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Tio Gato 03-06-2011 04:12 PM

Advice for B&M owners anyone?
Like a lot of folk here I try to visit as many B&M's as I can. Luckily I travel a bit and always research new (to me) shops to visit. We've all been to the fantastic shops and to some real stinkers. However so many shops just seem so mediocre and could be a lot better.

Let's try to give some advice (pretend that they may actually read it) to owners and employees. I'll start.

*When I walk in your shop acknowledge my presence. I know you're busy running a business, but a hello or a nod of the head goes a long way to make me feel welcome.

*Don't assume that because I'm wearing work clothes that I don't have any money to spend. (Therefore I am not worth your time.)

*I know you love your regulars, but please don't make me try to figure out who works here and who is just hanging out. I shouldn't have to work to give you my business and my money. You want more regulars don't you?

*Don't assume that because there are no ladies in the shop that it's OK to throw F-bombs and the like. Do assume that maybe some of your customers are gentlemen.

*I know you can't be there all the time and that it's hard to find good employees. Train them well, especially in the art of customer service. A lot of your customers know cigars better than your employees. What we want is good service first and foremost.

OK, so I started. What advice would you give to shop owner that just doesn't seem to get it?

enlightenedcigar 03-06-2011 04:20 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
I would really appreciate all of your opinions on this actually!! I love my job and I want ot do it the very best that I can, so all input you guys have would be of value to me.

MiamiE 03-06-2011 04:24 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
F-bombs fly all over down here. :r I agree with the rest though.

neoflex 03-06-2011 04:24 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
I am not a bandit, so please don't follow me into the humidor and hound me the second I walk in. Please give me a few minutes to look around and than pop in and ask if I need any help or have any questions. If your on my heels following me in and don't give me a few minutes to myself to peruse your selection I am leaving pretty quickly while purchasing nothing and will never be back. There is nothing I hate more than walking into a walk-in and feeling a hole being burned into the back of my head because an employee follows me in and proceeds to watch me like a hawk until I step back out of the humidor. As a customer I am pretty easy to please but if I feel like you can't give me the benefit of the doubt even for a few minutes to not steal something than I do not need to support your business. At least pretend your coming in to move stock around or check a price or something.

Bill86 03-06-2011 04:40 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
1. I hate being followed in to walk ins.
2. I also hate being completely ignored.
3. When I say do you have snus don't tell me to buy cope at the gas station across the street. Just say no we don't.
4. Don't tell me you're getting in things you aren't. "oh we plan to get in lots of limiteds", three months later...nothing new.
5. Don't assume I know nothing about cigars, I've yet to meet an employee that has a clue.

I agree with the work clothes thing I use to go in on my breaks and they wouldn't even bother to acknowledge my presence. That's frustrating. I also hate hearing "come on support your local shop" yeah but you don't support me at all. I have to smoke your cigars and you refuse to get in any Viaje/Tatuaje/Illusione cigars.

Shops these days don't seem to work for your business they seem to expect it.

Also please do not tell your employees to recommend Gurkha Titans just because they are the most expensive stick in your humidor (something like $34 a stick).

full count 03-06-2011 04:40 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by neoflex (Post 1195951)
I am not a bandit, so please don't follow me into the humidor and hound me the second I walk in. Please give me a few minutes to look around and than pop in and ask if I need any help or have any questions. If your on my heels following me in and don't give me a few minutes to myself to peruse your selection I am leaving pretty quickly while purchasing nothing and will never be back. There is nothing I hate more than walking into a walk-in and feeling a hole being burned into the back of my head because an employee follows me in and proceeds to watch me like a hawk until I step back out of the humidor. As a customer I am pretty easy to please but if I feel like you can't give me the benefit of the doubt even for a few minutes to not steal something than I do not need to support your business. At least pretend your coming in to move stock around or check a price or something.

Bingo! Especially if you have employees that are not educated in the basics and can not answer simple questions about origin of tobacco in the blends, wrapper, filler etc.

Smokin Gator 03-06-2011 04:47 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
This may not be widely experienced... I just don't know. My only local B&M is basically a bar with a humidor. So my take would be... decide what you want to be. If you want to be a bar with mostly cigarette smokers that is fine. Just don't expect my business.

nick2021 03-06-2011 04:48 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by neoflex (Post 1195951)
I am not a bandit, so please don't follow me into the humidor and hound me the second I walk in. Please give me a few minutes to look around and than pop in and ask if I need any help or have any questions. If your on my heels following me in and don't give me a few minutes to myself to peruse your selection I am leaving pretty quickly while purchasing nothing and will never be back. There is nothing I hate more than walking into a walk-in and feeling a hole being burned into the back of my head because an employee follows me in and proceeds to watch me like a hawk until I step back out of the humidor. As a customer I am pretty easy to please but if I feel like you can't give me the benefit of the doubt even for a few minutes to not steal something than I do not need to support your business. At least pretend your coming in to move stock around or check a price or something.

