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dunng 03-09-2009 05:40 PM

MassHole Driving Rules
1. Always look right and left before proceeding through a green light.

2. When on a one way street, stay to the right to allow for oncoming traffic to pass.

3. Never, ever stop for a pedestrian unless he flings himself under the wheels of your car.

4. The first parking space you see will be the last parking space you see.

5. Learn to swerve abruptly. Boston is the home of slalom driving, thanks to the Department of Transportation, which puts potholes in key locations to test drivers' reflexes and keep them on their toes.

6. Never get in the way of a car that needs extensive bodywork.

7. Double-park in the North End of Boston and South Boston, unless triple-parking is available.

8. Always look both ways when running a red light.

9. Honk your horn the instant the light changes.

10. Breakdown lanes are not for breaking down, but for speeding, especially during rush hour. Breakdown lanes may also end without warning causing traffic jams as people merge back in.

11. If you should break down, allow your vehicle to come to a stop in the center lane. If road conditions are hazardous, exit your vehicle, without looking, and stand next to it, with your back to oncoming traffic.

12. Never use directional signals when changing lanes. They only warn other drivers to speed up and not let you in.

13. To signal a lane change, look in the direction you're about to go, as you do so. Wearing a baseball cap is considered an extra safety measure.

14. Making eye contact revokes your right of way.

15. Never pass on the left when you can pass on the right.

16. Whenever possible, stop in the middle of a crosswalk to ensure inconveniencing as many pedestrians as possible. And if a pedestrian ahead of you steps into the road, speed up loudly and chase them up on the curb. Pedestrians have no rights.

17. On a multi-lane highway, always drive in the left lane, even if there are others wanting to pass. Stay in the left lane until the last possible instant before cutting across all lanes to the exit.

18. When making a left turn at an intersection with a red light, glare at the oncoming drivers, inch your way into the intersection, and floor it when the green light from the other direction turns yellow.

19. When merging, floor it, as you hit the "on ramp" and proceed immediately to the furthest left hand lane.

20. When road conditions are hazardous, swerve in and out of lanes, to pass slower moving vehicles.

21. Communicating with other drivers and pedestrians is important. Gesture often.

22. The furthest right lane is reserved for passing. The furthest left lane is reserved for slower moving vehicles.

23. Always bring your cell phone with you. Highway driving is a perfect time to chat with your friends and loved ones.

24. If you miss your exit, stop abruptly and back up.

25. When another car pulls up close behind you and "flashes their brights", slam on your breaks.

26. When entering a tunnel, always slow down and pause before entering, even if there is no traffic or reason for delay.

27. When faced with a lane detour, due to construction, always pass as many complying vehicles as possible, wait until the last possible second, then swerve into the specified lane.

28. Be prepared for abundant construction detours.

29. Taxi Cab drivers are highly trained professionals. Observe and learn from their masterful techniques and driving skills.

30. Only those pedestrians not looking where they're going, head and eyes fixed firmly forward, are allowed to cross in front of traffic. Be sure to "break" hard and stop as close to them as possible.

* Tip: Only pedestrians crossing within "Cross Walks" have legal rights. Pedestrians outside of "Cross Walks" are "fair game".

WildBlueSooner 03-09-2009 05:53 PM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules
8. Always look both ways when running a red light.

Crucial! Nice list!

MedicCook 03-09-2009 06:58 PM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules
I have dealt with more than one of these when I have driven into Boston.

G G 03-09-2009 07:02 PM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules
Uh, I think Florida has a lot of massholes that have either retired here or immigrated then.:tu

shilala 03-09-2009 07:22 PM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules
Some dickwad from Arizona pulled a trailer out in front of me the other day.
I know it wasn't just me, cause he blew right into the oncoming lane and had tires screeching for a half mile.
He started this procedure by pulling halway out in the road, stopping traffic in my lane.
We don't drive like that here. And I'm thankful for it. :)

taltos 03-10-2009 07:50 AM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules
Greg, is the next set of rules the Masshole Rules for Rotaries and Yield Signs?

md4958 03-10-2009 08:01 AM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules

This read like our ride out to Boston for NERF last weekend!!

Hardcz 03-10-2009 08:04 AM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules
Sounds a lot like Detroit driving.

Silound 03-10-2009 08:32 AM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules
I would say that it sounds a lot like Louisiana driving, but to be honest the roads are so bad here, we all drive massive trucks and SUV's and make our own roads :)

stearns 03-10-2009 08:52 AM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules
wait wait WAIT!!... this isnt how everyone drives? no wonder i get strange looks when im in VA


dunng 03-10-2009 09:10 AM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 280297)
wait wait WAIT!!... this isnt how everyone drives? no wonder i get strange looks when im in VA


Especially when you plow into the randomly placed rotary at full speed! :c

Kreth 03-10-2009 09:18 AM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 279531)
We don't drive like that here. And I'm thankful for it. :)

With good reason. PA's motto should be "The Orange Flag State." :r

mrreindeer 03-10-2009 10:08 AM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules

shilala 03-10-2009 11:44 AM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 280346)
With good reason. PA's motto should be "The Orange Flag State." :r

People are even courteous in Pittsburgh. It's awesome.
I suppose we do have to be more careful because of all the road work. Plus if you run over a couple people they actually have penalties for that.
In Massholia, they give you a medal.

Kreth 03-10-2009 12:09 PM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 280568)
People are even courteous in Pittsburgh. It's awesome.
I suppose we do have to be more careful because of all the road work.

It's been a long time since I was down in Pittsburgh, but I don't think I've ever driven through the Scranton/Wilkes Barre area without hitting major construction.


Plus if you run over a couple people they actually have penalties for that.
In Massholia, they give you a medal.
I think it's actually a requirement for a CDL in Mass. :r
And don't get me started on Jersey drivers... :bh

DPD6030 03-10-2009 12:11 PM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules

Originally Posted by WildBlueSooner (Post 279373)
8. Always look both ways when running a red light.

Crucial! Nice list!

Especially if I'm behind you...:r

jamesb3 03-11-2009 02:50 AM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules

Originally Posted by Hardcz (Post 280251)
Sounds a lot like Detroit driving.

:tpd: Agree 100%

gnukfu 03-11-2009 03:52 AM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules
Ummmmm Greg, why is this in the jokes section? Shouldn't this be in General Discussion so others can learn the rules of the road? :wo

Tio Gato 03-11-2009 04:29 PM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules
Too Funny!

I like to save my cigar ash as long as possible just in case some DB from NY driving a convertible is behind me flashing his lights because he's in a hurry to get "to the Cape".:fu2

taltos 03-11-2009 06:22 PM

Re: MassHole Driving Rules
Some of these rules are for our own protection since we have so many truck drivers from Quebec down here causing accidents and trying to destroy our bridges and tunnels.

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