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Eli18 09-26-2010 12:07 AM

whats the best latakia tobacco
i have been smoking a pipe for a little while now and love p.s proper English and want to know more

Mister Moo 09-26-2010 08:31 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco
"whats the best latakia tobacco?" = How long is a ball of string?

A lot of folks (me included) would say Balkan Sobranie, long since discontinued, was the best. That's if you like deep, sweet smoke. Closest I've come (also hard to find this week) is Smokers Haven 20th Anniversary Imported followed closely by Penzance and Rattrays Red Rapparee, still tasty, but at a distance.

Samuel Gawith Squadron Leader is always a pleasure but it is in the "intermediate and a little different" group.

I just tried GL Pease Charing Cross for first time - I smoked an ounce in a few days spread out over two briars and one meer. I thought it was really, really, really good. It has some very nice latakia backed prominently by sweet-sweet virginia. It is quite special, I'd say. I'd also say it's the only GLP blend I ever sat up and said "WOW!" about.

Enjoy your pursuit. There are only about 500 blends to choose from. :D

BigFrank 09-26-2010 09:09 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco
I think out of that list only Red Rapparee is the only tobacco readily available. Best thing I could say would be to head over to, look at the tobaccos with 4 stars and go from there. Now I know reviews are just opinions and not everyone agrees, but there is usually a reason tobaccos end up with 4 stars. And it's somewhere to start.
There is also a Newbie Sampler Trade for Pipe Tobacco ( ) that you may want to take a look at, it's moving kind of slow at the moment but it's worth the wait. Also, for a new member it gives you a chance to build some trader feedback as well...

VirtualSmitty 09-26-2010 10:28 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco
There is no such thing. So many blends old and new, so many different tastes.

BluesGuy 09-26-2010 11:03 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco
You can hardly go wrong by listening to Mr. Moo's advice.....he's to one that got me hooked on Penzance. But like he's hit or miss finding it so it's a special occasion smoke for me.....I also like the Frog Morton line from McClelland....but they are much milder Latakia smokes. McClelland also has what I think is a nice bulk blend there 5110 Dark English. I smoke alot of it when I'm in a Lat mood. But like has been said you can spend years trying Lat blends and hardly make a dent in them. Have fun

BigFrank 09-26-2010 12:13 PM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco
I second the Frog Morton recommendation from BluesGuy. Good smokes indeed. Been looking myself to pick up some 5110.

TastingReview 03-24-2012 08:26 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco
You like Latakia? OR maybe you think you like Latakia. Well here's the test try some Captain Earle's Ten Russians!! This is hands down the best Latakia toback on the market no question but it is a true Latakia bomb! BEWARE this is not for beginners or the faint of heart.

Brand: Hermit
Blender: Cornell & Diehl
Tin Description: Capt. Earle's Ten Russians is a true delight for lovers of Latakia. Rich and full bodied, Ten Russians is pressed to deliver a perfectly balanced blend to the true aficionado of full English tobaccos.

Zanaspus 03-24-2012 09:00 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco

Originally Posted by TastingReview (Post 1598693)
You like Latakia? OR maybe you think you like Latakia. Well here's the test try some Captain Earle's Ten Russians!! This is hands down the best Latakia toback on the market no question but it is a true Latakia bomb! BEWARE this is not for beginners or the faint of heart.

Brand: Hermit
Blender: Cornell & Diehl
Tin Description: Capt. Earle's Ten Russians is a true delight for lovers of Latakia. Rich and full bodied, Ten Russians is pressed to deliver a perfectly balanced blend to the true aficionado of full English tobaccos.

Actually, C&D's Pirate Kake has a lot more latakia.

Just like cigar advice; try them all. ;)

pnoon 03-24-2012 09:10 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco

Originally Posted by TastingReview (Post 1598693)
You like Latakia? OR maybe you think you like Latakia. Well here's the test try some Captain Earle's Ten Russians!! This is hands down the best Latakia toback on the market no question but it is a true Latakia bomb! BEWARE this is not for beginners or the faint of heart.

Brand: Hermit
Blender: Cornell & Diehl
Tin Description: Capt. Earle's Ten Russians is a true delight for lovers of Latakia. Rich and full bodied, Ten Russians is pressed to deliver a perfectly balanced blend to the true aficionado of full English tobaccos.

This sounds more like an advertisement for Ten Russians.

Edit: From

Captain Earle's Ten Russians
Brand: Hermit
Blender: Cornell & Diehl
Tin Description: Capt. Earle's Ten Russians is a true delight for lovers of Latakia. Rich and full bodied, Ten Russians is pressed to deliver a perfectly balanced blend to the true aficionado of full English tobaccos.

