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05venturer 01-16-2016 04:53 PM

Where do You Smoke
1 Attachment(s)
Just finishing up a remodel of my smoking room and wondering where everyone else usually enjoys a smoke.

Attachment 16463

Porch Dweller 01-16-2016 06:25 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Nice room!

I'm usually found smoking on the back porch. I've got a man-cave in the house; but with a wife with chronic asthma smoking in it is out of the question

WhiteMamba 01-16-2016 07:01 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
like James I too am usually found dwelling on the porch with a smoke. However, my residence here in Ft. Wayne this year is not equipped with such amenities.

Greentud 01-16-2016 07:50 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
In the house and at the local VFW.

CigarNut 01-16-2016 09:20 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
In my garage or (more likely) at the local cigar lounge ("The Mark" -- a bar at a local hotel -- Shilo Inn).

markem 01-16-2016 09:38 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Sweet setup! I smoke in the garage if the weather is bad and on the patio if the weather cooperates. I also meet up with friends at a local cigar bar, especially Sunday mornings to watch football.

icehog3 01-17-2016 01:19 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
The Smoking Basement, most every night.

Weelok 01-17-2016 02:01 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Back yard or porch. Love an indoor man cave but think that will be many a year away and mostly likely a new home hah.

jonumberone 01-17-2016 07:41 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke

Skywalker 01-17-2016 08:09 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke

Don Fernando 01-17-2016 08:22 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke HERE

Brlesq 01-17-2016 10:27 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Nice mancaves, guys!

I'm a porch dweller with a propane tank heater and a Chaheati seat warmer, and will virtual herf on my laptop (with 05venturer sitting in his cozy cave :na) all winter down to zero degrees (gotta draw the line somewhere!)

Ogre 01-17-2016 04:50 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Still a work in progress

Touten2 01-23-2016 01:16 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
I smoke on the porch. Wife doesn't smoke. Even when I smoked cigarettes I took it to the porch. I am so ready for spring!

mosesbotbol 01-23-2016 01:49 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Living room or dining room. I put in a handy two fan window exhaust that does good job moving smoke out the room.

the real jay 01-23-2016 01:50 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Right now I'm stuck on the front porch... It's usually the backyard but we're doing a full remodel out there right now... After its done, there will be three separate areas out back to smoke including the fire pit... It'll be herf central.

No room for a smoking room in my house, just way too small... I'm lucky to have a closetdor.... Which I love.

Don Fernando 01-24-2016 06:21 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
damn Jon, now I see your pics. And I thought I had a cool lounge!

dman4505 01-24-2016 08:04 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
nice "Man Caves" fellas
I do my smoking out in the yard looking at the mountains all around me
or on the tailgate of my truck in the driveway


matt0278 02-14-2016 08:56 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
I'm usually on the porch as well. This cold weather is killing me.

hotreds 02-14-2016 11:59 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Not able to smoke at all because I'm staying with my father. I miss my smoke room in Ohio!

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