 10:36 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
I am a fan of the OpusX... they are best to me when they have a little more age on them - maybe 2 years or so. Hope you will try another one later on... as was said above - when you have a good one, you have a VERY good cigar. :tu

MedicCook 04-07-2009 10:39 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by ChasDen (Post 325857)
Another satisfied BOTL :D

They get even better with rest.

I have had a few that were about 2 years old and they were flat out awesome :dr


I will have to save up my pennies for some more.

Waynegro1 04-07-2009 10:51 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
I'm sorry to hear about your Opus experience. I've had only one that gave me problems. Give them some more time and another shot.

Boss Hogg 04-07-2009 11:38 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
Thank you all for your input. I will definitely not give up on them. My stock will not let me. I will try back later when they have some more age on them. I guess next time I'll check if they are too wet to smoke and lay them out for a day if they are :)

BillyCigars 04-07-2009 11:47 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by Beer Doctor (Post 325838)
As for the flavor, sometimes it's hard for a cigar's flavor to compete with all the hype:2

:tpd: That's actually a great point. Believe it or not, I'm not much a fan of the Opus. Even still, I tend to pick them up whenever I run across them. I've actually got 2 Perfecxion Xs from 1999 sitting quietly all these 10 years later in my humi. And odd as it sounds, I remember a *distinctly* different Opus back then when they were first becoming popular than the ones made now. I'm sure it's the same cigar but...

tunes 04-08-2009 05:34 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by ChasDen (Post 325845)
I do smoke them, like them but if given the choice between an Opus and a Diamond Crown Maximus, the DCM wins every time :tu


WOW, I never had a DCM - and for some reason never gave them a thought. Being a fan of the opus I suppose I should give one a try. Any recommendations?

zmancbr 04-08-2009 08:55 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 325852)
I prefered the Diamond Crown Maximus over the OpusX.

Now see I have to disagree with you and Chuck. I prefer the Opus over DCM.... dunno why but the DCM doesn't do anything for me... However, I don't smoke too many fresh opus. And a fresh opus is anything under 3 years to me. Around the 3 year mark, they get very nice and become very complex in flavor IMO. :tu

GreekGodX 04-08-2009 09:07 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment
This just scares me to try an Opus. Never had one but have 2 sitting in my humi that I was gifted. I'm definitely going to let them age at least a year before I try one..

3inst3in 04-08-2009 09:09 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment
About 2 years ago alot of the Opus was a little lighter than their known for...IMO those we the best Opus I've had. I think Opus X are way to inconsistent for the hype.

mrreindeer 04-08-2009 10:50 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment
Sorry to hear this Curt. Man, you should have been there Sunday cuz Cigar Man Andy handed me an AWESOME Perfecxion No. 2!

Footbag 04-08-2009 10:53 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment
The last two Opus X's I smoked went out prematurely and didn't seem to be producing enough smoke. It's becoming a more common occurrence.

karmaz00 04-08-2009 11:07 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment
thanks for all the info guys

bookman 04-08-2009 11:14 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment
About a week ago I had an OX robusto size. The wrapper was very light. It smoked perfectly right from the B&M and the flavors were complex and kept changing..I nubbed it. It finished with an intense spice/flower kind of flavor that was very unique. That was the first one I had in maybe 6 years and it was leagues better than the previous ones. So don't give up!

mosesbotbol 04-08-2009 11:17 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment
"Opus Disappointment"

Nothing new there... I think they are a total BS cigar. Have had my share from the A sized to really small ones and have never been impressed. They are too overfilled, but not tight and they I think they are too oily for their own good.

Give me a Don Carlos any day!

jechelman 04-08-2009 11:46 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 326583)
"Opus Disappointment"

Give me a Don Carlos any day!


Tio Gato 04-08-2009 12:02 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
I let my Opus X's rest for a long long time. I try not to smoke one before it's had 5 or 6 years of napping. Try to lay some down for a long time, you will be very glad you did. Don't let your disappointment deter you. It's a good smoke.

ChasDen 04-08-2009 12:04 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by tunes (Post 326079)
WOW, I never had a DCM - and for some reason never gave them a thought. Being a fan of the opus I suppose I should give one a try. Any recommendations?

I smoke the 5 inchers the most.

The large ones require a lot of time.

They burn on the slow side so they last a while.