TastingReview 03-24-2012 09:38 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco
This was my first post and I'm a little disappointed by the responses from some. I really hope this forum is not full of "Know it alls and Tool Bags" like so many are. @Zanaspus Don't use the word actually. And certainly don't start sentences off with it. You sound like an absolute contrite fool. Pirate Kake does not have as much Lat as Ten Russians go to Read and Learn. @Pnoon my info is straight from the tin and straight from the heart not from and not an advertisement I truly love this tobacco and wanted to share so stop hating on me guys

Emjaysmash 03-24-2012 09:42 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco

Originally Posted by TastingReview (Post 1598759)
This was my first post and I'm a little disappointed by the responses from some. I really hope this forum is not full of "Know it alls and Tool Bags" like so many are. @Zanaspus Don't use the word actually. And certainly don't start sentences off with it. You sound like an absolute contrite fool. Pirate Kake does not have as much Lat as Ten Russians go to Read and Learn. @Pnoon my info is straight from the tin and straight from the heart not from and not an advertisement I truly love this tobacco and wanted to share so stop hating on me guys

:r :r

So far, the only one who sounds like a "know it all and tool-bag" is you.

Pseudosacred 03-24-2012 09:44 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco
I've seen 100% latakia before. Some guy was smoking it at a pipe shop at the beach. What's better than 100%?!

For real, though, that can't taste good at all :r:r

pnoon 03-24-2012 09:45 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco

Originally Posted by TastingReview (Post 1598759)
This was my first post and I'm a little disappointed by the responses from some. I really hope this forum is not full of "Know it alls and Tool Bags" like so many are. @Zanaspus Don't use the word actually. And certainly don't start sentences off with it. You sound like an absolute contrite fool. Pirate Kake does not have as much Lat as Ten Russians go to Read and Learn. @Pnoon my info is straight from the tin and straight from the heart not from and not an advertisement I truly love this tobacco and wanted to share so stop hating on me guys

Maybe you should be less insulting and introduce yourself and get to know some folks here. Try to be less defensive. Nobody is hating on you. But calling someone a "contrite fool" does little for others to be welcoming.

Also, try using the "quote post" feature common to online forums. The @xxxx business is for twitter.

pnoon 03-24-2012 09:45 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 1598763)
:r :r

So far, the only one who sounds like a "know it all and tool-bag" is you.

Easy cowboy.

Emjaysmash 03-24-2012 09:46 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1598768)
Easy cowboy.


Pseudosacred 03-24-2012 10:02 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco

Originally Posted by TastingReview (Post 1598759)
This was my first post and I'm a little disappointed by the responses from some. I really hope this forum is not full of "Know it alls and Tool Bags" like so many are. @Zanaspus Don't use the word actually. And certainly don't start sentences off with it. You sound like an absolute contrite fool. Pirate Kake does not have as much Lat as Ten Russians go to Read and Learn. @Pnoon my info is straight from the tin and straight from the heart not from and not an advertisement I truly love this tobacco and wanted to share so stop hating on me guys

I mean...:rolleyes:

"Actually,..." Is a viable way to start off a sentence...

TastingReview 03-24-2012 10:16 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco
@pnoon I did not call him a contrite fool I said he sounded like a contrite fool. Which he does. When people start sentences off with the word actually I rarely listen to the rest of what they have to say. People who over use this word are usually of a "Type A" personality and have no business smoking a pipe in the first place let alone giving advice about them. Leave it up to us type B's

Pseudosacred 03-24-2012 10:21 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco

Originally Posted by TastingReview (Post 1598799)
@pnoon I did not call him a contrite fool I said he sounded like a contrite fool. Which he does. When people start sentences off with the word actually I rarely listen to the rest of what they have to say. People who over use this word are usually of a "Type A" personality and have no business smoking a pipe in the first place let alone giving advice about them. Leave it up to us type B's

Who are you to say who is allowed to smoke a pipe and who is not? You sir, are a Masshole without the leading consonant.

RevSmoke 03-24-2012 10:21 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco
Best Latakia tobacco? Wow, there's a question. I do not think that anybody can unequivocally say which is best.

If you just want Latakia, get some blending Latakia and smoke it straight.

As to "best" Latakia blend? You're going to get as many opinions as there are posters to this thread. Hopefully, nobody will say what is the "best."

What I will do is this,

My favorite blends w/Latakia (in no particular order):

Gawith & Hoggarth Mixture #12
Two Friends Deacon's Downfall
Cornell and Diehl: Bow-legged Bear; Sam's Blend; Plantation Evening (lighter in the Latakia, but nice), Pirate Kake (when I want Latakia w/out much else)
Penzance Esoterica
Dan Tobacco: Gordon Pym, London Blend 1000

And personally, the Peter Stokkebye Proper English is something I wouldn't put on the list of things to try, had a few bowls and couldn't give it away fast enough - but that is just my taste.

And therein lies the secret to this. What I may like, you may not, or we may both enjoy them.

So, take people's suggestions as to what they like, try them yourself, and then you can decide what is the "best." Actually, I think you'll discover not a "best" one, but a number of "favorites" that will end up in your rotation.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Pseudosacred 03-24-2012 10:26 AM

Re: whats the best latakia tobacco

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1598801)
Gawith & Hoggarth Mixture #12
Two Friends Deacon's Downfall

Those are the only 2 latakia blends that I can enjoy. Deacons Downfall is :dr:dr

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