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SixPackSunday 03-12-2009 03:57 AM

I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
I was talking to my co worker today and she mentioned her daughter had a pet that she could no longer keep because they are afraid it might eat their new baby after she's old enough to walk. they are afraid she might get in to the back yard somehow and get eaten.

I told her I would take it and eat if she didnt mind, rather than having it eat a kid. she told me sure. I'm going to pick it up next week.

I'm then gonna figure a way to chain it, and several possums, to a tree in my back yard so i can plump it up a little.

Then i'm going to have all my co workers down so i can kill it. deep fry the tail and roast the body.

yup... my co worker has a 5' alligator in her back yard!

anybody want to join? i'm thinking mid April for a roast date on this. :ss

Smokin Gator 03-12-2009 04:00 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by SixPackSunday (Post 283632)
my co worker has a 5' alligator in her back yard!

anybody want to join? i'm thinking mid April for a roast date on this. :ss

I'd love to join you, but that isn't a big enough gator for a real big party!!! BTW, the jaw muscle meat and the meat where the leg goes in is the best!!!

SixPackSunday 03-12-2009 04:04 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
haha, i know its not going to be a ton of meat, but i figure there will be around 20 of us. One of my other co-workers offered to net a bunch of crawfish for the even to eat!

Smokin Gator 03-12-2009 04:10 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by SixPackSunday (Post 283637)
haha, i know its not going to be a ton of meat, but i figure there will be around 20 of us. One of my other co-workers offered to net a bunch of crawfish for the even to eat!

Now you are talking!!!

With a small gator like that you might consider grinding the meat, mixing in some pork fat, and making "gator burgers." Something a little more time consuming but dang good is to do the same thing but make meatballs. Wrap a piece of bacon around them and smoke them for about 2 1/2 hours at 225. MMMMmmmm... gator balls!!!

SixPackSunday 03-12-2009 04:18 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
whats the best way to go about killing the bastard? after I let my friends get drunk and try to wrestle it to death of course!


taltos 03-12-2009 04:30 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by SixPackSunday (Post 283642)
whats the best way to go about killing the bastard? after I let my friends get drunk and try to wrestle it to death of course!


45 cal in the brain pan.

SmokeyNL 03-12-2009 04:36 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by SixPackSunday (Post 283642)
whats the best way to go about killing the bastard? after I let my friends get drunk and try to wrestle it to death of course!



but the bullit trough the brain may work as well ;)

Don Fernando 03-12-2009 05:20 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by SixPackSunday (Post 283642)
whats the best way to go about killing the bastard? after I let my friends get drunk and try to wrestle it to death of course!

put a chair in front of the gator, put Al in the chair and let Al tell bedtime stories. The gator will die of instant boredom :r

Smokin Gator 03-12-2009 05:23 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 283660)
put a chair in front of the gator, put Al in the chair and let Al tell bedtime stories. The gator will die of instant boredom :r

:r:r The Don is ON this morning!!!

If by the slim chance that doesn't work I would use a 12 gauge shotgun and put it about 5 or so inches above his eyes and pull the trigger.

Hardcz 03-12-2009 06:14 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by Smokin Gator (Post 283662)
:r:r The Don is ON this morning!!!

If by the slim chance that doesn't work I would use a 12 gauge shotgun and put it about 5 or so inches above his eyes and pull the trigger.

slugs work better than bird shot for this btw.... :r

Just saying....

Wish I could come down for gator and crawfish, sounds awesome.

mrreindeer 03-12-2009 07:49 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 283660)
put a chair in front of the gator, put Al in the chair and let Al tell bedtime stories. The gator will die of instant boredom :r


An ALigator in Indiana, wtf???

Fishbeadtwo 03-12-2009 07:52 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
Sounds like it has the makings for a "crocumentary" with a small production budget of course.....:D

King James 03-12-2009 07:53 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
Just make sure Bunny is watching if you wrastle the thing

TripleF 03-12-2009 07:59 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
Better hope Rizzle doesn't see this......the thought of cooked gator might get him licking his chops! (he's a BAMA fan for those of you who don't know).

icehog3 03-12-2009 08:04 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
Love me some fresh gator....but I could eat a 5 footer myself. :r

rizzle 03-12-2009 09:03 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
Somebody say we're having gator for dinner? In.


hotreds 03-12-2009 09:17 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Stig 03-12-2009 10:34 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
Mmmmmmm Gator. The tail meat is real good

