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Apoco 04-27-2012 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1625754)
Aaaand finished up Xenocide (third book in the series). Moving on to Children of the Mind

EDIT: actually - the reviews are horrific...maybe I won't...i'm so torn. Seeing things like "the fourth book in a trilogy" scares me.
Posted via Mobile Device

Forget it - down with the haters. Gonna continue the series and move onto Children of the Mind! This series is fantastic so far.
Posted via Mobile Device

CigarNut 04-27-2012 11:01 AM

Re: What are you reading?

Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1626076)
Forget it - down with the haters. Gonna continue the series and move onto Children of the Mind! This series is fantastic so far.
Posted via Mobile Device


It may not be Card's best book, but it's worth reading.

markem 04-27-2012 11:02 AM

Re: What are you reading?
Reading Pratchett's "Small Gods".

tsolomon 04-27-2012 11:16 AM

Re: What are you reading?
Re-reading Jack Chalker's Well World series, just started book 3, Quest for the Well of Souls. Found a website that had them as ebooks, Baen Ebooks. They carry a lot of the old SciFi books that you can't find on Amazon.

blugill 04-27-2012 03:43 PM

Re: What are you reading?

Originally Posted by taltos (Post 1624799)
I just finished The Hunger Games Trilogy. Excellent series but it was one of the most disturbing reads that I have had in some time.

It was pretty good! You could really tell that the love triangle angle was just to cater to the teenage girl demographic, it was actually a pretty violent series aimed at adults.

blugill 04-27-2012 03:45 PM

Re: What are you reading?

Originally Posted by tsolomon (Post 1626148)
Re-reading Jack Chalker's Well World series, just started book 3, Quest for the Well of Souls. Found a website that had them as ebooks, Baen Ebooks. They carry a lot of the old SciFi books that you can't find on Amazon.

Baen is a pretty good company and ebook friendly!
I like a lot of their stuff!

elderboy02 04-29-2012 06:16 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Just finished: Curbchek

rebelknight 05-01-2012 10:07 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Abuse of power

hotreds 05-02-2012 07:47 AM

Re: What are you reading?
The Fight of Our Lives: Knowing the Enemy, Speaking the Truth, and Choosing to Win the War Against Radical Islam by Wm. Bennett and Seth Leibsohn

elderboy02 05-04-2012 07:30 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Last Stop This Town

It was a great book.

Jasonw560 05-04-2012 08:11 PM

Re: What are you reading?
The Return of Tarzan. Haven't read it since like Jr. High.

forgop 05-05-2012 06:02 AM

Re: What are you reading?
Now that I'm done with school, it's time to read something enjoyable. I'm going to start The Civil War-A Narrative by Shelby Foote. I'll start with Fort Sumter to Perryville.

Apoco 05-06-2012 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1626076)
Forget it - down with the haters. Gonna continue the series and move onto Children of the Mind! This series is fantastic so far.
Posted via Mobile Device

Just finished it up. While it was complex and confusing, it was still a great read.

There's several on my "to read" list. Not sure what I will tackle next.
Posted via Mobile Device

Apoco 05-07-2012 06:29 AM

Re: What are you reading?
I'm going to tackle Old Man's War by John Scalzi. I seem to have a thing going for intergalactic warfare.
Posted via Mobile Device

VirtualSmitty 05-07-2012 06:44 PM

Re: What are you reading?
The Stranger. Quite the unusual read.

Jasonw560 05-07-2012 08:13 PM

Re: What are you reading?
Starting The Drop by Michael Connelly tonight.

On an aside, got one of my 9 yo olds to read Down The Long Hills by Louis L'Amour.

RGD. 05-07-2012 10:38 PM

Re: What are you reading?
After reading "Run" by Blake Crouch I have moved onto more of his works. Recently I finished "Snowbound" and then "Desert Places". Ten minutes ago I just finish "Locked Doors" and read the intro to "Break You".

Desert Places, Locked Doors and Break You are a trilogy.

Seriously I have never been a fan of horror and thriller genre but all I can say is wow. This guy is seriously twisted. Every time you think you know what's coming next - you're wrong.

For those interested in his works I really recommend reading "Run" first.

His website is:


Apoco 05-09-2012 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1632724)
I'm going to tackle Old Man's War by John Scalzi. I seem to have a thing going for intergalactic warfare.
Posted via Mobile Device

This one was a quick read, but very good!

He states that he is very heavily influence by Robert Heinlein in the acknowledgement section. Gonna try to pick out one of his books and tackle it next :tu

EDIT: Starship Troopers seems to be the one that most people associate with Heinlein. Gonna start up on it.

This kindle is awesome. I've read more books in the last 4 months than I have read in the last 4 years.
Posted via Mobile Device

massphatness 05-09-2012 07:28 AM

Re: What are you reading?
A Dance with Dragons, the 5th book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series.

CigarNut 05-09-2012 08:09 AM

Re: What are you reading?

Originally Posted by Apoco (Post 1634235)
This one was a quick read, but very good!

He states that he is very heavily influence by Robert Heinlein in the acknowledgement section. Gonna try to pick out one of his books and tackle it next :tu

EDIT: Starship Troopers seems to be the one that most people associate with Heinlein. Gonna start up on it.

This kindle is awesome. I've read more books in the last 4 months than I have read in the last 4 years.
Posted via Mobile Device

There are many, many great Heinlein books. Too many to list but you can't go wrong with any of them.

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