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Emjaysmash 05-17-2009 11:05 PM

Ask The Rabbi!!
Hey everyone,
The Rabbi (TomHagen) has graciously agreed to my new idea-thread of "Ask The Rabbi". Anyone may post any question they have ever wanted to ask a Rabbi, and the Rabbi will then answer it. If there are those who wish to ask anonymously, you can PM myself or TomHagen. Please specify if you would like your question and answer to remain off the thread.

My hope is to create an enjoyable thread both enlightening and fun.

So, have at it! Post your questions below!

TomHagen 05-17-2009 11:12 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
I'm in... ask away!!

sodomanaz 05-17-2009 11:19 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Ok. I'm already circumcised. If I decided I wanted to pursue the Jewish faith, does that give me an in?

sodomanaz 05-17-2009 11:23 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
I have seen on TV that you need to read from the Torah (I think that's what it was) and stand on one foot to absorb the material. What if you don't have legs?

adampc22 05-17-2009 11:26 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
is pepsi better than coke ? and can i eat the mushrooms i found in my garden ?

sodomanaz 05-17-2009 11:27 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by adampc22 (Post 386771)
is pepsi better than coke ? and can i eat the mushrooms i found in my garden ?

Pepsi Throwback already answered this question, at least in the US.

sodomanaz 05-17-2009 11:28 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Can you explain the whole Pork and Milk thing? I was watching Kenny VS Spenny, and that came up as the worst thing a Jewish person could do; drink milk while eating pork.

adampc22 05-17-2009 11:28 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by sodomanaz (Post 386772)
Pepsi Throwback already answered this question, at least in the US.

i was asking the rabbi :fu

TomHagen 05-17-2009 11:33 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by sodomanaz (Post 386764)
Ok. I'm already circumcised. If I decided I wanted to pursue the Jewish faith, does that give me an in?

Being circumsized does not give you "an in"...

A Jew is defined by the Torah, the five-books of Moses, as being born to a Jewish mother, who was in turn born to a Jewish mother etc.

Judaism does NOT seek to convert people.
But those, at their own initiative, who do wish to convert to Judaism (aka "pursue the Jewish faith") can do so through a competant Torah-observant Rabbi in accordance with Jewish Law.

One does not have to become Jewish to fulfll their role and access G-d.
Non-Jews have a tremendously vital role in G-d's creation, by fulfilling the
7 Noahide Laws. (for more info

Do not worship Idols
Do Not Blaspheme His Name
Do Not Murder
Do Not Commit Immoral Sexual Acts
Do Not Steal
Pursue Justice
Do not be cruel to animals.

Hope this helps.

TomHagen 05-17-2009 11:34 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by adampc22 (Post 386771)
is pepsi better than coke ? and can i eat the mushrooms i found in my garden ?

Coke is better, IMHO. No don't eat the mushrooms you found in your garden, you should have eaten the ones in my basement in college. :dance:

adampc22 05-17-2009 11:36 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
dont blame it on the sunshine dont blame it on the moonlight dont blame it on the good times blame it on the boogie ?

TomHagen 05-17-2009 11:40 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by sodomanaz (Post 386768)
I have seen on TV that you need to read from the Torah (I think that's what it was) and stand on one foot to absorb the material. What if you don't have legs?

No idea what you are talking about... could you be referring to this?

A gentile once came to Shammai, and wanted to convert to Judaism. But he insisted on learning the whole Torah while standing on one foot. Shammai rejected him, so he went to Hillel, who taught him: "What you dislike, do not do to your friend. That is the basis of the Torah. The rest is commentary; go and learn!"

"on one foot" being obviously a aphorism...

unless, "New legs Lt. Dan!!", Forest Gump

ps. what TV tells one about Judaism is often inaccurate.

TomHagen 05-17-2009 11:42 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by adampc22 (Post 386784)
dont blame it on the sunshine dont blame it on the moonlight dont blame it on the good times blame it on the boogie ?

Don't blame the boogie either!! "Blame it on the rain" - Milli Vanilli:hf

adampc22 05-17-2009 11:46 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood ?

TomHagen 05-17-2009 11:48 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by sodomanaz (Post 386773)
Can you explain the whole Pork and Milk thing? I was watching Kenny VS Spenny, and that came up as the worst thing a Jewish person could do; drink milk while eating pork.

They are two different prohibitions, which are prohibited for Jews only.
1) Don't eat milk and meat (wait 6 hrs from meat to milk, and wait 1 hr from milk to meat)
2) Don't eat non-kosher animals. Kosher animals must chew their cud and have split hooves (cows, goats, deer, giraffe, lamb, bison, oxen etc. - ok) (pig, horse, dog, rodents, duck-billed platapus - NOT ok)

(actually, drinking milk while eating pork is only one trangression - eating the pork. As long as the milk is from a kosher animal, all milk is cool to drink, just not a long with kosher meat.)

TomHagen 05-17-2009 11:49 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by adampc22 (Post 386789)
how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood ?


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pnoon 05-17-2009 11:50 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Nice review.

adampc22 05-17-2009 11:54 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 386795)
Nice review.

eh ??????????????????????????????

bigloo 05-17-2009 11:56 PM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!
Why wont my mother let me marry a non-Jewish girl or is this something I would only understand when I had a child myself?


TomHagen 05-18-2009 12:05 AM

Re: Ask The Rabbi!!

Originally Posted by bigloo (Post 386798)
Why wont my mother let me marry a non-Jewish girl or is this something I would only understand when I had a child myself?



If only we would revere G-d, the same way we revere the word of our Jewish mothers... though to discern the two is kinda hard, especially when she puts her foot down. :D

The Torah says a Jew should only marry a Jew. This is for various reasons. Prepetuation of the Jewish people, culture, religion and customs, to have Jewish kids, conduct Jewish home, it's a Mitzvah and G-d said so, okay etc.

This website, and the book "Why marry Jewish?", by Doron Kornbluth , are the BEST treatment of the topic.

Having a child oneself really does make the issue hit home...

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