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Whipper Snapper 02-28-2009 11:17 PM

BBQ... The real thing
I'm going to quote myself here

"Forget all you folks who think throwing meat on a grill at a little house party is BBQ.

If the meat hasn't had a dry rub put on it, followed by hours of precious slow cooking (in a smoker of course), basted and then blasted with some good bbq sauce after it's finished... Then it isn't BBQ."

And without further ado, straight from kansas city, I give you-

Arthur Bryant's
It's the president's choice.

icehog3 02-28-2009 11:21 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
I got my first taste of Kansas City BBQ in December thanks to Mr. allanb, Blake. I am sold. ;)

white_s2k 02-28-2009 11:21 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
BBQ without a smoker isn't real BBQ.

Can't disagree with you there :tu

Everything else is "just grilling" :D

goalie204 02-28-2009 11:32 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
agreed, without smoking low and slow, it is just grilling, but don't know anyone who would argue that

eber 03-01-2009 09:01 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
I got a smoker this summer, and the first time smoking anything I was cooking for 50+ people for my Aunt's birthday (no pressure) made baby backs and brisket. it was a lot of work but a lot of fun. we are thinking about having a competition this summer, just for fun of course with family and friends.

Whipper Snapper 03-01-2009 10:33 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 263669)
I got my first taste of Kansas City BBQ in December thanks to Mr. allanb, Blake. I am sold. ;)

The next time you're in kansas city, the bbq is on me.

goalie204 03-01-2009 10:38 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
my daD who has travelled the world and eaten some bbq several times in kansas, tennesse, texas said the best he's had was in atlanta, but i just wnat to try them all, bbq makes me weak in the knees :X

Gone Dave 03-01-2009 10:59 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by goalie204 (Post 264097)
my daD who has travelled the world and eaten some bbq several times in kansas, tennesse, texas said the best he's had was in atlanta, but i just wnat to try them all, bbq makes me weak in the knees :X

No thats not possible... Not Atlanta for the best Que... Skanky Ho's, yes.. BBQ.. Dont believe it.. I am a transplanted Txn, and I have chowed down in St.Louis, Tennessee, and of course Texas, but lets not even forget Carolina style...
Damn I love cooked meat!!

icehog3 03-01-2009 12:19 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by Tecnorobo (Post 264082)
The next time you're in kansas city, the bbq is on me.

Figuratively, of course! :r

Blake, I will likely be visiting KC this summer, so hopefully we can finally have a herf together. :tu

shilala 03-01-2009 12:22 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
Oh, man. Looks incredible. :tu

leasingthisspace 03-01-2009 12:28 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
I am looking forward to my first KC Q here in the next couple days.

If it tastes as good as it looks I am sold.
Posted via Mobile Device

cle_smoker 03-01-2009 02:17 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
Cleveland BBQ isn't half bad either. :ss


nozero 03-01-2009 02:31 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
The best BBQ I've ever had was prior to 1986 when I moved to Texas, it was from Leo's Bar-B-Q in OKC. I think it was on Kelly? Great meat and sauce to die for.

Geppetto 03-01-2009 05:17 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by Tecnorobo (Post 264082)
The next time you're in kansas city, the bbq is on me.

Oh Lord, you didn't go there! You're ON!:r:r

newcigarz 03-01-2009 05:17 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by cle_smoker (Post 264404)

That looks tasty.

mikeyj23 03-01-2009 05:18 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
Arthur Bryant's absolutely cannot be beat - thanks for the pics and reminder!

King James 03-01-2009 05:38 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
Never had KC BBQ..... can get some good bbq around here, but not sure how it compares. Those pics do look tastey though

eber 03-01-2009 05:56 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
:dr :dr

giono2 03-01-2009 06:05 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
I have done briskets on my WSM for the past two weekends. I'm just getting into it, bur it has been a blast so far. People are amazed (and so am I) by what I can put out. It's also a great excuse to stand around and have a smoke.