Geppetto 03-12-2009 11:32 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
Put me in for shoes, belt and another friggin purse for the Mrs.

bonjing 03-12-2009 02:53 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
kill it Crocodile Dundee style... jump from a tree and drive your knife through it's skull

Martin 03-12-2009 05:13 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
Stich gonna make some cigar cases? I'm in.

heavyd 03-12-2009 05:27 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
I like the "let my drunk friends kill it" scenario. I would pay big coin to watch :r

WildBlueSooner 03-12-2009 08:51 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
Damn...this sounds like a good time!

chippewastud79 03-12-2009 09:03 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
Seriously an alligator in Indiana? Feed that thing chicken and beef parts from a local butcher for a year (likely can pick up scraps for free of very cheap) and make it a honker, then cut 'em up. I suggest some deep fried gator bites for part of the consuming.

I vote for the Happy Gilmore in the water gator wrestle

adampc22 03-12-2009 09:05 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
arnt thay protected animals now ??????

SixPackSunday 03-12-2009 09:21 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by adampc22 (Post 284979)
arnt thay protected animals now ??????

if by protected you mean 'i'll let it wear a cup when wrestling' then yes!

but seriously, I have no idea. i just want to eat it.

stitch you want some gator skin for whatever?

I wish i could plump it up a little, but i have NO means of keeping it for more than a few days, a week at most. so if it comes to my house its going to gator heaven shortly after!

DrDubzz 03-13-2009 02:16 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
this thread has epic makings


we will need pics

taltos 03-13-2009 03:20 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
I just know that this is going to fall on deaf ears but has your co-worker thought about contacting a local zoo about taking the gator instead of having you guys go all macho and killing a captive animal?

Hardcz 03-13-2009 05:18 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by taltos (Post 285313)
I just know that this is going to fall on deaf ears but has your co-worker thought about contacting a local zoo about taking the gator instead of having you guys go all macho and killing a captive animal?

Long as it's not abused it should be good either way.

Kinda does one bring up the topic....

Co-worker- So I have this pet...dunno what I'm gonna do with it...
You-HMMMMM What is it?
Co-worker- a gator...
You-MMM Don't those taste like chicken?
Co-worker- I suppose? I never ate them... YOU CAN'T EAT FLUFFY!!!
You- Oh come on, just saying.... so you don't want it eh?
Co-worker- No, I have to get rid of it....
You- I'll take fluffy from you on Friday...(Rubs hands together) Want to come to a BBQ at my place on Sunday?
Co-worker- Thanks! That'll be a burden off my shoulders.... BBQ? Sounds fun!
You- Great on both accounts.... We're eating gator
Co-worker- I wonder what my other pets will taste like...


macpappy 03-13-2009 08:17 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
There is a trapping season on gators in Louisiana and you can also buy it in some supermarkets.

Take the tail meat and cut it in cubes, put it on skewers and bbq it.
And the jowl meat is real good.

Hardcz 03-13-2009 08:23 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
I want a cheek!

lightning9191 03-13-2009 11:28 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by SixPackSunday (Post 285028)
if by protected you mean 'i'll let it wear a cup when wrestling' then yes!

but seriously, I have no idea. i just want to eat it.

stitch you want some gator skin for whatever?

I wish i could plump it up a little, but i have NO means of keeping it for more than a few days, a week at most. so if it comes to my house its going to gator heaven shortly after!

Does this cross your mind about other pets?

LordOfWu 03-13-2009 11:33 AM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by RX2010 (Post 285296)
this thread has epic makings


we will need pics



rizzle 03-13-2009 01:28 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by SixPackSunday (Post 285028)
if by protected you mean 'i'll let it wear a cup when wrestling' then yes!

but seriously, I have no idea. i just want to eat it.

stitch you want some gator skin for whatever?

I wish i could plump it up a little, but i have NO means of keeping it for more than a few days, a week at most. so if it comes to my house its going to gator heaven shortly after!


You gotta at least preserve the head. You can use it later as a nifty serving tray.

SixPackSunday 03-13-2009 01:32 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by lightning9191 (Post 285806)
Does this cross your mind about other pets?

no, not really. but good point.


Originally Posted by rizzle (Post 285992)

You gotta at least preserve the head. You can use it later as a nifty serving tray.

omg! can anybody say COOLEST. ASHTRAY. EVER!


