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Col. Kurtz 01-28-2009 01:03 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
thanks gents!

bvilchez 01-28-2009 01:11 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by zmancbr (Post 198891)
Yes sir... and they are a damn good short smoke. I was shocked at how good they were for being only 3 inches... (let the jokes begin...:r)

What jokes.....on how good of a smoke that is? We would NEVER clown on that!!!!!


DocLogic77 01-28-2009 01:23 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
Yea...I really like that Aristocrat.

MNSmoker 01-28-2009 07:26 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz (Post 198808)
Hey Chris, What are those short pigtailed DPG Blues? I've never seen one before..

The guys are right on, these are DPG Firecrackers. If you want to give a couple a try, shoot me a PM and I'll send a couple your way. :tu

Don Fernando 02-02-2009 10:27 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
took a picture 10 minutes ago because the guys in chat want to bomb me, but I am out of storage space (I need to fit in a Hydra LG in this humi too, that will make it even harder to fit my current collection in)

s15driftking 02-02-2009 10:38 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
Don, where did you get that drawer box? the one in the upper right hand corner of the cabinet?

Volt 02-02-2009 10:49 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
It is quite obvious with even the least amount of cigar Tetris there is plenty of space for more cigars. Sloppy storage is not our issue. Bombs away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 210018)
took a picture 10 minutes ago because the guys in chat want to bomb me, but I am out of storage space (I need to fit in a Hydra LG in this humi too, that will make it even harder to fit my current collection in)

karmaz00 02-02-2009 10:54 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
sweet pics guys

HK3- 02-02-2009 10:55 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by Volt (Post 210048)
It is quite obvious with even the least amount of cigar Tetris there is plenty of space for more cigars. Sloppy storage is not our issue. Bombs away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I agree with Volt! Make a shelf and get your sh!t together tulip! :al

troutbreath 02-02-2009 06:14 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by Teeznutz (Post 196792)

That is a beautiful cabinet. Stunning.

troutbreath 02-02-2009 06:16 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by DocLogic77 (Post 190344)

As is this one. What a GREAT cabinet! I'd love to get something like this but 1) I don't need one that big for my collection and 2) my wife would shoot me if I had better furniture for cigars than she has for her china. Women just don't understand priorities.

Django 02-02-2009 07:02 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by s15driftking (Post 210030)
Don, where did you get that drawer box? the one in the upper right hand corner of the cabinet?

I happen to know those drawers are antiques, very much sought after and thus hard to come by. :r

s15driftking 02-02-2009 07:17 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by Django (Post 211088)
I happen to know those drawers are antiques, very much sought after and thus hard to come by. :r

how would i search for them? IE - what phrases will help me find them?

s15driftking 02-02-2009 07:24 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
So i thought it would be fun to make a nice pittle progress post.....

i've been smoking for about 7 or 8 months now.

I started with this little guy (had diff. cigars when i started, hehe).

Moved up to this setup...

Graduated to this big guy.

and now we are here. Very steep slope fellaz.

heres the inside, just temporary until i have some drawers made.

I got eaten by the snowball effect, chewed up, spit out... and i couldn't be happier.

blckthree 02-02-2009 08:16 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by troutbreath (Post 210993)
As is this one. What a GREAT cabinet! I'd love to get something like this but 1) I don't need one that big for my collection and 2) my wife would shoot me if I had better furniture for cigars than she has for her china. Women just don't understand priorities.

One less problem for me, fortunately my wife has never seen the need for china! I hope she doesn't read this and change her mind about china.

That still won't help me with the cabinet acquisition though.. I can dream.

Mike :ss

Django 02-03-2009 12:31 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by s15driftking (Post 211126)
how would i search for them? IE - what phrases will help me find them?

Ok, they ain't really antiques, i admit.
This is the set of drawers

Chompers 02-03-2009 02:23 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
My 100ct and my ashtray
Oh no! It's empty!!
Oh wait..I guess not :ss

I've got three rows going on and it's about to overflow.
I have a feeling I'm going to need another one soon..

Cigarcop 02-03-2009 02:31 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

I have a feeling I'm going to need another one soon..
I got a feeling your right Chompers, send me your addy please :D

zmancbr 02-03-2009 02:55 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by Cigarcop (Post 212699)
I got a feeling your right Chompers, send me your addy please :D

:r:r Classic!

I would personally suggest a larger one like a cooler! :D

s15driftking 02-03-2009 03:44 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by Django (Post 212473)
Ok, they ain't really antiques, i admit.
This is the set of drawers

its in a language i cannot understand.. swedish?

Chompers 02-03-2009 04:08 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by Cigarcop (Post 212699)
I got a feeling your right Chompers, send me your addy please :D

I won't fall for that one!

Originally Posted by zmancbr (Post 212746)
:r:r Classic!

I would personally suggest a larger one like a cooler! :D

I don't like the looks of them, but I'll probably have to!

Cigarcop 02-03-2009 04:28 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by Chompers (Post 212879)
I won't fall for that one!

I don't like the looks of them, but I'll probably have to!

