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boonedoggle 03-03-2009 05:02 PM

Update on ME
Well, since my move to Charleston in January, I have been busy as the dickens. Time has really flown by. My life, as I knew it before in DC, has changed dramatically. Aside from spending alot of my time in training, the rest of my time has been spent texting, calling, and chatting online with my wife and kids. I miss everything about my old life, as it were, especially the time I used to spend on the boards. I guess, all (good) things must come to an end. I will be spending a week with the family next week, then I am off to Washington State to do Survival (SERE: Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) training. This should be quite an experience for me, and will prepare me to be a flyer if my plane should ever go down behind enemy lines.
Regardless, I will be deploying somewhere in harms way toward the end of the year, so I will keep all in touch with as many people as I can. Hope everyone is doing well in the online cigar community world. :)

WildBlueSooner 03-03-2009 05:05 PM

Re: Update on ME
An AF hello to you!

hotreds 03-03-2009 05:06 PM

Re: Update on ME
Hoorah, stay safe and God Bless!

markem 03-03-2009 05:10 PM

Re: Update on ME

Originally Posted by boonedoggle (Post 268748)

I will be spending a week with the family next week, then I am off to Washington State to do Survival (SERE: Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape) training.

McChord AFB - Fort Lewis area? We know a great herf place not far from there, Jimmy.

boonedoggle 03-03-2009 05:15 PM

Re: Update on ME

Originally Posted by vstrommark (Post 268762)
McChord AFB - Fort Lewis area? We know a great herf place not far from there, Jimmy.

Fairchild AFB, wherever that iz...

markem 03-03-2009 05:24 PM

Re: Update on ME

Originally Posted by boonedoggle (Post 268774)
Fairchild AFB, wherever that iz...

bummer. NE corner of the state by Spokane. A long ways from Seattle.

G G 03-03-2009 05:29 PM

Re: Update on ME
Stay safe my friend.:tu

Old Sailor 03-03-2009 05:37 PM

Re: Update on ME
:salute::salute: Jimmy:tu and watch your six!!

68TriShield 03-03-2009 05:46 PM

Re: Update on ME
Well at least you're not bored Jimmy... ;)

The light will be left on for you indefinitely Bro.You take care and stop in when you can...:usa

Sauer Grapes 03-03-2009 06:38 PM

Re: Update on ME
Good to hear from you Jimmy.

SmokeyJoe 03-03-2009 06:45 PM

Re: Update on ME
Take care of yourself, Jimmy... we miss you! :ss

replicant_argent 03-03-2009 06:53 PM

Re: Update on ME
Remember, the right ant selection for dessert at SERE, Jimmy, Sweet Tarts ain't so bad.

Glad to hear you are bumpin and jumpin.

mojo65 03-03-2009 07:07 PM

Re: Update on ME
:usaPack your long skivvies.........its cold up there! Thanks for your service!:usa

CBI_2 03-03-2009 08:10 PM

Re: Update on ME
Thanks for your service and send our thanks to your family as well. I know it was difficult for my sister and nephews when my brother-in-law was away when he served.

Just can't thank you guys and your families enough. :usa

Starscream 03-03-2009 08:32 PM

Re: Update on ME
Good to hear from you, Jimmy. Stay safe and get as much time as you can in with your family.:tu

MithShrike 03-04-2009 12:11 AM

Re: Update on ME
Best of luck! Glad to hear from you man.

kaisersozei 03-04-2009 06:23 AM

Re: Update on ME
Glad to hear you're doing well and keeping busy--best of luck to you and stay in touch as you can.

I guess this means you also need to send me your new address. ;)

macpappy 03-04-2009 07:25 AM

Re: Update on ME

Originally Posted by vstrommark (Post 268790)
bummer. NE corner of the state by Spokane. A long ways from Seattle.

The terrain must be similar to Afghanistan. Just watch out for the mountain women...

ahc4353 03-04-2009 07:27 AM

Re: Update on ME

Be well, be safe.

Always here if you need us.

