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SnuffCan 04-19-2015 03:22 PM

Any public educators here?
i was thinking we might set up a thread to talk shop...

Remo 04-19-2015 03:36 PM

Re: Any public educators here?
I educate the public :tu

pnoon 04-19-2015 03:39 PM

Re: Any public educators here?

Originally Posted by SnuffCan (Post 2029953)
i was thinking we might set up a thread to talk shop...

I think you just did. :)

SnuffCan 04-19-2015 04:17 PM

Re: Any public educators here?

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2029955)
I educate the public :tu

Mike, are you a teacher?

The Poet 04-19-2015 04:24 PM

Re: Any public educators here?

Originally Posted by SnuffCan (Post 2029965)
Mike, are you a teacher?


He's more like an evil nun that cracks kids' knuckles with a ruler.

joatmon 04-19-2015 05:34 PM

Re: Any public educators here?
I used to be a full time teacher. I work in the oilfield now. I work an 8 days on 6 days off schedule, so I work as a freelance public educator when time allows.

SnuffCan 04-19-2015 05:46 PM

Re: Any public educators here?

Originally Posted by joatmon (Post 2029978)
I used to be a full time teacher. I work in the oilfield now. I work an 8 days on 6 days off schedule, so I work as a freelance public educator when time allows.

Oilfield, huh....
I'm sure you're bringing down more than a teacher any day...

Remo 04-19-2015 06:05 PM

Re: Any public educators here?

Originally Posted by SnuffCan (Post 2029965)
Mike, are you a teacher?

Police Officer, brother….I could not do your work, you are a patient man :tu

joatmon 04-19-2015 07:20 PM

Re: Any public educators here?

Originally Posted by SnuffCan (Post 2029981)
Oilfield, huh....
I'm sure you're bringing down more than a teacher any day...

This is true. It has allowed me to do some things that I had never anticipated being able to do. But, it also makes it very hard to go back to teaching. My adventure in the oilfield was supposed to be temporary, but I went and got used to the money.

The Poet 04-19-2015 07:27 PM

Re: Any public educators here?
Plus the environment is less toxic in the oilfields than a classroom. ;)

joatmon 04-19-2015 07:42 PM

Re: Any public educators here?

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 2029994)
Plus the environment is less toxic in the oilfields than a classroom. ;)

Ha! On certain days it is. I'd rather deal with anything in the oilfield than a kid upchucking in the middle of the classroom.

markem 04-19-2015 08:17 PM

Re: Any public educators here?
I'm guessing that this is K-12 instruction?

I left full time academia 9 year ago to concentrate on my consulting business. These days, I help out my old Computer Science department at Portland State University when I can. I am teaching two classes this term and am considering a 1 year appointment to begin in the fall.

I will be the first to admit that college teaching has much fewer frustrations than K-12, even if the pay, for most, is similarly meager.

shilala 04-20-2015 08:02 AM

Re: Any public educators here?
My Mom is a retired teacher. At times, she taught in my school. So every time I did something "wrong" they'd go running to her. She'd come get me and whoop my ass all over the school.
So after awhile, I'd get in trouble and the teachers would spirit me off to some far flung hole in the wall to paddle my ass. Worked for me. :D

Half the family friends were teachers, the other half were bikers. My Dad's half.
I had a couple girlfriends who were teachers and my wife was an elementary principal's assistant for lots of years.

I've built a number of schools and done a lot of contracts at school while they were in session. I'd rather take a sharp stick in the eye than be a teacher. ;)

Subvet642 04-20-2015 10:03 AM

Re: Any public educators here?
I guard a college dorm, does that count?

The Poet 04-20-2015 10:08 AM

Re: Any public educators here?

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 2030056)
I guard a college dorm, does that count?

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? :r

SnuffCan 04-20-2015 05:32 PM

Re: Any public educators here?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 2030002)
I'm guessing that this is K-12 instruction?

I left full time academia 9 year ago to concentrate on my consulting business. These days, I help out my old Computer Science department at Portland State University when I can. I am teaching two classes this term and am considering a 1 year appointment to begin in the fall.

I will be the first to admit that college teaching has much fewer frustrations than K-12, even if the pay, for most, is similarly meager.

I was thinking k-12. But a brother/sister at arms is always welcome!

SnuffCan 04-20-2015 05:34 PM

Re: Any public educators here?
Let me share a little story. I am the principal of a middle school for students with emotional disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. My first day at this job, I was told by a 7th grade student, I don't care if you're the president of the United States, I'm not doing what you say! then he proceeded to kick me in the shin. It's times like those that keep you humble...

markem 04-20-2015 05:38 PM

Re: Any public educators here?

Originally Posted by SnuffCan (Post 2030140)
Let me share a little story. I am the principal of a middle school for students with emotional disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. My first day at this job, I was told by a 7th grade student, I don't care if you're the president of the United States, I'm not doing what you say! then he proceeded to kick me in the shin. It's times like those that keep you humble...

SnuffCan 04-20-2015 05:42 PM

Re: Any public educators here?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 2030143)

I have always been a pretty agile dude. Middle age has slowed me down. 10 years ago, he never would've connected.

icehog3 04-20-2015 05:42 PM

Re: Any public educators here?
I've taught a few kids some lessons in my day. ;) :r

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