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363 11-14-2013 10:08 AM

How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
Alright guys/gals. I am stuck between a rock and a hard case here. As some of you know, in the past I have made a few travel humidors. I think they kick ass and in terms of protection are well above what is out there on the market currently. I have been contemplating trying to start this back up again but wanted to get a good portion of the communities feedback if possible. Basically I would be making 18ct humis to start with the option of going to 24ct (same case just different inserts) down the road all while trying to develop a custom accessory tray to hold your cutter, lighter or whatever else you may travel with. I chose to start with the 18ct 1st because it allows more versatility within the case holding up to an 8.5" stick where as the 24ct layout will only accommodate up to 6.5" sticks or toro/beli

How much would you spend on a 18-24 travel humi?

I know you can get Cigar Caddies and the things from CI for cheap but like Xikar offers an 18-24ct humi that runs $60-70. Which is about what the sell price of my cases would run if I follow through with this.

What make my cases different?
life time warranty on the case (yes, Xikar offers it too)
foam protection on all sides of the trays
easy latch system and not the knuckle breakers

There are a few of you guys out there who have these cases already and seem to like them. And I know OLS and poriggity have both reviewed them (OLS in the way starter phase and poriggity in the done phase) and it here is OLS1 & OLS2 and poriggity has let his domain name expire so nevermind on that one.

Any way here are a few photos of the what the case and trays look like.

I am wanting feedback whether good or bad. I am open, I am currently at a point where I can (hopefully) back out and not have to worry or I can press forward and see what happens I just don't want to outright fall on my face here

kelmac07 11-14-2013 10:16 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
I'm a fan of these cases. Brendon bombed me (and his Zombie cronies) with a 84 count last year. They are sturdy, love the opening latches and the trays are crazy better.

I could use an 18-24 count. I'll say I'd be willing to pay $ 45.00 - $ 50.00. :2

Devanmc 11-14-2013 10:19 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
I might be willing to spend 60 on something like that. Maybe I am a low ball though, But i have plenty of cases.

Blak Smyth 11-14-2013 10:33 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
I had the chance to try a case out for a few days, the latches are the best I have seen. They have a nice smooth little trigger release on the under side of the flap.
The trays kick ass, being they are closed and don't let the cigar head or foot bang around against the case during travel. I would not buy a case, only because I have a Xikar and a Pelican already that I rarely use. I think $60-$70 would be a fair price since you are getting such a high quality product with custom details. I like the idea of a tray to fit accesories into, I currently have the foam lid insert of mine cut out to house my goods. I would not be an ideal customer, however I think it is a great product.

My advice would be ditch the cases as a primary, assuming that is your largest amount of cost.
Start making and selling foam packages for cases people already have, with the option to buy a case as well.
I know this may cause some issues, with different shapes but if you can figure it out I think that would give you the most profit potential.

kelmac07 11-14-2013 10:35 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
Brendon...I wanted the "hook a brother up price". :r :r I have a Xikar 20/30 count and a Xikar 50/80 count as well.

I'd be willing to easily pay $ 60.00- $ 65.00 for this case and be very happy about it. So...when will mine be ready????

stearns 11-14-2013 10:41 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
I've had the opportunity to check these out as well at a herf a while back, and was very happy with the latch set-up. For nice humi with these fancy trays, I think 60 would not be unreasonable. The caddy's are nice and cheap for a rugged airtight box, but it's useless if you intend on using the flimsy trays they come with.

363 11-14-2013 10:44 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
For those of you who want a laugh here is my new one. Now avalible in Pink! :r Oh and I also know a sign painter who can paint your travel cases too

TJarv 11-14-2013 10:45 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
I have a much larger version of this case and love it. The construction is leaps and bounds better than the other big name cases I have. If I were in the market for one this size I would easily buy one for $60.

kelmac07 11-14-2013 10:45 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
Black for me please. :D Unless you can get NY Mets blue???

Blak Smyth 11-14-2013 10:45 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
Now custom painted cases is a much more niched area, focus on that and you will do well!
Even if it is just names and banners!

stearns 11-14-2013 10:52 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1899450)
Frilly with glitter and a speaker to play various spice girls songs when it opens for me please. :D

Oddly specific request, but if I know Brendon, once he puts his mind to anything he can make it work :tu

Blak Smyth 11-14-2013 10:55 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1899450)
Blak for me please. :D

I am not interested.

czerbe 11-14-2013 11:23 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
You made that?!?!?! Nice man thats a $60.00 for sure

big_jaygee 11-14-2013 11:24 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 1899456)
Oddly specific request, but if I know Brendon, once he puts his mind to anything he can make it work :tu


Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1899459)
I am not interested.

:lr :lr :lr

big_jaygee 11-14-2013 11:25 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
i like the idea and i would spend the $40 - $60

T.G 11-14-2013 11:25 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1899450)
Black for me please. :D Unless you can get NY Mets blue???


Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1899451)
Now custom painted cases is a much more niched area, focus on that and you will do well!
Even if it is just names and banners!

If someone wants to take up a collection to get Mac a custom painted NY Yankees traveldor, I'm in for $10.

Blueface 11-14-2013 11:42 AM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1899472)
If someone wants to take up a collection to get Mac a custom painted NY Yankees traveldor, I'm in for $10.

And with my $10, we are up to $20.

maninblack 11-14-2013 04:37 PM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
I'd pay ya $20 and a box of white owls. I don't want no pink case. ;)

mahtofire14 11-14-2013 04:52 PM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
I would say 15 to 25. However I don't travel all that much with cigars so I would imagine if I did, I would probably be willing to spend more.

Bleez 11-14-2013 05:25 PM

Re: How much would you spend on a Travel Humi
Would it be possible or even helpful to make a compartment on the outside to stash lighters/cutters? That way you wouldn't have to compromise the # of smokes on the inside. Meh, I'm a donut maker, not a case maker so I should probably stick to what I know. Just throwing out ideas.

I'd pay $60 for a customized if I had the need/loot.

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