Last call

croatan 02-03-2009 04:31 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
Here's mine:


poker 02-03-2009 04:34 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

acarr 02-03-2009 04:37 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by croatan (Post 212913)

Well what's inside:confused::ss

Footbag 02-03-2009 04:37 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by croatan (Post 212913)
Here's mine:


Everybody's a comedian!:rolleyes: :r:r:r

acarr 02-03-2009 04:37 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by poker (Post 212920)

These are great humidors. I use them all the time for temporary storage.

stearns 02-03-2009 04:59 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by poker (Post 212920)

nothing i hate more than to see an empty humidor. im sure i know someone with your address


chenvt 02-03-2009 07:21 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
Ok.. so I thought I would put a little primer on this.. Back in April on my way home from Baghdad, I picked up a box of 10 RyJ Churchill Tubos..

I get home, brush off the old 75 count humidor that I bought years ago when I would smoke, but stopped after messing up 15/25 Monte #2s I had purchased a while ago.. But I wasn't going to let this happen again! So I googled for humidor care and voila! Here comes this forum called ClubStogie, so I sign up and start reading.. and reading.. and drooling..

Then I bought a box of Fuente Best Sellers...

Then I found out about CCs...

Then I bought a 200 count humidor

Then I bought a vino

Then I bought another vino

Now I'm in trouble

D'oh! :hn

white_s2k 02-03-2009 07:25 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
Do I need to give you the link to the $199 Vino sell going on right now again? :D

chenvt 02-03-2009 08:05 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by white_s2k (Post 213296)
Do I need to give you the link to the $199 Vino sell going on right now again? :D

Hell no

stearns 02-04-2009 07:16 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
just give me... hmm... the 6 boxes on the bottom right of the bottom vino and i'll be happy :D


gettysburgfreak 02-04-2009 07:22 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by chenvt (Post 213287)
Ok.. so I thought I would put a little primer on this.. Back in April on my way home from Baghdad, I picked up a box of 10 RyJ Churchill Tubos..

I get home, brush off the old 75 count humidor that I bought years ago when I would smoke, but stopped after messing up 15/25 Monte #2s I had purchased a while ago.. But I wasn't going to let this happen again! So I googled for humidor care and voila! Here comes this forum called ClubStogie, so I sign up and start reading.. and reading.. and drooling..

Then I bought a box of Fuente Best Sellers...

Then I found out about CCs...

Then I bought a 200 count humidor

Then I bought a vino

Then I bought another vino

Now I'm in trouble

D'oh! :hn

wow, thats one hell of a fall straight down you took

AdamC 02-04-2009 07:27 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
Damn, thats a sweet set up

Hardcz 02-04-2009 08:18 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Kreth 02-04-2009 08:20 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by Hardcz (Post 214012)

Holy sh*t! What's the ring gauge on that monster in the bottom right of that pic?

HK3- 02-04-2009 08:20 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by Hardcz (Post 214012)

Nice setup Dano! What's that Hog Leg down in the lower right corner? :r

Hardcz 02-04-2009 08:22 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
El Monstruo - 140RG 9 inches long.

SmokeyNL was talking about it in chat one day. I bought it because just look at that thing.... I'll smoke it at a herf some day... it's "aging" right now. I figure something that big needs about 20 years to age before it's primed.

Kreth 02-04-2009 09:12 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by Hardcz (Post 214020)
El Monstruo - 140RG 9 inches long.

SmokeyNL was talking about it in chat one day. I bought it because just look at that thing.... I'll smoke it at a herf some day... it's "aging" right now. I figure something that big needs about 20 years to age before it's primed.

You realize when you smoke that thing you're gonna look like a Linda Lovelace wannabe, right? :r

goalie204 02-04-2009 09:14 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
gunna need the electric turkey carver to the end off that thing dano

Hardcz 02-04-2009 09:23 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by goalie204 (Post 214144)
gunna need the electric turkey carver to the end off that thing dano

Got it covered...

Mr.Italy 02-04-2009 10:02 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
1 Attachment(s)
My two cabinets (but on eis on sale) as I settled up coolers in teh garage.

Hardcz 02-04-2009 10:07 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
Very nice looking!

adampc22 02-06-2009 10:35 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
1 Attachment(s)
after seeing all these pics of awsome humis i thought i wud post a pic of my crapy one

Attachment 1552

btw i dont own a box of bolivars or h upmans not full boxes enyway i was given free empty boxes from my tobacconist i keep my cigars in them

zmancbr 02-06-2009 10:42 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by adampc22 (Post 219434)
after seeing all these pics of awsome humis i thought i wud post a pic of my crapy one

Attachment 1552

btw i dont own a box of bolivars or h upmans not full boxes enyway i was given free empty boxes from my tobacconist i keep my cigars in them

Hey we all had to start somewhere and that is a good start! :tu

adampc22 02-06-2009 10:46 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by zmancbr (Post 219448)
Hey we all had to start somewhere and that is a good start! :tu

thanks mate

Cigarcop 02-06-2009 10:56 AM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!

Originally Posted by zmancbr (Post 219448)
Hey we all had to start somewhere and that is a good start! :tu

I'll second that,.... I had a ziplock bag bud!!!

RockonBigB 02-06-2009 02:25 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
Here is a couple of pics of mine.

MiamiE 02-06-2009 09:20 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
Here is what I got. Its empty now but it used to hold 20+ boxes I believe. Top lid holds 100+ singles. I am in the process of reseasoning it.

HK3- 02-06-2009 09:28 PM

Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
[quote=MiamiE;220793]Here is what I got. Its empty now but it used to hold 20+ boxes I believe. Top lid holds 100+ singles. I am in the process of reseasoning it.

That's a pretty sweet humi. Appears to have held bottles in the bottom. Nice pickup! :ss

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