PS I have never had a bad one :tu

AriesOpusX 04-08-2009 02:51 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
The only bad Opus I've ever had were fresh, meaning under 2-3 years of age on them. Sounds silly that you should have to age a cigar that long for it to be enjoyable but its no different than aging wines, some are just meant to be enjoyed with age.

Boss Hogg 04-08-2009 04:10 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by mrreindeer (Post 326534)
Sorry to hear this Curt. Man, you should have been there Sunday cuz Cigar Man Andy handed me an AWESOME Perfecxion No. 2!

Thanks rub it in won't you :) J/K Still waiting to here about anaheim. Are you planning on being there?


Originally Posted by Tio Gato (Post 326640)
I let my Opus X's rest for a long long time. I try not to smoke one before it's had 5 or 6 years of napping. Try to lay some down for a long time, you will be very glad you did. Don't let your disappointment deter you. It's a good smoke.

Hey thanks. I think this is the plan for the rest of my stock. I will try one in two years then 3,4,5+. Will see how that works :tu


Originally Posted by AriesOpusX (Post 326888)
The only bad Opus I've ever had were fresh, meaning under 2-3 years of age on them.

I'm just curious, what was bad about it? Could you desribe it?

Sauer Grapes 04-08-2009 05:02 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
Not sure what the Petit Perfection size is?

Check to see which size it really is.

I've had a few bad ones, but most have been pretty darn good.

ReggieFSULaw 04-08-2009 07:10 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
Not all Opus' are created equal. I've had a couple of bad ones. Some where too tight, others were not taken care of properly by the shop, but the Opus X has a unique flavor that keeps me coming back. A little too expensive to have on a regular basis though.

neoflex 04-08-2009 08:48 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by SmokeyJoe (Post 325858)
I am a fan of the OpusX... they are best to me when they have a little more age on them - maybe 2 years or so. Hope you will try another one later on... as was said above - when you have a good one, you have a VERY good cigar. :tu

Couldn't agree more. I do not enjoy Opus with less than 2 years on them. Had one that I had in my possession for 3 years and it was honestly the best damn cigar I have ever smoked. It's too bad that they ake so long to come around.

Thrak 04-09-2009 06:01 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment
I hear alot about these, but have never had one... I've looked before but have never even seen 1 in person!!

Are they really so rare that they sell out immediately? Or, is it that my B&M's just dont stock "super premium" stuff?

neoflex 04-09-2009 06:14 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment
Depending where you live it could be either one of the two really. If shops are selling them close to msrp they usually disappear pretty quick. When I was still living in NY I knew of a couple shops that always had Opus in stock but they over priced the cr@p out of them so that is probably the main reason they did not fly off the shelves and sat around for awhile. Opus have a mystique around them and IMHO fresh they do not even come close to living up to the hype.

AriesOpusX 04-09-2009 03:54 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by Boss Hogg (Post 327006)

I'm just curious, what was bad about it? Could you desribe it?

Grassy taste, too much of a nicotine bite, bad burn, tight draw, it was a few things that ruined those cigars but if you've ever smoked a fresh rolled cigar its that ammonia flavor that turned me off of a couple I smoked without age on them.

Boss Hogg 04-09-2009 04:16 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by Sauer Grapes (Post 327085)
Not sure what the Petit Perfection size is?

Check to see which size it really is.

I've had a few bad ones, but most have been pretty darn good.

I believe it is the Perfecxion No.5 (4 7/8" x 40)


Originally Posted by AriesOpusX (Post 328811)
Grassy taste, too much of a nicotine bite, bad burn, tight draw, it was a few things that ruined those cigars but if you've ever smoked a fresh rolled cigar its that ammonia flavor that turned me off of a couple I smoked without age on them.

Yes.. that covers it thank you. :tu

roughrider 04-09-2009 06:15 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
I smoked an Opus X Perfecxion No.4 and it wasn't anything special. It was kind of bitter but it did have a kick to it. I smoked an Oliva V Torp the next day and let me say, it handed the Opus it's ass.

SmokinApe 04-09-2009 08:20 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
From what I understand OpusX are rolled with aged tobacco and then aged 3 years before being boxed..

So not only are the cigars aged but the tobacco is also aged... They typically are not wet as they are not fresh rolled...

