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blugill 07-26-2010 06:03 PM

Starcraft 2
I'm so looking forward to the game!
I won't be able to get it until this weekend but I'll be looking for a few games amongst friends when I do!

Whee 07-26-2010 06:04 PM

Re: Starcraft 2
The only Blizzard game I haven't played. Good time as any i suppose.:D

LooseCard 07-26-2010 06:18 PM

Re: Starcraft 2
LOL! I recently saw the add too.
Made me laugh because I recently looked at the original and comment to myself that if only I had a PC I could play it on...

(I have a company laptop I can use for some surfing.....)

Brutus2600 07-26-2010 06:53 PM

Re: Starcraft 2
I'll be running by walmart tonight to see if I can pick it up. If so I'll probably be a little tired tomorrow due to a lack of sleep :r

I'll keep an eye on this thread and maybe we can get a game together :)

stewshi 07-26-2010 06:56 PM

Re: Starcraft 2
Has anyone played the Beta or read up on it ... is it similar gameplay to #1? The ads on TV dont show much.

MrPlatypus 07-26-2010 07:06 PM

Re: Starcraft 2
All I know is I got the whole game pre-ordered and ready to go as soon as I walk into Gamestop. The manager was cool enough to give us a couple of promotional items for my son. But by 11AM PST tomorrow, some Protoss is getting vaporized! :)

VirtualSmitty 07-26-2010 07:15 PM

Re: Starcraft 2
Prepare for the sequel to the best ore mining simulater ever :banger

Eleven 07-26-2010 10:20 PM

Re: Starcraft 2
I wonder if I can run it on this crappy laptop? My desktop got demoted to the workout room when I committed to the man-cave.

MrPlatypus 07-26-2010 11:01 PM

Re: Starcraft 2

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 929635)
I'll be running by walmart tonight to see if I can pick it up. If so I'll probably be a little tired tomorrow due to a lack of sleep :r

I'll keep an eye on this thread and maybe we can get a game together :)

Bunch of insane cigar puffing lunatics destroying civilizations. Hell, sounds like a good idea to me! Let me know and I'd be up for that kind of slaughter.

Brutus2600 07-26-2010 11:27 PM

Re: Starcraft 2
Just strolled into the local Best Buy for a midnight release. They straight up had like...over 50 copies available even if you didn't have a pre-order and gave us each two NOS energy drinks for free.

I had called gamestop earlier and they told me, in a very douchey voice, that they only had one copy that wasn't a pre-order so if I didn't have a pre-order I was out of luck.

So anyway, the point is, Gamestop is stupid, rofl.

MrPlatypus 07-26-2010 11:56 PM

Re: Starcraft 2

Originally Posted by Brutus2600 (Post 929992)
Just strolled into the local Best Buy for a midnight release. They straight up had like...over 50 copies available even if you didn't have a pre-order and gave us each two NOS energy drinks for free.

I had called gamestop earlier and they told me, in a very douchey voice, that they only had one copy that wasn't a pre-order so if I didn't have a pre-order I was out of luck.

So anyway, the point is, Gamestop is stupid, rofl.

Never have any problem with 'em here. Always get what I want no problem, and usually some cool tidbits thrown in. I also terrorize the manager often, so I think it's why I get perks. Didn't say all Gamestops were perfect though! Just happy with the one I've got.

Brutus2600 07-27-2010 12:27 AM

Re: Starcraft 2
They're pretty big pre-order nazis here, although I think that seems to be fairly standard at most Gamestops. Glad you have a good one locally though! :)

Brutus2600 07-27-2010 04:47 AM

Re: Starcraft 2
Well, played about 5 hours of this, great game so far and I've just been playing the campaign. Will update after I've played some multiplayer. Quick nap then off to work, rofl.

blugill 07-27-2010 05:38 AM

Re: Starcraft 2
I'm so looking forward to getting this!!!

darkleeroy 07-27-2010 10:02 AM

Re: Starcraft 2
I had been part of the Beta for a while, so I've already played too many hours. I'm supposed to receive it from Amazon today, seeing as I don't have an ethernet cable to connect to my router though and I'm getting married on Friday, I won't be able to play it for a while.

BigFrank 07-28-2010 04:41 PM

Re: Starcraft 2
Going to try and pick up a copy this weekend. Hope it doesnt suck.

mariogolbee 07-28-2010 04:54 PM

Re: Starcraft 2
I was thinking of picking this game up now that I know it works on PC AND MAC. I'm short on funds and time though.

stewshi 07-28-2010 05:29 PM

Re: Starcraft 2
If anyone has a Kmart by them there is a smoking deal on this you buy the game and you get $20 coupon back for a game purchase. Most people are buying one then applying the coupon towards another copy and then returning the first one so they walk out paying only $40 for the game.

Read more here.

Starz26 07-28-2010 05:32 PM

Re: Starcraft 2

Originally Posted by darkleeroy (Post 930361)
I had been part of the Beta for a while, so I've already played too many hours. I'm supposed to receive it from Amazon today, seeing as I don't have an ethernet cable to connect to my router though and I'm getting married on Friday, I won't be able to play it ever again.

Fixed it for ya

DougBushBC 07-28-2010 06:11 PM

Re: Starcraft 2
Sorry I missed all of this, I played Beta for about 2 months and now am working on one Platinum League and one Gold League on the regular game. Look me up Maduo#532 (Tried for Maduro, misspelled it, they dont allow changes if you havent registered yet, be very careufle, there are no do overs)

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