Cigary 03-01-2009 08:12 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
KC BBQ isn't complete without a visit to Gates BBQ and Sons. When I lived there for 12 years I was a permanent fixture and I have tasted every BBQ joint in town,,you're not going to beat this place. Just like cigars, we all have our tastes when it comes to things we like and BBQ is subjective at best,,,,but Beef on Bun with fries,,,BB and Yammer pie gets it done every time!!

cle_smoker 03-01-2009 08:17 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by giono2 (Post 264687)
I have done briskets on my WSM for the past two weekends. I'm just getting into it, bur it has been a blast so far. People are amazed (and so am I) by what I can put out. It's also a great excuse to stand around and have a smoke.

WSM user as well. You will be surprised at the quantity and quality of BBQ you can produce now.


goalie204 03-01-2009 08:24 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by Gone Dave (Post 264137)
[color="Blue"]No thats not possible... Not Atlanta for the best Que...

just like cigars, taste is a matter of preference and is subjective, no one is wrong.

Whipper Snapper 03-01-2009 08:28 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by goalie204 (Post 265052)
just like cigars, taste is a matter of preference and is subjective, no one is wrong.

Ahh, but the arguments will always be waged. Everyone has their favorite.. I know I do.

Anyhow, one thing that can't be disputed about bbq is that it must be done low and slow. No exceptions.

Yazzie 03-01-2009 08:39 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
Texas BBQ doesn't suck either......

goalie204 03-01-2009 08:41 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
I have had bbq in my city of winnipeg manitoba canada and they claim its "kansas and tennesse -Style-" and it was pretty good, but i'm sure it's nothing like the real thing.

Only "real" bbq i feel i've had was in texas, and it was pretty darn tasty, but I won't rest until I've had KC and some others :)

Darrell 03-01-2009 08:48 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by cle_smoker (Post 264404)

It looks a little well done. ;)

icehog3 03-01-2009 08:48 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by goalie204 (Post 265118)
I have had bbq in my city of winnipeg manitoba canada and they claim its "kansas and tennesse -Style-" and it was pretty good, but i'm sure it's nothing like the real thing.

Only "real" bbq i feel i've had was in texas, and it was pretty darn tasty, but I won't rest until I've had KC and some others :)

Big difference between KC and Texas BBQ....I love 'em both! :dr

cle_smoker 03-01-2009 08:56 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 265128)
It looks a little well done. ;)

If you are talking about the outside, that's the way you want it. Those crispy bits have a ton of flavor. If you are talking about the inner part of the meat, you don't want to eat a brisket medium rare. That first bite would take you 10 minutes to chew through.


Darrell 03-01-2009 08:57 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by cle_smoker (Post 265148)
If you are talking about the outside, that's the way you want it. Those crispy bits have a ton of flavor. If you are talking about the inner part of the meat, you don't want to eat a brisket medium rare. That first bite would take you 10 minutes to chew through.


The outside is perfect, looks :dr.

The inside could use a touch of red, but I agree definitely not med rare for brisket.

awsmith4 03-01-2009 09:05 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by Gone Dave (Post 264137)
No thats not possible... Not Atlanta for the best Que... Skanky Ho's, yes.. BBQ.. Dont believe it.. I am a transplanted Txn, and I have chowed down in St.Louis, Tennessee, and of course Texas, but lets not even forget Carolina style...
Damn I love cooked meat!!

I have lived here in and around Atlanta my whole life and there is nothing but sweet Georgia Peaches, all the ho's are transplants.

As far as bbq I am a fan of almost all styles myself. The best, imho, coming out of Eastern NC, KC, and Memphis. Recently though in Atlanta (actually Marietta) a new bbq resturant called Sam and Dave's opened that really is some of the finest pulled pork I have ever eaten.

cle_smoker 03-01-2009 09:06 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
I will admit that was my first one, and I went a little light on the smoke. The last one I cooked back in the fall had a good 1/4" ring and topped this one by far. But it didn't sit around long enough for pics. :)

icehog3 03-01-2009 09:13 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by cle_smoker (Post 264404)
Cleveland BBQ isn't half bad either. :ss

Got to sample some Cleveland BBQ last summer, and it was pretty fuggin' good too. :tu

