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MarkinAZ 07-27-2014 12:02 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Nothing wrong with a little love in the beans James! Looks delicious:dr

What type of wood are you using today?

pnoon 07-27-2014 12:05 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Prepped the bird yesterday.

MarkinAZ 07-27-2014 12:18 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Oh thanks Peter, another recipe forum;) Hope your bird turns out well!

Porch Dweller 07-27-2014 12:58 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by MarkinCA (Post 1976938)
Nothing wrong with a little love in the beans James! Looks delicious:dr

What type of wood are you using today?

Apple + one chunk of hickory.

GTsetGO 07-27-2014 02:23 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
any good rub recommendations out there for briskett? I have one that i like, but the misses isn't a fan.

want to try some newer ones.

pnoon 07-27-2014 02:26 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by GTsetGO (Post 1976965)
any good rub recommendations out there for briskett? I have one that i like, but the misses isn't a fan.

want to try some newer ones.

Have you tried Memphis Dust from

GTsetGO 07-27-2014 02:33 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1976967)
Have you tried Memphis Dust from

i have not. but i have heard good things about it. might have to mix some up the next time.

jonumberone 07-29-2014 04:28 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
I had a chance to cook a pig this past weekend.
Came out stellar!

OLS 07-29-2014 06:02 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Sheesh, what a meal!

Porch Dweller 07-29-2014 07:40 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
:tu Dom!!!

azar 07-29-2014 04:40 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1977229)

Any left overs? If so we will be over!:dr:dr

Steve 07-29-2014 07:41 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1977229)
I had a chance to cook a pig this past weekend.
Came out stellar!

Outstanding Dom!

jonumberone 07-30-2014 05:18 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Thanks, fellas!

Did a turkey breast yesterday.
Was expecting it to be a bit dry since I forgot to drop it in a brine but it turned out to be very moist.

Since the pit was already lit, I threw a meatloaf on as well.
The little taste I had after it was done has me watching the clock, waiting for lunch to roll around.

Old Sailor 07-30-2014 09:48 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Saturday did a roast beef, potatoes and carrots.


jonumberone 08-11-2014 05:26 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
I got a new meat slicer, so I had to try it out.
Opted for a roast beef on the Pit Barrel.
This time I smoked it over some mesquite wood.

Chainsaw13 08-11-2014 05:57 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Nom...nom...nom :dr

Looking good Dom!

jonumberone 08-12-2014 06:39 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Did a bacon wrapped chicken meatloaf and a naked fatty.

357 08-12-2014 07:57 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Naked fatties need love too.

BTW, love the pics Dom.

I finished a batch of BBQ sauce and canned (Ball Mason) the bulk of it. It'll be offered along with PP at Shack. I'm smoking 3 picnic roasts totaling about 30 lbs for Friday's dinner. I'll try to get some pics but it's likely going to be an overnight situation and sleep tends to trump my picture taking motivation.

Smokin Gator 08-12-2014 08:00 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Looks killer Dom. Don't ya love the taste of the product that comes off a drum smoker?

jonumberone 08-13-2014 03:38 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Smokin Gator (Post 1979912)
Looks killer Dom. Don't ya love the taste of the product that comes off a drum smoker?

So far the Pit Barrel Cooker hasn't disappointed!
I still haven't tried a pulled pork on it.
Might have to give that a go soon.

357 08-13-2014 09:58 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Smoking up some pulled pork for Shack. Cut into the cryopack and it stunk. Sucks, all three picnic roasts are bad. I take them back to wallyworld, swap them for three more, drive home (25 miles each way), and.....they are bad too. Wife runs up there and swaps them for 4 smaller pork butt roasts, the last they had. She gets home, three of the four are bad. I put the one good one on the smoker while she runs to Meijer to buy more. I finally got them all on but I'm about 3 lbs lighter than I was (30) prior, and I'm running a little higher temp, 270 or so, to get this done a bit quicker.

jonumberone 08-14-2014 04:17 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Sounds like quite the ordeal.
Good luck, Mike.

357 08-14-2014 06:35 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
It has been. The two smallest are resting now. The two larger are getting close. Local Walmart started checking other meat and found almost everything bad. Must have a bad cooler or something.

jonumberone 08-18-2014 05:11 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Did some chicken thighs and bacon stuffed artichokes on the smoker.

Steve 08-18-2014 06:52 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
We had our annual Extreme Archery Tournament at our club yesterday. I did close to 200 chicken quarters, smoked some fish for a dip and and threw on few links of sausage to snack on while the rest was cooking.

Dang if it wasn't hot out there!

357 08-18-2014 08:56 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Great pics Dom/Steve. My wife really likes the idea of smoked bacon stuffed artichokes.

Steve, I'm guessing standing over a smoker that big is always hot.

Well for those not at Shack, the bad meat problems really had me on edge. It all worked out and I ended up only getting there about 2 hours later than planned. It seemed there was just enough for a few folks to get seconds. That was my other concern; running out.

Sorry, I don't have any pics to offer.

jonumberone 08-19-2014 04:24 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Looking good, Steve.

Glad it all worked out for ya, Mike.

Steve 08-19-2014 09:49 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
It was definitely a bit warm Mike. Normally I would not be firing the big girl up down here in August, but someone else had already left us hanging for food at the tournament, so I wasn't about to let down a bunch of good guys who spent a lot of time and effort setting this thing up.

jonumberone 08-20-2014 06:12 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
I got a new grill over the weekend
Fired it up for the first time.
Grilled a Tri tip over some mesquite and threw on some corn on for good measure.

Steve 08-20-2014 06:16 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Nice Dom. I've been thinking about one of those myself...

