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Catfish 02-18-2009 06:54 PM

Your Everyday Gear
So... As I've gotten older, wiser, picked up a new vice (cigars), and better equipped to take care of certain situations, the other day I noticed my "everyday loadout" is getting a little obnoxious. So, I decided to post a pic of what I carry and ask my fellow Inmates...

Do y'all carry this much crap?!

Sitting on my photographer's vest (no, i'm no photog, it's for concealment, lol)from top Left moving clockwise:

2 mags
ID / wallet
cell phone / radio
2 mags

Over 7.5lbs of crap!!

smokeyandthebandit05 02-18-2009 07:22 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
All I carry is my wallet, phone, and Benchmade Griptilian. lol

Ace$nyper 02-18-2009 07:24 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
wallet, watch, ring, phone (sometimes) gun (other then school) harpy (knife) and laptop bag.

tobii3 02-18-2009 07:25 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
what?? No First Aid kit??

MedicCook 02-18-2009 07:30 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
ID, Money, Cell phones, Cutter, Cigars, Matches.

Catfish 02-18-2009 07:39 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 243417)
what?? No First Aid kit??

That's in the back of the cars. The wife's an ER nurse and I hold a buncha certs. in first aid, cpr, yadda yadda.

shilala 02-18-2009 07:43 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
Money clip, snuff and cell phone, and that's too much.

tobii3 02-18-2009 07:45 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
If I had to carry that every day, I would sell the house and MOVE.


SilverFox 02-18-2009 07:47 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 243478)
If I had to carry that every day, I would sell the house and MOVE.



Cigar Case, Lighter, Wallet, Blackberry, Kershaw Leek

karmaz00 02-18-2009 07:55 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
hmmm wallet, cigar cutter and

AD720 02-18-2009 07:58 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
You must have been a boy scout!

Keys, wallet, phone, chapstick, ipod, laptop.

doctorcue 02-18-2009 08:07 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
iPhone, work badge, wallet, knife, sunglasses, & keys.

ChicagoWhiteSox 02-18-2009 08:14 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
cellphone, wallet, keys, S.O.G arcitech, cigars, firebird

acruce 02-18-2009 08:20 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 243331)
So... As I've gotten older, wiser, picked up a new vice (cigars), and better equipped to take care of certain situations, the other day I noticed my "everyday loadout" is getting a little obnoxious. So, I decided to post a pic of what I carry and ask my fellow Inmates...

Do y'all carry this much crap?!

Sitting on my photographer's vest (no, i'm no photog, it's for concealment, lol)from top Left moving clockwise:

2 mags
ID / wallet
cell phone / radio
2 mags

Over 7.5lbs of crap!!

Man, thats allot of stuff!

Darrell 02-18-2009 08:22 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
Wallet, Blackberry, Keys, Knife, and Hat.

Biglizard1 02-18-2009 08:29 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
looks like a valid compliment of items should the need arise!
do you always carry five mags? Environmental hostilities?

groogs 02-18-2009 08:40 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
Wallet, Keys, Knife, Lighter, Cell Phone. The load will be heavier once my CCW gets approved.:dance:

alley00p 02-18-2009 08:46 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
I'm almost as bad as you, Catfish! :r

My daily loadout:

1 5 stick humi
2 cutters (xikar & Chateau Real stainless)
2 lighters
1 pocket knife
1 handgun
1 extra mag
1 iPhone + Plantronics bluetooth headset
1 netbook computer
2 sets of keys (one personal, 1 for work)

So, don't feel too bad.... :D


Ace$nyper 02-18-2009 08:49 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
No one yet is bringing the kitchen sink?

Kreth 02-18-2009 08:51 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
Treo, keys, lighter, smokes, wallet, and a Masters in Badassery :r

acarr 02-18-2009 09:07 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
What kind of war are you going to show up in where you need 4 mags of ammo:cb

I just carry keys, wallet and cell phone.

Ace$nyper 02-18-2009 09:09 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by acarr (Post 243649)
What kind of war are you going to show up in where you need 4 mags of ammo:cb

I just carry keys, wallet and cell phone.

What kind of zombies do you run into that die with one round :r

alley00p 02-18-2009 09:16 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by Ace$nyper (Post 243651)
What kind of zombies do you run into that die with one round :r

Well, a .45 acp hollow point will at least knock most anyone on their ass for a while!!! :tu



acarr 02-18-2009 10:19 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by alley00p (Post 243658)
Well, a .45 acp hollow point will at least knock most anyone on their ass for a while!!! :tu

Except for the terminator.

alley00p 02-18-2009 10:25 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by alley00p (Post 243658)
Well, a .45 acp hollow point will at least knock most anyone on their ass for a while!!! :tu



Originally Posted by acarr (Post 243723)
Except for the terminator.

Well, I did say "Most anyone!"


groogs 02-18-2009 10:28 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by acarr (Post 243649)
What kind of war are you going to show up in where you need 4 mags of ammo:cb

I just carry keys, wallet and cell phone.

There is one in the gun as well, so he is carrying 5 mags. I think that is perfectly reasonable.

DrDubzz 02-18-2009 10:32 PM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
wallet, iphone, burts bees wax

Catfish 02-19-2009 04:38 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by Biglizard1 (Post 243588) you always carry five mags? Environmental hostilities?

If someone ever gets the drop on me, i'm not going down for lack of shooting back. That's where all the weight comes from, too. Each mag. holds 16 rounds. I actually forgot to add my backup gun to the pic.

Mark C 02-19-2009 04:57 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
How the hell do you carry all that crap?

I go with a phone, wallet, keys, knife, and sometimes a pack of gum, and I'm with Scott, sometimes that's too much.

