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gettysburgfreak 03-24-2020 11:49 AM

Book Launch
If there is another spot for this I apologize, can you please move it? For any of you interested in history/american civil war/medicine/first person accounts, I had my book titled: Death, Disease, and Life at War: The Civil War Letters of Surgeon James D. Benton, 111th and 98th New York Infantry Regiments, 1862-1865 published in January 2018. I am trying to garner interest in it again in an effort to reach fifty (50) reviews on Amazon. With their current algorithm, the more reviews a book has the more people it gets seen by, hopefully equating to more sales.

Please pass the word along to anyone you think might be interested in reading it and if you have already read it, thank you, please consider leaving a quick star rating or review on Amazon. It would be greatly

G G 03-24-2020 07:25 PM

Re: Book Launch
I just bought a copy. I don't read quite as much as I used to and I am in the middle of a book now. Soon as I get to it I will review it buddy.

gettysburgfreak 03-25-2020 07:47 AM

Re: Book Launch

Originally Posted by G G (Post 2196048)
I just bought a copy. I don't read quite as much as I used to and I am in the middle of a book now. Soon as I get to it I will review it buddy.

Thank you! I really appreciate your support and hope you find it a good read.

G G 03-25-2020 03:59 PM

Re: Book Launch

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 2196056)
Thank you! I really appreciate your support and hope you find it a good read.

You're welcome. obviously I am not as versed as you on history, but I do enjoy learning more about the Civil War, and our history in general. Looking forward to reading it!!!!

RevSmoke 03-25-2020 09:44 PM

Re: Book Launch
I am a huge Civil War enthusiast, reading the 4 volumes entitled "The Civil War". I am in the first volume, subtitled, "The First Year". it is letters, articles, etc... and is excellent. I read one or two articles/letters per day.

I will put aside some $$ in the future to purchase your volume as it is very intriguing.

I have visited quite a number of battlefields, read numerous accounts, and different histories. When one truly understands what the average soldier went through it is truly amazing.

I know it is historical fiction, but Newt Ginrich's 3 volumes, beginning with "Gettysburg," give a good graphic depiction of what the carnage of battle was truly like.

gettysburgfreak 03-26-2020 07:18 PM

Re: Book Launch

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 2196119)
I am a huge Civil War enthusiast, reading the 4 volumes entitled "The Civil War". I am in the first volume, subtitled, "The First Year". it is letters, articles, etc... and is excellent. I read one or two articles/letters per day.

I will put aside some $$ in the future to purchase your volume as it is very intriguing.

I have visited quite a number of battlefields, read numerous accounts, and different histories. When one truly understands what the average soldier went through it is truly amazing.

I know it is historical fiction, but Newt Ginrich's 3 volumes, beginning with "Gettysburg," give a good graphic depiction of what the carnage of battle was truly like.

Thank you for your interest in my work. I completely agree with your assessment regarding the average soldier. It is quite fascinating what they went through on a daily basis. I never got into fiction but I have heard others say that his books were pretty good.

RevSmoke 03-26-2020 09:12 PM

Re: Book Launch

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 2196171)
Thank you for your interest in my work. I completely agree with your assessment regarding the average soldier. It is quite fascinating what they went through on a daily basis. I never got into fiction but I have heard others say that his books were pretty good.

I get not being into fiction, but his trilogy upends Gettysburg and... Seriously, you should read them.

RevSmoke 04-29-2020 04:10 PM

Re: Book Launch
Guess what I had delivered to my place today...
Yeah, have a little bit of time for reading next week, as I will be taking a few days off. So, I figure a good cigar, a couple fingers of something, and this...

icehog3 04-29-2020 04:16 PM

Re: Book Launch
Very cool, Todd! Looking forward to your review!

gettysburgfreak 04-29-2020 07:37 PM

Re: Book Launch

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 2198100)
Guess what I had delivered to my place today...
Yeah, have a little bit of time for reading next week, as I will be taking a few days off. So, I figure a good cigar, a couple fingers of something, and this...

