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Whee 08-12-2009 06:18 PM

You can never have too much Fantasy Football
What the hell, I said, after reading Andy's thread looking for a league, let's start another one!

So here it is, another FFL.

3 stick buy in, NCs.
Winner takes all (I don't have playoffs set up in this league)

I am using settings from my regular league for this one, so they are pretty much written in stone.

Here are the particulars:
SettingValueLeague ID#:545942League Name:Cigar Asylum 3Password:puffhatersDraft Type:Autopick Draft Max Teams:10Scoring Type:Head-to-Head Start Scoring on:Week 1 Can't Cut List Provider:None Max Moves:No maximum Max Acquisitions per Week:No maximum Max Trades:No maximum Trade Reject Time:2 Trade End Date:November 20, 2009 Trade Review:League Votes Waiver Time:1 day Waiver Type:Continual rolling list Weekly WaiversNone Post Draft Players:Free Agents Playoffs:None Divisions:No Playoff Seeding Options:Division winners awarded top playoff seeds Roster Positions:QB, WR, WR, WR, RB, RB, TE, W/R, K, D, D, DB, DB, DL, DL, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN Fractional Points:Yes Negative Points:Yes
OffenseLeague ValueYahoo! Default ValuePassing Yards50 yards per point25 yards per pointPassing Touchdowns64Interceptions-2-1Sacks-10Rushing Yards20 yards per point10 yards per pointRushing Touchdowns6Receptions10Reception Yards20 yards per point10 yards per pointReception Touchdowns6Return Yards20 yards per point0Return Touchdowns62-Point Conversions2Fumbles-10Fumbles Lost-2Offensive Fumble Return TD6KickersLeague ValueYahoo! Default ValueField Goals 0-19 Yards3Field Goals 20-29 Yards3Field Goals 30-39 Yards3Field Goals 40-49 Yards4Field Goals 50+ Yards5Field Goals Missed 0-19 Yards-50Field Goals Missed 20-29 Yards-40Field Goals Missed 30-39 Yards-30Field Goals Missed 40-49 Yards-20Field Goals Missed 50+ Yards-10Point After Attempt Made1Point After Attempt Missed-10Defensive PlayersLeague ValueYahoo! Default ValueTackle Solo21Tackle Assist10.5Sack32Interception23Fumble Force2Fumble Recovery2Defensive Touchdown6Safety2Pass Defended1Block Kick2

I would open up to 12 if the demand is there, but for now, we stick with 10.

List your user name/team name.

1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo

Once the league is full, I will post draft time. It is an autopick draft, which means you set your draft order, Yahoo does the rest.

When I set the draft, I lock all teams to prevent anyone from "draft squatting" and snagging available players at 2 in the morning while the rest of the world sleeps.

I will post date and time for the unlocking and then you can swap players, trade etc.

Any questions? Good. As I tell my managers every year we play, ":If you don;t like my rules, start your own damn league!:r

Good luck!

Whee 08-12-2009 06:18 PM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football
Ugh, the formatting failed me on the points. Any questions, ask away.

Gargoyle 08-12-2009 07:55 PM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football
1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo
4. Gargoyle/Cleveland Cremosas

WyGuy 08-12-2009 10:28 PM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football
1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo
4. Gargoyle/Cleveland Cremosas
5. Wyguy/Minnesota Mistakes

Whee 08-12-2009 10:37 PM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football

Originally Posted by WyGuy (Post 507661)
1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo
4. Gargoyle/Cleveland Cremosas
5. Wyguy/Minnesota Mistakes

Purdue guys have to throw in 6 sticks:rolleyes::r j/k

Halfway there!

tenbaseg 08-13-2009 04:08 AM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football
I'm in.

1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo
4. Gargoyle/Cleveland Cremosas
5. Wyguy/Minnesota Mistakes
6. tenbaseg/Vandelay Industries

kaisersozei 08-13-2009 06:03 AM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football
1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo
4. Gargoyle/Cleveland Cremosas
5. Wyguy/Minnesota Mistakes
6. tenbaseg/Vandelay Industries
7. kaisersozei/Smokin' Hotties

Cuz I choose my roster based on the cheerleading talent.

BryanB 08-13-2009 07:08 AM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football
1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo
4. Gargoyle/Cleveland Cremosas
5. Wyguy/Minnesota Mistakes
6. tenbaseg/Vandelay Industries
7. kaisersozei/Smokin' Hotties
8. BryanB/Bench Jake

Still pissed from last playoffs

Whee 08-13-2009 09:37 AM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football

Originally Posted by kaisersozei (Post 507855)
1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo
4. Gargoyle/Cleveland Cremosas
5. Wyguy/Minnesota Mistakes
6. tenbaseg/Vandelay Industries
7. kaisersozei/Smokin' Hotties

Cuz I choose my roster based on the cheerleading talent.


