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Footbag 02-17-2009 04:21 PM

How do you organize your humidor?
How do you sort your cigars/boxes in your humidor? By brand, country, size, etc...

I sort by country, then size. If I sort by brand, it takes up way too much space.

But now, my humidor is getting to the point where my cigars from one specific country:rolleyes: are taking up more then one shelf and I'm going to have to expand to another countries shelf. It looks like my Dominican and Nicaraguan shelves are going to merge to the bottom. Only thing that I don't like is that I'm going to have to bend over to pick up my DPG's and Illusiones.:(

This is an obsessive compulsive cigar smokers biggest nightmare. Never thought I'd be saying this since I bought my 3000-ct, but I should've gone bigger.:ss

GTsetGO 02-17-2009 04:24 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
i have 2 humidors. a 160 ct that i built myself and a 75 count.

i store cigars that i have yet to try and might like in the 75 count. If i like the cigar after a couple of times smoking it, i buy more and they go into my larger humi.

in that humidor, they are organized by manufacturer.

white_s2k 02-17-2009 04:27 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

Originally Posted by Footbag (Post 240844)
But now, my humidor is getting to the point where my cigars from one specific country:rolleyes: are taking up more then one shelf and I'm going to have to expand to another countries shelf. It looks like my Dominican and Nicaraguan shelves are going to merge to the bottom. Only thing that I don't like is that I'm going to have to bend over to pick up my DPG's and Illusiones.:(

I wish I had your problem :ss

karmaz00 02-17-2009 04:41 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
well i have a 100ct desktop with some everyday value smokes. (full)
1X 65L coolidor. has 50 NC singles and 7 NC boxes
1X 65L coolidor has 12 CC boxes aging.

ca21455 02-17-2009 04:56 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
Interesting because I was cleaning up my cabinet yesterday. I keep brands together in the drawers but the boxes are placed where they fit best. I log everything on a spreadsheet so I can find what I need and also keep an inventory.

Been working on a walk-in humi and when that is done all the boxes will go on shelves and I will be able to walk around and admire them. :)

hotreds 02-17-2009 04:59 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
Try to keep brands together- and one big box with orphans.

elderboy02 02-17-2009 05:02 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
My humis/coolers aren't organized at all. I have too many different brands/countries to keep them organized.

Cyanide 02-17-2009 05:18 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I have three "humidors". One is for CC, one is for NC, one is for orphans.

My CC humi is most organized. I sort by Marka, but since I usually only have one vitola per marka (at this point) then they are typically all the same rough size.

My NC humi is also organized by Marka. But, there is more vitola variation per brand in there. So, the space is a little more wasted there, combining with the fact that NCs tend to be larger, makes that humi quite crowded.

The orphan humi is a complete tetris game, and packed to the gills (its really a transparent box similar to a mini-pelican case...holds 30 if I give them a little squeeze)


mcmoyer 02-17-2009 05:35 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 240906)
My humis/coolers aren't organized at all. I have too many different brands/countries to keep them organized.

Same here...pandemonium reigns!!


fuubar 02-17-2009 05:56 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
For my Vino I just hum tetris music and see what I can cram in there.

For my coffee table I keep my prized yard gars in a prominent central location and the rare and expensive sticks off to the sides. That way when new people want to try a cigar they are happy to grab a cheap stick and anyone who know better can still get to the good stuff.

NickyTeen 02-17-2009 06:34 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
No method to my madness. When I get cigars I move things around to make room. Maybe someday I'll organize.

Smokin Gator 02-17-2009 07:12 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I have one Vino that is for CC aging. It is not really organized... I would say Tetrisized.

My other Vino is for NCs and single CCs. I have two drawers of NCs that are for anytime smoking. One is mostly DP blends and one is mostly gifted sticks. I also have two trays of CCs that are for anytime smoking. They are mostly gifted. A few boxes of NCs have also migrated up into that Vino.

HK3- 02-17-2009 07:29 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
Mostly boxes so that's just a big game of Tetris. ;)

I have two small humis inside my big humi, one for cc singles and the other for NC singles.

WyGuy 02-17-2009 07:43 PM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
Everything is based on size, big stuff on the bottom and small stuff up top. Don't have to many different brands so it's not a big deal to find what I want at this time.

troutbreath 02-18-2009 04:55 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I put 'em where they fit. That is all.

tunes 02-18-2009 05:23 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
Organized? I just wiggle and shake, the hummi that is, until they all fit! :D

ucla695 02-18-2009 06:54 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?

Originally Posted by troutbreath (Post 241911)
I put 'em where they fit. That is all.


It's a big game of cigar Tetris for me.

chenvt 02-18-2009 07:45 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
my vinos are choc full.. I've started combining boxes together to save on space and at the same time selling some smokes that I don't plan on smoking immediately or can easily obtained

Kreth 02-18-2009 07:48 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
I just have a 100-count. In the bottom I have bundles of my favorites so far. The top tray is loose singles, plus a little overflow from the bottom.

ChicagoWhiteSox 02-18-2009 08:13 AM

Re: How do you organize your humidor?
NC and CC are split up.

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