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rebelknight 02-15-2011 01:00 PM

new lighter or new cutter?
So my girlfriend gave me an early birthday present since she will be in Germany for my real birthday. She gave me a gift certificate to one of the local B&M's. I'd like to use it towards either a lighter or a cutter. I was wondering which I should buy and if there is a specific brand/model people really like and that I should consider. Thanks for the help.

kelmac07 02-15-2011 01:02 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?
Xikar X8 $ 25 you'll spend!! :tu :tu

CigarNut 02-15-2011 01:09 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?
Get the best of both -- a lighter with a built in punch. There are several out there.

TBone 02-15-2011 01:15 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1173587)
Xikar X8 $ 25 you'll spend!! :tu :tu


Krish the Fish 02-15-2011 01:15 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?
Get a lighter. Trust me.

kickerb 02-15-2011 01:24 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?
depends on what you need more, lighter or cutter. if its not need, just something you want? would be a lighter for me. I really like those Xikar EX models, natural flame butane :)

Bill86 02-15-2011 01:29 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?
You can score a lot of accessories on the SUPER cheap off cigar monster. I believe the X8 is like $19 to your door with the monster.

I'd go with a lighter, something nice. Or a Palio if you don't have one. I've been using my 009 punch a lot lately, very nice punch.

kaisersozei 02-15-2011 02:23 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?
If you need both, I'd lean for a cutter. You can always light a cigar with matches, or a tabletop at your B&M, or a $3 torch from Walmart. But nothing beats a clean cut, and if you're using those 99c guillotines, you'll see what I mean when you upgrade to a quality cutter.

kydsid 02-15-2011 02:45 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?
i say lighter. i can cut a cigar with my teeth, but despite all my mothers pleas to poop fire and save matches it never worked.
Posted via Mobile Device

awsmith4 02-15-2011 02:48 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?
I vote Palio Cutter or Xikar Lighter (or both)

However it needs to be pointed out that the B&Ms in Germany sell things we can't get in our B&Ms, just sayin'...

Zeuceone 02-15-2011 02:52 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1173587)
Xikar X8 $ 25 you'll spend!! :tu :tu

This. then register it for the free leather sheath.

md4958 02-15-2011 02:59 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?
Buy yourself a Palio cutter. Then take your left over money and buy a bunch of these lighters:

It will be the best $2.69 you ever spent... and you could probably even afford a bottle or two of butane afterwards :tu

Edit: Forgot to add, the owner of Palio, Mark (OpusX) is a longtime member here and a helluva nice guy.

awsmith4 02-15-2011 03:10 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?

Originally Posted by md4958 (Post 1173733)
Buy yourself a Palio cutter. Then take your left over money and buy a bunch of these lighters:

It will be the best $2.69 you ever spent... and you could probably even afford a bottle or two of butane afterwards :tu

Edit: Forgot to add, the owner of Palio, Mark (OpusX) is a longtime member here and a helluva nice guy.

I've also had good luck with this lighter as well

Bill86 02-15-2011 03:16 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?

Originally Posted by awsmith4 (Post 1173721)
I vote Palio Cutter or Xikar Lighter (or both)

However it needs to be pointed out that the B&Ms in Germany sell things we can't get in our B&Ms, just sayin'...

What this man said I didn't even think of that. How could it have slipped my mind, I think I was too busy :ss

Maybe toss some coin to your gf and have her bring you home a nice 5'er - 10er, heck maybe even a box!

Zeuceone 02-15-2011 03:16 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?

Originally Posted by md4958 (Post 1173733)
Buy yourself a Palio cutter. Then take your left over money and buy a bunch of these lighters:

It will be the best $2.69 you ever spent... and you could probably even afford a bottle or two of butane afterwards :tu

Edit: Forgot to add, the owner of Palio, Mark (OpusX) is a longtime member here and a helluva nice guy.

A BOTL gifted me one of these lighters and the other day when i was done using it, all the butane escaped.

markem 02-15-2011 03:17 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?
Since your local B&M is where you need to spend the gift certificate (a hint to those proposing purchases from HK)...

Go in and look around at what the B&M has. If it were me, I'd look for something that had a look that both of you would like, thus making it a true her-to-me gift. If you have multiple selections that you like, you can always take a pic with a cell phone and post it here for some opinions.

I have a burl Palio, but many like the carbon fiber much better (I also have one of those, but have never used it). I tend to go for function over looks for a lighter and so have the deal extreme that has already been mentioned here.

I have also used the Xikar in the past. For my uses, the Palio is superior, but you may find one better than the other based on your use. I have friend who uses the Xikar Xi MTX Multi-Tool, which I think has big bling value.

md4958 02-15-2011 03:30 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?

Originally Posted by Zeuceone (Post 1173753)
A BOTL gifted me one of these lighters and the other day when i was done using it, all the butane escaped.

Good thing it was free!

md4958 02-15-2011 03:31 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1173756)
Since your local B&M is where you need to spend the gift certificate (a hint to those proposing purchases from HK)...

Go in and look around at what the B&M has. If it were me, I'd look for something that had a look that both of you would like, thus making it a true her-to-me gift. If you have multiple selections that you like, you can always take a pic with a cell phone and post it here for some opinions.

I have a burl Palio, but many like the carbon fiber much better (I also have one of those, but have never used it). I tend to go for function over looks for a lighter and so have the deal extreme that has already been mentioned here.

I have also used the Xikar in the past. For my uses, the Palio is superior, but you may find one better than the other based on your use. I have friend who uses the Xikar Xi MTX Multi-Tool, which I think has big bling value.

Great thoughts Mark

Zeuceone 02-15-2011 03:31 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?
im going to mess with it and see if i can get it to work again.

md4958 02-15-2011 03:33 PM

Re: new lighter or new cutter?

Originally Posted by Zeuceone (Post 1173776)
im going to mess with it and see if i can get it to work again.

for under $3 you can get a new one :2

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