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Krish the Fish 03-14-2011 05:48 PM

Get rid of the "cigar smell"
I'm sorry in advance if someone's covered this, but I think I have it mastered. I personally love the smell, but I know it can be offensive to non-smokers and people who just hate the smell of cigars. Here's the gameplan:

For your clothes:
Throw the "smoky" smelling clothes in the laundry, and get fresh ones on after your shower :D (this is the failproof plan I've come to use)

For your breath:
A good brushing and Smart Mouth rinse.

For your hair:
Shampooing usually does the trick. Heck a shower will get it off most of your body except...

For your hands:
This is usually the hardest part... that cigar smell lingers on your hands even after vigorous washing with handsoap (multiple times. Trust me, I've tried everything). The best way I've found is to use alcohol-based hand sanitizer twice. Smell free!

Hope it helps y'all. I wish I had a reference like this when I first starting smoking. Smoke something good! -(P


HollywoodQue 03-14-2011 06:40 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"
Thanks for sharing.

Nathan King 03-14-2011 06:50 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"

Originally Posted by Krish the Fish (Post 1205402)
I'm sorry in advance if someone's covered this, but I think I have it mastered. I personally love the smell, but I know it can be offensive to non-smokers and people who just hate the smell of cigars. Here's the gameplan:

For your clothes:
Throw the "smoky" smelling clothes in the laundry, and get fresh ones on after your shower :D (this is the failproof plan I've come to use)

For your breath:
A good brushing and Smart Mouth rinse.

For your hair:
Shampooing usually does the trick. Heck a shower will get it off most of your body except...

For your hands:
This is usually the hardest part... that cigar smell lingers on your hands even after vigorous washing with handsoap (multiple times. Trust me, I've tried everything). The best way I've found is to use alcohol-based hand sanitizer twice. Smell free!

Hope it helps y'all. I wish I had a reference like this when I first starting smoking. Smoke something good! -(P


I follow the exact same regimen each time I smoke with the exception of the mouth. I brush, use a tongue scraper, and rinse with a 50/50 solution of water and hydrogen peroxide. Indeed, the staining and odor on the hands is the most difficult to remove, but it can be done with a liberal use of alcohol based sanitizer.

Bill86 03-14-2011 07:40 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"
I usually do the complete opposite.

For my clothes I grab any t-shirt (they all smell like smoke) and if it's cold out I grab my jacket which has seen more smoke then a crowded bingo hall.

For my breath I make sure to brush before I smoke so the cigar taste is still on my tongue all day. Of course I give ample time so I still don't taste toothpaste.

For my hair well I make sure I shower before I smoke that way I smell like whatever I smoked (good)

My hands always smell like smoke, heck I just smoked. I know washing your hands doesn't get rid of the smell so I leave it.

If people are offended that I smoke I don't feel the need to hide it or make their day any better. Chances are half of them smell like some nasty perfume or cologne that is quite offensive.

loki 03-14-2011 07:49 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"
jebus that sounds like a lot of work for something that should be enjoyable

J0eybb 03-14-2011 07:52 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"
I scrub til I explode.

Eleven 03-14-2011 08:22 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"

Originally Posted by loki (Post 1205523)
jebus that sounds like a lot of work for something that should be enjoyable

My wife knows how much I enjoy cigars, but she does not like them at all. So a little extra effort to ensure that I don't upset the balance of power in my house is not really work for me, its part of being married!


vzontini 03-14-2011 09:52 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"
For general cigar smoke odors in rooms I've found that the air sanitizer Ozium works wonders. I get the large cans for the house and a small one for the car. I have a carpeted smoking room that I smoke in daily. With a Rabbit air filter, an open window while smoking, and the Ozium it barely smells of smoke. I also try to keep the window open with the fan running for an hour or so after I finish smoking.

One note though with the Ozium. This is strong stuff. Only spray it when you are about to leave the room as it is over-powering after it is sprayed. Same for the car. Spray it on the way out and when you won't be back in there for several hours. I only spray the Ozium at night before going to bed. But the stuff works so I don't complain.

tx_tuff 03-14-2011 11:43 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"
My wife likes the way it smells so its all good, she says it smells like a man, and I am a lucky one!

timo 03-15-2011 03:49 AM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1205515)
I usually do the complete opposite.

For my clothes I grab any t-shirt (they all smell like smoke) and if it's cold out I grab my jacket which has seen more smoke then a crowded bingo hall.

For my breath I make sure to brush before I smoke so the cigar taste is still on my tongue all day. Of course I give ample time so I still don't taste toothpaste.

For my hair well I make sure I shower before I smoke that way I smell like whatever I smoked (good)

My hands always smell like smoke, heck I just smoked. I know washing your hands doesn't get rid of the smell so I leave it.

If people are offended that I smoke I don't feel the need to hide it or make their day any better. Chances are half of them smell like some nasty perfume or cologne that is quite offensive.


Patrick B 03-15-2011 03:53 AM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"

Originally Posted by loki (Post 1205523)
jebus that sounds like a lot of work for something that should be enjoyable

Ditto. Glad it works for you and yours.

Stephen 03-15-2011 05:35 AM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 1205572)
My wife knows how much I enjoy cigars, but she does not like them at all. So a little extra effort to ensure that I don't upset the balance of power in my house is not really work for me, its part of being married!


If mama ain't happy ain't nobody happy.

mosesbotbol 03-15-2011 05:48 AM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"
Exhaust the smoke in the room and a smoking jacket are my two tips.

guitar4001 03-15-2011 03:33 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"
my wife uses some sort of body works well on the person, but not in the car.

bigmanfromou 03-15-2011 04:39 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"
Get rid of it?! Pftt!! I like it so much that I bough a cologne that smells like it. :ss

rebelknight 03-15-2011 05:02 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"

Originally Posted by bigmanfromou (Post 1206465)
Get rid of it?! Pftt!! I like it so much that I bough a cologne that smells like it. :ss

I think I own the same cologne

N2 GOLD 03-15-2011 05:55 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"
This is what I tell the people who have nothing better to do.

" I'm a grown man who loves to smoke cigars. So what if "I" smell like somke :ss Accept it & come to terms with it. How dare you tell I can't smoke. I strongly suggest you walk away before I become politically incorrect with your face. " -(P

99.9% of the time they just walk away with nothing more to say...

Blueface 03-15-2011 06:03 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"

Originally Posted by N2 GOLD (Post 1206529)
This is what I tell the people who have nothing better to do.

" I'm a grown man who loves to smoke cigars. So what if "I" smell like somke :ss Accept it & come to terms with it. How dare you tell I can't smoke. I strongly suggest you walk away before I become politically incorrect with your face. " -(P

99.9% of the time they just walk away with nothing more to say...

Gotta tell you, not something you'll find in Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people".;)

replicant_argent 03-15-2011 06:06 PM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"

Originally Posted by N2 GOLD (Post 1206529)
This is what I tell the people who have nothing better to do.

" I'm a grown man who loves to smoke cigars. So what if "I" smell like somke :ss Accept it & come to terms with it. How dare you tell I can't smoke. I strongly suggest you walk away before I become politically incorrect with your face. " -(P

99.9% of the time they just walk away with nothing more to say...

I bet I know what they are thinking, however. ;)

CigarDisciple 03-17-2011 11:30 AM

Re: Get rid of the "cigar smell"

Originally Posted by tx_tuff (Post 1205735)
My wife likes the way it smells so its all good, she says it smells like a man, and I am a lucky one!


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