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Newbie_nick 08-29-2011 05:46 PM

Cigar ledger?
As a relative noob to the cigar smoking ranks, I really find it overwhelming to look through cigar reviews or internet dealer's lists of cigars because there seems to be a million choices. I was wondering if anybody keeps a ledger of cigars that you've smoked with your personal comments on each. Does anybody do this? I've just started in the past 2 weeks, and hopefully, it will keep me from buying cigars that I've tried and didn't care for.

What do you do?


(BTW, my ledger is in MS Excel, and I would gladly share it. It's nothing fancy!)

kelmac07 08-29-2011 05:58 PM

Re: Cigar ledger?
Nick, I keep a similar "journal" in MS Excel format with my notes, if I liked the stick, if I'd smoke it again. Been keeping this for well over two years now. Let's me keep track of what I like/dislike, etc.

Bill86 08-29-2011 06:00 PM

Re: Cigar ledger?
I'm with Mac, I had MS Excel in mind when I saw the thread title.

However I just go by memory. For the most part is serves me well, or good enough :D

irratebass 08-29-2011 06:42 PM

Re: Cigar ledger?

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1391791)
I'm with Mac, I had MS Excel in mind when I saw the thread title.

However I just go by memory. For the most part is serves me well, or good enough :D


CRIMPS 08-29-2011 09:29 PM

Re: Cigar ledger?
I use an android app to keep up with my notes and inventory.
Posted via Mobile Device

Emjaysmash 08-29-2011 09:36 PM

Re: Cigar ledger?
I used to have a cigar ledger. I used it mostly for Cuban cigars I had smoked. Now I dont use it.

CigarSquid 08-29-2011 10:07 PM

Re: Cigar ledger?

Originally Posted by CRIMPS (Post 1392024)
I use an android app to keep up with my notes and inventory.
Posted via Mobile Device

What app do you use?

I use Rate My Cigar. Works pretty damn good, if you ask me.

jaxstraww 08-29-2011 10:16 PM

Re: Cigar ledger?
I'm old skool......Cigar Briefcase was the app I used.

alexa071 08-30-2011 05:27 AM

Re: Cigar ledger?
I have a journal that I tape the cigar bands in. My memory operates much better with the visual reference. I usually write a few notes about the cigar and the month/year I smoked it. I can get 6 per page and I only put the first band of any given cigar I try into it. It takes a fair amount of work but I like being able to see all the bands of the cigars I've smoked.

Blak Smyth 08-30-2011 05:33 AM

Re: Cigar ledger?
I keep all my bands, I was keeping notes in my phone but it became almost impossible to try to find anything. I find that when I am by myself and focusing on taking notes I tend to enjoy my cigar more. Most of the time when I smoke I am with others and we tend to focus on other things.

I like the idea Randy (alexa071) about keeping the band with the notes, I may have to find some kind of journal to try this. Do you keep them in alphabetical order somehow?

WittyUserName 08-30-2011 05:39 AM

Re: Cigar ledger?

Originally Posted by alexa071 (Post 1392149)
I have a journal that I tape the cigar bands in. My memory operates much better with the visual reference. I usually write a few notes about the cigar and the month/year I smoked it. I can get 6 per page and I only put the first band of any given cigar I try into it. It takes a fair amount of work but I like being able to see all the bands of the cigars I've smoked.


Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1392150)
I like the idea Randy (alexa071) about keeping the band with the notes, I may have to find some kind of journal to try this. Do you keep them in alphabetical order somehow?

I have been thinking about doing this. I have an extra hard back Moleskine notebook I was thinking about using. I just need to find a glue stick for the rings.

Subvet642 08-30-2011 06:25 AM

Re: Cigar ledger?

Originally Posted by jaxstraww (Post 1392054)
I'm old skool......Cigar Briefcase was the app I used.

I'm older school than that: I use a journal and a fountain pen. :D

Ranger_B 08-30-2011 06:41 AM

Re: Cigar ledger?
I also used an old notebook for a while. I wish I had kept up with it. I would put every cigar band in there with notes about the smoke and where I had it. After a while I filled it up and then never got a new one. I think it is a great idea for a newer smoker though. Gets you to see the cigars you like so you can find the tastes that agree with you when you are looking for new smokes to try.

Hippiebrian 08-30-2011 06:48 AM

Re: Cigar ledger?
I don't bother with any of this. If the cigar was a dog rocket, trust me, I'll remember it!

Blak Smyth 08-30-2011 06:49 AM

Re: Cigar ledger?

Originally Posted by Ranger_B (Post 1392210)
I also used an old notebook for a while. I wish I had kept up with it. I would put every cigar band in there with notes about the smoke and where I had it. After a while I filled it up and then never got a new one. I think it is a great idea for a newer smoker though. Gets you to see the cigars you like so you can find the tastes that agree with you when you are looking for new smokes to try.

It would be a great idea to make copies of a book like this and send it to other members to read your notes. At least I would like to read others notes so I would assume I am not the only one. Hmmm, maybe a notebook PIF?


Originally Posted by Hippiebrian (Post 1392217)
I don't bother with any of this. If the cigar was a dog rocket, trust me, I'll remember it!

Yah it's easy to remember the 6 little letters...


Cyrann 08-30-2011 12:13 PM

Re: Cigar ledger?

Originally Posted by garryyjr (Post 1392050)
What app do you use?

I use Rate My Cigar. Works pretty damn good, if you ask me.

I use Rate My Cigar as well... love it, tons of detail, but still missing key components and sizing.

I will say this though, Arthur, the APPs creator welcomes emails and responds in a timely manner... I asked for him to include a way to track total value of ones inventory, based off # of sticks and price, and BOOM it was in the next update.

Stand up APP and dude, IMO.

Newbie_nick 08-30-2011 06:57 PM

Re: Cigar ledger?
Wow...I'll have to check out that App... I didn't know that it existed! Thanks all

DPD6030 08-30-2011 07:16 PM

Re: Cigar ledger?
I got me a ledger from Mark at

alexa071 08-31-2011 04:09 AM

Re: Cigar ledger?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1392150)
I keep all my bands, I was keeping notes in my phone but it became almost impossible to try to find anything. I find that when I am by myself and focusing on taking notes I tend to enjoy my cigar more. Most of the time when I smoke I am with others and we tend to focus on other things.

I like the idea Randy (alexa071) about keeping the band with the notes, I may have to find some kind of journal to try this. Do you keep them in alphabetical order somehow?

I use a book-bound journal. I just grabbed the one from Officemax that looked like the pages were the LEAST likely to start falling out. Since it isn't a ring-binder there really isn't any way to reorganize once they're in there. Just out of necessity I keep them in chronological order. I tape the bands to the pages with Duck brand "HD clear" packing tape.

After awhile I have to go back and review them to make sure I'm not putting any repeat bands in. It's nice to be able to go back now, almost two years after getting into the hobby, and see the very first bands from the cigars I had on vacation that got me into the hobby.

Blak Smyth 08-31-2011 05:12 AM

Re: Cigar ledger?

Originally Posted by alexa071 (Post 1393562)
I use a book-bound journal. I just grabbed the one from Officemax that looked like the pages were the LEAST likely to start falling out. Since it isn't a ring-binder there really isn't any way to reorganize once they're in there. Just out of necessity I keep them in chronological order. I tape the bands to the pages with Duck brand "HD clear" packing tape.

After awhile I have to go back and review them to make sure I'm not putting any repeat bands in. It's nice to be able to go back now, almost two years after getting into the hobby, and see the very first bands from the cigars I had on vacation that got me into the hobby.

That is a cool idea, I am gonna try something like this.

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