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ahc4353 01-30-2009 08:20 PM

Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
Silverfox (Shawn) just gifted me this fantastic lighter. Wanted to share my thoughts.

Never owned a desktop before. Have always been a guy the loved wooden matches. Maybe because I'm old school, maybe because I'm a traditionalist I'm not sure. Anyway, a short back story. When I joined CS I was gifted an Ronson, (I would have to dig through my notes to come up with the givers name, thank you again) gave it a try and fell in love with it. After using that lighter for a while the matches turned into a nice decoration by my humidor. That lighter travels with me every day.
A while ago Da Klugs posted a thread on how to light a cigar I read it with the mindset, "how hard can this be". Well let me tell you, that thread has helped me have more enjoyable smokes than I ever would have, had I never read it. Using Dave's method, rare is the cigar with a bad burn.

I tell you all of that to show how little I knew about one of the most basic aspects of smoking a cigar, lighting it. If you don't start out right, with the proper tool and proper method you have the potential to have to fight the burn of the cigar and not spend your time actually enjoying it.

With that I will now give a few words about the beautiful desktop that was gifted me by one of CA's best and one of my dearest friends.

First off this thing is HUGE! About the size of a pack of cigarettes. When you pick it up you know you have a hold of something. It's a mans lighter, metal, smooth and heavy. Gun metal in color it's not flashy and I like that. Flip the top and gently press the thumb button three large flames come to life just waiting to light your favorite cigar.

I have not had it long but to-date has worked flawlessly. It is now a fixture in the Habana Cabana (my smoke shack). It's not cheap by any means ($44.99 at Cigarmony) but I would dare say worth every penny.

Thank you again Shawn for such a generous gift that I hope to hand down to my sons one day.

dunng 01-30-2009 08:23 PM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
:hm I thought you used rocks to start a fire to light your cigars... :D

These lighters rock! :ss

MajorCaptSilly 01-30-2009 08:25 PM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
Very nice lighter.


fissure 01-30-2009 08:26 PM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
Wait until you have to refill that beast. From experience, it takes about a 1/3 of a big can of fuel:D

ahc4353 01-30-2009 08:28 PM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter

Originally Posted by dunng (Post 205712)
:hm I thought you used rocks to start a fire to light your cigars... :D

These lighters rock! :ss

Rocks were before matches. I'll show you how to light a cigar with rocks the next time we HERF! :r

dunng 01-30-2009 08:29 PM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter

alley00p 01-30-2009 08:30 PM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
Al, I have one of those too, and I love using it! :tu

Of course, when it's time to fill 'er up, I wish it used propane - I could get a special attachment to fill it from one of my BBQ tanks :ss

Nice gift, Fox! Way to go!!


tobii3 01-30-2009 09:07 PM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter

Originally Posted by dunng (Post 205733)

That's funny right there!!!

all this time I thought AL INVENTED fire.....well, the things you learn from a cigar board!!

tobii3 01-30-2009 09:13 PM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
The new sign in AL's backyard......

eber 01-30-2009 09:24 PM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
Those lighters are very nice, I don't have one but one of the local B&Ms has one and it always works flawlessly there and it is used all day long

HK3- 01-30-2009 09:41 PM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
Just be careful that you dont burn your face off. :r

These things will light a cigar in a hurricane.

sofaman 01-31-2009 07:03 AM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
I have this lighter also and love it :tu

md4958 01-31-2009 07:09 AM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
Nice review Al! but werent you making fun of mine at my HERF???:r:r:r

ahc4353 01-31-2009 07:15 AM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter

Originally Posted by md4958 (Post 206356)
Nice review Al! but werent you making fun of mine at my HERF???:r:r:r

I don't think that was me. :hm

md4958 01-31-2009 08:38 AM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 206361)
I don't think that was me. :hm

Sure you dont. Im sure it wasnt you, it was Scotchy :al

Commander Quan 01-31-2009 08:57 AM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
This thing isn't a lighter, its a blow torch. I use this lighter to ignite the charcoal for my hookah. And stick with a ronson to a blazer to light my cigars. I prefer the pinpoint accuracy to those lighters compared to the inferno thrown out by the Tundra.

Don Fernando 02-01-2009 03:35 AM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 205706)
When you pick it up you know you have a hold of something. It's a mans lighter

What the heck are you doing with it then? :r

Awesome lighter Al, and leave it to Shawn to send out the best gifts, he is the grandson of Santa Claus.

N2Advnture 02-01-2009 07:39 AM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
Yeah, Shawn is great at picking out cool stuff like the Vector Thundra.

Glad I could help!



tobii3 02-01-2009 09:44 AM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
If you look, there is a mirror inside the lid!! That way you can see the foot of your cigar as you blowtorch it away......:D

Penzip 04-22-2009 10:15 PM

Re: Vector Tundra Desktop Lighter
Hey if it works use it..:ss

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