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Pat1075 12-13-2010 09:50 PM

Difference in Cabaiguan
So apparently Cabaiguan is no longer being made in Miami. Now it is being made in the Nicaragua factory. I think that the quality has dropped a little since the change over has anyone else noticed this or feel the same way?

Bill86 12-13-2010 09:53 PM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan
I don't know when/where the one I smoked was made but it tasted like soap....I chucked it at half an inch in if that. :td

pinotguy 12-13-2010 10:16 PM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan

Originally Posted by Pat1075 (Post 1093402)
So apparently Cabaiguan is no longer being made in Miami. Now it is being made in the Nicaragua factory. I think that the quality has dropped a little since the change over has anyone else noticed this or feel the same way?

Interesting news - I had not heard that. Any links to a press release or something similar? At this point, I can't say I've had one of the Nicaraguan-made Cabaiguan. I really like this brand and my hopes are that they remain a high-quality smoke.

wrench turner 85 12-14-2010 12:01 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan

Originally Posted by Pat1075 (Post 1093402)
So apparently Cabaiguan is no longer being made in Miami. Now it is being made in the Nicaragua factory. I think that the quality has dropped a little since the change over has anyone else noticed this or feel the same way?

I dont think the quality has gone down, its that something is missing from the new cabaiguan :sh. but its still a solid smoke IMHO

huero71 12-14-2010 12:15 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan

Originally Posted by wrench turner 85 (Post 1093477)
I dont think the quality has gone down, its that something is missing from the new cabaiguan :sh. but its still a solid smoke IMHO


Pat1075 12-14-2010 12:19 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan

Originally Posted by pinotguy (Post 1093418)
Interesting news - I had not heard that. Any links to a press release or something similar? At this point, I can't say I've had one of the Nicaraguan-made Cabaiguan. I really like this brand and my hopes are that they remain a high-quality smoke.

nope no press release, just no el rey de los habanos sticker any more and there is a my father factory sticker now
they also seem to be more toasty and less sweet

huero71 12-14-2010 12:35 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan
Differences in crops year to year?

Pat1075 12-14-2010 12:39 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan
seems more like a blend change but it could be just that a difference in crops. Tat has so much attention to its rares and limiteds now I just think that its cores are taking a back burner now.

huero71 12-14-2010 12:45 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan
That could be the case. I'm a Tat/DPG whore, and I've only had the rare off stick, but I'm sure my judgement is biased. :) The original Cabaiguans have always been a little mild for me, but the Guapos are another story. Guess I'll have to head out and find some to try for myself. :ss

Pat1075 12-14-2010 12:48 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan

Originally Posted by huero71 (Post 1093501)
That could be the case. I'm a Tat/DPG whore, and I've only had the rare off stick, but I'm sure my judgement is biased. :) The original Cabaiguans have always been a little mild for me, but the Guapos are another story. Guess I'll have to head out and find some to try for myself. :ss

And I have been too and I guess that has lead me down the road of disapointment instead. I just love the original cabaiguans and tat browns. It could even be that the aging rooms in the two factories are different who knows there are just that many factors.

OHRD 12-14-2010 07:34 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan
First I've heard of this, all I have are over a year old. When did the transition happen? If they've moved production out of USA, it'd sure be nice to see a slight price drop.

NCRadioMan 12-14-2010 10:53 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan

Originally Posted by matthewjmichael (Post 1093742)
First I've heard of this, all I have are over a year old. When did the transition happen? If they've moved production out of USA, it'd sure be nice to see a slight price drop.

Logical but nothing is logical nowadays.

The last box code I saw from Miami was August so it was somewhere between then and November. Got boxes from My Father starting then, without being told of the production change. Also the band is slightly different. "Miami" is replaced by "P.H.J." and they're packed in cello instead of being naked.

quantim0 12-14-2010 02:00 PM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan
I have a mid September box with the My Father sticker on it. Have not smoked one from the box yet though

akumushi 12-14-2010 10:07 PM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan
Not sure how old it was, but I just smoked a coronas extra from Itzfrank that was delish. I would hate to see these change much as they are one of my favorite production tats. I think the guapos are pretty tasteless and boring, but the original line is awesome.

T.G 12-14-2010 11:57 PM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1093405)
I don't know when/where the one I smoked was made but it tasted like soap....I chucked it at half an inch in if that. :td

What type of soap?

Bill86 12-15-2010 12:07 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1094702)
What type of soap?

Nothing interesting, my guess dial. Dial sounds very plain, soapy and boring. It wasn't anything exciting, didn't have any flavors. Just plain soap. I kept smoking it for 10-15 draws just to see if it was something scented that might have a taste. :td

T.G 12-15-2010 12:16 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1094703)
Nothing interesting, my guess dial. Dial sounds very plain, soapy and boring. It wasn't anything exciting, didn't have any flavors. Just plain soap. I kept smoking it for 10-15 draws just to see if it was something scented that might have a taste. :td

Dial eh? I was expecting Palmolive based on the silky smooth soft to the touch wrappers...

Bill86 12-15-2010 12:20 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1094705)
Dial eh? I was expecting Palmolive based on the silky smooth soft to the touch wrappers...

That might have been at least a bit enjoyable, no such luck. The dial overpowered any normal flavors the cigar might have had. Straight soap, not even peppery soap. I was trying to find something redeeming about it......nothing. They really need to have the rollers wash their hands with some top notch soap, or at least something with a decent flavor. I think I'm going to call the soap companies and ask for something bacon flavored, I bet they'll think I'm an idiot.

T.G 12-15-2010 12:31 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan

Originally Posted by Bill86 (Post 1094707)
That might have been at least a bit enjoyable, no such luck. The dial overpowered any normal flavors the cigar might have had. Straight soap, not even peppery soap. I was trying to find something redeeming about it......nothing. They really need to have the rollers wash their hands with some top notch soap, or at least something with a decent flavor. I think I'm going to call the soap companies and ask for something bacon flavored, I bet they'll think I'm an idiot.

mmmmm bacon soap....

Bill86 12-15-2010 12:38 AM

Re: Difference in Cabaiguan
Well then it's settled I'll give them a call in the morning and request it. I think I'm on to something here. I better write this down before I get drunk and forget. Thankfully the forum will document my antics. :tu

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