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TomHagen 02-26-2009 11:20 PM

Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
I just smoked the #2 of the new Ambos Mundos by Tatuaje, made by Pete Johnson. My B&M got in 2 boxes, 1 each of the #1 & #2. The #1 is the lighter wrapper and the #2 is the darker. I got the second to last #2 after my B&M ran through the box in 24 hrs. The were $5.95 (NY) each. They still had over half a box of #1. I picked up both. The packaging was gorgeous with a nice foil fleur de lis on colorful paper over the cedar latched cabinet.

Smoked the #2 after a Boli RC 08

While I enjoyed the Ambos Mundos, it seemed to lack complexity, but had a nice even med (med/full?) flavor throughout. Granted it could have just been overshadowed by the BRC...
A lot of times I feel the darker wrapper is less complex on smokes that come out this way, even though folks run for the darker. It was smooth, without the peppery spice of Tat & DPG. Will need to smoke more to get the flavors more exact. Will definitely try again. I will smoke the #1 first when I revisit it.

Oh, by the way Pete is coming to my B&M in the near future... :ss
Loved the Tat Black Robusto (more than the CG).

Lucky_Hippo 02-27-2009 02:45 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
Relly like the cigars Pete's been putting out. I'll have to keep and eye out for these and give them a shot.

Thanks for heads up.

rizzle 02-27-2009 09:11 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
These guys are putting out so much stuff a dummy like me can't keep up with it all.

jwintosh 02-27-2009 09:28 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje

Volusianator 02-27-2009 09:30 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje

Originally Posted by jwintosh (Post 260399)

Mr. Winton! :ss

FriskyDingo 02-27-2009 12:13 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
:hm Are these basically Tatuaje Seconds? I read this line was using Grade C tobacco - blemishes, wrong color, etc..

BlackIrish 02-27-2009 12:34 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
Thanks for the heads up.

TomHagen 02-27-2009 02:31 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje

Originally Posted by FriskyDingo (Post 260806)
:hm Are these basically Tatuaje Seconds? I read this line was using Grade C tobacco - blemishes, wrong color, etc..

The color and texture on all the wrappers was very inform. Not veiny at all. Nice prelight smell, excellent construct/roll. The flavor on the 1 that I smoked just didn't blow me away. Kind of smooth, but not light bodied at all. Not like a Tat second, I think a different cigar altogether, little spice - so a different flavor profile than Tats.

ronhoffman2 02-28-2009 11:22 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
This is the first I heard of this cigar. I'll have to give it a try if I can find it at Famous.

dmoby 02-28-2009 02:41 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje

Originally Posted by FriskyDingo (Post 260806)
:hm Are these basically Tatuaje Seconds? I read this line was using Grade C tobacco - blemishes, wrong color, etc..

No, Pete made these for the people looking for a more reasonable price point.

gnukfu 02-28-2009 04:13 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
These are Tat yard gars! I'll have to try one and see how they are,

ronhoffman2 02-28-2009 05:49 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
I thought the white label tats were pretty affordable compared to the others. They're like just about 1/2 MSRP of the reds.

FriskyDingo 03-03-2009 12:48 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
TexCigars is where I happened to read the info that it was Grade "C" tobacco used. Maybe Matt could shed some light on the subject.

"Ambos Mundos means both worlds and the Ambos Mundos Habano Toro is truly the best of both flavor and value. Made from lower grade tobacco than the regular Tatuaje line, this cigar is still flavor packed. The B and C grade tobacco is not as fine and it may also need additional age."

montecristo#2 03-09-2009 10:51 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
Smoked both of the robustos today, one after the other. I had the Nicaraguan Habano followed by the Ecuadorian Sumatra.

I figured I would like the habano more as I normally prefer Nicaraguan puros, but I thought the Habano was so so. Not a bad cigar, but nothing that special and it got a little boring near the end.

I lit up the Ecuadorian Sumatra right afterwards and was pleasantly surprised. It had a very interesting flavor that was clean and crisp (no other way to describe it), a little sweet, more medium in flavor. It was definitely smoother than the Habano. I really enjoyed it so much I decided to buy a box. It will be interesting to see how these age. I might have to pick up a box of toros one of these days as well.

silentjon 03-10-2009 05:24 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
I smoked both the Habano and the Sumatra. I enjoyed them both, but they were not very complex.

Beagleone 03-10-2009 06:35 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
Both are good IMHO, but these sticks need some age, especially the sumatra. I am a fan of habanos wrappers. Good price point and decent smokes. Seriously good ash on the one I had for lunch today.

leafandale 03-11-2009 07:13 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
I agree with most of what's been said. I really liked the Sumatra (darker wrapper) but the Habano was just OK. These are better than the Serie P IMO. And no, they are not seconds. Just lower grade tobacco. Although the wrappers I've seen on the 1/2 dozen I've smoked have looked real nice.

JJG 07-24-2009 04:45 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
just picked up the Robusto #1 for curiosity's sake. The Tat browns are my favorite NC so I had to see what these are all about. The wrapper looks...:( but I'm not one to take points off for appearance. If it tastes good, I'll buy more for sure.

review to follow

Mr. Ed 07-24-2009 06:33 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
I had the Habano wrapper toro the other day at the B&M. Not very impressed for whats touted as a Tatuaje cigars that use a lower grade tobacco. The filler was bunched very poorly at the foot, but the cigar still burned well and had a good draw. I found it to be mild-medium at its strongest. Pleasant flavor, but nothing that wowed me. Very good construction though.