T.G 08-20-2014 08:39 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
4 Attachment(s)
From the other day.

Dave128 08-20-2014 09:16 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
All that awesome looking food is making me hungry!

I may regret this question, but what the heck is a "naked fatty"?

357 08-20-2014 09:50 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
A fatty is a sausage roll of some kind, made with loose ground sausage. Sometimes fatties are wrapped in bacon weaves. I'm guessing naked fatty would be an unwrapped sausage roll; at least in this thread.

Dave128 08-20-2014 10:01 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Thanks. That sounds AWESOME! :dr Must be a Southern thing? As far as I know, there is nothing like that here in Upstate NY.

357 08-20-2014 10:05 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
One variant called "Bacon Explosion" is a bacon weave wrapped fatty with mild or Italian sausage, stuffed with crispy bacon and seasoning. Once assembled you only have to smoke it for about 2 hours or you can do it in the oven. Ideally smoked, then popped into the oven on broil for 5 minutes to crisp up the bacon weave.


You slice it and often it's served on a bun.

T.G 08-20-2014 10:09 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 1981328)
Thanks. That sounds AWESOME! :dr Must be a Southern thing? As far as I know, there is nothing like that here in Upstate NY.

I think it's more of an internet phenomenon than a regional dish. Many years ago someone posted a step by step photographed guide to the making of what they called a "Bacon Explosion" - a fatty stuffed with cooked bacon and covered with a bacon weave. While it probably wasn't the first, it took the food sites by storm and made the entire smoked fatty thing just take off.

OLS even had a thread on here dedicated to them.

Steve 08-20-2014 10:12 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by 357 (Post 1981329)

You slice it and often it's served on a bun.

Strange...mine never seem to make it to a bun :dr

T.G 08-20-2014 10:14 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Yeah, typically I just eat them with a fork. Buns, must be a Northerner thing. ;)

Dave128 08-20-2014 10:31 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
I'm going to have to look around at my local butcher shops. I've never seen them in the grocery store.

T.G 08-20-2014 10:39 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 1981336)
I'm going to have to look around at my local butcher shops. I've never seen them in the grocery store.

They aren't something you typically buy, they are something you make.

All you need is loose/bulk sausage and whatever the heck you want to stuff in them. Possibilities are endless.

You can find some ideas and assembly in Brad's old thread

357 08-20-2014 10:40 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
The site I linked to will ship them premade but it's not necessary. Make your own, tweak it, add what you want, then post pics for us. Or as Adam said, check out Brad's fatty thread. Lots of good ideas in there.

Dave128 08-20-2014 12:24 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Thanks, fellas.

Stevez 08-20-2014 01:56 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
As far as fatties go, they are incredible. I only do very basic ones and the folks I cook them for eat them like crazy. I just get a package of the rolled sausage and add a little basic rub and then watch them go. Quick and delicious.

Chainsaw13 08-20-2014 02:27 PM

Re: What's in your smoker?
I make a cheeseburger/bacon fattie, using some high temp cheddar pressed into the beef before rolling. Turns out awesome. Cheese doesn't melt and is dispersed all throughout. Gonna have to make one when I get home.

jonumberone 08-21-2014 05:13 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Chickens look great, Adam.
How did you like cooking on the hooks?
Would you have been able to cook 6 birds on the drum without hanging them?
Did you fabricate your own hooks or order some?

Bob, I never thought about using high temp cheese.
My method has always been to use triple the cheese.
This way, as long as less than 2/3 leaks out, you're still ahead in the cheese department. :r

The Naked Fatty I posted was just a Jimmy Dean sausage log that I roll in some bbq rub.
I smoke it and finish with bbq sauce.
I usually slice it and have it with my breakfast for the week.

Steve 08-21-2014 05:40 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1981521)
I usually slice it and have it with my breakfast for the week.

It lasts that long? Not around my house!


T.G 08-21-2014 07:50 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 1981521)
Chickens look great, Adam.
How did you like cooking on the hooks?
Would you have been able to cook 6 birds on the drum without hanging them?
Did you fabricate your own hooks or order some?

Thanks Dom, appreciate it.

I like the hooks, I've always felt that vertically cooking a chicken is the ideal way to do it as it allows for a more even cooking without manipulating it and it allows the excess fat to drain. So when I saw the setup on your PBC, I knew I had to add them to at least one of my drums. I haven't gotten around to using them for other meats yet.

It's a 55 gal drum, so it uses the larger 22.5" weber grate, but I don't think it would have held 6 chickens on the grate ala beer can style. Probably only 4, maybe 5 with a shoehorn. I'd be concerned about how even they would cook at that point since they would be touching or almost touching and getting them out without dropping one or dumping the grate would be a concern.

Hooks came from PBC. $20 for 8 delivered is not even worth me considering making my own.

Just looked at PBC's accessory page, price on the hooks has gone up to $25.

pnoon 08-21-2014 08:26 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?
Well, thanks to Dom and Adam, I am now considering buying a PBC to complement my Traeger.

Can't decide whether I love you or hate you.

Steve 08-21-2014 08:32 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1981537)
Well, thanks to Dom and Adam, I am now considering buying a PBC to complement my Traeger.

Can't decide whether I love you or hate you.


jonumberone 08-21-2014 09:20 AM

Re: What's in your smoker?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1981537)
Well, thanks to Dom and Adam, I am now considering buying a PBC to complement my Traeger.

Can't decide whether I love you or hate you.

Be careful, buying new smokers and grills is apparently addicting.
Had I known this beforehand, there would still be room on my patio to sit. :r
If you do get one, I have little doubt you will love it.
It produces a much different flavor than the Traeger, if you're looking for a way to rationalize the purchase. :D

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