I say this because there is a stigma around these smokes... I know most will claim to have the ability but would bet most can't ID an 07 from an 09...

SmokinApe 04-09-2009 08:22 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
Oh, from a DR puro standpoint, Litto has the Fuente boys beat IMO...

jamesb3 04-09-2009 08:33 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
Have smoked dozens of Opus over the last 3 years and my experience has been very good. But then again most that I have smoked have had 2 yrs or more of age on them. Don't give up on them as even the best smokes can produce the odd lemon.

sjnovakovich 04-10-2009 11:08 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by ChasDen (Post 325845)
YEP and YEP !

AF cigars as a whole are tight little buggers sometimes, especially the smaller RG cigars.

The hype has people believing these are the holy grail, when they are indeed a good cigar, but not "The One". :2

I do smoke them, like them but if given the choice between an Opus and a Diamond Crown Maximus, the DCM wins every time :tu


I believe that DCM is made by AF.

floydpink 04-10-2009 11:15 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 325852)
I prefered the Diamond Crown Maximus over the OpusX.

Me too, any day. I stopped buying Opus a year ago and don't even return calls from my friend at the local B&M who is nice enough to call when Opus comes in. One full drawer is enough for me.

I should put up a WTT fro some DCM's

AriesOpusX 04-11-2009 10:03 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by SmokinApe (Post 329278)
From what I understand OpusX are rolled with aged tobacco and then aged 3 years before being boxed..

So not only are the cigars aged but the tobacco is also aged... They typically are not wet as they are not fresh rolled...

I say this because there is a stigma around these smokes... I know most will claim to have the ability but would bet most can't ID an 07 from an 09...

The Fuente Aged Selection that come with the band stating the year they were rolled are aged longer. Regular production opus x are rolled with aged tobacco but the binder/filler/wrapper are from different crops so theres no way to tell exactly how long one particular cigar has been aged. I read once on their website that they aged the cigars for 1 year before they were boxed, but no less than 4 months.

e-man67 04-11-2009 10:44 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment
Don't give up! I have had plenty of not so good Opus...but I had one last nite (lancero) with a year on it and it was a beaut! :dr

warpedcigars 04-11-2009 11:10 AM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by SmokinApe (Post 329282)
Oh, from a DR puro standpoint, Litto has the Fuente boys beat IMO...

I gotta hand it to Litto to, the LG has a very close flavor profile to the Opus. Iv smoked many Opus, many LG's they are close. I prefer the Opus, with a few years on them just more complexity and alot more flavor. I will say though, Opus are very inconsistent, but Dec. 08s shipment was right on pare and I think they will be great in a few years.

Boss Hogg 04-11-2009 03:56 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment

Originally Posted by e-man67 (Post 331522)
Don't give up! I have had plenty of not so good Opus...but I had one last nite (lancero) with a year on it and it was a beaut! :dr

Glad you enjoyed. I am looking forward to having one like this :tu


Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 325852)
I prefered the Diamond Crown Maximus over the OpusX.

I've never had this cigar but now I am very curious. I am going to stop by the local B&M and look for this.

Humidor Minister 04-12-2009 02:26 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
I've been lucky so far. I haven't had a bad one yet. I have a nice lil variety of the X's I'm letting sit. If you really want a geat Opus-X try the #5. That's a great cigar. :tu

dentonparrots 04-12-2009 02:34 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
I smoked an Opus X Super Belicoso and gave a Spag cigar (which if I'm honest I'd never heard of) to a buddy whilst we played chess the other night and although the Opus wasn't bad, after taking a few swap draws with my buddy I've got to say I thought the Spag beat it hands down for taste, even if it did burn a bit faster than the Opus.

I know everyone has different preferences but that was mine.

Boss Hogg 04-14-2009 09:16 PM

Re: Opus Disappointment
Well... I buckled down and lit up an Opus X Petit Lancero. At least this cigar burned. I know it wasn't the exact one I had a bad experience with, but at least it got me out of the disappointment. This one was fresh right out of the box. As far as redeeming itself from the other one... I'm not to sure. I think it was to strong for me, being so fresh. It wasn't strong as in a nicotine buzz, but it was certainly spicy throughout the entire smoke. To me, this kind of drowned out any notable taste. I think I'll go with putting a few years on these bad boys till my next smoke. Other than that it was okay... I could have done without the poor weather conditions though ;)

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