Is this one made by DPG? If so I much prefer the Fumadores, Tatuaje P, LHO Overruns, and Tobaccos Baez SF as DPG and or Pete Johnson budget smokes.

Darrell 07-24-2009 06:43 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
I like these, especially the Sumatra.

TheRiddick 07-24-2009 09:07 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
Found them to be one dimensional and not worth the money.

GreekGodX 07-24-2009 09:09 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje

Originally Posted by TheRiddick (Post 479089)
Found them to be one dimensional and not worth the money.

I agree with the 1-dimensional, but at around 5 bucks this is a decent cigar.

ucla695 07-24-2009 09:43 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
I can't keep up with these either. I like Pete's cigars, but for the price, I feel there's better value to be found in cigars (with greater complexity) produced on a particular island. :)

BORIStheBLADE 07-24-2009 10:41 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
I've smoked both and they aren't bad for the price.

bigloo 07-24-2009 10:51 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
Not a big fan of these. I tried one a few days ago and it did not do it for me. For a cheaper PJ cigar I would hit the Series P. Still, it was a quality made smoke, just not my cup of tea.

Darrell 07-24-2009 11:11 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje

Originally Posted by bigloo (Post 479211)
Not a big fan of these. I tried one a few days ago and it did not do it for me. For a cheaper PJ cigar I would hit the Series P. Still, it was a quality made smoke, just not my cup of tea.

The P is now discontinued, Ambos Mundos replaced them.

bigloo 07-25-2009 12:07 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
The p definately cheapened the tatuaje name... probably a very good move for the PJ marketing machine:)

TheRiddick 07-25-2009 01:30 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 479095)
I agree with the 1-dimensional, but at around 5 bucks this is a decent cigar.

When I can buy 601 Habanos and DPG Black at roughly $4 a stick, Ambos Mundo are actually a pretty bad buy in my book.

duckmanco 07-25-2009 10:47 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje

Originally Posted by TheRiddick (Post 479315)
When I can buy 601 Habanos and DPG Black at roughly $4 a stick, Ambos Mundo are actually a pretty bad buy in my book.

I was looking forward to these for sure what with the EcSu wrapper, but when Cubao, 601, and some of the DPG stuff coming in under 4.00 a stick through some of the deals available, they don't seem worth it.

SmokinApe 07-25-2009 10:55 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
The P series was discontinued?

BFallehy 07-25-2009 03:45 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 479228)
The P is now discontinued, Ambos Mundos replaced them.

Discontinued? I will have to go out and get some of these.

Darrell 07-26-2009 08:50 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje

Originally Posted by SmokinApe (Post 479596)
The P series was discontinued?


GreekGodX 07-26-2009 09:13 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje

Originally Posted by TheRiddick (Post 479315)
When I can buy 601 Habanos and DPG Black at roughly $4 a stick, Ambos Mundo are actually a pretty bad buy in my book.

If I could get those cigars at that price regularly I would agree with you.

duckmanco 07-26-2009 11:43 PM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 481061)
If I could get those cigars at that price regularly I would agree with you.

ahhhh but you can.... I've said it here before, but yes its at Thompson Cigar, which will as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow start the flaming about the companies questionable practices in grave detail..... annoying sales calls, extra catalogs, screwed up orders, murdered mothers etc... but I did this very order 3 times and HAD NO ISSUES (back when it was 59.00 for 4 5 packs). All the 601 lines POST SCHIP for 4.00 a pop is damn good. Yeah, its a gamble, but if you give them a BS phone number, you never hear from them. Someone will tell you your nuts if you go for it, even with all that said. My :2

Steelergar 07-27-2009 12:51 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
The no. 1 just got a 90 in the other CA.

Ahbroody 07-27-2009 01:12 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje

Originally Posted by Darrell (Post 479228)
The P is now discontinued, Ambos Mundos replaced them.

So it is true. I heard someone at the shop say that. Makes sense. Is this a short filler medium filler stick also then? I remember thinking it was better than a P.

While I agree with the CC Black being a better deal at 4.00 thats not B&M price. It is nice to support the B&M sometimes. I think the 601 red is a bad stick and will leave it at that.

newlifetaxidermy 07-27-2009 09:07 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
I had a couple of the A.M. in the sumatra variety when they first came out and they were awesome. I tried some a couple weeks ago, and they were so-so. This is a long filler smoke, made with grade B & C tobaccos. IMO, there are much better Pepin-made budget smokes...I really like the Tabacos Baez Serie SF.

JJG 07-27-2009 10:59 AM

Re: Ambos Mundos - Tatuaje
well, I must say I wasn't disappointed by the Ambos Mundos I smoked on Friday. It was pretty much what I expected. Excellent flavor/ burn, not much complexity, but totally worth my $5.00.

The taste was similar to a Padron, only better. Very smooth and sweet with a little cocoa. while not as good as a '64 obviously, I would buy these hands down over the Padron thousand line.

It's true that there are better deals to be had from a certain island, but if you're at the local b&m and just looking to pick up a good solid smoke for less than $6.00, I'd definitely recommend trying an Ambos Mundos.

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