Originally Posted by taltos (Post 285313)
I just know that this is going to fall on deaf ears but has your co-worker thought about contacting a local zoo about taking the gator instead of having you guys go all macho and killing a captive animal?

she actually tried to get several local pet stores/zoos to take it. they just wouldnt. My eating it really is here last option.

RHNewfie 03-13-2009 01:53 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by RX2010 (Post 285296)
this thread has epic makings


we will need pics

Boy do I agree... subscribed!!

rizzle 03-13-2009 02:03 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by SixPackSunday (Post 285028)
... i just want to eat it.


Originally Posted by SixPackSunday (Post 285998)
she actually tried to get several local pet stores/zoos to take it. they just wouldnt. My eating it really is here last option.

Dude...stop it. You got me rolling on the freaking floor laughing. Seriously.

macpappy 03-13-2009 03:19 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Alligators will not only attack, kill and eat your domesticated family pets but they will kill and eat children, women and men. Just ask the people who live in Florida. They are not endangered.

CBI_2 03-14-2009 02:52 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by mrreindeer (Post 283823)

An ALigator in Indiana, wtf???

My 1st thought.

Originally Posted by macpappy (Post 286146)

Alligators will not only attack, kill and eat your domesticated family pets but they will kill and eat children, women and men. Just ask the people who live in Florida. They are not endangered.

Is that the gator or the people? :D

This gator incident happened about 30 minutes or so away from where I live.

LooseCard 03-18-2009 08:02 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by SixPackSunday (Post 283642)
whats the best way to go about killing the bastard? after I let my friends get drunk and try to wrestle it to death of course!


Originally Posted by SixPackSunday (Post 285028)
but seriously, I have no idea. i just want to eat it.


Originally Posted by SixPackSunday (Post 285998)
omg! can anybody say COOLEST. ASHTRAY. EVER!


You're killin me!

I'm laughing so hard my eyes are watering!

Suscribed too!

PS. Get that skin tanned and make a few 3-finger cases... :r :r

SixPackSunday 03-18-2009 08:14 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
still waiting to get the final go ahead to pick this thing up. as soon as I have it, and i mean as SOON, you all will have pictures!

hotreds 03-18-2009 08:18 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Sailchaser 03-18-2009 08:38 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 293723)

Serve that with whip cream and I'm Happy for life:r:r

Sr Mike 03-18-2009 09:10 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
When I read "chain a tree" and "killing the bastard", I lost all respect for you bro. I honestly have no problems with eating any animal, like an alligator, but you need to learn to respect it. You want to fatten it up, but without learning to care for it, the gator will die before you get a chance to have it as a meal.

Chain it to a tree? Are you really that retarded? You have serious issues thinking it is okay to just chain it to a tree. That is animal cruelty.

My first thought when I read those words from you were "I hope you get bit".

This is Bubba (died of a bladder infection at 17 years of age), and his owner. He has met Steve Irwin who never thought an alligator can be tamed:

SixPackSunday 03-18-2009 09:19 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
Sr Mike, while I appreciate your caring thoughts towards animals you have obviously missed the sarcasm in this thread.

I will not be chaining it to a tree, but is that different than putting a dog on a leash (not animal cruelty last i checked)? it will actually be in a large cage out back. I figured its the best thing I can do for it short of putting a small lake in my backyard for it.

I do still plan on killing 'the bastard' but after talking to somebody on the forum that has raised alligators before I am going to try and get my local vet to put it down with a shot for me. If not he said that at that size a solid slug should put it down easy enough.

I wont own the thing long enough to actually fatten it up, but if you like I'll give it a proper name, let it celebrate a birthday, and maybe let it sign up for an internet dating site before I do kill it.

also, in the picture, which one of them has met steve? :)

hotreds 03-18-2009 09:23 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
Hmm, something ironic about a self proclaimed "gangsta" being upset about an aligator's treatment.........

GKitty 03-18-2009 09:36 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
This thread just keeps getting better!!!

:r :r :r

AllOGistics 03-18-2009 09:46 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
I'm all for eating alligator.... I'm just glad you put "pet" at the end of your thread title.

Sr Mike 03-18-2009 09:56 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet
I did not read much sarcasm in your posts. Go ahead and name it, share a birthday, heck have play dates with other alligators.

LordOfWu 03-18-2009 09:58 PM

Re: I'm going to kill and eat my co-workers pet

Originally Posted by GKitty (Post 293847)
This thread just keeps getting better!!!

:r :r :r


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