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cmitch 08-16-2012 02:47 PM

TRYING not to lose interest
A while back, I went through a spell where no cigar, even my old favorites, appealed to me. My palate was just off. Now, I'm finding myself quickly becoming disinterested in cigars, much of which has happened in the last 2 weeks. I started smoking cigars because of not only the flavor I liked, but I liked the socializing with the local BOTL's. Since our local B&M owner decided to become a 'dick' with some of his customers, I no longer go there and it has cost me the socializing time I had with BOTL I really liked. We have a meet up on Tuesdays for food and cigars but many of the regulars at the B&M do not show. Most have went their on way and are doing their on thing.

I'm not planning on giving up the Tuesday nights but where I used to have the fever to go to events at the Cigar Room in Madison, AL, I find myself just not wanting to go. 55 miles is just too far to drive to go to a B&M regularly. There's no way our local B&M is ever going to be an option again. IF we had another option here, that would be great but, at this point, I don't see that happening.

My issue with my left eye isn't helpful either, since smoke greatly irritates it to the point it looks like it's going to bleed. Doc doesn't know WHAT is wrong with it but I woke Wed. morning to severe burning and redness. I guess I could wear a patch!

I'm trying to stay with it. I really enjoy cigars but I fear when winter sets in and I have no where to go, I may give it up altogether. Maybe this is just a stage or phase.

The Poet 08-16-2012 02:52 PM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
Life is not a circle, but rather a spiral. If you are meant to come back to it, you shall . . . albeit on a different level.

lilninjabuddy 08-16-2012 03:20 PM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
We all have seasons in life.

Do what you want. What I mean by that is, if you don't really enjoy it anymore, don't force it. Just lay 'em down, and pick them back up when you get that itch again!

SvilleKid 08-16-2012 03:24 PM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
Sorry to hear it, Clayton. I fully understand the local owner issue involved. Given the lack of visibility of that store, and it's owner's attitude and history, it would seem like a competitor would be able to move in and take that market away.

I wonder if the owners if Cigars and More in Bham would be interested??!!?? They were able to best several established (but snobbish) stores here. They would turn K's business in a heartbeat, with better customer response and service!

One can only hope! Hang in there. Give cigars a new role. Use as a relaxation tool. Smoke less, but pick your place and time to make it a "moment", even if you are alone.

pektel 08-16-2012 03:29 PM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
I haven't sat down to enjoy a cigar in quite some time. Well, only a couple times in the past couple months. I'm not going to force myself if I'm just not feeling it right now. I seem to go in phases where I'm really into something, get a little burnt out by it, and take a break. Right now I'm on the "break" part of the cycle. But I'm not worried about it. They're just rolled up leaves. They aren't going anywhere, and they'll be even better with some more age on them. :tu

poriggity 08-16-2012 03:58 PM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
I feel ya. I used to smoke 2-3 cigars a day, then got burnt out. I now MIGHT smoke one or two a week... I am happy with that. Do what you gotta do man.

cmitch 08-16-2012 04:31 PM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest

Originally Posted by SvilleKid (Post 1701104)
Sorry to hear it, Clayton. I fully understand the local owner issue involved. Given the lack of visibility of that store, and it's owner's attitude and history, it would seem like a competitor would be able to move in and take that market away.

I wonder if the owners if Cigars and More in Bham would be interested??!!?? They were able to best several established (but snobbish) stores here. They would turn K's business in a heartbeat, with better customer response and service!

One can only hope! Hang in there. Give cigars a new role. Use as a relaxation tool. Smoke less, but pick your place and time to make it a "moment", even if you are alone.

It's tough giving up times with your friends but it was so intolerable there. It just doesn't seem anyone is interested at this time moving in.

That may be my problem. I've been having a tough time relaxing lately. Like I said, maybe it's a phase. We'll see.

hammondc 08-16-2012 05:14 PM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
I was in a similar funk about 6 months ago right after I started to slide down the other slope. Now, offspring #1 will be here in a month. I have been on a break for about 2 months. Mainly because it is too hot out right now. Still 95* at night. Finally lit one up last night and fully enjoyed it.

Put the cutter down and step back from the humidor. Take a break. Then try again.