+2...this really annoys me. I really hate having somebody up my rear-end not being able to have a chance to browse the selection. It annoys me even more when employees keep hounding me to buy particular brands...really annoying...I'll end up buying cigars in the end, so why be up somebody's rear trying to sell something they don't want?

kydsid 03-06-2011 04:54 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1195970)
That's frustrating. I also hate hearing "come on support your local shop" yeah but you don't support me at all. I have to smoke your cigars and you refuse to get in any Viaje/Tatuaje/Illusione cigars.

Shops these days don't seem to work for your business they seem to expect it.

Along those lines if you prefer/require me to buy your sticks to smoke in your shop post a sign.

Don't get mad/ban me when I won't smoke your shitty cigars, especially after I have spent a couple hundred bucks in your store. ;)

Bill86 03-06-2011 04:56 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 1195997)
Along those lines if you prefer/require me to buy your sticks to smoke in your shop post a sign.

Don't get mad/ban me when I won't smoke your shitty cigars, especially after I have spent a couple hundred bucks in your store. ;)

Yep, I spent $160 bucks and wanted to smoke my DES there. The employee said don't let the manager catch you but I really don't care. I said really? After I just spent $160 bucks?

So yeah, B&M's have gotten MUCH less of my money after finding all 3 of them to have different issues that are ridiculous.

Chainsaw13 03-06-2011 05:05 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
If you as a shop owner are going to shell out the money to stock your humidor, learn how to properly maintain it. Don't crank the humidifier so that all the cigars are moldy/spongy. Or so dry that the slightest handling causes all the wrappers to spilt. No way will I pay $25 for a padron 45th with a split wrapper. And to see the other eight left in the box in the same condition will mean you obviously don't know what you're doing an make me less than likely to return.
Posted via Mobile Device

neoflex 03-06-2011 05:09 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
Yes, please do not try and push the sticks that are not moving on me when I come in or the highest dollar stick you have in your shop on me. I have experienced this in the past and usually I respond with a "No thank you." I have had times where they continued to hound me and I replied with, "No thank you, I've smoked it and it's not my thing and probably not many others so I'm not surprised you guys are forced to push it so your not stuck with a back stock of turds." A response like that usually gets the point across rather quickly and more often than not I will not be in a hurry to be back to that shop. Like I mentioned earlier, I am easy to please. Give me my space but don't ignore me. Ask me if I need help or any recommendations after a few minutes alone and usually I will take it from there. The shops that treat me with respect are the shops that get most of my business. They don't even need to be 100% knowledgeable as everyone starts somewhere but just don't push crap on me if you don't even know what your trying to sell me or wouldn't smoke yourself.

MikeyC 03-06-2011 05:28 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1195999)
Yep, I spent $160 bucks and wanted to smoke my DES there. The employee said don't let the manager catch you but I really don't care. I said really? After I just spent $160 bucks?

So yeah, B&M's have gotten MUCH less of my money after finding all 3 of them to have different issues that are ridiculous.

Most shops keep their sticks too wet to smoke right away anyhow. From my perspective, as long as you spent money in the shop you should be able to smoke whatever you want.

Lots of good points made in this thread!

kelmac07 03-06-2011 05:57 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
Fellas...looks like you've hit the nail on the head with these posts.

Don't have me drive from Petersburg, Va to Norfolk, Va because you claim to have the latest PDR 1878 Dominicana Reserva (the red one right???) and I arrived to find you don't have a clue what the hell I am talking about...when you bring out the PDR 1878 Capa Maduro (black label).


icehog3 03-06-2011 06:00 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
If you have a rule or policy that I apparently was unaware of, mention it to me with courtesy and respect, don't talk to me like I am your naughty nephew, and don't "call me out" in front of others. I promise you if you do, I will not be back, and I will tell every BOTL I know what I think of your place too.

On the other hand, to the owners of 90% of the B&Ms I have been to, thank you for your hospitality and kindness, I look forward to seeing you again. :)

Volusianator 03-06-2011 06:02 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1195970)
5. Don't assume I know nothing about cigars, I've yet to meet an employee that has a clue.

Good evening Bill, my name is Wade!

Bill86 03-06-2011 06:04 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by Volusianator (Post 1196056)
Good evening Bill, my name is Wade!

I mean locally :r

My guess is you're a bit far from Franklin/Nashville TN.

MajorCaptSilly 03-06-2011 06:08 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
Hire really hot women. I don't care what they know about cigars.


markem 03-06-2011 06:10 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?

Originally Posted by MajorCaptSilly (Post 1196067)
Hire really hot women. I don't care what they know about cigars.

:tpd: and make sure that they are fully capable of taking the blame when you put a half smoked stick in a box you are sending to someone.

CigarNut 03-06-2011 06:21 PM

Re: Advice for B&M owners anyone?
If there are areas in the shop where we should not smoke (assuming that we can smoke in the shop in the first place), please let us know (post a sign or something).

On the other side, with theft being as bad as it is, I understand why you follow me around, but please be a little more respectful of my space. And, if I am a regular, don't follow me around, but make yourself available (at the counter or someplace) so that I can find you when I have questions...

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