Thats a good looking book! Thank you again for your support of my book, I really hope you enjoy the read. If you want a signed book plate for it send me a message and I will send one out to you.

G G 04-29-2020 07:41 PM

Re: Book Launch
I am about 75% through it. I find it interesting because I certainly knew there were surgeons in the war and I knew that they did a LOT of amputations. I never knew much about them other than that. To read the letters to his family and get a little more sense of the human side of it is good.

AdamJoshua 04-30-2020 05:54 AM

Re: Book Launch
Very nice hit on a great guy and congrats again on your book!

RevSmoke 04-30-2020 07:35 AM

Re: Book Launch

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2198126)
Very nice hit on a great guy and congrats again on your book!

Ummm, not sure anybody hit anybody... I just bought his book!

Conch Republican 04-30-2020 08:05 AM

Re: Book Launch
This is cool!! Not taking away from your book - you should PM TikiHut27 He published a book on the 27th (New York)
You guys might have a lot to discuss!!

Cant wait to read your book!

gettysburgfreak 05-01-2020 06:03 PM

Re: Book Launch

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2198126)
Very nice hit on a great guy and congrats again on your book!

Thank you Adam, much appreciated.

gettysburgfreak 05-01-2020 06:03 PM

Re: Book Launch

Originally Posted by Conch Republican (Post 2198139)
This is cool!! Not taking away from your book - you should PM TikiHut27 He published a book on the 27th (New York)
You guys might have a lot to discuss!!

Cant wait to read your book!

Very cool, I will have to get in touch with him, thanks for the heads up and thanks for your interest in my work.

gettysburgfreak 05-01-2020 06:05 PM

Re: Book Launch

Originally Posted by G G (Post 2198115)
I am about 75% through it. I find it interesting because I certainly knew there were surgeons in the war and I knew that they did a LOT of amputations. I never knew much about them other than that. To read the letters to his family and get a little more sense of the human side of it is good.

It's amazing what the surgeons had to go through during the war, pretty much learning on the job. A lot went to medical school prior to the war but it basically consisted of lectures and no hands on experience like there is today. Please consider leaving a review and star rating on Amazon once you are finished, reviews help generate more book exposure according to Amazons algorithm.

G G 05-01-2020 06:51 PM

Re: Book Launch

Originally Posted by gettysburgfreak (Post 2198267)
It's amazing what the surgeons had to go through during the war, pretty much learning on the job. A lot went to medical school prior to the war but it basically consisted of lectures and no hands on experience like there is today. Please consider leaving a review and star rating on Amazon once you are finished, reviews help generate more book exposure according to Amazons algorithm.

Of course I will my friend.

RevSmoke 05-06-2020 03:27 PM

Re: Book Launch
OK, finished up to the beginning of the chapter "1863."

I am not quite sure what I expected from the book, I have read many compilations of letter and/or diaries from US history, covering especially the days of fur traders, the westering frontier, and Revolutionary and Civil Wars.

What I have read so far is interesting. I am fairly conversant with much of Civil War history, being sort of nerd-ish on the topic, but it is great what you do in the footnotes to give background info on certain things/people, especially helpful for those who do not know all those details. I also appreciated the Introduction.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

gettysburgfreak 05-07-2020 10:00 AM

Re: Book Launch

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 2198604)
OK, finished up to the beginning of the chapter "1863."

I am not quite sure what I expected from the book, I have read many compilations of letter and/or diaries from US history, covering especially the days of fur traders, the westering frontier, and Revolutionary and Civil Wars.

What I have read so far is interesting. I am fairly conversant with much of Civil War history, being sort of nerd-ish on the topic, but it is great what you do in the footnotes to give background info on certain things/people, especially helpful for those who do not know all those details. I also appreciated the Introduction.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Thanks Todd, hopefully you get bookplate in one piece and not bent, I tried to protect it as best I could.

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