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shilala 07-21-2009 03:46 PM

Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
I've found a few that I really like, Fluid 2 and the Koi Pond are all zenlike and relaxing.
There's an app called CoolFacts and it's free and neat. Geek facts, kind of like a virtual outhouse of useless knowledge, but fun to read.
I use a medical thing called I.T. to track my doctor stuff.
The Weather Channel, Google Earth, iHandy Level, Olive Tree Bible NKJV and a bunch of other stuff I use daily are very useful.

What do you guys use, enjoy, like, or suggest?

aich75013 07-21-2009 04:03 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
The ones I use the most are :
Shop Shop (Good for shopping lists)
TrackerLite (To keep track of all those incoming packages)
Stanza (for reading)
Mobile stogie

cricky101 07-21-2009 04:53 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
A couple I like that haven't been mentioned:
pic2shop - you take a picture of an item's barcode and it brings back Amazon reviews of the product. Worked great when I was shopping for a coffee maker last weekend at Target.

Pixelpipe - easily upload photos/videos/blog posts to dozens of sites at once like Twitter, Facebook, blogspot, etc ....

Grocery Gadget - make a grocery list.

PandoraBox - searches the app store for apps that are on sale/made temporarily free by the creators.

uncballzer 07-21-2009 06:05 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Medical: Skyscape, Epocrates
Video Poker
AIM, Skype, Textplus--have but haven't used yet

What's the IT medical program do that you mentioned?

bowhnter 07-21-2009 07:16 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Shazam, good for when you hear a song and you can't remember the name or who sings it...Shazam will listen, send it off and you will get the song and artist back.

cricky101 07-22-2009 11:23 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Bump! Must...Download...Apps!

shilala 07-22-2009 11:29 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by uncballzer (Post 474264)
What's the IT medical program do that you mentioned?

It's called "Illness Tracker". It's to take daily notes on my condition, meds, doc visits, everything. It's excellent, but it could do so much more.
They're on the right track though. It's very useful for me.

I'm going to look into some of these other apps that everyone mentioned (hence why I made the thread).
The grocery list thing sounds great.
Thanks for all the help so far, guys. :)
Keep them coming!!!

BigAsh 07-22-2009 11:37 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Evernote....great to have to cut and paste recipes, articles, or to use for notes, etc....syncs with desktop
Flixter for movie times
MLB at Bat lite for baseball scores
CBS Sports and Sportacular for scores etc.
Wall St. Journal and USA Today for news

Sawyer 07-22-2009 11:49 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
The following are the apps I use the most:

Pandora - Must have for music lovers. This app gets more of a workout than all other app on my phone put together.
The Weather Channel - Current weather maps and even video forecasts.
ESPN Scorecenter - Set up your own scoreboards.
Flixster - Movie times, info, locations and trailers.
Google - Search internet by voice (for those of us without a 3GS).
Google Earth
Currency - Quickly convert those pesky Euros to dollars.
Shazam - Name that tune. Works really well.
Yelp - Restaurant locator and review service.
Bloomberg - More detailed stocks and financial news service.

aich75013 07-22-2009 11:54 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by Sawyer (Post 475488)
Pandora - Must have for music lovers. This app gets more of a workout than all other app on my phone put together.

Oh yes. This saved us on a recent trip.
We normally put the baby to sleep listening to Classical music.
I have an iPod in her room ready to go for the night.

We didn't bring it on vacation, so I opened the app, chose a Mozart song, and the app did the rest. Used it every night next to the Pack N Play.

jkorp 07-22-2009 11:55 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
For games I'm stuck on :
Mark of Mafia (use to be mafia live)
Undead Live

A2Zpro is a conversion program that you can customize. I made a cigar conversion that does, Ring Gauge / Inches / Millimeters.

FourTrack (4 track recorder)
Tunic Violin
Tunic Guitar
dTunes (until seeqpod stopped working)


white_s2k 07-22-2009 11:59 AM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
Check out the Remote app if you listen to music on your PC a lot. The app allows you to control the music that is playing on iTunes on your PC with your iphone. I used it while out on the patio to control the music playing in the house. It's great.

shilala 07-22-2009 12:00 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by white_s2k (Post 475505)
Check out the Remote app if you listen to music on your PC a lot. The app allows you to control the music that is playing on iTunes on your PC with your iphone. I used it while out on the patio to control the music playing in the house. It's great.

There's an app that turns your touch into a mouse via your wireless network. I thought it'd be cool, but the reviews were awful.
It was all buggy.

bowhnter 07-22-2009 12:05 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
CameraZoom 1.1 was just released for $.99...Sounds handy to me

white_s2k 07-22-2009 12:05 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 475512)
There's an app that turns your touch into a mouse via your wireless network. I thought it'd be cool, but the reviews were awful.
It was all buggy.

LOL that sounds like an awful app.. what would you used it for exactly? :confused:

Check out the remote app, it's great. :banger

sikk50 07-22-2009 12:33 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
The useful:
CA Penal Codes
CA Vehicle Codes
Voice Notes (Record customer conversations when I-Rate)
Mobile Stogie
Tasting Notes

The Fun:
Pocket God
Koi Pond
Virtual Villagers 2
Let's Golf!
I Can Has Cheezburger
Live Poker

Ahbroody 07-22-2009 12:36 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
For all you smokers of the hippie lettuce. Saw this and I LOLd

shilala 07-22-2009 02:25 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 475568)
For all you smokers of the hippie lettuce. Saw this and I LOLd

How'd ya find out about that one, Cheech? Drug School? :r

Ahbroody 07-22-2009 03:04 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
my wife got me into bargain hunting and that is one of the sites I visit.
Then while scrolling I saw it.
No hippie lettuce for me, I think I would get fired.

DBall 07-22-2009 04:36 PM

Re: Cool iPhone/touch Apps, what do you like?
I just got a pre... we need some good apps for that. :D

Now I'll get out of your thread, Scott...

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