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Ahbroody 05-03-2010 02:43 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
figured I would weigh in on the Sharks Wings game. Didnt see all of it. That said I was happy to see the Sharks keep home ice advantage as the odds are against them to grab a game in the Joe. Their record in the Joe is horrible so it will be suprising to see them get a win there. If they can it would likely spell doom for Det. I also see this series now having the potential to go 7 games if the Sharks dont get lucky and end it early. In order for that not to happen the Wings would need to take 4 straight and that just isnt to likely. In a 7 game series I still think the wings experience will end up winning the day as they just dont ever seem to panic. The question is though can the Sharks end it early.

Detroit spent 1/3 of the game in the box lastnight taking a lot of stick related penalties. Babcock said the Wings would now be much more careful with their sticks. I wonder though if penalties are a result of fatigue as I see some players using their sticks instead of their feet. You could also see some frustration as Stuart went after Pavs. With all that said Datsyuk is a friggin stud. He has impressed the hell out of me with his ability to dangle and skate. I think he would get a lot more attention if not for Crosby and Ovi. I dont think hes as physical or strong on his skates on the boards as either, but in the open ice he is deadly. His combination of skating and dangling seems to freeze players trying to stop him. Holmstrom is a monster in front of the net. It looks like the Sharks have decided to let him stand their and attempt to shut down any feeds to him instead of putting a man on him. I hope this works. Lindstrom continues to roll also even at age 40.

As to the win :banger:banger:

Ahbroody 05-03-2010 03:03 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread

Originally Posted by E.J. (Post 847456)
The skates are G5's.... They have the Limited color scheme, which probably threw you off.

The Little Man has done it all, but now just plays season just rolls into the next.....

Add: Of every sport(like I said, we have done it all), hockey is BY FAR the most fun to be a parent. Not only the game, which is far superior to be a spectator at....but the community. That must make up for the financial end, which has to be the worst.....:r

Did not think they were G5's very cool. I rock G35s

Tried to get him into Tball this year, but he was too young so hockey it is. My wife thinks baseball will drive him crazy do to all the down time. He's comedy even when on the bench hes usually chirping it up at everyone and baseball is very different.

The community here is very small, that said I have already heard it can be very political which scares me. The cost is definelty the worse.

As to tonights action I dont think anyone can call the Phi Bos series. The Hawks desperately need a win tonight to help right the ship.

icehog3 05-03-2010 04:01 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
Missed the games on Versus this weekend as my hospital room did not have it. Listened to the Hawks game, glad I missed it. Tonight is as close to a "must win" as a non-elimination game can be.

Sharks up 2-0, Pavelski is just the hottest player in the league right now. Good for him, he is a good guy too.

Looking forward to not missing any games this week, should be excellent hockey.

yourchoice 05-03-2010 07:56 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
Flyers go down 2 games to 0. Two really hard fought games by both teams so far...much more intense than the Devils/Flyers series IMHO.

The color commentator on Versus drove me crazy tonight. To any Bruins fans, is he the regular color guy for the Bruins? My guess is he was. :r At first I thought his perspective may have just been slanted until I noticed "Prongah", "Wheelah" and "Rydah". :r

Ahbroody 05-03-2010 08:31 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
not sure. I know the sharks feed has not been the local guys. Then again it's been prety obvious to me what fan base vs is playing to. You don't want to piss off the larger of the the two fan bases tuning in now. :r

icehog3 05-03-2010 08:48 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
Hawks have 20 minutes to get their sh!t together or I fear they will be golfing on Mother's Day. :(

ChicagoWhiteSox 05-03-2010 09:42 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread

icehog3 05-03-2010 09:43 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
Man of the Hour. :D

GHC_Hambone 05-03-2010 09:45 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread

Ahbroody 05-03-2010 09:50 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
heeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ll

wait for it


Second favorite dog in the hunt grabs the win.
Congrats to the Hawk nation I imagine you were gripping hard at the start and into the 3rd.

icehog3 05-03-2010 10:29 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 848258)
Congrats to the Hawk nation I imagine you were gripping hard at the start and into the 3rd.

Understatement of the year, Mike. :hn :r

Ahbroody 05-03-2010 11:26 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
all I know is it could still happen Tom and that would be cool. My childhood team vs my current team.

mithrilG60 05-04-2010 02:12 AM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
While not the result that people on this side of the continent were hoping for, that was a much more entertaining game to watch than Game 1. Finally lived up to the billing for this series with some great end to end hockey. Regardless of who wins I expect the Hawks vs Canucks series will probably be the best hockey of the playoffs.

kugie 05-04-2010 03:53 AM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
Bruins are up 2-0
They played a good game last night.
But they are getting into some bad habits when they have the lead. Simalar to what they did in the regular season they are sitting back and backing in to there own zone and instead of carrying the puck out of there own zone they are passing it out. The Flyers are doing a good job of blocking those passing lanes and holding the puck in when the B's play that back up style.:2

Don't get me wrong I am happy with the outcome.
But if they make the next round they can't play that style or they will be going home and fast.

