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Da Klugs 02-17-2009 12:09 PM

Question for NC smokers
Do you consciously exhale through your nose?

elderboy02 02-17-2009 12:10 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I don't know how to. Also, the few times I accidentally did it, it hurt.

14holestogie 02-17-2009 12:13 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Sometimes. Seems all I pick up is pepper.

jledou 02-17-2009 12:15 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I will usually try at least once or twice on each cigar, but I don't do it frequently or the majority of the time. Sometimes the cigar is too harsh for me so I try it once, let the eyes water and try to remember not to do it again.

borndead1 02-17-2009 12:21 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I do all sorts of stuff with the smoke...French inhale, nose exhale, roll the smoke around in my mouth. I also do this thing, I will try to explain it: while nose exhaling, I "open and close" my jaw, with my mouth still closed. Kinda like... smacking your lips with your mouth closed? :D

smokin5 02-17-2009 12:25 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
All the time.
Probably half or more of my exhales are out the nose,
at least in part. And much of my mouth exhales are
done as a "French inhale", also.
It's the only way to truly taste your smoke in its entirety.

You folks who don't do this are missing most of the flavor.
You DO mean when we're smoking, & not all the time, right?:ss

rizzle 02-17-2009 12:29 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Absolutely. I find myself having to make sure I don't just nose exhale on occasion. I won't nose the initial blast though, NC or CC.

Throb 02-17-2009 12:29 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I thought I was the only person to "French inhale"! I find it easier on the palate than a complete nose exhale. I definately get more flavor out of a cigar when I do either

Jbailey 02-17-2009 12:32 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Only a few NCs I do. I find most of them to harsh to nose.

drjammer 02-17-2009 12:35 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Sometimes I do but it is only by coincidence :D

nozero 02-17-2009 12:42 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 240323)
Do you consciously exhale through your nose?

Since I don't intentionally inhale cigar smoke, I guess not. The few times I've inhaled cigar smoke, even my own passive smoke, it gags me badly. I've always heard that cigar smoke is high in alkalinity and very harsh. Add he fact that I have emphysema and have had my right upper lung lobe removed, it's probably not a good idea for me, but to each their own.

But I do pass smoke from my mouth out through my nose (snorking?), so I guess yes? Then, if it burns, I quit or do it a lot less frequently. With milder cigars, I tend to do this quite a bit.

Pat1075 02-17-2009 12:45 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I nose exhale with all my smokes NC or otherwise.

Mugen910 02-17-2009 12:46 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
always with Davi's.. the other stuff I've lost a taste for. :(

jpan 02-17-2009 12:46 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Almost always. I think that I did it unconsciously at first because of many years of cigarette smoking. It definitely seems to add to the enjoyment of the cigar.

68TriShield 02-17-2009 12:48 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I usually do try a few times per cigar.

MithShrike 02-17-2009 12:55 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I can't, I have a Haller cell in my right sinus and if I exhale through my nose the smoke just stays up there and burns like crazy for days.

TripleF 02-17-2009 01:03 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Yes sir I do.....almost all the time.

My question is, WHY are you asking JUST the NC smokers Dr. Klugs? :rolleyes:

Skywalker 02-17-2009 01:06 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
At least once during most smokes!!!

Always for a review!!!

Beer Doctor 02-17-2009 01:08 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
After I learned how to nose exhale I do it on almost every draw. However, some of the stronger NCs (e.g. JdN antano) I find it more difficult (read painful) so I only do it every so often.

awsmith4 02-17-2009 01:08 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I do but only small amounts as opposed to CCs that I can nose a complete draw

LkyLindy 02-17-2009 01:09 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Only when writing a review

hotreds 02-17-2009 01:35 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
On a few occasions. I must admit it DOES add an extra dimension to the overall experience- but I'm often hesitant because it can be very unpleasant if done incorrectly(which is how I do it too often!)

RottenZombie 02-17-2009 01:38 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I do some times.:ss

Lucky_Hippo 02-17-2009 01:44 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Yes I do, but to be totally honest, it doesn't help me taste the flavors any better. (unless it's pepper of course)

Smokin Gator 02-17-2009 01:51 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I do it with all cigars. However, I do it less with NCs.

DrDubzz 02-17-2009 02:11 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I do with my non cuban pipe baccy :pi

tenbaseg 02-17-2009 02:12 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Yes, at least a few times per stick. The stronger the cigar, the less I'll probably do it.

Don Fernando 02-17-2009 02:13 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 240324)
I don't know how to. Also, the few times I accidentally did it, it hurt.


ChicagoWhiteSox 02-17-2009 02:13 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Yes i do it. Helps pick up on certain flavours for me.

Starchild 02-17-2009 02:19 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I try to do a partial nose exhale on just about every draw, whatever I'm smoking. Of course I have to adjust my habits to accommodate the characteristics of the particular stick.

BC-Axeman 02-17-2009 02:33 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by Starchild (Post 240603)
I try to do a partial nose exhale on just about every draw, whatever I'm smoking. Of course I have to adjust my habits to accommodate the characteristics of the particular stick.

:tpd:If it were so bad I couldn't, I would toss it.

shvictor 02-17-2009 02:39 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 240324)
I don't know how to. Also, the few times I accidentally did it, it hurt.

I'm gald its not just me. I gave my 15 yr old son a few puffs from my cigar the other day and I look over and he is blowing smoke out of his nose like a chimney. I coulda smacked him. I'm so jealous :D

Da Klugs 02-17-2009 02:47 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Originally Posted by elderboy02
I don't know how to. Also, the few times I accidentally did it, it hurt.


Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 240589)

It's pretty easy.

