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mukky 07-22-2010 10:20 PM

Death of the wooden humi
with technology moving as fast as it does these days, I was wondering if you guys thought that the days of wooden humidors are starting to come to an end. I mean, with all of the great options these days that dont involve wood, unless of course you want to add it(coolidors, wineadors, ect), and the humidification devices have come leaps and bounds lately with beads and cigar oasis's and whatnot, it seems that the days of wooden humidors and startin to slow down. For instance, I have a desktop that I only use now a days to dry box cigars. Everything goes into the coolidor these days for me.

Now obviously there are guys that love the look and smell of wood, and there are the guys who love some fine lookin furniture or want walkin humi's, and the old school guys who will only use wood, but I feel that there are alot of guys who look at the better options and realize that it is just more practical for majority of us to use coolers and wineadors.

So my question to CA is, have you guys been finding yourself dumpin your wood humi's in favor of other options or are you a stictly wood guy, or a mix of both? And vendors, have you guys seen a drop in your humidor sales ever since people have been discovering other options, or are you seeing sales stay steady for the most part?

just curious what everyones thoughts are on the different options and what they mostly use

icehog3 07-22-2010 10:31 PM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
I have an Aristocrat humidor from Bob Staebell. While I understand why other options are good for others, I won't have anything but an Aristocrat now...unless I win the lottery and put a walk-in in my mansion. ;)

papajohn67 07-22-2010 10:35 PM

Re: Death of the wooden humi

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 925287)
I have an Aristocrat humidor from Bob Staebell. While I understand why other options are good for others, I won't have anything but an Aristocrat now...unless I win the lottery and put a walk-in in my mansion. ;)

I have them to death. :tu

Emjaysmash 07-22-2010 10:42 PM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
So far, I've got desktops, and those are good for me. Never stored my cigars in anything but wood so far.

lostark374 07-22-2010 11:13 PM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
i dumped my wood desktops for a vino then i dumped my vino's for an Aristocrat. the next step will be a walk-in but i think i will hold off for a while.

chippewastud79 07-22-2010 11:15 PM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
I boycott anything not made with wood. :tu

bobarian 07-22-2010 11:38 PM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
IMHO there will always be a place for wood humidors. Whether on the desktop or a cabinet. Some like to display their cigars, its hard to justify a cooler in the middle of the living room. I have 3 desktops, 3 coolers and 2 Vinotemps, but someday soon they will be upgraded to an Aristocrat cabinet. :2

dwoodward 07-23-2010 12:06 AM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
The way that I see it (being new to the cigar hobby) people will buy what they feel comfortable spending money on. Not everyone is up for converting a fridge into a humidor and would rather just get a traditional cedar lined one.

I personally don't see any advantages over one or the other, unless you are hell bent on getting some added cedar flavor into your cigars. Both options are viable options in my opinion.

mukky 07-23-2010 12:12 AM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
Thanks for the responses guys. But let me rephrase my question a little because I guess my real inquiry is how much do you guys care about having spanish cedar lining. Say an aristocrat comes out that has a vino lining and would allow you to set the exact temp you wanted. Basically a big aristocrat that looked beautiful, yet wasnt lined with spanish cedar. You save say, half the price by goin this route. Do you go this way or do you go with spanish cedar bc you like the smell of the cedar, the look of the cedar, and just overall feel that its best.

I guess I am askin this bc I was wonderin why companies havent started comin out with nice cabinets and other nice lookin humidors that are plastic lined, thus holding better seals and savin money. Maybe companies feel that there isnt really a demand for this kind of product. I guess companies maybe see it as the people who would want beautiful cabinets are also gonna want the look and smell of a spanish cedar lined cabinet and arent as concerned about the cost, whereas a person who wouldnt care would probably rather just save the money by simply using coolers and whatnot and spend the money on cigars instead.