Thrak 02-19-2009 05:01 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
Lets see...

1 gun
1 wallet
1 checkbook (yeah a checkbook!)
1 work badge
1 parking card
1 knife
1 office keys
1 home/car keys
1 cell phone
1 work blackberry

I only carry the 1 mag thats in the gun. I figure if I cant solve a situation with 17 rounds, I'm doing something wrong lol.

68TriShield 02-19-2009 05:02 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
If Maryland was a carry State,yes I would.

Catfish 02-19-2009 05:18 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by Thrak (Post 243883)
... I figure if I cant solve a situation with 17 rounds, I'm doing something wrong lol.

We should chat sometime. Malfunctions happen, sir. You ever seen what happens to a mag if it takes just the right impact to the bottom of it? Or, in a double-feed situation, the best thing you can do it perform a failure drill and go back to work with mag. #2.

ucla695 02-19-2009 06:32 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
Credit card wallet (four slots for credit cars and ID's w/ interior slot), watch, ring, cell phone, money clip, keys and carmex.

renton20 02-19-2009 06:40 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
Kind of a different thing but as I've been riding my bike everywhere lately I carry a different type of gear.

spare tube
small pump
multi tool
small adjustable wrench
two rear lights and one front
sometimes a cable lock as well
two pairs of gloves
a balaclava
any books that I may need
all of which goes in my bag

and then
cell phone

TripleF 02-19-2009 07:10 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
It is strange catfish as to the amount of paraphenlia that we carry. I agree!

Here's mine. I just added a push-button LED light to my key chain.

The braided black cord, shown in the shape of a "C" is a parachute cord (550 lb. test) wristband gifted to me by wolfgang. He also gifted me the handsome lokking Schrade knife. :D

The spyderco credit card knife on the right was gifted to me by JaKaach.

Catfish 02-19-2009 07:42 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
Bottle opener keychain, FTW!!! :tu

Trip, you F@#$'n Rawk.

Sr Mike 02-19-2009 08:00 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
1 Boker Damascus Pocket Knife
1 Gustav Gun (it was on sale!)
2 Trunk Monkeys (one is a Pan paniscus for sneak attacks)
1 Maurice Lacroix Masterpiece Le Chronographe Squelette (watch)
1 Tacori Platinum Wedding Ring
1 Zino Platinum Cigar Case
1 Dunhill Turbo Sport Brass Lighter
1 Dunhill Gold Barley Cigar Cutter

I carry it all in my DiMora Volcano V16, pics of my car can be found here:
DiMora Volcano V16

Mugen910 02-19-2009 08:03 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
I am a registered weapon so I won't bother taking a pic. :D

dentonparrots 02-19-2009 08:05 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

sometimes a single key if I'm going out the house.
I like to travel light, you guys stand and fight; watch me run!

eber 02-19-2009 08:13 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
Wallet, iPhone, ear buds, keys, folding utility knife (if I am at work),

sometimes a cutter and lighter but those usually stay in the car until needed

GTsetGO 02-19-2009 08:18 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
springfield xd40 subcompact
extra clip (sometimes)

that is about it.

Thrak 02-19-2009 08:23 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 243893)
You ever seen what happens to a mag if it takes just the right impact to the bottom of it?

Nope, what?

mmblz 02-19-2009 08:29 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
1 leatherman tool
1 pepper spray
2 knifes
2 pistols
1 taser
1 laser pointer
3 smoke grenades
1 bullet proof vest
1 first aid kit
1 snake bite kit
1 flame thrower
1 slingshot
1 paintball gun
1 katana
1 air horn
3 emergency flares
1 hand crank radio
3 lighters
1 flint set
5 handwarmers
1 primus stove
5 pouches astronaut ice cream
1 sawzall
1 shotgun

it gets a little heavy but it's not so bad as long as i'm on a smooth surface so the wheels of the two suitcases work


... usually my wallet and my keys... once in a while a cell phone


Kreth 02-19-2009 08:40 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by mmblz (Post 244150)
5 pouches astronaut ice cream

I had a chance to try this recently. Great stuff!

Catfish 02-19-2009 08:43 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by mmblz (Post 244150)
1 leatherman tool
1 pepper spray
2 knifes
2 pistols
1 taser
1 laser pointer
3 smoke grenades
1 bullet proof vest
1 first aid kit
1 snake bite kit
1 flame thrower
1 slingshot
1 paintball gun
1 katana
1 air horn
3 emergency flares
1 hand crank radio
3 lighters
1 flint set
5 handwarmers
1 primus stove
5 pouches astronaut ice cream
1 sawzall
1 shotgun

it gets a little heavy but it's not so bad as long as i'm on a smooth surface so the wheels of the two suitcases work

... usually my wallet and my keys... once in a while a cell phone


croatan 02-19-2009 08:52 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
Kershaw Onion Leek
Cigar case (size depends)

pnoon 02-19-2009 08:54 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by croatan (Post 244202)
Kershaw Onion Leek
Cigar case
(size XL Depends)


TripleF 02-19-2009 08:58 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

Originally Posted by Catfish (Post 244058)
Bottle opener keychain, FTW!!! :tu

Trip, you F@#$'n Rawk.

Why THANK YOU my well-prepared brother. :tu

Sanitariumite 09-02-2013 05:49 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear
I love threads like this. It's always fascinated me to see what items others can't leave the house without. While I appreciate minimalism, there's also several things that I just feel naked without.

Some of you guys might be interested in this site. I've definitely taken inspiration from a few of these.

hammondc 09-02-2013 07:47 AM

Re: Your Everyday Gear

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