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JJG 02-11-2009 03:19 PM

well, I'm a Padron whore again
smoked a Londres maduro over the weekend and it was just fantastic. It actually had that same flavor I get from a '64 just not quite as strong and well not as good, but close!

What other sizes do you guys recommend that would be closest to the '64s taste wise? I'm afraid the larger sizes won't have the intense concentration of flavor that I got from the Londres but I am willing to try anything. what about Padron Panetelas? I've always thought those looked pretty cool.

JPH 02-11-2009 03:27 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
Try them all is my recommendation.

Raralith 02-11-2009 04:03 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
I think the Londres are closer to the '64 in flavor than the Panetelas. Paneterlas don't seem to be as rich, but still a great cigar. I'm starting to get back into NC's after a CC binge, and I'm definately appreciating the flavor profile of Padron a lot more.

Stonewall 02-11-2009 04:23 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
Well I would suggest try them all like an earler poster said but if I had to pick one i like the most and not be a 64 or a 26 I shure do like the 4000 maduro. I here good things about all of them though..

JJG 02-11-2009 04:28 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
I used to enjoy the 3000 and 4000 quite a bit but that was ages ago. It's probably time to revisit all of them.

karmaz00 02-11-2009 04:29 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
try them all

NCRadioMan 02-11-2009 04:39 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
The 6000 will not dissapoint.

leasingthisspace 02-11-2009 04:41 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
I have loved every Padron maddie I have had. I need to look into getting a box of the 2000's. It is one of the items I need to get.
Posted via Mobile Device

floydpink 02-11-2009 04:44 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
1926 #35. One of my alltime favorites.

barbourjay 02-11-2009 04:47 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 230050)
1926 #35. One of my alltime favorites.

love those also. if you can find fumas they are a great smoke for the price.

MiamiE 02-11-2009 04:47 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
If I am smoking domestic. I am smoking Padron!

groogs 02-11-2009 05:13 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 230050)
1926 #35. One of my alltime favorites.

That is one great little smoke.

ashmaster 02-11-2009 05:21 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
If I'm not smoking a '64, I'll go to either the 3K or 6K (maduro).

68TriShield 02-11-2009 06:02 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
I buy the Londres by the box.All the others I buy as singles.

Starscream 02-11-2009 06:05 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again

Originally Posted by floydpink (Post 230050)
1926 #35. One of my alltime favorites.

Had one of these the other night. It was a good stick, but not worth the price IMHO. PAM 64 of any kind beat this stick for me. Still you can never go wrong w/ Padron.

Mr. 66 02-11-2009 06:36 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
I like the Ambassador, londres, palmas, and delicias. Got a whole bunch back in 05 still have churchills and panatelas in the old tupperware.


duckmanco 02-11-2009 07:31 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
The londres is the best non-anni. cigar they make IMO. I love them.

rizzle 02-12-2009 07:59 AM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again

Originally Posted by MiamiE (Post 230057)
If I am smoking domestic. I am smoking Padron!

Didn't know you were in Nicaragua. I thought you were in Miami.

beamish 02-12-2009 09:22 AM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again

Originally Posted by barbourjay (Post 230056)
love those also. if you can find fumas they are a great smoke for the price.

If you have any info on getting some fumas I would appreciate it..thanx and your rite they are good...

ucla695 02-12-2009 10:08 AM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
I suggest trying the 3000Ms. Good taste at an even better price. Great value cigars! :tu

TomHagen 02-12-2009 11:26 AM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again

Originally Posted by NCRadioMan (Post 230043)
The 6000 will not dissapoint.

Agreed. I have to revist the 6000, 5000, 3000. They were my go to smoke for years.

jjirons69 02-12-2009 03:01 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
Can't beat boxes of londres maddies. They're the best priced Padrons and are good for everyday smokes.

ca21455 02-12-2009 07:59 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
I really like the Churchill Maduro, not a rich as the 64 Maduro (love the Principes Maduro, best short smoke around) but a fine smoke for the price.

Boobar 02-16-2009 04:14 PM

Re: well, I'm a Padron whore again
I really enjoy the delicias, just picked up a 5-pack a couple of weeks ago because my supply was getting low.

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