DaBear 08-16-2012 07:12 PM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
I don't know if I'm nearing that point or just slowing way the heck down on smoking, but I used to pack in 3-4 sticks per trip to work(which ended up being most days) bare minimum. Now, thats the most I'll ever smoke, even when I'm there all day long. I can't even decide what I want to smoke anymore either. Though I do blame half the problem on IPCPR just happening and me wanting all the new stuff(:dr V Melanios and Old Man and the C)

irratebass 08-17-2012 04:04 AM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
Clayton, sorry about your weird eye issue......and my only advice to give regarding the cigars is.....take the break, put em' down they will ALWAYS be there, they aren't going anywhere.....good luck

ninjavanish 08-17-2012 04:56 AM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
Clayton, I have had more than my fair share of run ins with the owner of that store. What I learned from my time there was that there's a fantastic terrace at the Marriott with fire pits and heaters that allows smoking.

Xikar77 08-17-2012 05:56 AM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
Hey man, I've gone through this phase twice already. I am actually just coming back into it after about 3 years of maybe smoking once or twice a year. Do what you feel you have to and dont stress over it. A break can be a good thing. Especially for the wallet!!!!!! :P

Subvet642 08-17-2012 06:29 AM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest

Originally Posted by lilninjabuddy (Post 1701103)
We all have seasons in life.

Do what you want. What I mean by that is, if you don't really enjoy it anymore, don't force it. Just lay 'em down, and pick them back up when you get that itch again!

:tpd: I have a bunch of hobbies and I cannot pay attention to all of them all of the time. I find myself throwing myself into one hobby at a time and sort of rotating around between them all. I collect fountain pens (for one) and I haven't bought or done any repair work in over a year, and that's okay, 'cause when I feel like paying attention to them, they'll be there. If you don't feel like smoking, don't, but don't stress over it, either.

lilninjabuddy 08-17-2012 11:05 AM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 1701336)


I resemble that remark....*

*I freaking hate it when people say this too, but I just couldn't resist.

Zanaspus 08-17-2012 01:14 PM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
I went through a year and a half of this recently. Just keep them, forget about them, and down the road you'll have some wonderful HTF sticks that you can then smoke or sell. :2

shibby4781 08-17-2012 04:44 PM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
I too fear the loss of interest happening this winter. Too cold to smoke outside and the owner of the closest B&M is really not my cup of tea. Guy has a great cigar knowledge and has never steered me wrong but not really someone I want to hang out with. The next closest is about 30 minutes away. Not really worth the gas just to smoke IMO. But I figure if I take that break and don't lose interest the first smoke of the spring will be that much sweeter. I say take a break and come back to it when you are ready.

mk05 08-17-2012 07:08 PM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
Congratulations sir, you are not addicted to nicotine!

I smoke - like yourself - when I'm with friends; I associate cigars with having a relaxing time. I also associate smoking with "everybody shut the hell up so I can sit here alone and stare at nature" time. If you can find something else to associate with smoking that brings a smile to your face, I think you'll start enjoying again.

cmitch 08-19-2012 07:55 AM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest

Originally Posted by ninjavanish (Post 1701318)
Clayton, I have had more than my fair share of run ins with the owner of that store. What I learned from my time there was that there's a fantastic terrace at the Marriott with fire pits and heaters that allows smoking.

We plan on that being our go to place on Tuesday evenings this winter. TC's had an event there about a month ago with Jason. I showed up after they were gone. What a shame I missed them.

cmitch 08-19-2012 07:59 AM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest

Originally Posted by mk05 (Post 1701605)
Congratulations sir, you are not addicted to nicotine!

I smoke - like yourself - when I'm with friends; I associate cigars with having a relaxing time. I also associate smoking with "everybody shut the hell up so I can sit here alone and stare at nature" time. If you can find something else to associate with smoking that brings a smile to your face, I think you'll start enjoying again.

It's a wonder. I usually smoke 1 a night and about 3 on Tuesdays. Of course, poker eats up about 4 to 5, depending on the game length. I'm in the process of planning a local herf at my place for the guys. That's when I'll find out who my true friends are. I've discovered, though, that great smokes often come at a price, prices I can't afford and it's either smoke so-so sticks or cut back. Life is too short to smoke so-so cigars.

SvilleKid 08-19-2012 01:38 PM

Re: TRYING not to lose interest
Clayton, before you cut back, let me know what you like. May not can send you $10 sticks, but I can rock your humi with decent $5-7 sticks!!!

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