Mugen910 08-13-2009 09:44 AM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football

Originally Posted by BryanB (Post 507883)
1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo
4. Gargoyle/Cleveland Cremosas
5. Wyguy/Minnesota Mistakes
6. tenbaseg/Vandelay Industries
7. kaisersozei/Smokin' Hotties
8. BryanB/Bench Jake

Still pissed from last playoffs

There is an unwritten rule that if you get to serious in this FF league we take the contents of your humi and divide them amongst the other members. :D

jquirit 08-13-2009 10:39 AM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football
1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo
4. Gargoyle/Cleveland Cremosas
5. Wyguy/Minnesota Mistakes
6. tenbaseg/Vandelay Industries
7. kaisersozei/Smokin' Hotties
8. BryanB/Bench Jake
9. jquirit/Hawaii Poi Pounders

Mmmmmm... poi. :r

ade06 08-13-2009 10:51 AM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football
1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo
4. Gargoyle/Cleveland Cremosas
5. Wyguy/Minnesota Mistakes
6. tenbaseg/Vandelay Industries
7. kaisersozei/Smokin' Hotties
8. BryanB/Bench Jake
9. jquirit/Hawaii Poi Pounders
10.Ade06/Philly Beatdown

Whee 08-13-2009 01:51 PM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football

Originally Posted by ade06 (Post 508144)
1. illinoishoosier/Humidor Raiders
2. andysutherland/Panthers Rejects
3. Mugen910/Team Volvo
4. Gargoyle/Cleveland Cremosas
5. Wyguy/Minnesota Mistakes
6. tenbaseg/Vandelay Industries
7. kaisersozei/Smokin' Hotties
8. BryanB/Bench Jake
9. jquirit/Hawaii Poi Pounders
10.Ade06/Philly Beatdown


We are full. Take time to read all the settings and stuff.

One helpful hint. When looking at the list of players, you can sort by Fantasy Points for last year. These points correspond to MY scoring system not Yahoo's. So it will show you how players ranked in my league previously, which is good to know. Since the #1 guy was a DEFENSIVE player.:r

jquirit 08-13-2009 02:27 PM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football
Why'd you have to go and tell people that? Here I wanted to snake all the great defensive players for dirt cheap because of the league settings!


PS - You are an evil, evil man. Heh. Buyer beware when it comes to running backs!

Whee 08-25-2009 01:10 PM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football
Hey gang

Just wanted to post up a little bit about how I run the draft. Not planning on running it til next week so you've got some time.

Anywho, I usually post the day/time that I will set the draft to ready. Yahoo then puts us in their que and runs the draft for us. Now, I've seen it run in an hour and I've seen it take two days, you can never be sure.

One of the problems I had in my league was "draft squatters". These were people, who (no longer get invites to my league), would literally hit refresh on the roster page until the draft hit, then go out and snag players before the rest of us even knew what happened. Some of us work, don't stay up 24 hours, etc.

To combat this, I lock the teams when I set the draft to "Ready". What this means is, you cannot do any roster activity while your are locked. you can post smack, but no trades, free agents etc.

When the draft is complete, I will post the date/time that I will unlock the teams and then it's a free for all. I will run some times by you guys so that we can accomodate as many as we can. I would anticipate sometime Labor Day weekend.

Any questions? Ask away!

Mugen910 08-25-2009 01:12 PM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football

Originally Posted by illinoishoosier (Post 522333)
Hey gang

Just wanted to post up a little bit about how I run the draft. Not planning on running it til next week so you've got some time.

Anywho, I usually post the day/time that I will set the draft to ready. Yahoo then puts us in their que and runs the draft for us. Now, I've seen it run in an hour and I've seen it take two days, you can never be sure.

One of the problems I had in my league was "draft squatters". These were people, who (no longer get invites to my league), would literally hit refresh on the rooster page until the draft hit, then go out and snag players before the rest of us even knew what happened. Some of us work, don't stay up 24 hours, etc.

To combat this, I lock the teams when I set the draft to "Ready". What this means is, you cannot do any roster activity while your are locked. you can post smack, but no trades, free agents etc.

When the draft is complete, I will post the date/time that I will unlock the teams and then it's a free for all. I will run some times by you guys so that we can accomodate as many as we can. I would anticipate sometime Labor Day weekend.

Any questions? Ask away!

Do you know any CC's that taste nice NCs? ;) just kidding..thanks man..

tenbaseg 08-25-2009 01:55 PM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football
Great idea to combat the squatter. I could see Bao doing that. Have you ever noticed that when you say his name, he's there. I think he goes though F5 keys like crazy.:r

Oh it's going to be a fun season of trash talking.

Mugen910 08-25-2009 01:58 PM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football

Originally Posted by tenbaseg (Post 522400)
Great idea to combat the squatter. I could see Bao doing that. Have you ever noticed that when you say his name, he's there. I think he goes though F5 keys like crazy.:r

Oh it's going to be a fun season of trash talking.

whatever garrett!! I would not do such a thing...I never even thought of it..

tenbaseg 08-25-2009 02:49 PM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 522405)
whatever garrett!! I would not do such a thing...I never even thought of it..

There's always next season my friend. ;)

tenbaseg 08-25-2009 03:06 PM

Re: You can never have too much Fantasy Football
Wow, defense scores a lot. A 100 yard rusher would only get 5 points. 3 Tackles is 6 points.

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