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shilala 06-17-2011 01:55 PM

Our deck just showed up.
We've been doing a bunch of work on the house since Spring. I put in beds for bushes, stone around them, started building cabinets for all the walls in the garage (every square inch of walls), added a piece of concrete to widen our driveway, and we just finished a sidewalk that goes from front to back, and got our garden in.
The big project is our deck.
It's enormous. I have no idea what I was thinking. I do all this stuff myself, aside from hiring a buddy to help with the concrete, and it takes me forever. He helped pour the 21 concrete piers, they were 48" deep and we used 8" form tubes. We mixed all that by hand, it was a job.
So the deck is ready to go up, finally.
I designed it and drew the plans a few weeks ago, got all the permits from zoning, the building commission and the homeowner's association, and just bought all the screws and fasteners and stuff yesterday.
I ordered the lumber yesterday and it showed up just a little while ago. When it came off the truck and I got a good look at it, I just about puked. This thing is gonna be the end of me.
Fortunately my father-in-law is going to help, so we should have it done in about a week, weather permitting.
I figured I'd post up pics as it goes so I can see the start-to-finish.
Here she is in imagination stage...

That's our house, the pile, my sweet baby, and the boy.

This is just a shot from the other end of the pile.

Ranger_B 06-17-2011 01:57 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
Scott just remember one board at a time. The next thing you know it will be done and youll be proud and on to the next project........ Staining. LOL enjoy man!

The Poet 06-17-2011 02:00 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
A deck? Hell, Scott, you could build the whole damn ship with all that lumber! :r

Best of luck with it, brother.

Remo 06-17-2011 02:00 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
Good luck, it will look/be great when done :tu but I don't envy the building part :r

Remo 06-17-2011 02:02 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
p.s after the deck you need a fence, "good fences makes for good neighbors" or something like that, lol

Commander Quan 06-17-2011 02:02 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
So when will you be having the first herf on it? :tu

shilala 06-17-2011 02:02 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.

Originally Posted by Ranger_B (Post 1301072)
Scott just remember one board at a time. The next thing you know it will be done and youll be proud and on to the next project........ Staining. LOL enjoy man!

I can stain this stuff immediately, so it'll be stained before the screws even cool down. :D

688sonarmen 06-17-2011 02:04 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
It's going to look great, or build and Arc like Bruce Allmighty:D

kelmac07 06-17-2011 02:30 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
Looks like you got some work to do brother. :D

Sherlockholms 06-17-2011 02:33 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
It looks like its going to be a nice deck Scott.

hotreds 06-17-2011 02:39 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.

CRIMPS 06-17-2011 02:39 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
What a great project! yeah, one board at a time.

There is something about working with wood that is so rewarding... for me, at least.

pektel 06-17-2011 02:41 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
REminds me of that scene in Evan ALmighty when he gets the shipment to start building the ark lol.

Looks like a fun project! :tu

shilala 06-17-2011 02:44 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.

Originally Posted by Commander Quan (Post 1301081)
So when will you be having the first herf on it? :tu

Probably before it's even done. :D

nofeardiver 06-17-2011 02:46 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
very nice bro good luck...

Old Sailor 06-17-2011 04:18 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
Wow, almost enough wood to build an Ark....just ask Al!!:r

Bill86 06-17-2011 04:23 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
Good luck Scott, Just think of smoking on it when you're done :tu

Ogre 06-17-2011 04:33 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
I feel your pain brother. I am building a 12 x 16 shed. My pile was just a little smaller than yours!!!

forgop 06-17-2011 04:49 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.
I'm about 60% complete with a deck project myself. I went with TimberTech composite decking at $2/ft as I didn't want the hassle of maintaining the real stuff. I'm probably going to just wait until next year when I make some money again to put up the railings.
At least with my deck, I'm using the existing joists though.

But it was very wise of you to do this while you still had an empty lot to drive through next to you.

shilala 06-17-2011 05:03 PM

Re: Our deck just showed up.

Originally Posted by Ogre3239 (Post 1301238)
I feel your pain brother. I am building a 12 x 16 shed. My pile was just a little smaller than yours!!!

I have to build a shed before Fall, Larry. That's easy. No 20' 2x12's in them. :)

Originally Posted by forgop (Post 1301271)
But it was very wise of you to do this while you still had an empty lot to drive through next to you.

That has been a HUGE help all along the way. I want to get everything done before they sell that lot. It'll save tons of pain, for sure.

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