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staminator 01-13-2011 12:38 PM

Do you puff when lighting cigars
Continuing with my theme of asking people's opinions on cigar smoking habits....

I have received differing advice on how exactly to light a cigar. Previously, I had always held the cigar above a flame and puffed to light the foot. Someone (you know who you are), suggested that I not puff on the cigar while lighting it, but simply heat the foot with a torch or soft flame until the cigar was fully lit. On the other hand, I have seen some veteran cigar smokers puff on their cigars while lighting (of course creating a sizable flame off the end of their cigars).

So I ask you, Asylum members, what are your :2?

Really there are two options as I see it... 1. puff while lighting 2. don't puff while lighting. What is your rationale for either side.

HK3- 01-13-2011 12:40 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
No puff for me. (I like gorillas!;))

E.J. 01-13-2011 12:41 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
I toast, then puff while reason, just how I do it.

hscmit 01-13-2011 12:43 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
no puff

wayner123 01-13-2011 12:44 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by staminator (Post 1131489)
Really there are two options as I see it... 1. puff while lighting 2. don't puff while lighting. What is your rationale for either side.

I don't usually puff when lighting. I say usually because sometimes I care less about how I begin a cigar. I normally use the Puisias Method to light a cigar. I find that it greatly helps not to alter the flavor.

Ogre 01-13-2011 12:45 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1131495)
I toast, then puff while reason, just how I do it.


elderboy02 01-13-2011 12:46 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1131495)
I toast, then puff while reason, just how I do it.


Mr B 01-13-2011 12:49 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
No Puff.
I toast the foot until it is fully lit. Blow on the foot to make sure the entire foot is glowing. Then the first thing I do, before drawing is one little, quick purge (without the flame) just to blow out any Butane smell that might have pushed into the cigar during the lighting process (it takes a good 25 seconds or so of the torch to full light). Weather or not the small purge is necessary or not, its just something I do every time.

BigCat 01-13-2011 12:53 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by Mr B (Post 1131517)
No Puff.
I toast the foot until it is fully lit. Blow on the foot to make sure the entire foot is glowing. Then the first thing I do, before drawing is one little, quick purge (without the flame) just to blow out any Butane smell that might have pushed into the cigar during the lighting process (it takes a good 25 seconds or so of the torch to full light). Weather or not the small purge is necessary or not, its just something I do every time.

+1, except I don't always do the purge after I make sure the entire foot is lit.

replicant_argent 01-13-2011 01:07 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
I utilize a method that is quite secret, involved, and amazing. It involves acrobatics, an infrared temp gun (w/laser, natch), beverages of questionable quality, and midgets... little people.......

Anyway, have you ever seen a Cirque du Soliel show? Okay, now think weirder. And with sharp stuff. Jets of flame. Mimes.

markem 01-13-2011 01:12 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
For some people and some cigars, puffing while lighting can lead to a acrid or other poor flavor that can be quite nasty to purge.

Like many others, I light without drawing on the cigar simultaneously (see how well I avoided *that* word). I tend to toast and then blow on the foot to see if it is lit properly. Sometime, I don't cut the head of the cigar until after I'm gotten the foot properly lit. For some large ring gauge cigars, I've detected a bit of a difference.

If I was more of a snob, I'd borrow Pete's little people and that big bowl of pudding he keeps on the patio, but I am so lazy that way.

T.G 01-13-2011 01:12 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
I have Mila light them for me, I don't pay any attention to what she does.

markem 01-13-2011 01:15 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1131554)
I have Mila light them for me, I don't pay any attention to what she does.

Yes you do. We all know you do. We also know that you take videos.

One word: share

replicant_argent 01-13-2011 01:17 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1131553)
I'd borrow Pete's little people and that big bowl of pudding he keeps on the patio, but I am so lazy that way.

You weren't supposed to mention the pudding or the Mila trick...

Damn you people.

bobarian 01-13-2011 01:20 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by Mr B (Post 1131517)
No Puff.
I toast the foot until it is fully lit. Blow on the foot to make sure the entire foot is glowing. Then the first thing I do, before drawing is one little, quick purge (without the flame) just to blow out any Butane smell that might have pushed into the cigar during the lighting process (it takes a good 25 seconds or so of the torch to full light). Weather or not the small purge is necessary or not, its just something I do every time.


But I'm always willing to try something new. Send Mila on over and I'll give her a tryout. :tu

Ashcan Bill 01-13-2011 01:21 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
I went through the toasting the foot method for a couple of years. Then I finally admitted to myself I couldn't tell any difference at all in taste, burn, whatever. It was kind of a neat ritual, but really no more than that for me.

Now I hold fire to the end and puff away (I said puff :r). I get the sucker lit quicker, save fuel, and find myself to be a happier and better adjusted person. YMMV ;)

Dave128 01-13-2011 01:35 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 1131495)
I toast, then puff while reason, just how I do it.

This :tu

Parshooter 01-13-2011 01:47 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
I toast it, then puff to get it good n' lit.

Powers 01-13-2011 01:48 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
Most of the time I do not puff but sometimes I do toast and then puff at the very end.

I also like ice cream

RatherUneek 01-13-2011 01:54 PM

Re: Do you puff when lighting cigars
I jsut torch it till it's glowing. No puff.

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