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maninblack 05-01-2010 04:03 PM

I recently went down to my basement to count all my empty boxes that I keep lying around and couldn't believe that I got around 20 that are just from within the last few months. I think I got an addiction. I'm like a kid at Christmas when a new box comes to the door. My wife thinks I'm crazy. I'm scared to even add up the pricetag for this addiction. What do y'all think?

BFallehy 05-01-2010 04:05 PM

Re: Addiction?
Its only an addiction if you admit it. Or start hidding boxes in your basement... oops. :r:r

Also never add up the price tag, atleast when the wife is around. :r

Ogre 05-01-2010 04:22 PM

Re: Addiction?
never add the price tags, than it becomes a depressing addiction.

Cigary 05-01-2010 04:33 PM

Re: Addiction?
As long as you can afford it who cares? If you a truly addicted let me help you...fill those empty boxes with cigars and send them to me so you won't be tempted. Damn cigars are supposed to be a hobby but when they take over your life brothers need to step up and help out. PM me for my address...I can help.

darkninja67 05-01-2010 04:54 PM

Re: Addiction?
I put my empty boxes out so that people can take them.

bigpedunn 05-01-2010 06:00 PM

Re: Addiction?
You have the same problem that we all have!!!!!!!!!!

bigpedunn 05-01-2010 06:01 PM

Re: Addiction?
thanks for the smokes that I would have not tried if you havent gave them to me!

Captain Crunch 05-01-2010 06:22 PM

Re: Addiction?
Nothing wrong with having empty boxes around. My wife uses my cigar boxes to decorate into pencil boxes for kids who can't afford school supplies. She doesn't like the cigar smell going to kids, but they can't complain since she puts a lot of thought into decorating them. I also get donations from the Dayton, OH crew who donate they boxes to us.

icantbejon 05-01-2010 08:00 PM

Re: Addiction?
Well if its not wrecking the home and you can afford the habit (note...this is the appropriate word. Addiction sounds so negative and cigars are just too enjoyable for that) then no worries. If it crosses that line, then cut back or walk away. Till then, light one up and be happy.
Posted via Mobile Device

maninblack 05-01-2010 08:07 PM

Re: Addiction?
I gotta say. This is one of the best addictions to have. Good idea on the boxes for school supplies. Not sure my kids teachers would approve though.

maninblack 05-01-2010 08:08 PM

Re: Addiction?

Originally Posted by bigpedunn (Post 846537)
thanks for the smokes that I would have not tried if you havent gave them to me!

Same here Pat! You have given me some great smokes!:tu

Eleven 05-01-2010 08:22 PM

Re: Addiction?
Here is what I tell myself:

"I am not an addict. Addicts go to meetings."

nomadicwookie 05-01-2010 08:37 PM

Re: Addiction?

Originally Posted by Eleven (Post 846634)
Here is what I tell myself:

"I am not an addict. Addicts go to meetings."

:tpd:Rehab's for quitters.

Captain Crunch 05-02-2010 12:30 PM

Re: Addiction?
Thanks for the words of encouragement regarding the pencil boxes. The wife is starting to come around with the cigars...

itzfrank 05-02-2010 12:47 PM

Re: Addiction?
Is it ruining any other aspects of your life? No. It's helping you to relax and enjoy life. Those boxes might have been expensive but imagine if you bought all of them as individual single cigars. Besides, she may get mad but just remind her of how pissed she'd be if you lied to her about it...lmao

At a certain point in life you'll gift them and give someone else some joy and you'll smoke them yourself.

gnukfu 05-02-2010 03:53 PM

Re: Addiction?
It's not a cheap hobby but it sure is enjoyable.

RightAJ 05-02-2010 04:43 PM

Re: Addiction?
Join the club lol


jsnake 05-02-2010 05:48 PM

Re: Addiction?
No matter how many cigars I have at home I want more. Never mind the fact that I can't find anywhere to put them since I have 4 full humidors. When I see pictures of your cigars I want them too.

DropTheE 05-02-2010 10:00 PM

Re: Addiction?
I am the same way Kevin, I love putting my tracking number in the search line and seeing where my package is at....maybe I can meet the ups guy before he even gets in the door!!!
My wife thinks it is pretty funny, I go extreme on it but it is fun for me, and as long as the bills are paid, food in the house, pets fed...the rest is up to me to spend how I want to. If it were candy bars, I would have a whole cabinet of them too....Rat's..I buy candy bars by the box too..rotten Sam's Club and the attractive rows of candy. My wife likes gardening and plants, I like cigars...Wait, cigars are plants so like plants too. :r

But I also find great joy in giving some of those cigars away and turning people on to a lifestyle if they so is great to light one up, engage in conversation, watch TV, just is pretty cool to have a cigar somewhere in the middle of it.:banger

I think we feed off each other...I want what my fellow brother has....tower humidor, full tower humidor!! It's human nature and I think that it is ok so long as your obligations in life are met first. Family is priority, cigars aren't. But cigars enjoyed around family is nice.

Ogre 05-02-2010 10:07 PM

Re: Addiction?

Originally Posted by nomadicwookie (Post 846655)
:tpd:Rehab's for quitters.


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