IDK, just a random thought I guess.

bobarian 07-23-2010 12:32 AM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
I believe your assumptions are incorrect. Vinotemp has been making large cabinet type humidors for many years. This is not new technology. Neither are beads or active humidification. Spanish cedar linings are not incorporated only for smell, they are used because the wood helps stabilize the humidity. The same reason cigars are not shipped in plastic boxes. It would be much cheaper to use plastic boxes but cigars would not shed humidity in such conditions. In many parts of the country and world the average humidity is significantly above 70%. Beads will help absorb excess moisture, but the wood helps as well. Much depends on the type of cigars and reasons for storage. NC's are not meant to be aged more than a few years as their tobacco is already aged several years before production. Cuban cigars are rolled much younger in general and can benefit from many years of slow aging in a stable environment. It is not necessary to age cigars in an airtight container, some transpiration and off gassing is needed. :2

massphatness 07-23-2010 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by papajohn67 (Post 925295)
I have them to death. :tu

You have 3 mansions?!

Posted via Mobile Device

Adriftpanda 07-23-2010 04:55 AM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
I almost sold my small 50 count humidor, I decided not to, it's a nice piece to have for decorations. I have it sitting counter, looks nice.

elderboy02 07-23-2010 05:02 AM

Re: Death of the wooden humi

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 925287)
I have an Aristocrat humidor from Bob Staebell. While I understand why other options are good for others, I won't have anything but an Aristocrat now...unless I win the lottery and put a walk-in in my mansion. ;)


CheapHumidors 07-23-2010 05:36 AM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
I'm glad to see you guys still like the wooden humidors. I'm not sure "" has quite the same ring to it lol.

People often debate between the vinotemp, coolidor, and spanish-cedar lined wooden humidors. Often, people choose wooden humidors for a lot of the reasons that bobarian and others have mentioned.

Personally, I've never used a coolidor, so I don't know the issues associated with it. We haven't seen any decline that I've noticed in wooden humidor sales. If anything, the only trend-shift lately has been to buy bigger humidors instead of multiple smaller ones. Peoples collections are getting bigger I think :)

longknocker 07-23-2010 05:41 AM

Re: Death of the wooden humi

Originally Posted by CheapHumidors (Post 925475)
I'm glad to see you guys still like the wooden humidors. I'm not sure "" has quite the same ring to it lol.

People often debate between the vinotemp, coolidor, and spanish-cedar lined wooden humidors. Often, people choose wooden humidors for a lot of the reasons that bobarian and others have mentioned.

Personally, I've never used a coolidor, so I don't know the issues associated with it. We haven't seen any decline that I've noticed in wooden humidor sales. If anything, the only trend-shift lately has been to buy bigger humidors instead of multiple smaller ones. Peoples collections are getting bigger I think :)

You "Think" Correctly, Sam!:):tu

s15driftking 07-23-2010 05:54 AM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
i like the ease of a vino.

I also like the smell of a 150 count humidor.

Montano 07-23-2010 06:30 AM

Re: Death of the wooden humi

Originally Posted by s15driftking (Post 925486)
i like the ease of a vino.

I also like the smell of a 150 count humidor.

Same here, plus I like the convenience of my coolidor as well ;)

I used to have 5 humi's going and that got to be a chore. So I now have 1 humi, 1 vino, and 2 coolers. Works for me.

HK3- 07-23-2010 06:37 AM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
I have 2 wooden humi's and 1 cooler for NC's (which hides in a closet).

IMO, a vino or cooler sitting in the family or dinning room would never fly. Different strokes for different folks.

As for the plastic liner for sealing.... Wood works just great. Most wooden humis are laquered and sealed on the outside for looks. That outer coating is a great sealant for keeping in humidity and the inner cedar wicks moisture/adds aroma. My :2 Wooden humis will never fade like stone wash jeans.

Ogre 07-23-2010 07:08 AM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
I have a wood humidor as well as a vinodore. I love the look of the desktop and will keep and use it.

DMK 07-23-2010 07:13 AM

Re: Death of the wooden humi
I have 4 woodies and 2 coolers.
I love the woodies, but use the coolers for long term storage and bulk.
3 of the woodies are at home and the fourth is on my desk at work.
If only I could smoke inside the damn building....:rolleyes:
Gotta get me a Vino...or two.

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