Waynegro1 03-04-2009 08:01 AM

Re: Update on ME
As everyone has said, be safe and good luck, Jimmy. You're a PATRIOT and I :salute: you. It's funny, the things you miss when you're away from family and friends. You know, the things you never even gave much thought to, and now what you'd do to have/do some of those things (even for a few minutes). God Bless, brother!! :usa

theycallmedan'lboone 03-04-2009 09:01 AM

Re: Update on ME
take with you to sere school: a good sharp knife. not a gerber from the px, but a good, sharp knife. dryer lint in a plastic baggie. if you set in a tree for 45-50 minutes really still you may be able to catch a bird... to eat.



Skywalker 03-04-2009 02:56 PM

Re: Update on ME
Nice to hear from you Jimmy!!!

Thanks for the update!!!

God bless!!!

shaggy 03-04-2009 04:16 PM

Re: Update on ME
hey jimmeeeeyyyyyy....glad to hear u are safe and just stay that way bro

boonedoggle 04-13-2009 01:27 PM

Re: Update on ME
well, just got back yesterday from SERE, and I must say that was the most challenging course I have ever done. Not only was I pushed beyond what I thought I could do, I also learned alot of awesome new skills and tools. I only had one chance to smoke a cigar, which turned out to be a Tat. Due to the dry conditions, she unraveled and really wasn't that pleasant. Other than my toes STILL being numb, and my knees killing me from the 50lb ruck, I am not bad off. Decompressing now with a Padron 64 and a Casa Magna, which are both awesome. I missed me some tobacco!:D

ahc4353 04-13-2009 01:35 PM

Re: Update on ME
Enjoy your time Jimmy.

Wishing you all the best.

macpappy 04-13-2009 02:55 PM

Re: Update on ME
Welcome back Jimmy.

chippewastud79 04-13-2009 03:10 PM

Re: Update on ME
Welcome back Jimmy :tu

68TriShield 04-13-2009 03:17 PM

Re: Update on ME
Get on skype and tell me about it sometime Jim,I'd love to hear about it :usa

WildBlueSooner 04-13-2009 05:02 PM

Re: Update on ME

Originally Posted by boonedoggle (Post 334272)
well, just got back yesterday from SERE, and I must say that was the most challenging course I have ever done. Not only was I pushed beyond what I thought I could do, I also learned alot of awesome new skills and tools. I only had one chance to smoke a cigar, which turned out to be a Tat. Due to the dry conditions, she unraveled and really wasn't that pleasant. Other than my toes STILL being numb, and my knees killing me from the 50lb ruck, I am not bad off. Decompressing now with a Padron 64 and a Casa Magna, which are both awesome. I missed me some tobacco!:D

Sounds like you had fun :r

JPH 04-13-2009 05:03 PM

Re: Update on ME
Sweet brother

BC-Axeman 04-13-2009 05:04 PM

Re: Update on ME
Welcome back.

boonedoggle 04-13-2009 05:05 PM

Re: Update on ME

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 334495)
Get on skype and tell me about it sometime Jim,I'd love to hear about it :usa

I'll try to catch up on Skype at the end of the week. Do you guys usually do the conference thing? I used to enjoy killing time on Friday nights skyping.

68TriShield 04-13-2009 05:08 PM

Re: Update on ME

Originally Posted by boonedoggle (Post 334706)
I'll try to catch up on Skype at the end of the week. Do you guys usually do the conference thing? I used to enjoy killing time on Friday nights skyping.

Yes sir :)

longknocker 04-13-2009 05:13 PM

Re: Update on ME
Glad to hear from you again, Jimmy! Stay safe out there, Bro!:tu

Old Sailor 04-13-2009 05:47 PM

Re: Update on ME
Welcome back Jimmy.

hotreds 04-13-2009 07:50 PM

Re: Update on ME


taltos 04-13-2009 08:14 PM

Re: Update on ME
Jimmy, stay safe and if you need anything, let us know. Thanks for serving and carrying on the tradition of service. Paul:usa

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