Darrell 03-01-2009 09:15 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
Let's be honest. Does any city/states BBQ suck? I mean SPECIFIC people might make some bad BBQ themselves, but for the most part ALL BBQ is awesome. :2

Whipper Snapper 03-01-2009 09:21 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 265199)
Let's be honest. Does any city/states BBQ suck? I mean SPECIFIC people might make some bad BBQ themselves, but for the most part ALL BBQ is awesome. :2

BBQ is awesome. But I've got to represent my hometown stripes. KC is often referred to as the bbq capital of the world, and for good reason... I love me some good bbq. Kansas city wouldn't be nearly as exciting without all the awesome joints we have here.

I can't say which region sports the best Q, but KC serves up some pretty good stuff.

cle_smoker 03-01-2009 09:24 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 265199)
Let's be honest. Does any city/states BBQ suck? I mean SPECIFIC people might make some bad BBQ themselves, but for the most part ALL BBQ is awesome. :2

Hear hear!

Gone Dave 03-01-2009 09:54 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 265199)
Let's be honest. Does any city/states BBQ suck? I mean SPECIFIC people might make some bad BBQ themselves, but for the most part ALL BBQ is awesome. :2

:tpd::tpd: the only thing that sucks is the afore mentioned skanky's;)

JaKaacH 03-01-2009 10:29 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
Rosedale is my FAV :dr

jquirit 03-01-2009 11:02 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
Oregon BBQ ain't half-bad either. :tu

It looks dry, but it ain't. :D

mosesbotbol 03-02-2009 05:38 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
Texas all the way for me!

Gone Dave 03-02-2009 06:01 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by jquirit (Post 265393)
Oregon BBQ ain't half-bad either. :tu

It looks dry, but it ain't. :D

:tu:dr MEAT!!!

Parshooter 03-02-2009 06:43 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
Atlanta has some damn good bbq. You just have to be brave and go to the 'hood to get it. :tu

Starscream 03-02-2009 07:44 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
NC/SC bbq is awesome. I went to a pig-pickin on Saturday. One of the good things about this part of the country.

coach 03-02-2009 07:48 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
Beale Street in Memphis. now that's BBQ

cle_smoker 03-02-2009 08:04 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing
I've had my share of Memphis BBQ and it is damn fine.


Kreth 03-02-2009 08:06 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 265693)
NC/SC bbq is awesome. I went to a pig-pickin on Saturday. One of the good things about this part of the country.

I worked at a bar in NC that did these about once a month. We had a guy that came in with a slow cooker made from a 55-gallon drum mounted on a trailer. He'd start cooking the night before, and it was sooooo good... :dr

Starscream 03-02-2009 08:17 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 265733)
I worked at a bar in NC that did these about once a month. We had a guy that came in with a slow cooker made from a 55-gallon drum mounted on a trailer. He'd start cooking the night before, and it was sooooo good... :dr

Sounds familiar. You gotta love it!:dr

awsmith4 03-02-2009 08:25 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 265693)
NC/SC bbq is awesome. I went to a pig-pickin on Saturday. One of the good things about this part of the country.

Man i love Pig Pickin's, I go to one at least once a year on the start of dove season, and when i get lucky my uncle will host one when we are in NC visiting him.

Darrell 03-02-2009 08:27 AM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by jquirit (Post 265393)
Oregon BBQ ain't half-bad either. :tu

It looks dry, but it ain't. :D


Geppetto 03-02-2009 06:09 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 265693)
NC/SC bbq is awesome. I went to a pig-pickin on Saturday. One of the good things about this part of the country.

Sweatman's between Eutawville & Holly Hill SC -


And any place in Selma Alabama is good! :dr

Smokin Gator 03-02-2009 06:13 PM

Re: BBQ... The real thing

Originally Posted by coach (Post 265700)
Beale Street in Memphis. now that's BBQ

I can't think of one place on Beale Street that has really good Q. Now there are several places in Memphis that are top notch... Central BBQ being my favorite, but on Beale the only place that is even decent IMO is The Pig and that is only for there sauces. Sorry for the run on sentence!!

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