WIthout a cigar...

1. Close your mouth tight and breathe in and out of your nose.

after a few times...

2. Open your jaw as far as it will go without seperating/opening your lips and keep inhaleing and exhaling through your nose.

after a few times....

3. add to the above puffing out your cheeks as far as you can without breaking the seal of your lips. Holding air in your mouth like a balloon. If you do it well you can create/feel the pressure on your cheeks independent of breathing in and out of your nose.

after a few times....

4. Take a full nasal inhale independent of but with your cheeks nice and full of air. On the exhale concentrate closing your jaw tight, defalating your cheeks and minimizing the airspace left in your mouth. Think about using your tongue to force the air up and back it might help.

If you got your cheeks to deflate and your mouth to close up without leaking any air through your lips.. you just did a nasal exhale. The air that was pressurizing your cheeks had to go somewhere. :) The key at first is to make sure your lungs are full so that you have the airway moving. After a bit of practice you can get the air/smoke out of your mouth thru your nose starting with empty lungs.

Mugen910 02-17-2009 02:48 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by shvictor (Post 240638)
I'm gald its not just me. I gave my 15 yr old son a few puffs from my cigar the other day and I look over and he is blowing smoke out of his nose like a chimney. I coulda smacked him. I'm so jealous :D

well we know who the cool one is the family is! :r

Aladdin Sane 02-17-2009 02:52 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Chompers 02-17-2009 02:59 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I love playing with smoke.

Scottw 02-17-2009 03:10 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by shvictor (Post 240638)
I'm gald its not just me. I gave my 15 yr old son a few puffs from my cigar the other day and I look over and he is blowing smoke out of his nose like a chimney. I coulda smacked him. I'm so jealous :D

Tell me about it, my 17 month old can roll with one hand, I'm jealous as well.

Mugen910 02-17-2009 03:21 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by Scottw (Post 240733)
Tell me about it, my 17 month old can roll with one hand, I'm jealous as well.

that's some funny chit Scott!

DocLogic77 02-17-2009 03:56 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by nozero (Post 240388)
Since I don't intentionally inhale cigar smoke, I guess not. The few times I've inhaled cigar smoke, even my own passive smoke, it gags me badly. I've always heard that cigar smoke is high in alkalinity and very harsh. Add he fact that I have emphysema and have had my right upper lung lobe removed, it's probably not a good idea for me, but to each their own.

But I do pass smoke from my mouth out through my nose (snorking?), so I guess yes? Then, if it burns, I quit or do it a lot less frequently. With milder cigars, I tend to do this quite a bit.

You don't have to inhale into the lungs to exhale out through the nose. Read the smoking technique thread. I finally got the technique down and it's like I never smoked cigars before...well worth the practice.

G G 02-17-2009 03:59 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I do fairly frequently.

ca21455 02-17-2009 05:15 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I nose, therefore I am...:)

Ashcan Bill 02-17-2009 05:29 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I nose exhale to some degree on everything I smoke, regardless of which of the various islands it may originate from. Different tobaccos have different profiles, and an exhale through the nose is important for me to get a handle on those nuances.

Of course once in a while, just one nose exhale is sufficient to completely wither ones nasal hairs. It took me almost a month to recover from a manly nose exhale of a LFD Maduro Chisel. :D

fuubar 02-17-2009 06:01 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I usuially nose exhale every few puffs. If a cigar is stronger than I would prefer to nose exhale I blow out half the smoke, refill my mouth and then nose exhale.

Snake Hips 02-17-2009 06:11 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I nose exhale every puff since I learned how to do it. It's embedded in my brain. It just feels awkward not to, now, and the experience is greatly diminished when I don't.

CBI_2 02-17-2009 06:20 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
Didn't used to but I do more now especially with TripleF harassing me about it all the time. :ss

Starscream 02-17-2009 06:57 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
CCs are made for snorking, but I do so with my NCs all the time.

NickyTeen 02-17-2009 07:13 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I nose exhale at least a portion of the smoke on almost every draw and have enjoyed cigars even more now that i do.

troutbreath 02-17-2009 07:25 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
I do this at least once on every stick. This really brings out the flavor. If it burns . . . well, I stop.

elderboy02 02-17-2009 08:22 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 240672)
Originally Posted by elderboy02
I don't know how to. Also, the few times I accidentally did it, it hurt.

It's pretty easy.

WIthout a cigar...

1. Close your mouth tight and breathe in and out of your nose.

after a few times...

2. Open your jaw as far as it will go without seperating/opening your lips and keep inhaleing and exhaling through your nose.

after a few times....

3. add to the above puffing out your cheeks as far as you can without breaking the seal of your lips. Holding air in your mouth like a balloon. If you do it well you can create/feel the pressure on your cheeks independent of breathing in and out of your nose.

after a few times....

4. Take a full nasal inhale independent of but with your cheeks nice and full of air. On the exhale concentrate closing your jaw tight, defalating your cheeks and minimizing the airspace left in your mouth. Think about using your tongue to force the air up and back it might help.

If you got your cheeks to deflate and your mouth to close up without leaking any air through your lips.. you just did a nasal exhale. The air that was pressurizing your cheeks had to go somewhere. :) The key at first is to make sure your lungs are full so that you have the airway moving. After a bit of practice you can get the air/smoke out of your mouth thru your nose starting with empty lungs.

Thanks for the tips! I am going to have to try this.

BC-Axeman 02-17-2009 09:05 PM

Re: Question for NC smokers
After taking some smoke into your mouth you can go through the motion of saying "caw" with you lips closed while exhaling through your nose and that might get you snorking.
I used to be a cigarette smoker so it came naturally to me.

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