Here we go Bruins Here we go!!!!!

icehog3 05-04-2010 12:58 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 848333)
all I know is it could still happen Tom and that would be cool. My childhood team vs my current team.

How cool would that be? :)


Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 848347)
While not the result that people on this side of the continent were hoping for, that was a much more entertaining game to watch than Game 1. Finally lived up to the billing for this series with some great end to end hockey. Regardless of who wins I expect the Hawks vs Canucks series will probably be the best hockey of the playoffs.

I knew the Canucks were a good team heading into this series, though I probably only caught 7-8 of their games prior to the playoffs. But now I see they are an even better team than I thought...sometimes it's hard to get past that "hate", but the Canucks are a helluva team and I think this series could easily go 7.

mithrilG60 05-04-2010 01:25 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
I'd agree, two very strong teams that play the same offensive style are always fun to watch. Combine in the fact that there's a rivalry equal to the old Montreal v Boston and Montreal v Toronto tilts from the 80's and 90's and you've got a winner!

I still think it'll be decided in 6, as to whether it's Van ir Chicago I'll now reserve call on until I see if the Canucks manage to figure out that in tomorrow's game they have to skate for the entire thing AND the Sister's need to drive the neutral zone instead of coasting and automatically looking for the pass everytime.

icehog3 05-04-2010 01:51 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread

Originally Posted by mithrilG60 (Post 848720)
I'd agree, two very strong teams that play the same offensive style are always fun to watch. Combine in the fact that there's a rivalry equal to the old Montreal v Boston and Montreal v Toronto tilts from the 80's and 90's and you've got a winner!

I still think it'll be decided in 6, as to whether it's Van ir Chicago I'll now reserve call on until I see if the Canucks manage to figure out that in tomorrow's game they have to skate for the entire thing AND the Sister's need to drive the neutral zone instead of coasting and automatically looking for the pass everytime.

You would have gotten a kick out of the Chicago announcer Pat Foley last night. Daniel had the puck and Pat asked "Where's Henrik?"...a few seconds ragging the puck and Daniel found him and Pat said "There he is!". Their chemistry is amazing, though I do agree they pass up some decent shots looking for the "pretty play" too often. Frankly, Samuelsson scares me more than they do right now, as does Salo when he gets a lane from the point.

mithrilG60 05-04-2010 02:26 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
I get slagged for this opinion all the time in Vancouver, but I really think the Sister's are massively overrated. While they obviously had career season's this year, obviously with Daniel setting a personal scoring record and Henrik winning the Art Ross and being nominated for the Hart with Crosby (who will be the winner) and Ovechkin, this is also the first season since they joined the Canucks 10 years ago that they've looked like the 1st line players which everyone has been calling them for the last 5 years.

You hit their biggest weakness on the head: they play with the puck too damn much. More than 50% of the time they end up loosing it without getting a shot on goal because of their needlessly complex passing plays. That's something that's ok in a rookie, but in the 10 yr veterans that are supposed to be leading the team? No, at that stage of a players development you have to expect they've learned the maturity to know when a pass is one too many. Admittedly they were much better at not ever passing this year, and if they can repeat similar performances for the next couple years they'll be worth it, but overall I still think they're a very expensive $12million/yr hit on Vancouver's cap that in the long run could have been much better spent else where.

gpugliese 05-04-2010 02:44 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 848133)
The color commentator on Versus drove me crazy tonight. To any Bruins fans, is he the regular color guy for the Bruins? My guess is he was. :r At first I thought his perspective may have just been slanted until I noticed "Prongah", "Wheelah" and "Rydah". :r

Yea, that's Andy Brickley. He's usually not too bad when working with Jack Edwards (B's p-b-p on NESN) but I think with Edwards being by far the worst p-b-p and biggest homer out there, Brick sounds tame in comparison when working together.

With Beninati, Brick's accent stuck out too much. I heard Rosen doing some p-b-p on Versus in the first round, has he been around in the second?

Anything's better than "A DRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE, WAFFLEBOARDED AWAAAAAAAAAAAY". Doc would be a great p-b-p announcer on the radio, where the audience benefits from detailed descriptions. However on TV, by the time he finishes his flowering prose, the puck's already down the other end of the ice in a more exciting situation. Also, TV viewers don't need their hand held as much as the radio, as they have visuals.

Ahbroody 05-04-2010 03:18 PM

Re: NHL '09 - '10 Thread
that's weird some vs games get home announcers and some aren't.

little over 2 hours to go. I got called into work tonight. :(

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