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Gabe215 06-11-2014 08:27 PM

World Cup Banter
Let's discuss Football!!!

pnoon 06-11-2014 08:31 PM

Re: World Cup Banter
Glad to participate but everyone should remember that many will be recording the games to watch later in the day. Use discretion when posting.

hotreds 06-11-2014 08:32 PM

Re: World Cup Banter

BHalbrooks 06-12-2014 04:07 AM

Re: World Cup Banter
It's gonna be interesting to see the US can do. They have quite the challenge(s) ahead.

Not sure how I feel about Landon Donovan not being on the team. Just seems weird.

ColdCuts 06-12-2014 11:35 AM

Re: World Cup Banter

Originally Posted by BHalbrooks (Post 1968320)
It's gonna be interesting to see the US can do. They have quite the challenge(s) ahead.

Not sure how I feel about Landon Donovan not being on the team. Just seems weird.

It blows my mind that Donovan isn't in the team. I've been generally happy with everything Klinsmann's done since he took over in 2011, but this one hurts my head.

Perhaps you already saw, but it came out yesterday that Lando will be working as an ESPN pundit. And while I haven't yet seen it, allegedly Landon rips Jurgen Klinsmann in first segment.

CRIMPS 06-12-2014 11:42 AM

Re: World Cup Banter
It has been said that Landon Donovan has been "coasting" and a number of commentators believe he hasn't been at the top of his game for a few years, now. It does sounds like Klinsmann has every intention of putting this team in a position to compete in 4 years, first, and, secondarily, to compete this year.

I don't really have an opinion, I guess. I don't follow the sport close enough.

GTsetGO 06-13-2014 06:36 AM

Re: World Cup Banter
my son and I are more than ready.

The Poet 06-13-2014 08:33 AM

Re: World Cup Banter
FYI, and FWIW ( I don't give a fig, or a guava, about the World Cup. But for those who do, and whose interest goes deeper than the mere sporting interest of "the beautiful game", I urge you to seek out the June 7-13 issue of The Economist. Looking beyond the mere athletic aspect of this event, its lead article explores not only the limited appeal of the sport in half of the world (the USA, India, and China) but also the darker side of FIFA, which is characterized as, at best, an aloof uncommunicative bureaucracy and, at worst, an imperious and corrupt oligarchy. Also, in the magazine's Books and Arts section, you will find reviews of three recent works which explore Brazil's loving/hateful relationship with the game.

Just my :2 , and if you don't care to go deeper just tune in the matches and enjoy.

ColdCuts 06-13-2014 09:35 AM

Re: World Cup Banter

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1968296)
Everyone should remember that many will be recording the games to watch later in the day. Use discretion when posting.

Is it safe yet to discuss the opening match?

As a fan of the EPL I know what it means to live and die by self-imposed media blackout and my DVR. However, the games are so rapid-fire in this tournament that yesterday's match will be old news in just a few hours.

Should I give it another day? I don't want to spoil it for anybody.

pnoon 06-13-2014 09:37 AM

Re: World Cup Banter
I've watched it.
Go for it, David.
Posted via Mobile Device

ColdCuts 06-13-2014 09:41 AM

Re: World Cup Banter

Originally Posted by GTsetGO (Post 1968493)
my son and I are more than ready.

You guys look plenty ready! I have a friend from Munich. What part of Germany are you from?

bvilchez 06-13-2014 10:29 AM

Re: World Cup Banter
With the wife being 1/2 Brazilian it's obligatory I go for Brazil. But at work the random pool has me with USA, Italia, Greece, France, or Belgium.

I feel I lost this pool already and made a monetary donation to someone else's libation fund.

ColdCuts 06-13-2014 12:43 PM

Re: World Cup Banter

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1968531)
I've watched it.
Go for it, David.
Posted via Mobile Device

Alrighty then. How about Brazil's EGREGIOUS dive by Fred, for which the ref awarded a penalty, which led to the game winning goal! :eek:

Nothing burns me up like diving. Especially when it's committed by a Brazilian! I say this because Brazil has the talent, the history, and the home field advantage, and should manage a win by playing a clean game. And yet this is what they give us?! Really disappointing. The most offensive part, is that after the penalty was converted, Fred looked to the sky and pointed to the heavens as if God himself had directed him to cheat. :fl

I don't blame the ref for getting it wrong. Refereeing is one of the toughest, most thankless jobs around. I blame Fred for selling the ref a lie. I wish tapes would be reviewed and offenders would be fined, heavily. Diving discredits the player, the team, and the game I hold so dear. :2

pnoon 06-13-2014 12:55 PM

Re: World Cup Banter

Originally Posted by ColdCuts (Post 1968586)
Alrighty then. How about Brazil's EGREGIOUS dive by Fred, for which the ref awarded a penalty, which led to the game winning goal! :eek:

Nothing burns me up like diving. Especially when it's committed by a Brazilian! I say this because Brazil has the talent, the history, and the home field advantage, and should manage a win by playing a clean game. And yet this is what they give us?! Really disappointing. The most offensive part, is that after the penalty was converted, Fred looked to the sky and pointed to the heavens as if God himself had directed him to cheat. :fl

I don't blame the ref for getting it wrong. Refereeing is one of the toughest, most thankless jobs around. I blame Fred for selling the ref a lie. I wish tapes would be reviewed and offenders would be fined, heavily. Diving discredits the player, the team, and the game I hold so dear. :2

Brazil is far from alone in diving (selling lies) and I agree with your assessment as to the difficulty of being a referee. But I do think he has some accountability there. If it was borderline, then I agree. But this one being blatant , some of the blame IS on the referees's shoulders. And, trust me, having been a soccer referee for many years, I usually tend to give the officials the benefit of the doubt. Not this time.

I hope to get home from work soon and watch as much of the three matches from today as I possibly can.

hotreds 06-13-2014 02:56 PM

Re: World Cup Banter
Holy Toledo macaroni!

GTsetGO 06-13-2014 06:32 PM

Re: World Cup Banter

Originally Posted by ColdCuts (Post 1968532)
You guys look plenty ready! I have a friend from Munich. What part of Germany are you from?

I grew up there for 6 years as a child. fell in love with the sport while over there and adopted Germany as my country to root for. I root for the USA. Just not when play Germany. ;)

SoCalSmoker 06-14-2014 12:55 AM

Re: World Cup Banter
The four matches yesterday and today kept my attention. Nice to have something good to watch at work :tu Spain and the Netherlands!!

mjdx88 06-14-2014 07:52 AM

Re: World Cup Banter
I have had all the matches going on in the background either on on showroom tv or my phone....My co-worker isnt too pleased to be listening commentary over music lol.

I have only missed the match between Spain and Netherlands...kinda bummed I missed that

ColdCuts 06-14-2014 10:12 AM

Re: World Cup Banter

Originally Posted by mjdx88 (Post 1968733)
I have only missed the match between Spain and Netherlands...kinda bummed I missed that.

If you haven't yet seen the highlights, be certain that you do.

bobarian 06-14-2014 08:16 PM

Re: World Cup Banter
Ivory Coast with the first use of the "Magic spray". :banger

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